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Mueller report finds no evidence that Trump campaign colluded with Russia - U.S. Justice Department


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Review and Conclusion of Special Counsel Inquiries


Page 16 and 17 of the regulation(rules and requirements established many years prior)


1.  Special Council Report to the AG is confidential!

2.The regulations do not expressly provide for disclosure of this report to any other parties, nor do they further identify the parameters of the content of that report.

3.None of the reporting requirements mandate public

release of any information shared either between DOJ officials or between DOJ and congressional committees.


But somehow the Dems want to neglect the rule of law

Edited by riclag
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1 hour ago, alex8912 said:

The beginning of the end has ended. The silence here is deafening. The link collectors have run out of sausages. 

If you are going to try and quote Churchill, at least do so correctly which actually accurately reflects current events...


"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning"



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10 hours ago, smedly said:

what a total waste of time and resource - said it here 6 months ago - total complete bullshit and the world was sick listening to it - every day every week - Mueller this Mueller that - for what ?


total nonsense

Absolutely right. Awful waste of time and money.


10 hours ago, smedly said:

what a total waste of time and resource - said it here 6 months ago - total complete bullshit and the world was sick listening to it - every day every week - Mueller this Mueller that - for what ?


total nonsense


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Lots of trump supporters posting silly emotives. However...

Though that is a lot of money, the investigation may have actually paid for itself by uncovering tax evasion and fraud.

Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was sentenced for obstruction of justice and conspiracy in September. Manafort, as part of his plea deal, agreed to forfeit assets valued around $42 million, including about $22 million in real estate property, according to CNBC, though a Justice Department official told NBC News that the money would not go directly to funding the investigation.




In addition no way are trump and his associates are in the clear. Summary concluding there is no exoneration for obstruction of justice. Plus of course multiple criminal investigations underway for corruption and other matters.

Claim to have collected assets worth 42 million. No mention of net value after all loans are paid off.

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27 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I am wondering whether Trump will now praise Mueller for being impartial. He is the master of flip-flop.


I doubt Trump is dumb enough to have been taken in by Barr’s ‘summary’.


I suspect he’s waiting for his own legal team to have sight of the actual report.


Then again, why wait for the report when swallowing what you want to believe is easier.



Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.

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It looks like the Democrats and the Trump-hating media have shot themselves in the foot with this mess. It's too bad. It seems that they put all their proverbial eggs in one basket with this attempt to discredit and shame Trump, but it's blown up in their faces, and those very entities that were so desperate to cut his term short may actually be very responsible for extending it to 8 years in office by giving him credibility and justification about his remarks aimed at a dishonest mainstream media. 


I agree that the contents of all reports should be disclosed without redaction. But what if there's still no ammo in there for the Dems and mainstream media to use? What then? Do they just have to sit on their tongues, knowing it's their own credibility that they've destroyed? I wish they hadn't botched this so badly. Who wants to see Trump around for 2 full terms?  

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Thats a good post. It offers some good examples.


Do you see Trump as being unique having tax cheats and treasonous opportunists as associates?


I don’t disagree with your conclusion but I don’t see Hillary Clinton and the now mostly defunct Clinton Foundation as a bastion of all things good & pure. I am not trying to steer the topic away from your post. I acknowledge that you make a good case although I just don’t see collusion as a damnable offense compared to the Whitewater Scandal which was systemic corruption developed over a long career track by two very agenda oriented and intelligent people.


Trump was not in office long enough and he is not smart enough to get that sleazy.





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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

No, if they investigated Russia/Trump for interfering in the presidential elections, they also need to have to investigate those who started the rumors and kept those rumors going for two years , because they themselves were attempting to interfere with the presidential elections by smearing Trump and causing him to resign or not to be elected again .

   Treat the accusers the same way that Trump was treated , full investigation 

From my previous post:


" Trump had past business dealings with Russia, was pursuing a major real estate deal while campaigning, his son-in-law suggested an illegal back channel for communicating with Russia to Russian embassy officials, Trump fired James Comey because of "that Russia thing", etc.  Of course Trump was investigated for possible collusion. '


To summarize, Trump is responsible for the "rumors" that initiated the investigation.  Are you advocating that Trump be investigated for causing himself to be investigated?

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2 hours ago, ShortTimed said:



Thats a good post. It offers some good examples.


Do you see Trump as being unique having tax cheats and treasonous opportunists as associates?


I don’t disagree with your conclusion but I don’t see Hillary Clinton and the now mostly defunct Clinton Foundation as a bastion of all things good & pure. I am not trying to steer the topic away from your post. I acknowledge that you make a good case although I just don’t see collusion as a damnable offense compared to the Whitewater Scandal which was systemic corruption developed over a long career track by two very agenda oriented and intelligent people.


Trump was not in office long enough and he is not smart enough to get that sleazy.

What corruption are you referring to?  Nothing came out of the Whitewater investigation other than the charge that Bill Clinton lied about receiving a BJ.

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21 hours ago, smedly said:

what a total waste of time and resource - said it here 6 months ago - total complete bullshit and the world was sick listening to it - every day every week - Mueller this Mueller that - for what ?


total nonsense

It would have been over in a few months, if everyone cooperated ????



Edited by Redline
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4 minutes ago, simple1 said:

But, but Clintons...who were never found guilty after three investigations. Back on topic. trump has a long history of very questionable activities, which are now colessing with the numerous criminal investigations into his and family businesses. Personally I would be surprised if he manages to steer clear of money laundering for offshore entities. So far he has managed to steer clear of prison time by way of pouring god knows how much money into lawyers hands; one day hopefully it will all catch up with him.


Strap yourself in tight then wordsmith.

Coz you know the media and every delicate little entity 

is going to keep the pressure on our poor little rich boi.


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