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Shall We Have A Forum For Moans And Moaners?


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There seems to be a lot of so called ‘Thai bashing’ going on recently in the forums. This involves complaining about the food, the roads, the girls, the TV, Thai ‘face’, violence etc, etc. I mentioned in another thread that we should have a separate forum specifically for folk to voice their moans and gripes about all things Thailand. It is, I think, accepted that many people need to get things of their chests, whilst others get upset when reading perceived attacks on Thailand. So, I think that if we had a separate spot then there need no longer be the argument and upset between the two camps. If one does not wish to read the gripes of others no need to enter the ‘Moaners Forum’, if you do then enter and let fly.

Of course the complaints would have to be restricted to the usual forum rules. There are, as we know, some things in Thailand that we simply can not complain about.

Am I right, or do we all enjoy the arguments too much?


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I think that it is blatently unfair that the moaners and whiners get their own soapbox and the "I love evrything about Thailand" elite get sh_t!

And what about those who aren't quite sure on way or the other, shouldn't they have their own soapbox? Or how about my own clique, "The I don't really give a sh_t one way or the other", we are under represented and repressed by the vocal majority.

I'm boycotting this........ We need more hubs of soapboxes!

Edited by Diablo Bob
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Sounds like a good idea to me!

It is, but maybe superfluous as many of the threads are killed anyway by whingers or flamers. If you gave them a whole whinge forum they'd ignore it and post in TV because they want YOU to hear it, not just some other whinger!

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One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.

One mans whinger is another mans realist.

I hear a LOT of whinging on this forum about whingers :o

Personally, I find TV relatively balanced, within the limits set by the rules. You have those who whinge and those who believe everything should be sweetness and light. Then you have the majority who discuss, argue, fight, joke as normal humans do.

What stands out is those that jump on everything non-positive as whinging. Are they the real whingers?

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One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.

One mans whinger is another mans realist.

I hear a LOT of whinging on this forum about whingers :o

Personally, I find TV relatively balanced, within the limits set by the rules. You have those who whinge and those who believe everything should be sweetness and light. Then you have the majority who discuss, argue, fight, joke as normal humans do.

What stands out is those that jump on everything non-positive as whinging. Are they the real whingers?

Well, O, I do agree, at least in part. But you left out the attention grabbers who wait patiently like tarantulas for some poor greenhorn to place a naive or innocent post. Then they pounce, throw in some condescending, derogatory comment and boom goes another potentially good thread, either flamed out or closed down rightly so) by a mod. I've been guilty of it too but I'm trying to behave now, in the interest of good forum decorum. It's a source of entertaining information, or should be but a lot of it is taken up by the in crowd who know each other personally and send each other cryptic no brainers that only they understand. Check out the member count and reckon how many of these posters need the forum for useful information or to get to know each other.

P.S. if this counts as whinging then so be it, I'm guilty as charged.

Edited by qwertz
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Well, O, I do agree, at least in part. But you left out the attention grabbers who wait patiently like tarantulas for some poor greenhorn to place a naive or innocent post. Then they pounce, throw in some condescending, derogatory comment and boom goes another potentially good thread, either flamed out or closed down rightly so) by a mod. I've been guilty of it too but I'm trying to behave now, in the interest of good forum decorum. It's a source of entertaining information, or should be but a lot of it is taken up by the in crowd who know each other personally and send each other cryptic no brainers that only they understand. Check out the member count and reckon how many of these posters need the forum for useful information or to get to know each other.

P.S. if this counts as whinging then so be it, I'm guilty as charged.

As you do, I agree, at least in part :o

I think Thailand is under stress, and it shows here. What you say is true, but it is true from both sides, the Thailand is hel_l crowd, and the Thailand is paradise crowd. Both relatively small - but very vocal - sides.

One is especially careful and nervous here to say anything critical, lest one gets told to go home. I think the paradise crowd does a lot of intimidating. Maybe because of vested interest, I dunno.

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Re: your last post, O, but maybe the paradise crowd should start thinking a little outside their bubbles; what we should have in common is LOS. This forum is worldwide and what a fine thing it is. Here am I chatting with you from across the world - that's friendship and more important, a source of mutual useful information - or should be. Enough said, have a good one.

Edited by qwertz
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Alot of people come here to get help in adjusting to, or dealing with a new country and culture, so that's always going to slant things in the direction of problems, or complaints. It's not that they are whingers (though those certainly exist), they're just a fish out of water needing advice on how to adjust. I've seen many people show up complaining who over time have settled down and are now giving advice to newcomers who show up with the same complaints. :o

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I enjoy coming on here for a bitch and a moan sometimes. :D Depending on my mood of course, but a good whinge really sets me up for the day sometimes; a bit like a hearty breakfast.

The "Everything Is Wonderful" crowd seem to all be on strong (probably illegal) medication anyway. :o

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Ironic as it sounds, as things get better and better, and easier and easier, people naturally tend to complain more. It happens in the West a lot. Modern life becomes so comfortable that people's comfort zones become very, very small. Their tolerance for change and difficulty decreases along with their patience. Life was much rougher a hundred years ago and I suspect people had less time and inclination to complain.

The quality of life has improved dramatically for the farang in Thailand in the last ten to twenty years, especially in the last five years. Whether you consider the size of ones domicile, transportation, education for one's children, availability of newspapers, internet connection, income levels - life has gotten grander for the masses and thus the tendency to find fault and annoyance and the difficulty in coming to a place of acceptance about what life presents.

I tend to rib the complainers a lot but really I often appreciate their views as a complement to mine or just to allow me to appreciate the peace I may have found about the issue they are so upset about. By our nature, those of us presently incarnate as humans are restless, irritable and discontent. There is a path that leads to a more serene existence, but following that path is by no means mandatory.

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I enjoy coming on here for a bitch and a moan sometimes. :D Depending on my mood of course, but a good whinge really sets me up for the day sometimes; a bit like a hearty breakfast.

The "Everything Is Wonderful" crowd seem to all be on strong (probably illegal) medication anyway. :o

Kmart, what medication do you reckon they're on? I want some. This is my life. Wake up, smash the alarm clock, kick the cat, smash a couple of cups, burn the toast, log in, whinge. Then I feel ready to take on the world. It's a fact though that many people, at least where I live are actually only happy when they're whinging. All they ask is somebody to whinge to and they're made up. Cheers, TV mods, I wouldn't swap jobs with you for a gold watch!

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'One Foot in The Grave' I love that show!

I think the warmer weather has caused a few people to complain a bit more that normal

but then again Thailand is not normal and neither is Thaivisa forum. I don't think having

a moan / whinge is harmful as long as you don't take it seriously. Say your piece and

get it off your chest I say :o What did Victor always say? Oh Bl@@dy h*ll! :D


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Ironic as it sounds, as things get better and better, and easier and easier, people naturally tend to complain more. It happens in the West a lot. Modern life becomes so comfortable that people's comfort zones become very, very small. Their tolerance for change and difficulty decreases along with their patience. Life was much rougher a hundred years ago and I suspect people had less time and inclination to complain.

The quality of life has improved dramatically for the farang in Thailand in the last ten to twenty years, especially in the last five years. Whether you consider the size of ones domicile, transportation, education for one's children, availability of newspapers, internet connection, income levels - life has gotten grander for the masses and thus the tendency to find fault and annoyance and the difficulty in coming to a place of acceptance about what life presents.

I tend to rib the complainers a lot but really I often appreciate their views as a complement to mine or just to allow me to appreciate the peace I may have found about the issue they are so upset about. By our nature, those of us presently incarnate as humans are restless, irritable and discontent. There is a path that leads to a more serene existence, but following that path is by no means mandatory.

I have the good fortune to often compare what I have with what early hunter gatherers in furs had. I'm not sure where I got that habit. Even when very broke, I always feel so lucky.

I've also found that growing old teaches you not to sweat the small stuff as much, and to enjoy.

And one thing I find enjoyable is making comparisons. Some people label this as complaining.

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Ironic as it sounds, as things get better and better, and easier and easier, people naturally tend to complain more. It happens in the West a lot. Modern life becomes so comfortable that people's comfort zones become very, very small. Their tolerance for change and difficulty decreases along with their patience. Life was much rougher a hundred years ago and I suspect people had less time and inclination to complain.

The quality of life has improved dramatically for the farang in Thailand in the last ten to twenty years, especially in the last five years. Whether you consider the size of ones domicile, transportation, education for one's children, availability of newspapers, internet connection, income levels - life has gotten grander for the masses and thus the tendency to find fault and annoyance and the difficulty in coming to a place of acceptance about what life presents.

I tend to rib the complainers a lot but really I often appreciate their views as a complement to mine or just to allow me to appreciate the peace I may have found about the issue they are so upset about. By our nature, those of us presently incarnate as humans are restless, irritable and discontent. There is a path that leads to a more serene existence, but following that path is by no means mandatory.

I have the good fortune to often compare what I have with what early hunter gatherers in furs had. I'm not sure where I got that habit. Even when very broke, I always feel so lucky.

I've also found that growing old teaches you not to sweat the small stuff as much, and to enjoy.

And one thing I find enjoyable is making comparisons. Some people label this as complaining.

a very nice peace of logic my friend,

the things i see in my line of work have made me feel very lucky indeed, and thats why i never entertain the whingers and moaning brigade.

they know not what they have in life, and will never know untill they themselves fall upon real problems in there life.

enjoy life and embrace positive people only, as there is no time for naysayers. :D

the reverend. :o


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This involves complaining about the food, the roads, the girls, the TV, Thai ‘face’, violence etc, etc.

Surely you're refering to the UK?

Obsessed with Mcdonalds and junk food, gridlocked roads and possibly worlds highest fuel duty, wont start on UK girls :D , oh hang on Jade Goody, so called 'reality' shows or tedious Aussie soaps, and kids blasting one another to death/mugging old ladies/kicking peole almost to death for asking them to be quiet outside their own house

Rant over :o

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Would we need a big forum for general complaints, with smaller subforums for whinging and bitching or just keep them together?

Either way, someone will complain. :o

having read this thread, a thought springs to mind that there exists such a forum for moaners and crybabies elsewhere.... nought to do w/. thaivisa though. inhabited by ex members? forget the name now....

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Would we need a big forum for general complaints, with smaller subforums for whinging and bitching or just keep them together?

Either way, someone will complain. :o

having read this thread, a thought springs to mind that there exists such a forum for moaners and crybabies elsewhere.... nought to do w/. thaivisa though. inhabited by ex members? forget the name now....

It's called Whinge, Moan, Gripe in Phuket forum I think.

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