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Mood On The Board Deteriorating


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Large statistical studies have shown that people tend to get happier as they age. We also edit out bad memories. Times were not happier when we were younger - for most of us they are happier now. Things also were never simpler or easier. Unless your memories are implanted to you from the myths of Olde Tyme movies.

Statistics are like a lamp-post to a drunken man, more for leaning on than illumination. If someone on the board is getting you down, look at him through the prongs of a fork and imagine him in jail.

I don't understand that comment about statistics not having any power of illumination. Numbers are a very valuable way to get insight about our world.

I often hear people talking dirty about statistics, and not once have I ever seen a clear example of why. All I hear are vague generalizations about how statistics can be used to mean "anything", in the same way that the Bible can be used to mean anything. Just silly smear talk, with no logic behind it, and never applied specifically to the concrete argument at hand. People do tend to get happier as they age, and the large statistical studies that show this are illuminating.

As some of us are in the dark could you please iluminate us with some statistics from these large statistical studies please?

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yeah, I do...sum folks wanna turn the thaivisa forum into a schoolyard :o ...I say let's get in touch wid our kinder an' gentler selves...lads, post more recipies in the food forums...a good testosterone release that is...

once in NE China I was inna restaurant wid about 6 locals an' asked what the preparation was for a dish that had been served an' was quite tasty...after lots ob beers everyone had their own opinion an' soon there was shouting an' almost fisticuffs...a more civilized way of releasing male agression...

take it outta the schoolyard an' back to de kitchen...anyone that can't cook is a puss... :D

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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yeah...sum folks wanna turn thaivisa into a schoolyard...I say let's get in touch wid our kinder an' gentler selves...lads, post more recipies in the food forums...a testosterone release that is...

:D It was inevitable for this thread to go the way it has, they always do, keep em coming :o:D

And now 9 pages of nothing are about to get closed :bah::D

Edited by solent01
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A few years ago I was attracted to participating in these forums spontaneously.

The positive, up beat, objective, informative and often amusing discussion about Thailand was very valuable to be.

Now more than not people who ask for advice or state impressions are tore into in the most sophmoric manner.

Accurate summary.

Exactly my observation, too.

A few years ago I used to look forward to browsing TV -- several times a week.

But not now.

Now I rarely read and rarely post any more for exactly the reasons Pepe described.

Most of the men I met a few years ago thru postings on TV, don't come around here much anymore, either.

Yet, they have far more experience now, with Thailand, and far more to offer than before.

But they say, "Why bother?"

The fault in most public forums is they seek only quantity, rather than quality.

Advertisers want quantity.

Forum management wants quantity, too.

It's easy to measure number of members and number of posts.

But quality is a more elusive goal.

Contemporary culture claims that everyone "has a right to be heard".

Well, on most all public forums, not just TV, we're seeing the results of that.

The effect on quality is becoming starkly obvious.

If anyone reading knows of a forum about expat living in Thailand, where the emphasis is on quality of information along with civility of writing, I hope you'll send me a private message.

I really want to know.

Thank you.

Edited by Mr_Dave
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Does anyone have more to say on the actual topic?

Yes, keep it on track or cruise elsewhere! The thread is relevant as anyone can see if they care to read carefully what people are posting and if member numbers are important. It started with the subject of putdowns, mostly on newbies, and the hijacking of threads by the old guard with their cryptic messages that only they understand. why not lets keep it there. Information and debate on statistics and other requests for infomation must surely belong on another thread.

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A few years ago I was attracted to participating in these forums spontaneously.

The positive, up beat, objective, informative and often amusing discussion about Thailand was very valuable to be.

Now more than not people who ask for advice or state impressions are tore into in the most sophmoric manner.

Accurate summary.

Exactly my observation, too.

A few years ago I used to look forward to browsing TV -- several times a week.

But not now.

Now I rarely read and rarely post any more for exactly the reasons Pepe described.

Most of the men I met a few years ago thru postings on TV, don't come around here much anymore, either.

Yet, they have far more experience now, with Thailand, and far more to offer than before.

But they say, "Why bother?"

The fault in most public forums is they seek only quantity, rather than quality.

Advertisers want quantity.

Forum management wants quantity, too.

It's easy to measure number of members and number of posts.

But quality is a more elusive goal.

Contemporary culture claims that everyone "has a right to be heard".

Well, on most all public forums, not just TV, we're seeing the results of that.

The effect on quality is becoming starkly obvious.

If anyone reading knows of a forum about expat living in Thailand, where the emphasis is on quality of information along with civility of writing, I hope you'll send me a private message.

I really want to know.

Thank you.


Hi Dave,

Interesting I never thought of this scenario in relation to numbers or advertisers.

However, fortunately or unfortunately a good number of posts on this thread have made the case.

Hope something good comes out of it but I must say I'm kind of doubtful... :o

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Something good will come out of it if you don't give up and quit the board. If you do, the very few small minded posters will have triumphed in monopolising the board with their unpleasant input. It's about friendship and communication. You've all helped to send a message in this thread, the small minded included.

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Something good will come out of it if you don't give up and quit the board. If you do, the very few small minded posters will have triumphed in monopolising the board with their unpleasant input. It's about friendship and communication. You've all helped to send a message in this thread, the small minded included.


Hi Qwertz,

Not planning on quiting. I tend to still be a little idealistic I guess.

Thai Visa is a valuable venue and glad to be part of it...

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I think things used to be more rowdy, in the old days, but then there was the Bear-Pit, for it to take place in. Not that I'm commenting on the mods, for hiving it off, into its own little world.

And you could always rely on ha-ha or crazyfrog to prompt a forthright exchange of differing points-of-view. :D

But TV would get too dull - if we all agreed with each other, all the time. Sometimes I change my own opinion, based on some other posting, although most of the time I am (of course) right-on. :o

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Excuse me Father but I've tidied up your text a bit. The corrections are in blue.
Excuse me Dr Pepe, could you please extend me some courtesy, as I am a person of the cloth, & I'm now presiding over the "Parish Rambuttri".

I am now known as the Reverend "Terence" of Bangkok, and all my followers address me as such. :bah:

Anyway, since you're a top doctor, is there any chance of a free prostrate check? :D:o:D

Thank you very much. ;)

The Good Reverend Terence.

BTW, how are the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence?

thank you my son,

and i am trying to get a spell checker on my firefox, but sinse ive got you doing it for me i wont bother.


the sister's are doing very well thank you, :bah:

they have had an amazing reaction on the amount of worshippers that gather at the parish rambuttri, and worshippers are are now flowing out into the soi. :D

my attendent " DAVID J TAYLER" is at this very moment gathering some more lovely sisters and they shall soon be known as " the koteoy 10. " :D

thank you very much, :o

the good reverend


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Progressive animosity? No more evidence is necessary than to look at the thread by Libya in the Pattaya forum regarding the man that got shot in soi khaw noi.

Two replies, both from brain dead Pattaya bashers. What is it with some people who seem to spend their whole life sitting in the Pattaya forum just waiting for a chance to vent their spleen? :o Can they not get their tiny heads around the idea that if you don't like something or somewhere, just ignore it and walk away.

I rest my case m'lud. :D

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I think things used to be more rowdy, in the old days, but then there was the Bear-Pit, for it to take place in. Not that I'm commenting on the mods, for hiving it off, into its own little world.

And you could always rely on ha-ha or crazyfrog to prompt a forthright exchange of differing points-of-view. :D

But TV would get too dull - if we all agreed with each other, all the time. Sometimes I change my own opinion, based on some other posting, although most of the time I am (of course) right-on. :o

Ah, words of wisdom and fellowship, Ricardo. Thank you. Finally, someone who can agree to disagree or change.

From many of the posts I have read here, it's like kindergarten teacher admonishments scolding of maverick posters. I changed the wording as one time I wrote "perspicacious" in a post and got a flaming for using uppity politician-style lingo that any awake student learns in primary school.

Tutsi offered the best advice to you do-gooders: Submit a recipe to the food forum; the best way to make friends and acolytes and untwist your knickers.

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I think things used to be more rowdy, in the old days, but then there was the Bear-Pit, for it to take place in. Not that I'm commenting on the mods, for hiving it off, into its own little world.

And you could always rely on ha-ha or crazyfrog to prompt a forthright exchange of differing points-of-view. :D

But TV would get too dull - if we all agreed with each other, all the time. Sometimes I change my own opinion, based on some other posting, although most of the time I am (of course) right-on. :o

Ah, words of wisdom and fellowship, Ricardo. Thank you. Finally, someone who can agree to disagree or change.

From many of the posts I have read here, it's like kindergarten teacher admonishments scolding of maverick posters. I changed the wording as one time I wrote "perspicacious" in a post and got a flaming for using uppity politician-style lingo that any awake student learns in primary school.

Tutsi offered the best advice to you do-gooders: Submit a recipe to the food forum; the best way to make friends and acolytes and untwist your knickers.

But it's so EASY to be rude from behind a key board. They couldn't boil water anyway, their Mommys used to do it for them.

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A few years ago I was attracted to participating in these forums spontaneously.

The positive, up beat, objective, informative and often amusing discussion about Thailand was very valuable to be.

Now more than not people who ask for advice or state impressions are tore into in the most sophmoric manner.

Accurate summary.

Exactly my observation, too.

A few years ago I used to look forward to browsing TV -- several times a week.

But not now.

Now I rarely read and rarely post any more for exactly the reasons Pepe described.

Most of the men I met a few years ago thru postings on TV, don't come around here much anymore, either.

Yet, they have far more experience now, with Thailand, and far more to offer than before.

But they say, "Why bother?"

The fault in most public forums is they seek only quantity, rather than quality.

Advertisers want quantity.

Forum management wants quantity, too.

It's easy to measure number of members and number of posts.

But quality is a more elusive goal.

Contemporary culture claims that everyone "has a right to be heard".

Well, on most all public forums, not just TV, we're seeing the results of that.

The effect on quality is becoming starkly obvious.

If anyone reading knows of a forum about expat living in Thailand, where the emphasis is on quality of information along with civility of writing, I hope you'll send me a private message.

I really want to know.

Thank you.

if you rarely read the forum these days than how can you accurately post a comment regards the quality of thai visa ?

its a nonsense to espouse your thoughts accuratly when you dont follow the day to day threads on the forum.

the forum can go for days without anything interesting coming up and all of a sudden we have some very interesting threads raised.

but you and DR pepi would not now this, as you hardly ever follow the forum anymore but think you are both qualified to post your views. :o

if you would like to be taken seriously, you must participate regularly on this forum other wise your comments are unbalanced.

thank you very much. :D

if you are not happy with this forum, you can do a google search and be on another one in 5 minutes.

if you think thaivisa is no good anymore, you wont last 2 minutes on the rest. :D

maybe some of the good old boys are over there. :D i dont think so but.

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Well I have looked at several other Forums and this is undoubtedly the best.

The Moderators do a wonderful job keeping things on an even Keel.

There is so much information and advice here the Topics are to vast to List.

In any walk of life whether it be in the work place or on a Forum Personality clashes will occur Human Nature cannot be defined in the individual.

If you dont like a Topic dont read or add a thread, if you find it offensive report it to the Mods.


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I see a load of people on this, and other, threads griping on about "ThaiVisa/Bedlam has gone downhill and is no longer the witty, informative, serious discussion forum blah blah blah that it used to be years ago".

Never forget people nostalgia aint what it used to be. :o

As for terry57 being part of the problem, I remember a thread he started regarding farangs wearing yellow shirts as a mark of respect for H.M. the King. A reasonable question and good post, yes? No! Dragged down into the highbrow abyss by folks with nothing to input but snide comments about his place of residence and veiled references to academic thinkers hiding behind forum rules. Oh, and doing an English "teacher's" grammatical and spelling check and marking of his submissions.

The one thing that p1sses me off a little is the attitude amongst some that newbies, oh how I hate that term, are somehow little children devoid of any knowledge of life in Thailand. It doesn't matter how long a person has lived in Thailand he/she is a "newbie" if they have just joined TV. Some people can live an eternity in Thailand and still be ignorant of some of the basic facts.

Anyhow, I always keep in mind that ThaiVisa is not the debating chamber of the United Nations but some little chat room with a central theme of Thailand. If someone posts a serious question I'll give a (fairly) serious answer (if I have some info that could be useful) but if they post a "Why do the Thais never understand me when I ask for a splash of lemonade in my Carlsberg" thread I'll take the p1ss.

Those are my opinions, if you don't like them I got others. :D (with thanks to Groucho)

I think you hit the nail on the head there Phil, there's a definite snobbery on the boards and a hierarchy based on the number of posts you've made which is utter drivel really because between the odd poignant remark you've taken the time to post on a thread, you could have easily sat and made a thousand puerile one-line responses to others. Judgements are undoubtedly made by those with high post counts about those with low and used as a basis on which to make derisory comments.

Judgements are in fact made full stop and this is not the arena in which to be judgemental but rather to agree to disagree, be of assistance and at the most perhaps attempt to politely persuade others of their folly when it's painstakingly obvious.

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nostalgia? oh god i miss my pentium 1 so much. it even came with 32 megs of ram! yes pls regard me as a newbie here but i would like to point out that all my posts and replies here are aimed at being helpful and informative using my knowledge of this country and it's conditions down to the wire.

i guess there's some old guard here who never heard of glasnost and perestroika.

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Well I have looked at several other Forums and this is undoubtedly the best.

The Moderators do a wonderful job keeping things on an even Keel.

There is so much information and advice here the Topics are to vast to List.

In any walk of life whether it be in the work place or on a Forum Personality clashes will occur Human Nature cannot be defined in the individual.

If you dont like a Topic dont read or add a thread, if you find it offensive report it to the Mods.


I agree that TV is a great forum and one of the best. I think that the fact that this topic has had such a good response shows that a great many members are interested in keeping TV a good forum. Unfortunately there will always be a small minority of individuals that do not have much of a sense of humour and seem to only be able to build themselves up by seriously tearing someone else down. After a while, one begins to know who these individuals are and they are easily tuned out. The good part is that the majority of members that I have read have a great sense of humour and are very humourous in their occasional negativity and putdowns. I always enjoy reading TV as it it extremely informative and keeps me up on the latest happenings when I am not in Thailand.

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if you are not happy with this forum, you can do a google search and be on another one in 5 minutes.

if you think thaivisa is no good anymore, you wont last 2 minutes on the rest. :o

It's so easy.

I'll write it down here for other readers who wish to sift the wheat from the chaff on TV.

With thanks to Terry57 for offering himself as a superb example:

  1. Upper left corner of a message ... User name: "Terry57" => Click!
  2. "View Member Profile" => Click!
  3. "Options" => Click!
  4. "Ignore User" => Click!
  5. Scroll down to bottom of a very long list ... "Update Ignored Users" => Click!


I hope many others will return the favour to me.

I really do, because the ignore user list is the saving factor on TV.

I frequently add to my ignored user list, so I see only messages from posters I want to read, plus new posters.

My ignored user list now contains over 100 posters, many with hundreds or thousands of posts.

Over 100 posters whose consistently inane, sophomoric, rude, posts are now easily avoided.

What remains on my screen can be worth reading.

It's the best solution I've found to the observations in Pepe's OP.

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if you rarely read the forum these days than how can you accurately post a comment regards the quality of thai visa ?

its a nonsense to espouse your thoughts accuratly when you dont follow the day to day threads on the forum.

the forum can go for days without anything interesting coming up and all of a sudden we have some very interesting threads raised.

but you and DR pepi would not now this, as you hardly ever follow the forum anymore but think you are both qualified to post your views. :o

if you would like to be taken seriously, you must participate regularly on this forum other wise your comments are unbalanced.

thank you very much. :D

I know Pepe for quite a long time now. Not personally but we have had good conversations in the past. He is a good guy all around and one of the most senior members on the forum. He is well within his rights to express his opinions just as you are. He might not post much anymore, unfortunately, but he might still read and browse around a lot. Either way, I urge him to continue participating because some of us do care what he has to say.

I think you hit the nail on the head there Phil, there's a definite snobbery on the boards and a hierarchy based on the number of posts you've made which is utter drivel really because between the odd poignant remark you've taken the time to post on a thread, you could have easily sat and made a thousand puerile one-line responses to others. Judgements are undoubtedly made by those with high post counts about those with low and used as a basis on which to make derisory comments.

Judgements are in fact made full stop and this is not the arena in which to be judgemental but rather to agree to disagree, be of assistance and at the most perhaps attempt to politely persuade others of their folly when it's painstakingly obvious.

This assessment might be true on this forum about some people but certainly not about all. I am one of the most senior members here and I dare you to find any post in which I belittled a newbie simply for being new. I support all new members and answer any questions they may have if I feel I can be helpful.

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if you are not happy with this forum, you can do a google search and be on another one in 5 minutes.

if you think thaivisa is no good anymore, you wont last 2 minutes on the rest. :o

It's so easy.

I'll write it down here for other readers who wish to sift the wheat from the chaff on TV.

With thanks to Terry57 for offering himself as a superb example:

  1. Upper left corner of a message ... User name: "Terry57" => Click!
  2. "View Member Profile" => Click!
  3. "Options" => Click!
  4. "Ignore User" => Click!
  5. Scroll down to bottom of a very long list ... "Update Ignored Users" => Click!


I hope many others will return the favour to me.

I really do, because the ignore user list is the saving factor on TV.

I frequently add to my ignored user list, so I see only messages from posters I want to read, plus new posters.

My ignored user list now contains over 100 posters, many with hundreds or thousands of posts.

Over 100 posters whose consistently inane, sophomoric, rude, posts are now easily avoided.

What remains on my screen can be worth reading.

It's the best solution I've found to the observations in Pepe's OP.

Well, I may be added to your list after this, if I'm not there already (in which case you won't read this). But what is the point of ignoring so many members? I have nobody on my ignore list. That's not because I like every member - about half a dozen completely drive me up the wall, one or two raise my hackles & put my teeth on edge and a few more I think are probably sharing a brain cell between them - but how can you possibly get a balanced view of what is going on in a thread with so many potential posts missing? Seems a bit like "cutting off your nose to spite your face" to me...

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To put things into perspective, this problem of deterioration is not just here on TV, but is spreading to many other forums on the web.

But especially the Thailand forums in English.

Manners and level of conversation are deteriorating steadily.

(That is not just a problem of this forum, but to all venues of public discourse throughout the English-speaking world. I don't know about others.)

What to do?

In my post above I mentioned making generous use of the ignore user function.

Now, sometimes an entire thread consists only of, "You have chosen to ignore user ...".

In addition to that, I've been sending and receiving more private messages than ever before.

That works very well for avoiding the nonsense posters.

It takes an initial post to ask a question or open a topic, but then the most helpful responses come in by private message.

Or I see a sensible initial post and I reply by private message or email.

Another forum (not TV) has added private sub-forums of 5-10 individuals to "gather" by invitation only, to discuss some topic amongst themselves.

That's a new function in forum software, which I've observed is working very well for eliminating the nonsense posters.

Another factor that is new is 100% private forums -- by invitation only.

I've been participating in several of these with excellent results.

The most valuable and most focused information is transmitted that way.

Low number of posts per month, but high quality per message.

But, of course, the initial contacts are still made in public forums (such as TV).

I do not blame the moderators or the owners of TV.

It is their forum, their private business.

They founded it, they maintain it, and they run it as they wish.

I respect their wishes, although I don't admire their approach.

When I joined TV in 2003, my main reason was to learn about living in Thailand, and to offer my experiences to others with a similar interest.

As forums have deteriorated, that's changed.

Now my only reason for occasionally posting to TV is to attract other "like minds" into private conversations by email.

For that purpose, TV still serves rather well.

If any readers are annoyed, upset, or offended by my comments, I sincerely invite you to add my name to your ignore lists.

I've provided detailed instructions above on how to ignore me.

On the other hand, if you are in agreement with my comments, I welcome emails and private messages.

I am always pleased to discuss any aspect of living in Thailand.


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To put things into perspective, this problem of deterioration is not just here on TV, but is spreading to many other forums on the web.

But especially the Thailand forums in English.

Manners and level of conversation are deteriorating steadily.

(That is not just a problem of this forum, but to all venues of public discourse throughout the English-speaking world. I don't know about others.)

What to do?

In my post above I mentioned making generous use of the ignore user function.

Now, sometimes an entire thread consists only of, "You have chosen to ignore user ...".

In addition to that, I've been sending and receiving more private messages than ever before.

That works very well for avoiding the nonsense posters.

It takes an initial post to ask a question or open a topic, but then the most helpful responses come in by private message.

Or I see a sensible initial post and I reply by private message or email.

Another forum (not TV) has added private sub-forums of 5-10 individuals to "gather" by invitation only, to discuss some topic amongst themselves.

That's a new function in forum software, which I've observed is working very well for eliminating the nonsense posters.

Another factor that is new is 100% private forums -- by invitation only.

I've been participating in several of these with excellent results.

The most valuable and most focused information is transmitted that way.

Low number of posts per month, but high quality per message.

But, of course, the initial contacts are still made in public forums (such as TV).

I do not blame the moderators or the owners of TV.

It is their forum, their private business.

They founded it, they maintain it, and they run it as they wish.

I respect their wishes, although I don't admire their approach.

When I joined TV in 2003, my main reason was to learn about living in Thailand, and to offer my experiences to others with a similar interest.

As forums have deteriorated, that's changed.

Now my only reason for occasionally posting to TV is to attract other "like minds" into private conversations by email.

For that purpose, TV still serves rather well.

If any readers are annoyed, upset, or offended by my comments, I sincerely invite you to add my name to your ignore lists.

I've provided detailed instructions above on how to ignore me.

On the other hand, if you are in agreement with my comments, I welcome emails and private messages.

I am always pleased to discuss any aspect of living in Thailand.


I am new to forum postings & maybe don't understand the controls available.

If you choose "ignore user" - I understand that any posts by that user will not flash up on the screen.

If you choose "ignore user" - does that mean they cannot see your own posts as well.

Would be helpful to know.



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If you choose "ignore user" - I understand that any posts by that user will not flash up on the screen.

If you choose "ignore user" - does that mean they cannot see your own posts as well.

They can see your posts, ridicule them and rip you a new A hole and you never even know it.

I rather know what is going on behind my back! :o

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To put things into perspective, this problem of deterioration is not just here on TV, but is spreading to many other forums on the web.

But especially the Thailand forums in English.

Manners and level of conversation are deteriorating steadily.

(That is not just a problem of this forum, but to all venues of public discourse throughout the English-speaking world. I don't know about others.)

What to do?

In my post above I mentioned making generous use of the ignore user function.

Now, sometimes an entire thread consists only of, "You have chosen to ignore user ...".

In addition to that, I've been sending and receiving more private messages than ever before.

That works very well for avoiding the nonsense posters.

It takes an initial post to ask a question or open a topic, but then the most helpful responses come in by private message.

Or I see a sensible initial post and I reply by private message or email.

Another forum (not TV) has added private sub-forums of 5-10 individuals to "gather" by invitation only, to discuss some topic amongst themselves.

That's a new function in forum software, which I've observed is working very well for eliminating the nonsense posters.

Another factor that is new is 100% private forums -- by invitation only.

I've been participating in several of these with excellent results.

The most valuable and most focused information is transmitted that way.

Low number of posts per month, but high quality per message.

But, of course, the initial contacts are still made in public forums (such as TV).

I do not blame the moderators or the owners of TV.

It is their forum, their private business.

They founded it, they maintain it, and they run it as they wish.

I respect their wishes, although I don't admire their approach.

When I joined TV in 2003, my main reason was to learn about living in Thailand, and to offer my experiences to others with a similar interest.

As forums have deteriorated, that's changed.

Now my only reason for occasionally posting to TV is to attract other "like minds" into private conversations by email.

For that purpose, TV still serves rather well.

If any readers are annoyed, upset, or offended by my comments, I sincerely invite you to add my name to your ignore lists.

I've provided detailed instructions above on how to ignore me.

On the other hand, if you are in agreement with my comments, I welcome emails and private messages.

I am always pleased to discuss any aspect of living in Thailand.


Do me a favour.

If I am not already on your 'ignore' list, please add me.

What a completely total negative post :D

I have been posting for around 2 years , and have had many disagreements with several members.

I can honestly say that there are probably only 2 posters who get my wick up, but I would still never put them on my ignore list.

Sometimes their inane babblings form a kind of entertainment :o

To have 100 names on an ignore list seems a little bit snotty with an 'holier than thou' attitude.

Good Luck with your PM s

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