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Mood On The Board Deteriorating


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Thousands of posters, some of them with definite moods or set opinions, log onto this set of forums, to make different points. Some bloke from Liverpool just wants to know if he should buy a Honda Dream or Wave, and suddenly finds himself in a flame war between some Harley dude from Pittsburgh, and a crotch-rocket racer from Brisbane who won't think about anything smaller than a 1300 Huayabusa. You dare to mention your girlfriend/wife, and soon somebody accuses her of being last night's whore. Well, you can't be some guy's mother and wash the guy's mouth with soap. Mama's already long dead, and was ashamed of her son for the last thirty years. So, ignore them and move on.

Now, can I say why Billy Graham is a flaming warmonger for only being opposed to nuclear weapons? I thought not.....

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Back in the Gentleman, Butterfly, Georgie-Porgie, Erco days everything on TV was positive, sincere and carefree. :o

which posts were you readin, what a joke 55555555555555

Do you think that Harry Palmer was a great loss as well UG?

We are far better off without those posters...although I did have a soft spot for GS.. he had a great wind-up writing style which made him entertaining..although a tendacy to spout absolute garbage that kept us hooked and wasting our time...but it was our time to waste I suppose.Erco on the other hand was just nasty to everyone!!

BTW..Georgie Porgie hmmm...that name rings a bell !!!

Edited by ThaiPauly
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If certain posters annoy you, then choose the ignore function, quite a few members do that.

That's easier said than done Bronco.

It's difficult to ignore annoying posters when they decimate every thread you may be interested in.

There are now groups of posters who seem to take over every thread they are attracted to and turn them into quasi chat rooms. Then, often with little regard for the topic or the OP, they, and their followers, flood it with self aggrandisement and back slapping childish humour.

Their style of chat, instead of on topic posts, means they qualify for Bedlam in record time, and they have now taken over that forum and destroyed the balance of humour, bawdiness and serious discussion that was the hallmark of the place.

Dare I use the word clique (we know what happenned to the last thread!), but there

are groups, and individuals, who have divided their fellow posters into the "cool" kids and the others. I feel like I'm back in high school (Only then I was in the cool group)

Anyway, that's my whinge. No doubt they'll have fun with it.

Grumpy Old Croc

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JR Texas: Over the past seven months or so, I have tried to introduce points of discussion all over this forum. When I got too close to an uncomfortable truth or became too politically incorrect (not supporting the corporate-political-military triangle of power in Thailand or the conservative point of view worldwide), I was attacked from all sides. :D

Most of the people here seem to be very closed-minded.....oddly conservative.......devoid of any ability to engage in a civil debate.....blind to the truth of the world. They are old farts tucked away in their "grandfathered beds" with the sheets over their heads :D

Most, want to portray an overly positive image of Thailand in order to make the "sponsors" happy and keep their real estate investments on track :o

OK, I understand business. I know that people, all over, are self-interested. I know that personal interests and needs color perceptions of reality. But.........WHERE ARE THE LIBERAL RASCALS ON THIS FORUM?

Are they all at the bar? :bah: Are they feeling like wimps in a conservative world? :bah: Blah, blah, blah.................... :D

Shall I take everyone else's mind off it?

Allow me to introduce evidence numero uno:


This elaboration was perfomed by one of the most liberal persons on this forum.

Credibility is half the battle. You lose with your user name. Change it, maybe we will listen.

Maybe we won't.

Ah... the freedom of choice.

It's great to be allowed to disagree. I guess (some of) you boyz in texas have forgotten that.

JR Texas to Kayo: Guess I hit a BIG NERVE. For the record, I think there are very few "liberals" on this forum. Credibility? Are you joking? Credible in terms of political correctness?

Maybe people will listen? Give me a break? I have long since abandoned that fantasy. This forum is, in my view, a one-way street guided by the factors I pointed out earlier. But that is my opinion.

I am sure 99% of the people reading this will disagree. I no longer care. Good luck! :D

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Back in the Gentleman, Butterfly, Georgie-Porgie, Erco days everything on TV was positive, sincere and carefree. :o

which posts were you readin, what a joke 55555555555555

Do you think that Harry Palmer was a great loss as well UG?

We are far better off without those posters...although I did have a soft spot for GS.. he had a great wind-up writing style which made him entertaining..although a tendacy to spout absolute garbage that kept us hooked and wasting our time...but it was our time to waste I suppose.Erco on the other hand was just nasty to everyone!!

BTW..Georgie Porgie hmmm...that name rings a bell !!!

Actually, I was being sarcastic! :D

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If certain posters annoy you, then choose the ignore function, quite a few members do that.

That's easier said than done Bronco.

It's difficult to ignore annoying posters when they decimate every thread you may be interested in.

There are now groups of posters who seem to take over every thread they are attracted to and turn them into quasi chat rooms. Then, often with little regard for the topic or the OP, they, and their followers, flood it with self aggrandisement and back slapping childish humour.

Their style of chat, instead of on topic posts, means they qualify for Bedlam in record time, and they have now taken over that forum and destroyed the balance of humour, bawdiness and serious discussion that was the hallmark of the place.

Dare I use the word clique (we know what happenned to the last thread!), but there

are groups, and individuals, who have divided their fellow posters into the "cool" kids and the others. I feel like I'm back in high school (Only then I was in the cool group)

Anyway, that's my whinge. No doubt they'll have fun with it.

Grumpy Old Croc

well said Croc and we are lookin at bedlam for that reason, in the mean time we are doing our best, dont forget we are amatuers

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I noticed a definite deterioration of the mood of this forum after I began posting on it :D

we didnt :D

I did. :D

Anyway, people moaning on about deterioration of quality of the board, due to "cliques" hijacking threads, etc, .... Care to name names? :o

The flaming and off-topic remarks on here are nothing compared to most other busy Internet forums. This one of the most civilised boards I've seen.

You may lack perspective....

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A few reasons:

- More of those who previously did their whinging in bars have now learned to use the Internet and drink in front of the computer instead

- More farangs in Thailand

- More members on Thaivisa, of all kinds

- A more difficult situation for those farangs who do not have the economic means to stay

- Some positive thinkers can not be bothered posting anymore, because the general negativity drags them down, and being positive, they often have good lives to start with, so why waste time reading other people's rants...

- More and more people are trolling, i.e. using the board to impersonate various controversial/ignorant/hateful views and gloat over the people they manage to get to bite

Some wise words seen in TV signatures: 'Don't wrestle with pigs - you get dirty and the pigs love it.' 'Don't argue with idiots - they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience'

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Some wise words seen in TV signatures: 'Don't argue with idiots - they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience'

:o Love that one.

Sure I agree with Old Croc that there's a problem with Bedlam but I doubt it's worth fixing. Most threads in there could be moved to the general forum.

As as general view I think most folks join, have a good time for a while then start to take themselves a bit too seriously, get bored then leave one way or the other.

Back in the Gentleman, Butterfly, Georgie-Porgie, Erco days everything on TV was positive, sincere and carefree

Of these Butterfly was the only one with any sense.

ThaiPauly needn't be worried. Scampy is still here.

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It's probably a reflection of the rising tension within the country.

Spot on. The forex rates (little less money = little less honey?) and various immigration/visa run + legal/land issues probably topping the 'reasons why some folks are clearly a little bit more irritable' list.


Sorry, but that's still no good reason for dumping on people. I have one arm in plaster, can't earn for 2 weeks and the bills are piling up but I wouldn't feel better by kicking my cat just because it's nearest to my foot. I think a lot of it is down to boredom, the pulling wings off flies syndrome.

I didn't say it was okay or a good reason. More often than not though, IMO the whingers and the haters are those who aren't living where they want to live or how they want to live.


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While I can't fault anyone's logic here, somebody previously commented that with the current member count plus the number of threads the mods shouldn't be expected to keep everything PC and on track - how would they find that much time? Even a newbie like me can soon spot the destructive types and just flag them to be ignored in future. By the same system I flag the sensible people too so I can get their latest input. To name just one or two - garro, ulysses, jet gorgon, nignoy. I do agree with all you're saying and I've seen some of the other types in situ too. Bored, cynical, sour and angry because their life in paradise has gone pear shaped. Okay I sympathise with them but isn't it time to move on in life? It might be more constructive here if these people posted a rational thread about what went wrong with their lives in LOS so that newbies and others maybe considering moving to LOS could glean some useful input on what not to do.

Edited by qwertz
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It's probably a reflection of the rising tension within the country.

Spot on. The forex rates (little less money = little less honey?) and various immigration/visa run + legal/land issues probably topping the 'reasons why some folks are clearly a little bit more irritable' list.


Sorry, but that's still no good reason for dumping on people. I have one arm in plaster, can't earn for 2 weeks and the bills are piling up but I wouldn't feel better by kicking my cat just because it's nearest to my foot. I think a lot of it is down to boredom, the pulling wings off flies syndrome.

I didn't say it was okay or a good reason. More often than not though, IMO the whingers and the haters are those who aren't living where they want to live or how they want to live.


Spot on :o

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Although I have been on the forum only a relatively short time, it did not take me long to notice the problem that Pepe pointed out. It is unfortunate that some people are unable to discriminate between humor and ridicule. It is everyones right to disagree with someone's opinion but is it is entirely something else to call someone or their opinion "stupid" or one of it's many synonyms . The fact is that in a real life face to face conversation, calling someone stupid can have real consequences and I doubt if most people would call someone stupid to their face unless they were ready to duck a punch. It is unfortunate that a certain degree of etiquette and politeness can not be observed on the forum while still having a fun time with humorus banters and exchanges of thoughts. :o
A few years ago..............

Time quite frankly is too precious to waste trying to communicate ideas to what appear thick headed arrogant, possibly slightly brain damaged individuals.

In the old days...........

Veiled flaming?

People will be people with all their attendant foibles and quirks. Already this thread is the "us and them" scenario of posters trying to claim the higher moral ground from the negative whingeing flamers; etc. "We're better than them" blah blah

If you need an internet forum to complete your life, then maybe you don't really have one? Its pretty much just entertainment to me. I log off, and have to go to work.

Ain't that the truth.

If ya can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

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I had a run in the other day with another member insulting me personally.

I had seen insults directed at others by this guy many times, but always kept my mouth shut as he was a well known member.

Then he pulled his crap with me.

I found myself so angry I gave in and lowered myself to insults as well.

I was so pissed I lost sleep.

I imagined myself tracking this guy down and pounding some manners in to him.

I ran the scenario over in my head as I plotted my revenge.....and when the final scene emerged.........

I would find a scared old man sitting at a computer.

That's it.

Fukc it, it's just a forum for people to chat.

Sometimes it pisses you off.

Mostly it's full of friendly people who honestly want to help if you have a problem, as many have helped me.

Thanks to all of you good folks here.

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I had a run in the other day with another member insulting me personally.

I had seen insults directed at others by this guy many times, but always kept my mouth shut as he was a well known member.

Then he pulled his crap with me.

I found myself so angry I gave in and lowered myself to insults as well.

I was so pissed I lost sleep.

I imagined myself tracking this guy down and pounding some manners in to him.

I ran the scenario over in my head as I plotted my revenge.....and when the final scene emerged.........

I would find a scared old man sitting at a computer.

That's it.

Fukc it, it's just a forum for people to chat.

Sometimes it pisses you off.

Mostly it's full of friendly people who honestly want to help if you have a problem, as many have helped me.

Thanks to all of you good folks here.

Seconded. Exactly my sentiments - you can't keep 'em out but you can ignore 'em. I think your sacred old man is already on my no no list. Have a good one.

Edited by qwertz
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I had to look back through his posts to make sure it wasn't me.

I get cranky when I'm tired. :o

No CDN, you're not sacred (misspelt scared). But I'm checking my list anyway, just in case you slipped through, Eh? :D

Edited by qwertz
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If certain posters annoy you, then choose the ignore function, quite a few members do that.

That's easier said than done Bronco.

It's difficult to ignore annoying posters when they decimate every thread you may be interested in.

There are now groups of posters who seem to take over every thread they are attracted to and turn them into quasi chat rooms. Then, often with little regard for the topic or the OP, they, and their followers, flood it with self aggrandisement and back slapping childish humour.

Their style of chat, instead of on topic posts, means they qualify for Bedlam in record time, and they have now taken over that forum and destroyed the balance of humour, bawdiness and serious discussion that was the hallmark of the place.

Dare I use the word clique (we know what happenned to the last thread!), but there

are groups, and individuals, who have divided their fellow posters into the "cool" kids and the others. I feel like I'm back in high school (Only then I was in the cool group)

Anyway, that's my whinge. No doubt they'll have fun with it.

Grumpy Old Croc

well said Croc and we are lookin at bedlam for that reason, in the mean time we are doing our best, dont forget we are amatuers

Bedlam was the best thing they introduced to create a outlet for all the members who like to take the p***, wind you up and cause unrest with their weird sense of humour.

Since it,s introduction the other forums have to a great degree been allowed to debate and kept open to allow comment within the boundaries without getting a thread closed.

I find some of some of the editing decisions a bit inconsistent relating to who says what but find as a whole most of the mods do a great job in keeping things rolling.

( i hope i,m allowed to say this in a constructive manner without breaking forum rules. )

As i don,t care for the bedlam mentality, i don,t post there and let those who enjoy to do so freely, to their hearts content.

If you like chaos then go there as you will find members more than up to sorting you out while allowing the letting off of steam, without the usual constraints. ( if the title is owt to go by ??? )

As membership expands and changes, the mood will obviously reflect the thoughts of new members and rightly so.

The OFF button is always there, should you get bored and uninterested.

The debates are what we as present members make them

No matter what past history was about on the old Thai Visa you cannot compare the situations, so enjoy the many diverse forums.

Just be your own man / woman and don,t worry when others do not agree with you, this after all is what fair debate is all about, surely.

Just ignore the obvious wind up merchants and they,ll go away.


marshbags :o

Edited by marshbags
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I had a run in the other day with another member insulting me personally.

I had seen insults directed at others by this guy many times, but always kept my mouth shut as he was a well known member.

Then he pulled his crap with me.

I found myself so angry I gave in and lowered myself to insults as well.

I was so pissed I lost sleep.

I imagined myself tracking this guy down and pounding some manners in to him.

I ran the scenario over in my head as I plotted my revenge.....and when the final scene emerged.........

I would find a scared old man sitting at a computer.

That's it.

Fukc it, it's just a forum for people to chat.

Sometimes it pisses you off.

hey, leave my friend kayo alone! and, he is not that old :o

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I had a run in the other day with another member insulting me personally.

I had seen insults directed at others by this guy many times, but always kept my mouth shut as he was a well known member.

Then he pulled his crap with me.

I found myself so angry I gave in and lowered myself to insults as well.

I was so pissed I lost sleep.

I imagined myself tracking this guy down and pounding some manners in to him.

I ran the scenario over in my head as I plotted my revenge.....and when the final scene emerged.........

I would find a scared old man sitting at a computer.

That's it.

Fukc it, it's just a forum for people to chat.

Sometimes it pisses you off.

hey, leave my friend kayo alone! and, he is not that old :o

Kayo has always been a friend to me as well, I don't want people to think he is the offender!!

Please don't joke about the good people here.....some may take it to heart.

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Meadish has hit the nail on the head, I think....

Without wanting to start any public discussion of moderation (remember the rules, please), I would also suggest that persons who think that things are getting out of hand try the following acceptable options:

1. Report the posts to the moderators either through the report function or privately through PMs.

2. Make your feelings known (politely) to the relevant moderators of the forum sections. In the end, we are the ones who are supposed to take responsibility for taking care of the forum sections.

Once again, this is not an invitation to discuss moderation publicly, but a reminder of the options available to you if civility is breaking down. These forums are supposed to be fun, not places where people fear to post lest they be attacked or stalked.


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A few years ago I was attracted to participating in these forums spontaneously.

The positive, up beat, objective, informative and often amusing discussion about Thailand was very valuable to be.

Now more than not people who ask for advice or state impressions are tore into in the most sophmoric manner.

There are a couple ring leaders with their cronies and supporters that quite frankly, in my opinion, poison the atmosphere and mood of this board.

With a macho bravado, members are regulary flamed/ridiculed/criticized by other members,right to the edge of breaking the rules. But hold short as not to get banned.

I have nearly gotten "pulled in" on several occasions but have "bit my tongue" instead.

"Discretion is often the better part of valor."

Time quite frankly is too precious to waste trying to communicate ideas to what appear thick headed arrogant, possibly slightly brain damaged individuals.

In the old days it seemed there was a lot less moderating to be done. My guess is the moderators' jobs have gotten much more busy and difficult.

Everything changes. It just doesn't seem that things are changing for the better here.

I just wish people could speak their minds clearly without having to risk the verbal abuse or the cavalier ridicule of those who imagine to have it all figured out... :D

i feel that you are taking this forum way to seriously, and because you dont follow it on a daily basis your

post does'nt accurately reflect what goes down on this forum.

i can tell you that there a handful of regular posters that continue to post negative opinions on the people, culture and the state of the LOS.

these posters know exactly who they are and i could easily write there names here.

these posters have caused me to get a few warnings, as i find there negativity pathetic, and for a while there could not resist to " jam it up them " so to speak.

anyway im over that now and let them drone away , espousing there bad attitudes, but wonder why they even bother to post on this forum. :D

on the up side, there have been many very good positive threads which we have had a lot of fun contributing to, and many posters have become friends because of there common good humour and positive outlook.

there are some great people on this forum, many more than the few humourless duds that hang around.

but who really cares about them, as in my opinion they are only pond fodder and to be treated with contempt.

ive got 3 on my ignore function as i gain nothing from there posts except :D

ive actually had threads started about me because they think im to positive and like thailand too much. :bah:

i mean, they dont like me because im not a sad old negative git. :o and have to much fun. :bah:


i dont agree with your assumtion of this forum, as i feel its the best in los and you will not find one better.

maybe if you followed it more consistantly you would find that the positive threads out weigh the negative threads 10 to 1.


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