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Mood On The Board Deteriorating


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A few years ago I was attracted to participating in these forums spontaneously.

The positive, up beat, objective, informative and often amusing discussion about Thailand was very valuable to be.

Now more than not people who ask for advice or state impressions are tore into in the most sophmoric manner.

There are a couple ring leaders with their cronies and supporters that quite frankly, in my opinion, poison the atmosphere and mood of this board.

With a macho bravado, members are regulary flamed/ridiculed/criticized by other members,right to the edge of breaking the rules. But hold short as not to get banned.

I have nearly gotten "pulled in" on several occasions but have "bit my tongue" instead.

"Discretion is often the better part of valor."

Time quite frankly is too precious to waste trying to communicate ideas to what appear thick headed arrogant, possibly slightly brain damaged individuals.

In the old days it seemed there was a lot less moderating to be done. My guess is the moderators' jobs have gotten much more busy and difficult.

Everything changes. It just doesn't seem that things are changing for the better here.

I just wish people could speak their minds clearly without having to risk the verbal abuse or the cavalier ridicule of those who imagine to have it all figured out... :o

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A few years ago I was attracted to participating in these forums spontaneously.

The positive, up beat, objective, informative and often amusing discussion about Thailand was very valuable to be.

Now more than not people who ask for advice or state impressions are tore into in the most sophmoric manner.

There are a couple ring leaders with their cronies and supporters that quite frankly, in my opinion, poison the atmosphere and mood of this board.

With a macho bravado, members are regulary flamed/ridiculed/criticized by other members,right to the edge of breaking the rules. But hold short as not to get banned.

I have nearly gotten "pulled in" on several occasions but have "bit my tongue" instead.

"Discretion is often the better part of valor."

Time quite frankly is too precious to waste trying to communicate ideas to what appear thick headed arrogant, possibly slightly brain damaged individuals.

In the old days it seemed there was a lot less moderating to be done. My guess is the moderators' jobs have gotten much more busy and difficult.

Everything changes. It just doesn't seem that things are changing for the better here.

I just wish people could speak their minds clearly without having to risk the verbal abuse or the cavalier ridicule of those who imagine to have it all figured out... :o

It's probably a reflection of the rising tension within the country. I bite my tongue all the time. 'Discussion' is rather pointless.

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A few years ago I was attracted to participating in these forums spontaneously.

The positive, up beat, objective, informative and often amusing discussion about Thailand was very valuable to be.

Now more than not people who ask for advice or state impressions are tore into in the most sophmoric manner.

There are a couple ring leaders with their cronies and supporters that quite frankly, in my opinion, poison the atmosphere and mood of this board.

With a macho bravado, members are regulary flamed/ridiculed/criticized by other members,right to the edge of breaking the rules. But hold short as not to get banned.

I have nearly gotten "pulled in" on several occasions but have "bit my tongue" instead.

"Discretion is often the better part of valor."

Time quite frankly is too precious to waste trying to communicate ideas to what appear thick headed arrogant, possibly slightly brain damaged individuals.

In the old days it seemed there was a lot less moderating to be done. My guess is the moderators' jobs have gotten much more busy and difficult.

Everything changes. It just doesn't seem that things are changing for the better here.

I just wish people could speak their minds clearly without having to risk the verbal abuse or the cavalier ridicule of those who imagine to have it all figured out... :o

It's probably a reflection of the rising tension within the country. I bite my tongue all the time. 'Discussion' is rather pointless.

Agreed, again... :D

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SH*te stirrers mostly. :o

You're right. I just wish they wouldn't do it here.

I would prefer to see them spew comments around like they do in the real world where there are real consequenses.

Maybe lessons would be learned...

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Pepe, I'm a newbie as you can see from my post count but I've already flagged the inconsequential posters and I avoid all their negatively influenced threads. I also notice that many of these "contributors" have a high post count. Maybe it's time for them to start their own exclusive flamer's forum somewhere else on the net. It's supposed to be about friendship and then some poor sod invariably walks right into the trap. My advice to you and anyone else is flag the sincere posters and as for the others, if you can't beat 'em, at least don't join 'em. And if you do let them provoke you, remember there's a PM function on the forum. Use it if you must but don't risk being banned from the forum by responding in the same naff way on a public thread.

I enjoy the forum for the wealth of useful information already posted and archived and I hope we'll now get some more from the input of new joiners.

Edited by qwertz
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Pepe, I'm a newbie as you can see from my post count but I've already flagged the inconsequential posters and I avoid all their negatively influenced threads. I also notice that many of these "contributors" have a high post count. Maybe it's time for them to start their own exclusive flamer's forum somewhere else on the net. It's supposed to be about friendship and then some poor sod invariably walks right into the trap. My advice to you and anyone else is flag the sincere posters and as for the others, if you can't beat 'em, at least don't join 'em

I enjoy the forum for the wealth of useful information already posted and archived and I hope we'll now get some more from the input of new joiners.


It's good to be heard and understood. I've actually implemented the tactic you suggest and it's worked quite well so far.

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Pepe, I'm a newbie as you can see from my post count but I've already flagged the inconsequential posters and I avoid all their negatively influenced threads. I also notice that many of these "contributors" have a high post count. Maybe it's time for them to start their own exclusive flamer's forum somewhere else on the net. It's supposed to be about friendship and then some poor sod invariably walks right into the trap. My advice to you and anyone else is flag the sincere posters and as for the others, if you can't beat 'em, at least don't join 'em

I enjoy the forum for the wealth of useful information already posted and archived and I hope we'll now get some more from the input of new joiners.


It's good to be heard and understood. I've actually implemented the tactic you suggest and it's worked quite well so far.

I hear you too, pepe, check out my edit. I Look forward to more of your sensible posts. Cheers.

P.S. Do you reckon anyone ever posted an optimists' forum?

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SH*te stirrers mostly. :D

You're right. I just wish they wouldn't do it here.

I would prefer to see them spew comments around like they do in the real world where there are real consequenses.

Maybe lessons would be learned...

Although I have been on the forum only a relatively short time, it did not take me long to notice the problem that Pepe pointed out. It is unfortunate that some people are unable to discriminate between humor and ridicule. It is everyones right to disagree with someone's opinion but is it is entirely something else to call someone or their opinion "stupid" or one of it's many synonyms . The fact is that in a real life face to face conversation, calling someone stupid can have real consequences and I doubt if most people would call someone stupid to their face unless they were ready to duck a punch. It is unfortunate that a certain degree of etiquette and politeness can not be observed on the forum while still having a fun time with humorus banters and exchanges of thoughts. :o

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It's difficult to compare the "mood" of a forum that counts a few dozen of members, highly motivated, and a large one, with thousands of people.

Well, ThaiVisa is getting bigger and bigger.

That could explain the change of "mood" you have noticed.

Furthermore, the forum should reflect the... general mood about Thailand.

I don't want to promote suicide pills but : coup, gvt like an empty bottle casted away, uncertainty about the political situation, elections or not elections, resignations of ministers, Thaksin flying around, military, bombings in the south and Bangkok, investigations, airport, Thai Bath, capital control, FBA etc.

I'm sure you can complete the list...


The situation IS obviously shitty. Therefore, probably our mood too (at least, mine for sure).


A few years ago I was attracted to participating in these forums spontaneously.
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It's probably a reflection of the rising tension within the country.

Spot on. The forex rates (little less money = little less honey?) and various immigration/visa run + legal/land issues probably topping the 'reasons why some folks are clearly a little bit more irritable' list.


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It's probably a reflection of the rising tension within the country.

Spot on. The forex rates (little less money = little less honey?) and various immigration/visa run + legal/land issues probably topping the 'reasons why some folks are clearly a little bit more irritable' list.


Sorry, but that's still no good reason for dumping on people. I have one arm in plaster, can't earn for 2 weeks and the bills are piling up but I wouldn't feel better by kicking my cat just because it's nearest to my foot. I think a lot of it is down to boredom, the pulling wings off flies syndrome.

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People will be people with all their attendant foibles and quirks. Already this thread is the "us and them" scenario of posters trying to claim the higher moral ground from the negative whingeing flamers; etc. "We're better than them" blah blah

If you need an internet forum to complete your life, then maybe you don't really have one? Its pretty much just entertainment to me. I log off, and have to go to work.

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It's probably a reflection of the rising tension within the country.

Spot on. The forex rates (little less money = little less honey?) and various immigration/visa run + legal/land issues probably topping the 'reasons why some folks are clearly a little bit more irritable' list.


Actually I was referring to a lot more than that. :o

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In general, the "civilized world" is becoming far less civilized. Many segments of society have had their emotional intelligence educated out of them. Thank God there is still an uncivilized world nearby.

Perhaps, when farangs were a relative oddity, farang took the opportunity to unite a little or find fraternity on occasion through this forum and others. The farang population in Thailand has skyrocketed out of control and shows no signs of abating. We farang suddenly are overwhelmed with each other and perhaps take out our aggression in the relative safety of an online chatter room. I know 6 years ago we used to estimate the farang population of my present community at perhaps 150, now it must be 2,000 to 5,000. A friend lives in an Isaan village where 6 years ago he was completely isolated from site of another farang. Now his village is plum full of them.

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It's good to be heard and understood. I've actually implemented the tactic you suggest and it's worked quite well so far.

Being understood often depends on the subject and method of communication. The "Forum" medium is usually not the best method to be understood. It can work for sharing info and sound bites but being understood usually takes more input than a quick note unless the people on the other end already know you. And even then I am sure you have had people that know you misunderstand you. Mai Bpen rai.

Even the annoyed posters have valid input if you know how to gauge it but to understand them from a series of one liners is probably not going to work. You may be asking to much of any Forum. I could be wrong though. It does happen.....rarely.

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You can usually spot the controversial or provocative topics, where if you post, you will almost certainly get antagonistic and confrontational responses. If you are averse to this, then it is better you leave such threads alone, or just read, without contributing.

Then again, if you write something that is inflammatory, or in any way divisive, then you should expect people to make unpleasant and disturbing responses.

All this is pretty obvious, and I have posted in both sets of circumstances, but have been prepared to defend my corner, which while not always enjoyable, is all part of the cut and thrust of highly charged debate.

What really annoys me is when you make a perfectly innocuous posting on a totally uncontroversial topic - maybe someone asking for advice or help, and you get these gits who come in and insult you, patronise you, and disparage you in any way they can. I have found that a majority of these flamers are cowards. If you hit back harder than they hit at you, they invariably they go away.

It shouldn't be thus, but I guess it is just a reflection of human behaviour as a whole.

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It's probably a reflection of the rising tension within the country.

Spot on. The forex rates (little less money = little less honey?) and various immigration/visa run + legal/land issues probably topping the 'reasons why some folks are clearly a little bit more irritable' list.


JR Texas: Over the past seven months or so, I have tried to introduce points of discussion all over this forum. When I got too close to an uncomfortable truth or became too politically incorrect (not supporting the corporate-political-military triangle of power in Thailand or the conservative point of view worldwide), I was attacked from all sides. :D

Most of the people here seem to be very closed-minded.....oddly conservative.......devoid of any ability to engage in a civil debate.....blind to the truth of the world. They are old farts tucked away in their "grandfathered beds" with the sheets over their heads :D

Most, want to portray an overly positive image of Thailand in order to make the "sponsors" happy and keep their real estate investments on track :o

OK, I understand business. I know that people, all over, are self-interested. I know that personal interests and needs color perceptions of reality. But.........WHERE ARE THE LIBERAL RASCALS ON THIS FORUM?

Are they all at the bar? :bah: Are they feeling like wimps in a conservative world? :D Blah, blah, blah.................... :D

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Most of the people here seem to be very closed-minded.....oddly conservative.......devoid of any ability to engage in a civil debate.....blind to the truth of the world. They are old farts tucked away in their "grandfathered beds" with the sheets over their heads :D


Are they all at the bar? :D Are they feeling like wimps in a conservative world? :D Blah, blah, blah.................... :o

This board is about 90% liberals.

Conservatives are in short supply. :D

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Most of the people here seem to be very closed-minded.....oddly conservative.......devoid of any ability to engage in a civil debate.....blind to the truth of the world. They are old farts tucked away in their "grandfathered beds" with the sheets over their heads :D


Are they all at the bar? :D Are they feeling like wimps in a conservative world? :D Blah, blah, blah.................... :o

This board is about 90% liberals.

Conservatives are in short supply. :D

Informed, logical and well balanced posts like this are running us off rapidly though General.

"Oh <deleted> really, so think about this arse O, Richard Cranium, gun cabinets are about child safety, and theft, think about that before you start flaming people t~at."

The "flaming" here consisted of something that obviously "inspired anger" to quote the rules.


Edited by sceadugenga
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JR Texas: Over the past seven months or so, I have tried to introduce points of discussion all over this forum. When I got too close to an uncomfortable truth or became too politically incorrect (not supporting the corporate-political-military triangle of power in Thailand or the conservative point of view worldwide), I was attacked from all sides. :D

Most of the people here seem to be very closed-minded.....oddly conservative.......devoid of any ability to engage in a civil debate.....blind to the truth of the world. They are old farts tucked away in their "grandfathered beds" with the sheets over their heads :D

Most, want to portray an overly positive image of Thailand in order to make the "sponsors" happy and keep their real estate investments on track :o

OK, I understand business. I know that people, all over, are self-interested. I know that personal interests and needs color perceptions of reality. But.........WHERE ARE THE LIBERAL RASCALS ON THIS FORUM?

Are they all at the bar? :bah: Are they feeling like wimps in a conservative world? :D Blah, blah, blah.................... :D

Shall I take everyone else's mind off it?

Allow me to introduce evidence numero uno:


This elaboration was perfomed by one of the most liberal persons on this forum.

Credibility is half the battle. You lose with your user name. Change it, maybe we will listen.

Maybe we won't.

Ah... the freedom of choice.

It's great to be allowed to disagree. I guess (some of) you boyz in texas have forgotten that.

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A few years ago I was attracted to participating in these forums spontaneously.

The positive, up beat, objective, informative and often amusing discussion about Thailand was very valuable to be.

Now more than not people who ask for advice or state impressions are tore into in the most sophmoric manner.

There are a couple ring leaders with their cronies and supporters that quite frankly, in my opinion, poison the atmosphere and mood of this board.

With a macho bravado, members are regulary flamed/ridiculed/criticized by other members,right to the edge of breaking the rules. But hold short as not to get banned.

I have nearly gotten "pulled in" on several occasions but have "bit my tongue" instead.

"Discretion is often the better part of valor."

Time quite frankly is too precious to waste trying to communicate ideas to what appear thick headed arrogant, possibly slightly brain damaged individuals.

In the old days it seemed there was a lot less moderating to be done. My guess is the moderators' jobs have gotten much more busy and difficult.

Everything changes. It just doesn't seem that things are changing for the better here.

I just wish people could speak their minds clearly without having to risk the verbal abuse or the cavalier ridicule of those who imagine to have it all figured out... :o

People are just waking about Thailand. I love your ideas that if one does not agree with you they not nice but calalier known it alls.

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