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Mood On The Board Deteriorating


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A few years ago I was attracted to participating in these forums spontaneously.

The positive, up beat, objective, informative and often amusing discussion about Thailand was very valuable to be.

Now more than not people who ask for advice or state impressions are tore into in the most sophmoric manner.

There are a couple ring leaders with their cronies and supporters that quite frankly, in my opinion, poison the atmosphere and mood of this board.

With a macho bravado, members are regulary flamed/ridiculed/criticized by other members,right to the edge of breaking the rules. But hold short as not to get banned.

I have nearly gotten "pulled in" on several occasions but have "bit my tongue" instead.

"Discretion is often the better part of valor."

Time quite frankly is too precious to waste trying to communicate ideas to what appear thick headed arrogant, possibly slightly brain damaged individuals.

In the old days it seemed there was a lot less moderating to be done. My guess is the moderators' jobs have gotten much more busy and difficult.

Everything changes. It just doesn't seem that things are changing for the better here.

I just wish people could speak their minds clearly without having to risk the verbal abuse or the cavalier ridicule of those who imagine to have it all figured out... :o


Whining is fine, if you're a whiner.

I thought I would refresh the original post. It appears some have gotten off track.

The good thing is that so many have repeatedly got to show their true colors.

Actually, "It all comes out in the wash."... :D

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Pepe, if you're easily provoked this is the wrong company. I fell for it at first too until it was clear to me that was exactly what this small minority wants. If you live there you'll have seen the types who post bilge, the expat bars would go out of business without them and many of them aren't true expats, just long stays with no aim in life. You give them their fun on a plate if you react. There are many reasonable posters on the board too, the bad apples aren't spoiling the whole forum. And don't forget it's free to users, not bad in this day and age. Don't give them the satisfaction of seeing you get stung. This thread alone should give you a good idea of who's worth a read and the no brainers only take a second or two to read anyway, with their total lack of sensible content.

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Pepe, if you're easily provoked this is the wrong company. I fell for it at first too until it was clear to me that was exactly what this small minority wants. If you live there you'll have seen the types who post bilge, the expat bars would go out of business without them and many of them aren't true expats, just long stays with no aim in life. You give them their fun on a plate if you react. There are many reasonable posters on the board too, the bad apples aren't spoiling the whole forum. And don't forget it's free to users, not bad in this day and age. Don't give them the satisfaction of seeing you get stung. This thread alone should give you a good idea of who's worth a read and the no brainers only take a second or two to read anyway, with their total lack of sensible content.


Hi qwertz,

When you're right you're right.

Point well taken. I do believe you've hit the nail on the head.

Good Health,


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Pepe, if you're easily provoked this is the wrong company. I fell for it at first too until it was clear to me that was exactly what this small minority wants. If you live there you'll have seen the types who post bilge, the expat bars would go out of business without them and many of them aren't true expats, just long stays with no aim in life. You give them their fun on a plate if you react. There are many reasonable posters on the board too, the bad apples aren't spoiling the whole forum. And don't forget it's free to users, not bad in this day and age. Don't give them the satisfaction of seeing you get stung. This thread alone should give you a good idea of who's worth a read and the no brainers only take a second or two to read anyway, with their total lack of sensible content.


Hi qwertz,

When you're right you're right.

Point well taken. I do believe you've hit the nail on the head.

Good Health,

its sounds like QWERTZ and DR PEPE should get a room together. :D

id love to see that. :o:D


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Good on yer Pepe, smoked another one out! 0.25 seconds read time for this one. No strain. 6 posts a day for 2 years - useful information content 0.1%. Is this a record?

I suspect Terry57 was the school bully in his first childhood. This thread is about the deteriorating mood on the board and he hands it to us on a plate when even a cretin would have got the message by now.

Terry57, you do yourself and your compatriots a disservice with the image you project. Overhaul your image before it's too late, I believe the Thais are not going to like this side of you and it's bad press for all normal farangs. Sincere advice from a real expat.

Edited by qwertz
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Rule 2 of the forum:

2) Posting another members personal details, photos or web site details is forbidden and will result in being banned. Excessive, aggressive posts against other members, moderators and admin; or flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is best defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, rants, and/or for launching personal attacks, insulting, being hateful, useless criticism, name calling, swearing and other bad behavior or comments meant to incite anger."

Take heed.

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A sincere public apology, Endure, I was a little over- eager to get the thread back on track again. Out of genuine interest. It won't happen again.

I haven't been following this thread at all, but why on earth are you apologizing for trying to get the thread back on track for? :o thats a good thing me would thinks

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I suspect Terry57 was the school bully in his first childhood. This thread is about the deteriorating mood on the board and he hands it to us on a plate when even a cretin would have got the message by now.

I haven't seen Terry sink to calling anyone a "cretin". He is actually quite gentle with the posters that stalk his every move.

Maybe some of his detractors need to look in a mirror for a change? :o

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I suspect Terry57 was the school bully in his first childhood. This thread is about the deteriorating mood on the board and he hands it to us on a plate when even a cretin would have got the message by now.

I haven't seen Terry sink to calling anyone a "cretin". He is actually quite gentle with the posters that stalk his every move.

Maybe some of his detractors need to look in a mirror for a change? :o

I have to agree.

I do not know Terry personally, but I find him to be harmless and funny.

He doesnt take life on the forum to seriously. Probably because in his real life he sees more drama, has more stress, and has to deal with very serious situations on a day by day basis, than most people would in a lifetime.

Trouble is some people take this forum far too seriously.

Chill out and enjoy folks :D

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As forum rules dictate the quality of the many varied topics, this thread in my humble opinion does not reflect the true sentiment of it,s members.

Rules are in place to prevent chaos and the majority of mods do a great job.

Without hopefully apprearing to be out of order, may i respectfully suggest that the few that do are relieved of this important duty and therefore standards applied across our splendid facility.

Certain senior members are guilty of forum manipulations that others would be sanctioned for and need to be penalised accordingly also.

This can only enhance what we already have, while showing / displaying fairness to all.

Otherwise it may appear in itself as a form of censorship, cause ill feeling and resentment and be counter productive.

marshbags :o

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Pepe, if you're easily provoked this is the wrong company. I fell for it at first too until it was clear to me that was exactly what this small minority wants. If you live there you'll have seen the types who post bilge, the expat bars would go out of business without them and many of them aren't true expats, just long stays with no aim in life. You give them their fun on a plate if you react. There are many reasonable posters on the board too, the bad apples aren't spoiling the whole forum. And don't forget it's free to users, not bad in this day and age. Don't give them the satisfaction of seeing you get stung. This thread alone should give you a good idea of who's worth a read and the no brainers only take a second or two to read anyway, with their total lack of sensible content.

excuse me mr quertz,

i think your drawing a very long bow to suggest that anyone who likes to have a laugh and dose'nt post seriously every single post is an inhabitant of " expat bars " and " not a true expat ". :D

considering your firing your gun at me in this debate, your assumption in the first instance could not be further from the truth.

to suggest that other like minded posters are not true expats is also incorrect as i know many do indeed live full time in thailand.

considering your such a stickler for fact's and also a member of the " FUN POLICE " i suggest you research your subject more closely before espousing what you consider to be fact, but in fact, is not factual. :bah:

maybe you and DR pepe could form a super branch of the " FUN POLICE " to patrol this forum and remove all the recalcitrants and fun loving people. :D

i think you would last about 2.5 seconds, as you would kill the spirit of this forum, resulting in an exodus of posters and sponsers, leaving the owners to work as street vendors to make some money. :o

i would like to suggest that it might be a good idea to lighten up a tad, as if the owners think about my above statement you could possibly find yourself " BANNED " for crimes against " THAIVISA ".

its not very nice to call me a " CRETIN " = ( noun ) = ( a stupid person who is deformed and mentally handicapped because of a congenial thyroid deficiency.) ;)

i would like to inform you that my thyroid is perfectly ok thank you.

but i must tell you that after a night out with " DAVID J TAYLER " the old thyroid can feel a bit crook. :o:D :D :D

thank you very much MR quertz. :bah:

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A sincere public apology, Endure, I was a little over- eager to get the thread back on track again. Out of genuine interest. It won't happen again.

I haven't been following this thread at all, but why on earth are you apologizing for trying to get the thread back on track for? :D thats a good thing me would thinks

get with the game grover will ya, :D

MR quertz got a big smack from endure because he called my top and respectful self a " CRETIN " :D

that is clearly a big NO NO , and was very disrespectful to myself.

actually, im of for some councilling as he wounded me deeply. :o:D

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get with the game grover will ya, :D

yes, maybe I was a bit slow there. :o

I guess I was expecting a 'sincere' apology to be more straightforward, such as

A sincere public apology. For flaming terry. It won't happen again.
instead of...
A sincere public apology, Endure, I was a little over- eager to get the thread back on track again. Out of genuine interest. It won't happen again.

anyway no big deal.

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Rule 2 of the forum:

2) Posting another members personal details, photos or web site details is forbidden and will result in being banned. Excessive, aggressive posts against other members, moderators and admin; or flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is best defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, rants, and/or for launching personal attacks, insulting, being hateful, useless criticism, name calling, swearing and other bad behavior or comments meant to incite anger."

Take heed.

I thought we were supposed to do all that!

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A sincere public apology, Endure, I was a little over- eager to get the thread back on track again. Out of genuine interest. It won't happen again.

I haven't been following this thread at all, but why on earth are you apologizing for trying to get the thread back on track for? :D thats a good thing me would thinks

get with the game grover will ya, :o

MR quertz got a big smack from endure because he called my top and respectful self a " CRETIN " :bah:

that is clearly a big NO NO , and was very disrespectful to myself.

actually, im of for some councilling as he wounded me deeply. :o:D

A 'CRETIN' could be construed as a 'small elf like simpleton' and although the Reverend Terence would fit the 'simpleton part' after 25 towers of dark German ales with the katoy 10 in the Rambutttri parish, he could no way be described as elf like... :D

Therefore I would like to propose 'LONG HOSED WOMBAT' as a more apt description for the fair and generous Reverend sir Terence... :bah::D

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A sincere public apology, Endure, I was a little over- eager to get the thread back on track again. Out of genuine interest. It won't happen again.

I haven't been following this thread at all, but why on earth are you apologizing for trying to get the thread back on track for? thats a good thing me would thinks

get with the game grover will ya,

MR quertz got a big smack from endure because he called my top and respectful self a " CRETIN " :bah:

that is clearly a big NO NO , and was very disrespectful to myself.

actually, im of for some councilling as he wounded me deeply. :D

A 'CRETIN' could be construed as a 'small elf like simpleton' and although the Reverend Terence would fit the 'simpleton part' after 25 towers of dark German ales with the katoy 10 in the Rambutttri parish, he could no way be described as elf like... :D

Therefore I would like to propose 'LONG HOSED WOMBAT' as a more apt description for the fair and generous Reverend sir Terence... :o


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And in my opinion, the mood of the board simply reflect the mood of posters. At this particular time, there are event occurring within Thailand, in the Middle East, in virtually every financial market and of course personal lives that all have an impact on the content of posts and hence,mood of the board.

I like Thai Visa exactly as it is now. There are many boards available where you can discuss virtually anything that you would like. There is a reason that Thai Visa is the largest Thai related website in Asia and in my opinion, I believe that reason is because of the the subject matter moderation.

One sensible post every six months is a good average. :o

Trouble is there's people online who post thousands of times and have the same average :D

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For the benefit of the board and its warring factions. We're all entitled to our opinions and it's nice to have a place to air them. I apologised publicly because I don't want the newer posters to think that flaming threads to death is the point of a forum and that beer bar banter is what we're all about. As one OP pointed out, I like a chuckle too but I'm man enough to apologise if my humour's misdirected. The apology to Endure was for making his task of moderating more difficult than usual. Don't mind me, please post on.

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A sincere public apology, Endure, I was a little over- eager to get the thread back on track again. Out of genuine interest. It won't happen again.

I haven't been following this thread at all, but why on earth are you apologizing for trying to get the thread back on track for? :D thats a good thing me would thinks

get with the game grover will ya, :D

MR quertz got a big smack from endure because he called my top and respectful self a " CRETIN " :D

that is clearly a big NO NO , and was very disrespectful to myself.

actually, im of for some councilling as he wounded me deeply. :o:D

Sorry, sir, you read my oblique shot wrong. I apologise to all cretins too for my unkind comment; you're absolutely right. IMHO the smack from the mod was well deserved .

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Now more than not people who ask for advice or state impressions are tore into in the most sophmoric manner.


There are always certain people on the web whose purpose in life is to drag people down. In real life they are constrained by the social norms of face to face contact. But on the net they can give vent to their frustrations and sadistic urges with no repercussions. This tells us a lot about the nature of the human race in general.

In some cases, however, some posters deserve to be pilloried: those who demonstrate wanton or irresponsible meanness toward others, either directly or by proxy.

For example-- in the Piss Test in Pai thread, some posters said some hapless middle-aged guy deserved to be harassed by cops just for buying drugs from hill people. Such people should be lambasted and their mean-spirited and illogical ethics taken apart.

In other cases, people pretend to make contributions to an OP's post, but really just make pompous speeches and say nothing substantial.

We have the choice about responding to such people, but it can be seen as a moral good to make sure other readers know that such opinions are not the norm and will not go unchallenged.


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Now more than not people who ask for advice or state impressions are tore into in the most sophmoric manner.


There are always certain people on the web whose purpose in life is to drag people down. In real life they are constrained by the social norms of face to face contact. But on the net they can give vent to their frustrations and sadistic urges with no repercussions. This tells us a lot about the nature of the human race in general.

In some cases, however, some posters deserve to be pilloried: those who demonstrate wanton or irresponsible meanness toward others, either directly or by proxy.

For example-- in the Piss Test in Pai thread, some posters said some hapless middle-aged guy deserved to be harassed by cops just for buying drugs from hill people. Such people should be lambasted and their mean-spirited and illogical ethics taken apart.

In other cases, people pretend to make contributions to an OP's post, but really just make pompous speeches and say nothing substantial.

We have the choice about responding to such people, but it can be seen as a moral good to make sure other readers know that such opinions are not the norm and will not go unchallenged.


Right on track and very well said.

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I don't feel the mood on the board has changed, in fact I think this Forum is a cracker with some great characters! Lets appreciate the fact that we are able to post here - be it to have a laugh, share info, etc etc and most importantly not too take life too seriously, we all are aware of our own personal situation(s) in Thailand and yes things are changing everyday, we are lucky to be here in Thailand so lets make the most of it! Have a good weekend, steady on the somtam, and lao cao. Hic-cup 555555

KD :o

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Now more than not people who ask for advice or state impressions are tore into in the most sophmoric manner.


There are always certain people on the web whose purpose in life is to drag people down. In real life they are constrained by the social norms of face to face contact. But on the net they can give vent to their frustrations and sadistic urges with no repercussions. This tells us a lot about the nature of the human race in general.

In some cases, however, some posters deserve to be pilloried: those who demonstrate wanton or irresponsible meanness toward others, either directly or by proxy.

For example-- in the Piss Test in Pai thread, some posters said some hapless middle-aged guy deserved to be harassed by cops just for buying drugs from hill people. Such people should be lambasted and their mean-spirited and illogical ethics taken apart.

In other cases, people pretend to make contributions to an OP's post, but really just make pompous speeches and say nothing substantial.

We have the choice about responding to such people, but it can be seen as a moral good to make sure other readers know that such opinions are not the norm and will not go unchallenged.


Good points all. One thing though - and this isn't to defend myself as I participated in this thread too.

Stories like that one only ever showed one side of the story. All to often we hear stories from punters who's lives, for some reason or another, has been affected by authority here in some way.

I think the natural reaction of too many people on this board is to be terribly dismissive of government here in Thailand. This goes from police, to immigration, MFA, and to current controversies where people feel like they can just bag away the current government.

I apply a couple of rules here. If I wouldn't do it at home, then I really shouldn't do it here. Call me Mr Goodie Two Shoes if you want. Don't do drugs (example) and don't do that illegal U turn unless you want to get a fine or shell out a 200baht tip. Simply, don't leave your brain on the plane.

Secondly, I actually wonder how many people here actually give the authorities the benefit of the doubt on some of these matters, that they were actually doing their jobs, and the right thing. It is OK to moan about getting treated badly, but in my experience, at a day to day level, you usually get treated fairly (though sometime burecratically) by authorities, and they do their (usually excellent jobs) in an enviornment which is underfunded, under resourced and where there is immense pressure to do certain things at the behest of not so desirable Phuu Yai.

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Now more than not people who ask for advice or state impressions are tore into in the most sophmoric manner.


There are always certain people on the web whose purpose in life is to drag people down. In real life they are constrained by the social norms of face to face contact. But on the net they can give vent to their frustrations and sadistic urges with no repercussions. This tells us a lot about the nature of the human race in general.

In some cases, however, some posters deserve to be pilloried: those who demonstrate wanton or irresponsible meanness toward others, either directly or by proxy.

For example-- in the Piss Test in Pai thread, some posters said some hapless middle-aged guy deserved to be harassed by cops just for buying drugs from hill people. Such people should be lambasted and their mean-spirited and illogical ethics taken apart.

In other cases, people pretend to make contributions to an OP's post, but really just make pompous speeches and say nothing substantial.

We have the choice about responding to such people, but it can be seen as a moral good to make sure other readers know that such opinions are not the norm and will not go unchallenged.


Good points all. One thing though - and this isn't to defend myself as I participated in this thread too.

Stories like that one only ever showed one side of the story. All to often we hear stories from punters who's lives, for some reason or another, has been affected by authority here in some way.

I think the natural reaction of too many people on this board is to be terribly dismissive of government here in Thailand. This goes from police, to immigration, MFA, and to current controversies where people feel like they can just bag away the current government.

I apply a couple of rules here. If I wouldn't do it at home, then I really shouldn't do it here. Call me Mr Goodie Two Shoes if you want. Don't do drugs (example) and don't do that illegal U turn unless you want to get a fine or shell out a 200baht tip. Simply, don't leave your brain on the plane.

Secondly, I actually wonder how many people here actually give the authorities the benefit of the doubt on some of these matters, that they were actually doing their jobs, and the right thing. It is OK to moan about getting treated badly, but in my experience, at a day to day level, you usually get treated fairly (though sometime burecratically) by authorities, and they do their (usually excellent jobs) in an enviornment which is underfunded, under resourced and where there is immense pressure to do certain things at the behest of not so desirable Phuu Yai.

Give the authorities the benefit of the doubt? Wow, that concept never occured to me, and I hope that it never does again. I can't imagine any instance in which it is not appropriate to at least grant myself the right to question authority. To question anything and everything. The basis of a sense of humor is the interjection of possibilities not yet thought of. Authority, or habit, is often full of assumptions that could use a little prodding.

I've taken up the opinion that those who rely heavily on rules and regulations as their moral backbone lack faith in reason and the individuals ability to perceive his immediate situation and the context clearly enough to make nuanced value decisions more moral than a rule ever could. I suspect that those who rely on rules, the rule of parents, the rule of society, the rule of God, don't trust reason and the capacity of honest men and women to be more just than the law can be.

Think of the Neurenburg trials. It is not a defense to say that you were just following orders. It is no defence to your morality to go along with the status quo. Our duty goes farther than that.

And if you've had some experiences with local authorities, you'd also be wise not to be spendthrift with your trust.

As for the mood on the board, I've been posting for four years (with some long absences after being bored with the place, or after being banned for being politically incorrect). I haven't noticed the mood getting better or worse - there are still a bunch of mean spirited jock know nothings who love the sound of their own splattering spew, and there are still some thoughtful and insightful posters who make me both jealous and happy for their wit and wisdom.

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wll then Jamman,

you have your experiences, and I have mine.

Do I question, hel_l yes, and all the time. But there are ways of doing it and not doing it. I have and do get my way with Thai burecracy, but I know my rights and I know enough not to be stupid to be on the wrong side of law to begin with. Anything from tax, getting an ID card, passport, getting in and out of the country as a Dual national, dealing with police, and working with the civil service. Been there, done that and still doing it.

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wll then Jamman,

you have your experiences, and I have mine.

Do I question, hel_l yes, and all the time. But there are ways of doing it and not doing it. I have and do get my way with Thai burecracy, but I know my rights and I know enough not to be stupid to be on the wrong side of law to begin with. Anything from tax, getting an ID card, passport, getting in and out of the country as a Dual national, dealing with police, and working with the civil service. Been there, done that and still doing it.

Well then, perhaps we agree. Work the system as it is, so that it doesn't smack you down. If we have a difference of attitude, it would be our respect and trust for rules. I agree that we have to work with the system. I don't agree that it therefore deserves respect and trust.

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The board seems about the same to me. Perhaps a little to "chat" oriented and less message driven. What I find odd however. is the amount of input in this thread, about how the board has changed, coming from posters who have been posting here only a few weeks.

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wll then Jamman,

you have your experiences, and I have mine.

Do I question, hel_l yes, and all the time. But there are ways of doing it and not doing it. I have and do get my way with Thai burecracy, but I know my rights and I know enough not to be stupid to be on the wrong side of law to begin with. Anything from tax, getting an ID card, passport, getting in and out of the country as a Dual national, dealing with police, and working with the civil service. Been there, done that and still doing it.

Well then, perhaps we agree. Work the system as it is, so that it doesn't smack you down. If we have a difference of attitude, it would be our respect and trust for rules. I agree that we have to work with the system. I don't agree that it therefore deserves respect and trust.

I've never said the whole system deserves respect. Indeed, many parts don't. Courts and Judiciary come to mind (with some noble exceptions). But, for the most part, they don't concern the day to day lives of most punters here. I reckon Thailand has made great strides in many administrative areas, and these are the ones that most people on this board would come in contact with. And for the most part, things are as clear and transparent as you'd expect anywhere. In some cases, I'd argue, they are more efficient that back at home (and I've lived in OZ, Thailand and the UK).

There are people who I have worked with, comitted people, who devote their entire careers for change. They win some, they lose some. To expect them in the majority however is naive, as even in our home countries, effective change agents come along maybe once a generation.

I'm happy to be a mod here a TV as it is a great board for people to be made aware of how things work. Many people are in the dark about many things, and when things don't initally go their way, they lash out...which I don't think is fair. TV provides the opportunity for those in the know to say "you need to look at A, B, and THEN C."

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14) Multiple accounts on the Thaivisa Forum are not permitted. Any member found to have more than one account will be suspended. Suspended or Banned members found creating additional accounts will be banned.
As for the mood on the board, I've been posting for four years (with some long absences after being bored with the place, or after being banned for being politically incorrect).

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Care to revise your longevity?

Checking your account history you have never been suspended, banned or disabled.

Warned once only due to your sig.

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