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Mood On The Board Deteriorating


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don't make come over there and track you down......

This wabbit's been hunted before, knows how to deal with hunters....



On a more on topic note, it is interesting to read how this thread is progressing.

I put up one post I couldn't resist, and it was perhaps a wee bit inflammatory, to JR Texas on the first page, which was an uncalled for post on my part. I was also a wee bit pished at the time of writing (what you get for checking in after a long night out). Checking back on it though, I think it's a decent post, I spoke my piece (without knowing JR texas, nor having seen his posts before) and he's responded eloquently.

In future I shall observe his posts knowing that teeny bit more about his style/outlook on here, and I see that as a growing mutual respect that grows between many posters on here.

I've always said that tv.com to me is a bit like your pub local (maybe I should make an honourary mention of the expat services/tourist helpdesk factor).

In your pub local, you've always to be new one day. and the regulars will likely ignore you or tease you in the beginning. Everybody treads waters, tries and tests them for comfort. And maybe you like the crowd at the bar, or maybe you like the crowd around the darts board, or maybe prefer the table round the back.

I got a bit of it in the beginning too, and have approached it the same way I'll approach any pub in any town.

Every now and then, when someone crosses the line, I'll re-indicate it clearly. Mostly I have a laugh and a joke and muck about.

And, as in aforementioned local, every now and then a punter comes in with a interesting question, or a interesting topic of conversation. Or an interesting point of view. If I respond to any of those given points of view, it's precisely because I express an interest. I may challenge a point of view. Even to the point of playing devil's advocate to test the O.P, despite agreeing with them. The show is on then.

Of course, JR Texas may be out hunting me down right now, which would really suck.

Kayo :D :D

PS: I'm one of the guys sat at the bar, usually.

If a nice lass comes in, maybe I'll take a table to get her away from those annoying punters at the bar... :D

Edited by kayo
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Thank you kayo and IJWT. I think this thread alone is proof that you can send the right message to newbies like me, seeking information or stating a point of view. It should be about friendship and the tolerance of long standing members might just start us off on the right track instead of us thinking that flaming is smart. BTW, TV is the best forum and full of good information. At least the nastiness is minimal.

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i would like to pass a comment on bedlam.

how can any one ever complain about, childlish humour, members forming clicks and aligning themselves with similar thinking posters, when some of the subjects that are raised, are tongue in cheek straight out rediculous rubbish.

its the way of bedlam, and thats why some members refuse to go there as its rediculous and silly. :o

depends what one considers humourous i suppose. :D

thank buddha we are all different as bedlam and this forum would not be here. :D

the reverend,


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I had a run in the other day with another member insulting me personally.

I had seen insults directed at others by this guy many times, but always kept my mouth shut as he was a well known member.

Then he pulled his crap with me.

I found myself so angry I gave in and lowered myself to insults as well.

I was so pissed I lost sleep.

I imagined myself tracking this guy down and pounding some manners in to him.

I ran the scenario over in my head as I plotted my revenge.....and when the final scene emerged.........

I would find a scared old man sitting at a computer.

That's it.

Fukc it, it's just a forum for people to chat.

Sometimes it pisses you off.

Mostly it's full of friendly people who honestly want to help if you have a problem, as many have helped me.

Thanks to all of you good folks here.

Thanks big fella,

Well said

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The thing is everyone has a right to their opinion. The problem is where do you draw the line in the sand. I have found that Thaivisa has gotten to P.C in many aspects where if one person takes the slightest offence to something then it is blocked or banned. There are many types here and many characters. Some are burned out from questions being asked time after time while others just bitter. I have not noticed much a change in tone I have just noticed alot of questions without much of a Thai flavour and they are more in the personal realm with a Thin connection to Thailand and maybe would help the one person but really not help group here as a whole and when it gets to that point it should then move to the personal messages not the open form.

Oh well

Chat nah don bai bai

Edited by Minburi
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From my own perspective you are right.

LOS is not the happy place it was when I arrived 25 years ago.

I feel very sad.

It's all a matter of opinion. I'm always happy to go to LOS but I didn't choose to live there. I'm an expat in Europe and I chose my guest country from a long list of plus and minuses. It would be too late for me to complain now even if I wanted to.

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there could not resist to " jam it up them " so to speak.


maybe if you followed it more consistantly you would find that the positive threads


I was wondering when you'd chime in.


Unfortunately you are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

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Mood On The Board Deteriorating ?

It's hard to keep upbeat with muggings, and shootings going on everywhere, the place has changed so fast, now you have hordes of young guys on bikes roaming around many of them carrying guns, can't realy blame the boys in brown not wanting to get involved as these young guys are not afraid of useing their guns, what policeman wants to get shot by some screwed up 17 year old kid ?

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Mood On The Board Deteriorating ?

It's hard to keep upbeat with muggings, and shootings going on everywhere, the place has changed so fast, now you have hordes of young guys on bikes roaming around many of them carrying guns, can't realy blame the boys in brown not wanting to get involved as these young guys are not afraid of useing their guns, what policeman wants to get shot by some screwed up 17 year old kid ?

Err I hope your tour in Baghdad won't last much longer.

Bangkok is still quiet and a brief sejour would probably

relieve you stressed nerves.


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there could not resist to " jam it up them " so to speak.


maybe if you followed it more consistantly you would find that the positive threads


I was wondering when you'd chime in.


Unfortunately you are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

excuse me DR PEPE,

could you please extend me the courtesy of a person of the cloth, as im now presiding over the " parish rambuttri "

i am now known as the reverend " terence" of bangkok, and all my followers address me as such. :D


since your a top doctor, is there any chance of a free prostrate check. :D:o:D

thank you very much, :bah:

the good reverend,


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is there any chance of a free prostrate check. unsure.gif cheesy.gif w00t.gif


Interesting, you read minds as well. :o

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Maybe something like a limit of two posts/day/thread/poster is the answer. Would stop the thread becoming a chat. Would stop the thread being dominated by one or two posters as so often happens. Would calm tempers. Dunno if it's technically possible, but I'd like to see something like that. Encourages diversity.

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Err I hope your tour in Baghdad won't last much longer.

Bangkok is still quiet and a brief sejour would probably

relieve you stressed nerves.


Mabe your area of Bangkok is quiet ? But Im talking about young motorbike gangs in pattaya, they don't mix too nicely with the gangs from Chonburi or Sattahip, I should have quoted Im not from Bangkok Im from Gun city.

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Back in the Gentleman, Butterfly, Georgie-Porgie, Erco days everything on TV was positive, sincere and carefree. :D

:D Oh Yes!

on topic: Pepe, a lot of the newer posters have large poles rammed up their asses, so the discomfort must be spilling over onto the forum floor - literally! :o

I just think that most farang males in Thailand are of the Alpha type as they know what they want in life (thats why they are here) and when you get like minded people in "one room" feathers will get ruffled. You also get the I love Thailand crowd that are just anti anything in regard to complaining about farangs complaining :D you get my meaning.

post less Pepe, call a spade a spade and dont care what they write.

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Back in the Gentleman, Butterfly, Georgie-Porgie, Erco days everything on TV was positive, sincere and carefree. :D

:D Oh Yes!

on topic: Pepe, a lot of the newer posters have large poles rammed up their asses, so the discomfort must be spilling over onto the forum floor - literally! :o

I just think that most farang males in Thailand are of the Alpha type as they know what they want in life (thats why they are here) and when you get like minded people in "one room" feathers will get ruffled. You also get the I love Thailand crowd that are just anti anything in regard to complaining about farangs complaining :D you get my meaning.

post less Pepe, call a spade a spade and dont care what they write.

I'm with Tornado on this. :D

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LOS is not the happy place it was when I arrived 25 years ago.

I feel very sad.

the first time i arrived in "LOS" was more than 33 years ago (nov 1973). at that time LOS was LOS and until this very day LOS is LOS and will remain LOS beyond the date we jump into our graves or are cremated.

no whining or complaining of some sissies will change that fact! :o

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LOS is not the happy place it was when I arrived 25 years ago.

I feel very sad.

the first time i arrived in "LOS" was more than 33 years ago (nov 1973). at that time LOS was LOS and until this very day LOS is LOS and will remain LOS beyond the date we jump into our graves or are cremated.

no whining or complaining of some sissies will change that fact! :o

Thank you for that clarification. :D We can now safely say that LOS is indeed LOS, and will ......

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don't make come over there and track you down......

This wabbit's been hunted before, knows how to deal with hunters....



On a more on topic note, it is interesting to read how this thread is progressing.

I put up one post I couldn't resist, and it was perhaps a wee bit inflammatory, to JR Texas on the first page, which was an uncalled for post on my part. I was also a wee bit pished at the time of writing (what you get for checking in after a long night out). Checking back on it though, I think it's a decent post, I spoke my piece (without knowing JR texas, nor having seen his posts before) and he's responded eloquently.

In future I shall observe his posts knowing that teeny bit more about his style/outlook on here, and I see that as a growing mutual respect that grows between many posters on here.

I've always said that tv.com to me is a bit like your pub local (maybe I should make an honourary mention of the expat services/tourist helpdesk factor).

In your pub local, you've always to be new one day. and the regulars will likely ignore you or tease you in the beginning. Everybody treads waters, tries and tests them for comfort. And maybe you like the crowd at the bar, or maybe you like the crowd around the darts board, or maybe prefer the table round the back.

I got a bit of it in the beginning too, and have approached it the same way I'll approach any pub in any town.

Every now and then, when someone crosses the line, I'll re-indicate it clearly. Mostly I have a laugh and a joke and muck about.

And, as in aforementioned local, every now and then a punter comes in with a interesting question, or a interesting topic of conversation. Or an interesting point of view. If I respond to any of those given points of view, it's precisely because I express an interest. I may challenge a point of view. Even to the point of playing devil's advocate to test the O.P, despite agreeing with them. The show is on then.

Of course, JR Texas may be out hunting me down right now, which would really suck.

Kayo :D :D

PS: I'm one of the guys sat at the bar, usually.

If a nice lass comes in, maybe I'll take a table to get her away from those annoying punters at the bar... :D

JR Texas to Kayo: For the record, I don't hunt and do not like violence. And the JR Texas thing comes from a show that I liked way back in the Stone Age.

It is nice to know that people can agree to disagree. We might have far more in common than meets the eye. I am solution oriented. Yes, I get frustrated when others do not agree with me. And sometimes I do go a bit too far in showing my frustration.

Maybe I went too far in my original post........but I was stating my sincere belief given past experiences on the Forum.

Another poster said something about too many "Alpha males "on this forum coupled with the "Love LOS and don't tell me anything bad about it" crowd. Very insightful!

Some people really dislike so-called "negativism." They want to remain in a "positive state of mind." They assume that any person saying anything negative is somehow mentally screwed up or depressed or down on his luck, etc. Not true! Can you say JFK, MLK, Robert Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, etc., etc.

These men were some of the most positive people America has ever seen. They spoke out against the negative. They did that because they wanted to make things better, not worse.

The words of Abraham Lincoln are clear on this point: "To sin by silence when we should speak out, makes cowards out of men." That may not be the exact quote, but it is close to the original and the point is clear: It is important for responsible people to point out the "negative."

JFK also said something insightful: "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable." In part, he was talking about censorship.....the inability to speak your mind.

I think some people feel that some lines of thought on the Forum are being pushed off into the land of oblivion for reasons that have nothing to do with the quality of the posts. I am not going to accuse anyone of censorship. I am just pointing out that it is important for free people to speak freely.

Perhaps if the so-called "positive thinkers" on this thread (the people I think are, for the most part, conservatives...that is, people that think that FOX news is really news) would consider the possibility that criticism is not necessarily a bad thing, things might improve. On the other side, perhaps "liberals" need to be a bit more tolerant of other points of view. PEACE! :D

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Back in the Gentleman, Butterfly, Georgie-Porgie, Erco days everything on TV was positive, sincere and carefree. :D

:D Oh Yes!

on topic: Pepe, a lot of the newer posters have large poles rammed up their asses, so the discomfort must be spilling over onto the forum floor - literally! :o

I just think that most farang males in Thailand are of the Alpha type as they know what they want in life (thats why they are here) and when you get like minded people in "one room" feathers will get ruffled. You also get the I love Thailand crowd that are just anti anything in regard to complaining about farangs complaining :D you get my meaning.

post less Pepe, call a spade a spade and dont care what they write.

Perhaps a new life and an attractive younger woman creates what they consider to be an Alpha male, and they roar from behind the safety of the keyboard.

I lived in the PI for three years and never saw a fraction of this constant ego tripping, but most of the expats there seemed to be retired US military guys with a lot of experience in Asia and absolutely nothing to prove to anyone.

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JR (where's bobby? :D )

Very eloquent post. :D

November rain, I think they did, yet not before they'd each to a man made tremendous leaps and bounds in terms of cutting the shackles of censorship and bigotry on a massive scale, in terms of the human race. I'd add Ghandi and a few others too.

again to JR :o

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November rain, I think they did, yet not before they'd each to a man made tremendous leaps and bounds in terms of cutting the shackles of censorship and bigotry on a massive scale, in terms of the human race. I'd add Ghandi and a few others too.

I have a feeling that was a subliminal point JR was trying to make, anybody who makes waves in a positive manner against the establishment will inevitably fall by the sword, fortunately as partly stated their words are often mightier, and continue to flourish, rather than the sword that cut them down prematurely.

Just my take on his words, mind.

Good Luck


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Maybe a philosophical observation, but 25 years *or* 33 years is a long time historically or psychologically... maybe those who remember Thailand as that "happy place" 25 years ago or more are simply remembering how happy they were when they were younger and things were simpler or easier? Of course, Thailand itself seems to be getting less simple for me in the short time I've been here- so maybe they're right, too.

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Maybe a philosophical observation, but 25 years *or* 33 years is a long time historically or psychologically... maybe those who remember Thailand as that "happy place" 25 years ago or more are simply remembering how happy they were when they were younger and things were simpler or easier? Of course, Thailand itself seems to be getting less simple for me in the short time I've been here- so maybe they're right, too.

Large statistical studies have shown that people tend to get happier as they age. We also edit out bad memories. Times were not happier when we were younger - for most of us they are happier now. Things also were never simpler or easier. Unless your memories are implanted to you from the myths of Olde Tyme movies.

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