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Mood On The Board Deteriorating


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Excuse me Father but I've tidied up your text a bit. The corrections are in blue.

Excuse me Dr Pepe, could you please extend me some courtesy, as I am a person of the cloth, & I'm now presiding over the "Parish Rambuttri".

I am now known as the Reverend "Terence" of Bangkok, and all my followers address me as such. :D

Anyway, since you're a top doctor, is there any chance of a free prostrate check? :D:o:D

Thank you very much. :D

The Good Reverend Terence.

BTW, how are the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence?

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I see a load of people on this, and other, threads griping on about "ThaiVisa/Bedlam has gone downhill and is no longer the witty, informative, serious discussion forum blah blah blah that it used to be years ago".

Never forget people nostalgia aint what it used to be. :o

As for terry57 being part of the problem, I remember a thread he started regarding farangs wearing yellow shirts as a mark of respect for H.M. the King. A reasonable question and good post, yes? No! Dragged down into the highbrow abyss by folks with nothing to input but snide comments about his place of residence and veiled references to academic thinkers hiding behind forum rules. Oh, and doing an English "teacher's" grammatical and spelling check and marking of his submissions.

The one thing that p1sses me off a little is the attitude amongst some that newbies, oh how I hate that term, are somehow little children devoid of any knowledge of life in Thailand. It doesn't matter how long a person has lived in Thailand he/she is a "newbie" if they have just joined TV. Some people can live an eternity in Thailand and still be ignorant of some of the basic facts.

Anyhow, I always keep in mind that ThaiVisa is not the debating chamber of the United Nations but some little chat room with a central theme of Thailand. If someone posts a serious question I'll give a (fairly) serious answer (if I have some info that could be useful) but if they post a "Why do the Thais never understand me when I ask for a splash of lemonade in my Carlsberg" thread I'll take the p1ss.

Those are my opinions, if you don't like them I got others. :D (with thanks to Groucho)

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Quote Philharries:

The one thing that p1sses me off a little is the attitude amongst some that newbies, oh how I hate that term, are somehow little children devoid of any knowledge of life in Thailand. It doesn't matter how long a person has lived in Thailand he/she is a "newbie" if they have just joined TV. Some people can live an eternity in Thailand and still be ignorant of some of the basic facts.

Anyhow, I always keep in mind that ThaiVisa is not the debating chamber of the United Nations but some little chat room with a central theme of Thailand. If someone posts a serious question I'll give a (fairly) serious answer (if I have some info that could be useful) but if they post a "Why do the Thais never understand me when I ask for a splash of lemonade in my Carlsberg" thread I'll take the p1ss.

Quote qwertz: Correct on all points, PH. Depends on what you want from a forum - in my case, friendly contact and a chuckle and I've made some friends already ( see my join date). But you don't get a second chance to make a first impression and There's a thin line between joshing and putdowns. I can understand both sides here but a newbie on the board is not necessarily a newbie to LOS. I post on other forums which have some real condescending, destructive types and grammar police and I can at least say that TV is the most friendly.

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Maybe a philosophical observation, but 25 years *or* 33 years is a long time historically or psychologically... maybe those who remember Thailand as that "happy place" 25 years ago or more are simply remembering how happy they were when they were younger and things were simpler or easier? Of course, Thailand itself seems to be getting less simple for me in the short time I've been here- so maybe they're right, too.

Large statistical studies have shown that people tend to get happier as they age. We also edit out bad memories. Times were not happier when we were younger - for most of us they are happier now. Things also were never simpler or easier. Unless your memories are implanted to you from the myths of Olde Tyme movies.

Do you think Cambodians hark back to the 70s?

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Large statistical studies have shown that people tend to get happier as they age. We also edit out bad memories. Times were not happier when we were younger - for most of us they are happier now. Things also were never simpler or easier. Unless your memories are implanted to you from the myths of Olde Tyme movies.

Statistics are like a lamp-post to a drunken man, more for leaning on than illumination. If someone on the board is getting you down, look at him through the prongs of a fork and imagine him in jail.

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Large statistical studies have shown that people tend to get happier as they age. We also edit out bad memories. Times were not happier when we were younger - for most of us they are happier now. Things also were never simpler or easier. Unless your memories are implanted to you from the myths of Olde Tyme movies.

Statistics are like a lamp-post to a drunken man, more for leaning on than illumination. If someone on the board is getting you down, look at him through the prongs of a fork and imagine him in jail.

That's a wise tip, A. I can't do this with people I can't see but here at home when someone irks me, I close my eyes for a second and imagine them stripped naked. I have a good imagination and the image makes me smile instead of hitting back.

Edited by qwertz
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That's the first time I ever heard you describe yourself as normal - I thought that you were a prince-among-men - or something like that!

Where have you been? On holiday again?

Actually, 'Don' is a brand of processed meat, which is sold in Australia. This is where the,"Is Don, is good" thing comes from.thegodfathervu0.gif

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If certain posters annoy you, then choose the ignore function, quite a few members do that.

That's easier said than done Bronco.

It's difficult to ignore annoying posters when they decimate every thread you may be interested in.

There are now groups of posters who seem to take over every thread they are attracted to and turn them into quasi chat rooms. Then, often with little regard for the topic or the OP, they, and their followers, flood it with self aggrandisement and back slapping childish humour.

Their style of chat, instead of on topic posts, means they qualify for Bedlam in record time, and they have now taken over that forum and destroyed the balance of humour, bawdiness and serious discussion that was the hallmark of the place.

Dare I use the word clique (we know what happenned to the last thread!), but there

are groups, and individuals, who have divided their fellow posters into the "cool" kids and the others. I feel like I'm back in high school (Only then I was in the cool group)

Anyway, that's my whinge. No doubt they'll have fun with it.

Grumpy Old Croc

I concur with OC 100%. Tis the truth.

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That's the first time I ever heard you describe yourself as normal - I thought that you were a prince-among-men - or something like that!

Where have you been? On holiday again?

First day back from holidays.

Well normal for someone of my nature.

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Maybe a philosophical observation, but 25 years *or* 33 years is a long time historically or psychologically... maybe those who remember Thailand as that "happy place" 25 years ago or more are simply remembering how happy they were when they were younger and things were simpler or easier? Of course, Thailand itself seems to be getting less simple for me in the short time I've been here- so maybe they're right, too.

Large statistical studies have shown that people tend to get happier as they age. We also edit out bad memories. Times were not happier when we were younger - for most of us they are happier now. Things also were never simpler or easier. Unless your memories are implanted to you from the myths of Olde Tyme movies.

Do you think Cambodians hark back to the 70s?

Ya, Cambodians have a simpler, harsher life than most. My comment that things were not simpler in our own past was meant to mean something along the lines of "nostalgia isn't what it used to be". It is common for us to edit out the bad memories, and I don't personally believe that the human condition has much changed in my lifetime. The basic struggles are the same, and our need for drama often makes us seek complications. I know that individuals lives will vary, but the two facts that generally people learn to be happier as they age, and that people edit out their bad memories, suggests that on the whole, peoples lives actually are better now than they remember them being in the past. I certainly am happier year by year, and I've seen the same thing happen to my father.

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Large statistical studies have shown that people tend to get happier as they age. We also edit out bad memories. Times were not happier when we were younger - for most of us they are happier now. Things also were never simpler or easier. Unless your memories are implanted to you from the myths of Olde Tyme movies.

Statistics are like a lamp-post to a drunken man, more for leaning on than illumination. If someone on the board is getting you down, look at him through the prongs of a fork and imagine him in jail.

I don't understand that comment about statistics not having any power of illumination. Numbers are a very valuable way to get insight about our world.

I often hear people talking dirty about statistics, and not once have I ever seen a clear example of why. All I hear are vague generalizations about how statistics can be used to mean "anything", in the same way that the Bible can be used to mean anything. Just silly smear talk, with no logic behind it, and never applied specifically to the concrete argument at hand. People do tend to get happier as they age, and the large statistical studies that show this are illuminating.

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Large statistical studies have shown that people tend to get happier as they age. We also edit out bad memories. Times were not happier when we were younger - for most of us they are happier now. Things also were never simpler or easier. Unless your memories are implanted to you from the myths of Olde Tyme movies.

Statistics are like a lamp-post to a drunken man, more for leaning on than illumination. If someone on the board is getting you down, look at him through the prongs of a fork and imagine him in jail.

I don't understand that comment about statistics not having any power of illumination. Numbers are a very valuable way to get insight about our world.

I often hear people talking dirty about statistics, and not once have I ever seen a clear example of why. All I hear are vague generalizations about how statistics can be used to mean "anything", in the same way that the Bible can be used to mean anything. Just silly smear talk, with no logic behind it, and never applied specifically to the concrete argument at hand. People do tend to get happier as they age, and the large statistical studies that show this are illuminating.

"Liars can figure & figures can lie".

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"Liars can figure & figures can lie".

There may be some times and some ways that statistics can mis lead. That has no bearing on a specific example - either debate the numbers or not, show how they are relevant or not - smearing numbers is lame and meaningless.

Edited by jamman
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If you want the rainbow, you've gotta put up with the rain - do you know which philosopher said that? dolly parton. and people say she's just a big pair of tits.

she also said "It costs an awfull lot of money to look this cheap"

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If certain posters annoy you, then choose the ignore function, quite a few members do that.

That's easier said than done Bronco.

It's difficult to ignore annoying posters when they decimate every thread you may be interested in.

There are now groups of posters who seem to take over every thread they are attracted to and turn them into quasi chat rooms. Then, often with little regard for the topic or the OP, they, and their followers, flood it with self aggrandisement and back slapping childish humour.

Their style of chat, instead of on topic posts, means they qualify for Bedlam in record time, and they have now taken over that forum and destroyed the balance of humour, bawdiness and serious discussion that was the hallmark of the place.

Dare I use the word clique (we know what happenned to the last thread!), but there

are groups, and individuals, who have divided their fellow posters into the "cool" kids and the others. I feel like I'm back in high school (Only then I was in the cool group)

Anyway, that's my whinge. No doubt they'll have fun with it.

Grumpy Old Croc

I concur with OC 100%. Tis the truth.

Am I in or out of the "clique"? :o

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"Liars can figure & figures can lie".

There may be some times and some ways that statistics can mis lead. That has no bearing on a specific example - either debate the numbers or not, show how they are relevant or not - smearing numbers is lame and meaningless.

this is getting a little :o

No it's not. I detect a smidgen of animosity.


Edited by elkangorito
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this is getting a little :o

No it's not. I detect a smidgen of animosity.


The topic is animosity on the board, not the semantics of statistics.

Where is the animosity? Did you catch it in the tone of my voice?

Still off-topic.

Edited by The Dan Sai Kid
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this is getting a little :o

No it's not. I detect a smidgen of animosity.


The topic is animosity on the board, not the semantics of statistics.

Where is the animosity? Did you catch it in the tone of my voice?

Still off-topic.

What about the semantics of statistics?

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If certain posters annoy you, then choose the ignore function, quite a few members do that.

That's easier said than done Bronco.

It's difficult to ignore annoying posters when they decimate every thread you may be interested in.

There are now groups of posters who seem to take over every thread they are attracted to and turn them into quasi chat rooms. Then, often with little regard for the topic or the OP, they, and their followers, flood it with self aggrandisement and back slapping childish humour.

Their style of chat, instead of on topic posts, means they qualify for Bedlam in record time, and they have now taken over that forum and destroyed the balance of humour, bawdiness and serious discussion that was the hallmark of the place.

Dare I use the word clique (we know what happenned to the last thread!), but there

are groups, and individuals, who have divided their fellow posters into the "cool" kids and the others. I feel like I'm back in high school (Only then I was in the cool group)

Anyway, that's my whinge. No doubt they'll have fun with it.

Grumpy Old Croc

I concur with OC 100%. Tis the truth.

Am I in or out of the "clique"? :o

Actually, Mr G, I would have said "no" to that (bearing in mind who I imagined was in). The fact that DSK answered in the affirmative makes me think that more of us (me included) are in than I thought. Maybe I was right in another thread; only "Old Guard" are welcome... :D

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I thought I answered in the negative. If you have to ask then you don't know - if you don't know then you aren't.

I'm a don't know :o

How about if you think you know, but you might be wrong? You know that you can't ask, because then it's a definite no. So, you just say nothing, thinking you are, but are you? How can you find out (you wouldn't want to lose face)? Is there perhaps someone that we all know is, that could clarify if we are or are not ourselves? That person, of course, wouldn't be me - for sure.

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"Liars can figure & figures can lie".

There may be some times and some ways that statistics can mis lead. That has no bearing on a specific example - either debate the numbers or not, show how they are relevant or not - smearing numbers is lame and meaningless.

How can anyone either debate or smear numbers that you have not prvided?

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