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Strict surveillance of water-war zones, ‘safe’ splashing from pickups will be allowed


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2 hours ago, Captain 776 said:

The __________ that use those spray guns made from 1.5 inch PVC pipe should get a yr in jail.

I love a good time just like many, but then can shoot a powerful stream of water a good 10 meters and capable of causing injury and the dumb _________ using them will shoot u inthe face with them even if you are riding motorbike.


One yr in Pattaya I wanted to go back there beat the ________ that shot me in the face and chest with one loaded with ice water but I know I would have gotten the worst of it.


Songkran is really meant to gently dump a small container if water over the shoulder ofa person, not the nitwit antics that go on.

I lived here 14 yrs and inly gone to Songkran twice and no intention of attending another.

We usually leave Thailand from 12-20

"Songkran is really meant to "gently dump" a small container if water over the shoulder of a person, not the nitwit antics that go on"


Not even that - the theory is to "sprinkle" a little scented water over the hands of the recipient, and dab some talcum powder on their face.

Edited by sambum
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2 hours ago, ttrd said:

Have mercy - the law was changed back in 2008 raising the age from 18 to 20 so not that easy to remember ... :whistling:

As usual - stepping backwards in an attempt to resolve the problem!


I remember when they brought in "all day" drinking in Scotland, and the cynics said that the numbers of "drunks" would "go through the roof", but astonishingly - the opposite happened, and the numbers actually went down!


The reason apparently is that, when you are not governed by strict time limits on when you can consume alcohol, you tend to drink at a more leisurely pace. I think Scotland's evening opening hours were from 5 pm until 10 pm, so it was straight from work into the pub until closing time for many. Also, the amount of money available to spend on alcohol played a significant part in the reduction in figures, and people were spinning their "beer money" out over a longer period of time, hence less "drunks".


There are obviously exceptions to the rule, but for the most part, the streets of the likes of Glasgow are a lot safer than they used to be when all the pubs spewed their customers out at the same time!

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They said don’t use high pressure water guns does that mean I can’t use the water gun I bought that is electric powered and has to be mounted in to the back of the pickup truck which functions like the M-134 Minigun?  They should only ban the ice cold water on Songkran the ice cold water should be banned by the Geneva Convention.  


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I’m actually going to stock up on all the alcohol we’ll need for Songkran today for the whole family because I know what’s going to happen they’re probably going to implement the alcohol ban the day before Songkran if they do it at all.  I’ve already bought two cases of Beer Lao and I’m going to buy I’m not sure how much whiskey today if anyone wants any extra whiskey on Songkran when we’re out then they can just buy it at one of the mom and pop shops that’ll still be selling it regardless of whatever law they pass.  If they do decide to ban alcohol watch and see it’ll probably be announced a day or two before Songkran.  

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13 hours ago, dcnx said:

No enforcement, anything goes. As usual.

There might be a little bit of Enforcement in cities like Bangkok and Pattaya but not up here where I live thank God.  Up here where I live the police are pretty cool and they usually don’t mess with people unless you are out there just blatantly breaking the law and being extremely obvious about it.  On Songkran all the cops around here do is handle traffic control and since it’s a relatively small city compared to maybe Bangkok they don’t interfere with people just having a good time on Songkran.  I don’t think that will change this year so far my family’s plans are the same is that we are going out in the pickup truck and it’ll be just like every other Songkran.  Although I am stocking up on alcohol early in case of a ban and this weekend I’m probably gonna buy even more.  I already bought about 8 big water guns because it’s 3 days long, we have a lot of people, and those water guns usually last about one day before they break so I always buy extra water guns besides you never can have to much fire power out there on Songkran.  Lucky along the way there are people who provide extra water to reload with.  They always put a big barrel full of water in the back of the pickup truck.  I’m thinking about going with water balloons as well this year for some reason I’ve never seen anyone using water balloons on Songkran before.  I also had the idea of maybe using red food coloring in the water this year as long as that doesn’t burn anyone’s eyes or something because that would make it look like you’re firing tracer bullets or maybe a laser gun or something that’ll look cool at night after the sun goes down we usually go out early and stay out late and I always buy the really big water guns that have a little bit of range when you shoot.  I want to find a place that really does sell high powered water guns though that are more durable.  I might look around this weekend if I decide to stock up on more alcohol than what I already bought I already have plenty of everything including water guns.  I still might buy more and maybe some balloons and food coloring for the water after dark.  

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15 hours ago, dcnx said:

No enforcement, anything goes. As usual.

There might be a little bit of Enforcement in cities like Bangkok and Pattaya but not up here where I live thank God.  Up here where I live the police are pretty cool and they usually don’t mess with people unless you are out there just blatantly breaking the law and being extremely obvious about it.  On Songkran all the cops around here do is handle traffic control and since it’s a relatively small city compared to maybe Bangkok they don’t interfere with people just having a good time on Songkran.  I don’t think that will change this year so far my family’s plans are the same is that we are going out in the pickup truck and it’ll be just like every other Songkran.  Although I am stocking up on alcohol early in case of a ban and this weekend I’m probably gonna buy even more.  I already bought about 8 big water guns because it’s 3 days long, we have a lot of people, and those water guns usually last about one day before they break so I always buy extra water guns besides you never can have to much fire power out there on Songkran.  Lucky along the way there are people who provide extra water to reload with.  They always put a big barrel full of water in the back of the pickup truck.  I’m thinking about going with water balloons as well this year for some reason I’ve never seen anyone using water balloons on Songkran before.  I also had the idea of maybe using red food coloring in the water this year as long as that doesn’t burn anyone’s eyes or something because that would make it look like you’re firing tracer bullets or maybe a laser gun or something that’ll look cool at night after the sun goes down we usually go out early and stay out late and I always buy the really big water guns that have a little bit of range when you shoot.  I want to find a place that really does sell high powered water guns though that are more durable.  I might look around this weekend if I decide to stock up on more alcohol than what I already bought I already have plenty of everything including water guns.  I still might buy more and maybe some balloons and food coloring for the water after dark.  

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That’s weird my last post went through twice for some reason sorry about that.  Anyway before we go out in the pickup truck on Songkran I’m going to put together a 5 paragraph OPORD (OPERATIONS ORDER) first, and then I’ll brief the whole family on the route and the emergency alternate routes.  We’ll try to avoid all choke points along the route, of course during Songkran the entire area is one big choke point lol ????.  I’ll provide everyone with a water gun and brief everyone on which side of the vehicle they’re covering and their sectors of fire.  Lastly I’ll brief everyone on the 5 W’s who, what, where, why, and when.  


Then we’ll rehearse in the back of the pickup truck before we go out and practice emergency drills and responses the children included.  I’ll do a full combat OP preparation before we go out.  Whoever’s sitting in the front seat dry will be in charge of communications and video.  


Most importantly I will designate who’s in charge of the cooler full of liquor and beer as far as guarding it and handing out the alcohol.  The cooler full of alcoholic beverages is considered a “Sensitive Item”.  ????????????????


Most military veterans here in Thailand Army or Marines particularly would understand this joke and would probably find it funny but most people probably have no idea what the heck I’m talking about.  Well I don’t know most Marines probably wouldn’t get the joke either since they don’t bother to even have a plan before going on an operation and they probably have no idea what a 5 paragraph OP ORDER even is.  I’m just kidding if anyone reading this is an ex Marine.  

Edited by Jim7777
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On 4/3/2019 at 10:09 AM, TMNH said:

And as another poster noted, no "official" care re: over-loaded pickups  or enforcing traffic violation? Once a third world country, always a third world country. Leaders must have a distinct vision to stop the carnage on the roads...must have a vision to restore confidence in tourism as a whole....must underscore that tourism is the bread and butter for survival with Thai citizens in those tourist spots....I could go on and on, but I get winded "hoping" that eyes will finally open and somehow those in authority have an IQ over 80.

Leaders must have a distinct vision to stop the carnage on the roads...“. Gee I don’t know how about individual personal responsibility of citizens instead of depending on the government to solve every problem in the world by imposing their will on us and being authoritarian.  “Third world country”, have you ever been to a REAL third world country?  Because I have, several in fact and I don’t think you really know what a real third world country even is.  I’ve seen some of the worst places on earth and I can tell you that Thailand is a pretty nice place, it may not be the United States, Western Europe, or Japan but it’s a pretty nice place to retire if you’re used to traveling internationally and have seen a lot of the world, it’s not for everyone but it is a nice place to live.


All they can do is preach personal responsibility and have police out there ready to deal with problems.  Besides that it’s Songkran not that Purge movie, there are always gonna be accidents it’s not completely preventable.  Maybe we should all just be forced to stay in our homes and never go out and do anything then we’ll be safer right?  


Quit whining and enjoy Songkran, happy Songkran and cheer up dude!  Jeez!!!

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