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Ex-U.S. Vice President Biden, facing questions about touching women, says he'll respect 'personal space'


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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I don't feel sorry for him at all. It was his "side" that started all this PC rubbish in the first place, so he can deal with it now.

Having said that, are the usual suspects coming out to say what a horrible man he is and how all women should be believed?

Somehow I think they are keeping rather quiet.

this is the same side that ignored Teddy Kennedy and his  horrible deeds in Chappaquiddick leaving a woman to die like the coward he was.

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1 minute ago, johnnykak said:

but then again paying porn stars to keep quiet is so noble? you don't care about that do u? thats fine. do you care he lied and said it was fake news? of coarse not. thats fine.  i thought that accusing people after the fact later on was bad according to the kavanaugh thing- of thats right he was accused of rape- but thats a lie right. biden of coarse is a sexual predator because you say so lol. lock him up right? also did you listen to trump talk about his daughters? you think thats normal behavior? lol.

no, but he did threaten Ukrainian govt to change prosecutors that were looking into his son's financial payouts

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2 hours ago, mikebike said:

Really? Hadn't heard that. Creepy and gross!!


So how are we ranking this?


Close talker

Hair sniffer

Dick dangler 

Pussy grabber


Gotta love politics!!

forgot murderer ted kennedy

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1 hour ago, zydeco said:

Charlie Rose went a lot longer than that, and with a higher profile than Biden for most of the time.

There has been 17 million dollars paid out to victims of elected officials through an established fund but they will not reveal the public record.  Do you think maybe just maybe Creepy Joe could possibly be one of them lol.  All of these elected reps need to be held accountable whatever party.  Same crap different pile.



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35 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

forgot murderer ted kennedy

In your world do mistakes of the past justify bad actions in the present?


If so, let me tell you some stories about my life when I was young!! ????????????


Thank God I grew up... I never liked jail ..

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