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I see many of the spa setup's in Thailand offer this , does it really help rid the body of toxins ?

Depends on how you define 'toxins'. It's an evil-sounding, 19th-century sort of word New-Agers toss onto the conveyor belt of illogic, while few listeners take the time to unpack the term before it disappears into an unstable lexical haze ...

I see many of the spa setup's in Thailand offer this , does it really help rid the body of toxins ?

Depends on how you define 'toxins'. It's an evil-sounding, 19th-century sort of word New-Agers toss onto the conveyor belt of illogic, while few listeners take the time to unpack the term before it disappears into an unstable lexical haze ...

Wow , your reply really made me think !

Just a recent concern about my health and the possible "ability" to flush out any extra toxins out of my body prompted this post.


Reading this now , does not sound like something I would do for the fun of it.

Just a recent concern about my health and the possible "ability" to flush out any extra toxins out of my body prompted this post.


Reading this now , does not sound like something I would do for the fun of it.

Don't let the wikipedia entry scare you, it's not painful and if you choose a hospital or well-maintained clinic (like Rasayana Retreat) the sterility of the facilities shouldn't be a problem.

I've done it a few times, and for the first half-hour after you've finished you might feel a bit "different," but it's not pain. At Rasayana, where I've done it, they offer warm lemon grass tea after the colonic to soothe the digestive system. Also, some clinics include various herbal remedies in the water, as well as a bit of coffee in the beginning, to stimulate cleansing and comfort the bowels.

The protagonsists and antagonists of colonics or "hydrotherapy" can give the Linux vs Windows folks a run for their money. :o


Yeah forget Wiki, try one of these studies.

Chen TS, Chen PS. Intestinal autointoxication: A gastrointestinal leitmotive. Journal Clinical Gastroenterology 11:343-441, 1989.

Ernst E. Colonic irrigation and the theory of autointoxication: A triumph of ignorance over science. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 24:196-198, 1997.

Alvarez WC. Origin of the so-called auto-intoxication symptoms. JAMA 72:8-13, 1919.

Donaldson AN. Relation of constipation to intestinal intoxication. JAMA 78:884-888, 1922.

Kenney JJ. Fit For Life: Some notes on the book and Its roots. Nutrition Forum, March 1986.

Use of enemas is limited. FDA Consumer 18(6):33, 1984.

Amebiasis associated with colonic irrigation - Colorado. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 30:101-102, 1981.

Istre GR and others. An outbreak of amebiasis spread by colonic irrigation at a chiropractic clinic. New England Journal of Medicine 307:339-342, 1982.

Benjamin R and others. The case against colonic irrigation. California Morbidity, Sept 27, 1985.

Eisele JW, Reay DT. Deaths related to coffee enemas. JAMA 244:1608-1609, 1980.

Jarvis WT. Colonic Irrigation. National Council Against Health Fraud, 1995.

Baca JR. Warning letter to Colon Therapeutics, April 27, 1997.

Baca, JR.Warning letter to Tiller Mind & Body, June 2, 1997.

Baca JR. Warning letter to Colon Hygiene Services, June 20, 1997.

Tolen DD. Warning letter to Dotolo Research Corporation, July 21, 1999.

Singleton E. Warning letter to Clearwater Colon Hydrotherapy, Sept 13, 2001.

Marcarelli MM. Warning letter to International Colon Hydrotherapy Association, March 21, 2003.

Chappel MA. Warning letter to Colon Therapeutics, Oct 23, 2003.

Ormond E. Warning letter to Wood Hygienic Institute, Oct 23, 2003.

Barrett S. Colonic promoters facing legal actions. Quackwatch, Nov 11, 2003.

Attorney General Abbott sues ' colonic hydrotherapy ' providers for abuse of medical devices; one death reported: Suits allege unsafe use of devices without physician oversight is a public health issue. Texas Attorney General news release, Dec 1, 2003.

gastrointestinal quackery


Hello all,

I see the comments here, mostly quoted from other web sites. Let me share my personal experience and findings/theory about colon flushing.

First of all, I do agree that colon cleansing has been over hyped procedure with lots of tall claims surrounding it. In fact over the years, there are independent schools that cropped up defying each other and claiming to be the 'authentic' or 'original' colon cleansing people.

Now to the simple basic facts.

Our large intestine/colon/bowel/guts are the last post in the digestive tract. It also is a very key post in the digestive tract as the remainder of food that you ate, which did not get processed properly earlier, gets processed here. This is also the place where 100 trillion plus friendly bacteria reside, who break down toxins, fats and also some good nutrients to simplify the process of assimilation of food.

Now imagine the drain pipe of washing machine, the last post in the washing cycle. Have you ever seen inside the drain pipe? Did you notice those layers of dirt accumulated around the wall? Compare that your colon. It is somewhat shaped like the drain pipe. Imagine all the muck that could get stuck there, over the years. Such accumulation can result into various health conditions including but not limiting to constipation, IBS, poor digestion, weight gain, infection, chronic fatigue etc.

In normal circumstances, given a proper diet, such accumulation does not occur. Especially if there is enough fibre intake in food form. Thanks to modern life and lack of proper information and proper food, the fibre is missing from diet. Resulting into accumulation of trash in the colon. People have given it names, classified it, even scared the poor common man by calling it 'toxin' etc. Lets keep it simple. Whatever that substance that is accumulated, is not good. It shouldn't be there in the first place.

So the solution was searched and they found colon cleansing, or as our friend calls it, colon flush.

More simple basic facts:

Colon cleanse is not at all painful process. In fact if it hurts, there is something seriously wrong.

But, here is my two satang worth :o colon cleanse on its own is not the solution. However, it can be a maintenance booster shot, after doing a proper supervised colon cleansing. There are several options offered by many around the world. Most popular are the ones that use some natural herbs and put you on a liquid diet for several days to cleanse your colon.

My experience with colon cleanse, with and without colon flush:

Personally I found the results, very impressive. I had sharper senses, clearer vision, very fine sense of taste and overall I felt very trim and fit. I don't have those extra pounds to loose and hence I did not loose any. Still I felt very light and definitely highly vitalized and full of energy. Since then its my annual routine to do servicing to my body. I tried different combinations and I did not see much difference between cleansing with colon flush and cleansing without colon flush. As long as I am achieving the basic objective of cleansing, the process doesn't matter.

This is as simple as I can put. I have experienced it and from that I learnt more and I can say it in such simple form. The extremities expressed by pro alternative health and those against are to be taken with a pinch of salt. I read both of them and find both of them are partly correct. So, better is talk about it with those who have done it, share their experience and make your own decision. The actual colon cleanse as in the colon flush process is not that essential if you are keen on cleaner and healthier body.

That's my opinion. I hope it helps some.

I see many of the spa setup's in Thailand offer this , does it really help rid the body of toxins ?

Depends on how you define 'toxins'. It's an evil-sounding, 19th-century sort of word New-Agers toss onto the conveyor belt of illogic, while few listeners take the time to unpack the term before it disappears into an unstable lexical haze ...

Wow , your reply really made me think !

Just a recent concern about my health and the possible "ability" to flush out any extra toxins out of my body prompted this post.


Reading this now , does not sound like something I would do for the fun of it.

Jimmy, since you are on a different thread complaining about high blood pressure at a relatively young age and have heart attacks in your family history, I would advise you get that under control first before spinning off in this direction.

Often, when doing these things you end up losing a lot of weight. In itself that is good, but losing weight is stressful to the body and given your other concerns, that may do you more harm than good.


The biggest clinic that does this in Thailand, I think, is the Yanhee Hospital in Bangkok... they have an entire floor devoted to this. It costs about 900 baht for the treatment, about an hour total. No appointment necessary, open 7 days, I think about 9 AM to 7 PM. I found the place to be reasonably clean, but the equipment they use isn't exactly brand new... but seemed to work just fine. Very friendly staff there.

I would guess if you're in reasonably good health, it's not going to hurt you, and will no doubt remove some toxins. If you have ANY health issues in the colon/digestion, proceed with great caution first.

When it's over, you will probably feel a bit clean and refreshed, and lighter. I believe the first time one goes there, they do a clean water type enema. A few weeks later, they recommend the coffee enemas.

Hope that helps!

  • 3 weeks later...

What about DIY - that would be alot cheaper and you can do it in the comfort of your own place... Anyone have recommendations on how to do that ?


Almost every water closet has a bum washer nearby. You can try that but, I'm not sure how you're going to get coffee up there. Perhaps a friendly Starbuck's barista could help!

Comparing a colon to a drainpipe is an especially bad analogy. Unlike a drainpipe, your colon is living tissue - surrounded by muscle. Muscular contractions move the material along the length of your intestines and colon, to its final destination. The digestive tract produces mucous to keep the material moving along without sticking to the intestine and colon walls. Unless you have severe diverticulitis (better check that spelling), nothing gets stuck, there is no "buildup". The flushing removes good bacteria, and you'll notice colon-related problems for a few days, until the colony of bacteria gets renewed. Too, flushing is an artificial method to remove the material and, if you flush too often, the muscles in the colon will no longer work properly, and you'll need to have a frequent enema so you can pass the sludge.

The flushing removes good bacteria, and you'll notice colon-related problems for a few days, until the colony of bacteria gets renewed.

Very good point. Which is why I don't understand why the places doing "colonics" don't recommend taking probiotics afterward. It took me a while to even FIND a place that had acidophilius in Pattaya ... Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital.

A course of antibiotics will also kill those "friendly" bacteria in the colon. Again, I wonder why it isn't standard procedure to at the least, recommend, and even better, prescribe, probiotics to be taken after the antibiotics run their course. If prescribed, at least insurance might help subsidize the cost?


Since the colon recovers on its own withn a few days, it's speculative how effective probiotics would be. Most antibiotics are effective only in the bloodstream, and are not especially effective in destroying bacteria in the intestine/colon. An exception is "Xifaxan", an antibiotic specifically engineeried to kill bacteria in the gut.

Another poster questioned how the colon flush can be accomplished at home. If giving yourself an enema (and that's what a "colon flush" used to be called) is what floats your boat, you can buy an enema beg and syringe at a medical supply store, and you can introduce any liquid you like. Be sure that the liquids are lukewarm - giving yourself an enema with scalding coffee is likely to be an unpleasant experience.


Thanks for the replies

So what symptoms may someone have if they are in need of a flush ?

To be honest, I've had a go myself, and I felt very clean inside, not bloated, and didnt have any problems. Just afterwards going to the toilet was alot better than usual, till a few days had passed then it was pretty much the same.

I'm not sure how much water your suppose to send up their either ? I "filled the tank right up", which may have been a bit more than your suppose to do !

We've actually got a starbucks in work, so nect time I'm in I'll ask if they have a 'special' menu !! :o

Anybody knows a good place to do that in Pattaya?
What about DIY - that would be alot cheaper and you can do it in the comfort of your own place... Anyone have recommendations on how to do that ?

And there are few more replies before this which have raised valid points. First of all for hucus, look for Rasayana retreat, in pattaya. They have a big center in Bangkok and recently opened a branch in Pattaya.

Khun Bob, I personally won't recommend DIY, unless one has experienced it well enough before hand. Secondly the proper tools, are not so easily available(read not at all available) in Thailand. Then again there are certain complications involved and I suggest one should not take the matter in their own hand.

In reply to others posts, I fully agree with the fact and wonder too, why do the colonic centers don't recommend pro-biotic supplement after doing colon cleanse? The only thing that comes to my mind is ignorance. I feel most of the centers operating/offering colon cleanse have simply copied the idea from elsewhere and haven't really put a thought in to the process and come up with something worth. There is also another possibility I see, is lack of quality pro-biotic supplement.

Personally I have been for some decent if not really high calibre pro-biotic supplement here in Thailand, and for more than 5 years, found nothing.

Alternatively I opt for eating fermented food like sauerkraut, khimchi, or other naturally pickled/fermented vegetables which are non toxic. I also take a enough amount of yakult or something equivalent, to simply keep the gut flora in good condition. Something better then nothing is the idea here. Someday, GOD willing we will have access to proper pro-biotic supplements here in Thailand.

Going back to colon cleasne, my 2 satang worth advise, ask yourself the question, why do you want to do it? There are several other alternative, safe and easy approached then doing a colonic flush. Try and discuss this someone who knows and then make your well educated decision.

Khun Bob, the only time I suggest to do the colonics is when one really feels bloated and no herb/laxative is working. Usually colonics is done with 16-18 liters of lukewarm water(body temperature). Doing a top up bucket would likely amount to 22-26 liters of water which is not bad but should be avoided often. In regards to how much water you allow inside your colon, it all depends on the conditions inside your colon and also to your comfort levels.

Hope some of the information is useful from what I have written :o

Anybody knows a good place to do that in Pattaya?
What about DIY - that would be alot cheaper and you can do it in the comfort of your own place... Anyone have recommendations on how to do that ?

And there are few more replies before this which have raised valid points. First of all for hucus, look for Rasayana retreat, in pattaya. They have a big center in Bangkok and recently opened a branch in Pattaya.

So I have been there today. Even before I read your reply.

I lost about 2-3 kilos and that all.

The place doesn't looks like it has something to do with medicine.

Just like a regular thai massage shop. The only difference that this one is little bit overprices - 2.5k for 40 min of taking crap is too much I think.

I don't think their equipment is too expencive. It looked like it was made at same factory which make tuk-tuks.

What about DIY - that would be alot cheaper and you can do it in the comfort of your own place... Anyone have recommendations on how to do that ?

Grab yourself a 64 oz. bottle of Gatoraide and another bottle of Polyethylene Glycol 3350 from the drug store. Combine the two and it'll run you <150 baht.

Not a fun experience tho...


Although colon cleansing/flushing might give you an immediately feeling of improvement medically (on a cellular level) it is harmful. Just read the established literature on it.

I can understand people doing it for the immediate feelings of lightness and etc but to talk about it as something that is beneficial to your colon in the long run is incorrect.


Just like a regular thai massage shop. The only difference that this one is little bit overprices - 2.5k for 40 min of taking crap is too much I think. I don't think their equipment is too expencive. It looked like it was made at same factory which make tuk-tuks.

i agree :o

Anybody knows a good place to do that in Pattaya?
What about DIY - that would be alot cheaper and you can do it in the comfort of your own place... Anyone have recommendations on how to do that ?

And there are few more replies before this which have raised valid points. First of all for hucus, look for Rasayana retreat, in pattaya. They have a big center in Bangkok and recently opened a branch in Pattaya.

Khun Bob, I personally won't recommend DIY, unless one has experienced it well enough before hand. Secondly the proper tools, are not so easily available(read not at all available) in Thailand. Then again there are certain complications involved and I suggest one should not take the matter in their own hand.

In reply to others posts, I fully agree with the fact and wonder too, why do the colonic centers don't recommend pro-biotic supplement after doing colon cleanse? The only thing that comes to my mind is ignorance. I feel most of the centers operating/offering colon cleanse have simply copied the idea from elsewhere and haven't really put a thought in to the process and come up with something worth. There is also another possibility I see, is lack of quality pro-biotic supplement.

Personally I have been for some decent if not really high calibre pro-biotic supplement here in Thailand, and for more than 5 years, found nothing.

Alternatively I opt for eating fermented food like sauerkraut, khimchi, or other naturally pickled/fermented vegetables which are non toxic. I also take a enough amount of yakult or something equivalent, to simply keep the gut flora in good condition. Something better then nothing is the idea here. Someday, GOD willing we will have access to proper pro-biotic supplements here in Thailand.

Going back to colon cleasne, my 2 satang worth advise, ask yourself the question, why do you want to do it? There are several other alternative, safe and easy approached then doing a colonic flush. Try and discuss this someone who knows and then make your well educated decision.

Khun Bob, the only time I suggest to do the colonics is when one really feels bloated and no herb/laxative is working. Usually colonics is done with 16-18 liters of lukewarm water(body temperature). Doing a top up bucket would likely amount to 22-26 liters of water which is not bad but should be avoided often. In regards to how much water you allow inside your colon, it all depends on the conditions inside your colon and also to your comfort levels.

Hope some of the information is useful from what I have written :o

The only time I had it done was once, some years ago. It was an interesting and not unpleasant experience. I sort of felt lighter at the end of it. But the most interesting aspect was the excitement of the 'therapist' doing the flushing. She was beside herself with enthusiasm at the sight of my waste products going down the tube, and told me I should come again - often- but I didn't. I guess some people just get off on bowels and stuff!


Anybody knows a good place to do that in Pattaya?

hmmm... my gardener is quite an expert using a pressure cleaner. i could ask him whether for a small fee..... :o


I've done many colonics and never had any kind of problem. Also, EVERY reputable place that I know that does detox and colonics recommends probiotics.

Off hand, contact Samui Spas in Samui or Julia Jus in Chiang Mai (both have websites) and they sell all the products to detox on your own or with them.

I wouldn't do it on my own the first time or if you can do it with pros for a reasonable price - it is lot of work and there is a lot to know.

Samui Spas are probably one of the cheapest places to do it in the world and with quite new/clean equipment.

I've done many colonics and never had any kind of problem. Also, EVERY reputable place that I know that does detox and colonics recommends probiotics.

Off hand, contact Samui Spas in Samui or Julia Jus in Chiang Mai (both have websites) and they sell all the products to detox on your own or with them.

I wouldn't do it on my own the first time or if you can do it with pros for a reasonable price - it is lot of work and there is a lot to know.

Samui Spas are probably one of the cheapest places to do it in the world and with quite new/clean equipment.

I may add a bit of clarification here. The places mentioned are full time dedicated cleansing resorts. Offering more than just colonic. So you are right, all this places have qualified staff and they always recommend probiotic after that.

Discussion here started off talking about only colonics on its own, which has become more of a trend now a days and many Thais also opt for it. Expansion of centers like rasayana and about a dozen plus resorts offering a week+ long programs for cleansing in Samui alone is proof enough.

One must keep in mind, colonics is not the solution on its own. One must think about the complete picture right from starting with asking questions as to what creates these blockages and feeling of bloating and heaviness. As previously somewhere I have mentioned, Colonic Irrigation/colonics/colon flush whatever you wish to call it, should be used as a maintenance procedure once in six months or a year depending on how good or bad have you been with your food habits and how much trash you have allowed to enter in your system. As some said, yes colonics can give you a quick relief but that doesn't mean it is a good thing to do on fairly regular basis. Study has shown that it can be damaging to.

That's said in my humble :o opinion


Fair comments so far - I think that doung it every 3-6 months is good. If you eat dodgy street food then maybe not so often. But why pay 2.5 K for squirting water up the rear end. To be honest, I dont think that there is much skill to this. I have done it several times my self and recommeneded and assisted other people with beneficial outcomes.

I have not had any negative side effects.

I think that eating too much contributes to the bloated feeling and that to fast for a day or more is a good response too. This has certainly taken my bloatedness down. Eat just a bit when hungry and have one main meal a day.

Interesting comments on the person who likes to see the flushing - i guess if this is your job, I could compare it to a drain cleaner or a chimney sweep. When you see all the blockage come out it must provide alot of satisfaction, especially if the customer appreciates it too !

But what I dont understand is why coffee ? Why is that better than water ? What other fluids or mixtures can be beneficial ?


Excellent quote - almost knocked me off my "stool" with laughter !

Anybody knows a good place to do that in Pattaya?
What about DIY - that would be alot cheaper and you can do it in the comfort of your own place... Anyone have recommendations on how to do that ?

And there are few more replies before this which have raised valid points. First of all for hucus, look for Rasayana retreat, in pattaya. They have a big center in Bangkok and recently opened a branch in Pattaya.

Khun Bob, I personally won't recommend DIY, unless one has experienced it well enough before hand. Secondly the proper tools, are not so easily available(read not at all available) in Thailand. Then again there are certain complications involved and I suggest one should not take the matter in their own hand.

In reply to others posts, I fully agree with the fact and wonder too, why do the colonic centers don't recommend pro-biotic supplement after doing colon cleanse? The only thing that comes to my mind is ignorance. I feel most of the centers operating/offering colon cleanse have simply copied the idea from elsewhere and haven't really put a thought in to the process and come up with something worth. There is also another possibility I see, is lack of quality pro-biotic supplement.

Personally I have been for some decent if not really high calibre pro-biotic supplement here in Thailand, and for more than 5 years, found nothing.

Alternatively I opt for eating fermented food like sauerkraut, khimchi, or other naturally pickled/fermented vegetables which are non toxic. I also take a enough amount of yakult or something equivalent, to simply keep the gut flora in good condition. Something better then nothing is the idea here. Someday, GOD willing we will have access to proper pro-biotic supplements here in Thailand.

Going back to colon cleasne, my 2 satang worth advise, ask yourself the question, why do you want to do it? There are several other alternative, safe and easy approached then doing a colonic flush. Try and discuss this someone who knows and then make your well educated decision.

Khun Bob, the only time I suggest to do the colonics is when one really feels bloated and no herb/laxative is working. Usually colonics is done with 16-18 liters of lukewarm water(body temperature). Doing a top up bucket would likely amount to 22-26 liters of water which is not bad but should be avoided often. In regards to how much water you allow inside your colon, it all depends on the conditions inside your colon and also to your comfort levels.

Hope some of the information is useful from what I have written :o

The only time I had it done was once, some years ago. It was an interesting and not unpleasant experience. I sort of felt lighter at the end of it. But the most interesting aspect was the excitement of the 'therapist' doing the flushing. She was beside herself with enthusiasm at the sight of my waste products going down the tube, and told me I should come again - often- but I didn't. I guess some people just get off on bowels and stuff!

What about DIY - that would be alot cheaper and you can do it in the comfort of your own place... Anyone have recommendations on how to do that ?

Grab yourself a 64 oz. bottle of Gatoraide and another bottle of Polyethylene Glycol 3350 from the drug store. Combine the two and it'll run you <150 baht.

Not a fun experience tho...

I believe Polyethylene Glycol is the same thing they make you drink before having a colonoscopy. They call it Golytely here in the States. It will definitely flush anything in your system out. Bad taste of plastic and salt though :D

So...maybe you ought to go in and get a colonoscopy. You get your colon flushed and you get to have your "plumbing" checked out as an added bonus. :o


Nice - can get some alternative family photos !

Some of these medical terms crease me up "colonoscopy" is that similar to an "arseceroscopy"

sh1t I cant this this seriously anymore ! need to sober up...

What about DIY - that would be alot cheaper and you can do it in the comfort of your own place... Anyone have recommendations on how to do that ?

Grab yourself a 64 oz. bottle of Gatoraide and another bottle of Polyethylene Glycol 3350 from the drug store. Combine the two and it'll run you <150 baht.

Not a fun experience tho...

I believe Polyethylene Glycol is the same thing they make you drink before having a colonoscopy. They call it Golytely here in the States. It will definitely flush anything in your system out. Bad taste of plastic and salt though :D

So...maybe you ought to go in and get a colonoscopy. You get your colon flushed and you get to have your "plumbing" checked out as an added bonus. :o

But what I dont understand is why coffee ? Why is that better than water ? What other fluids or mixtures can be beneficial ?

Coffee supposedly draws toxins down from the body to detox even better.


One other thing about the Yanhee Hospital in Bangkok... after the colon flush treatment, they give you a free bottle of some kind of vitimans, 60 pills, told to take two a day, which I think were to help replinish the colon with good bacteria.

Yanhee also publishes a nice-sized free booklet, in English on the whole procedure, which really should be MUST reading for this.

I have done this and never had a problem, and I always feel very refreshed after. I'm not 100% convinced I'm really improving my health, but it just feels good to do it, and surely must remove at least SOME toxins and junk stuck to your colon.

If you're reasonably health, should be no problem at all. If you're already having trouble down there, check with a doctor or two first.

I find the whole procedure to be quite gentle, and not really that big a deal.

ALSO, in Pattaya, that huge new German Pharmacy on North/Naklua Road, (I forget the name, maybe something like Faustino??), sells enema supplies/bags/tubes, etc. They also sell the ORGANIC coffee to use to make with the enemas... comes in a grey/silver metal tube, I think about 150 baht for maybe 20 treatments. I think it even had instructions in English. Naturally, I'm speaking of supplies for a HOME enema, which is like 1/10th as effective as the one you can get by a professional place, like the Yanhee hospital.

I don't know the Rasayana Retreat mentioned earlier, in Pattaya. If someone has contact info for that, please post.


Silly me on all these years I have been drinking coffee and now you tell me I should have been sticking it up my ar5e ! Is that the instant ? and I suppose for health reasons it should be decaff.

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