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Necessary Qualifications

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Hi everyone,


I was hoping someone may be able to help with a query of mine?

I have been to Thailand on a couple of occasions for vacation, however I have recently been thinking of staying for good at some point in the near future.


With regards to working / teaching in Thailand, I was hoping someone could maybe offer me a little more info. Do you need a Degree to teach all academic levels? I know you need to do a TEFL course, & a degree is required for certain levels of education, higher academia and so forth, but I was not sure if you were able to teach at any level at all without a degree?


Any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated.


Many thanks!



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You have it backwards.

You need a degree to obtain a Work Permit to teach legally in K - 12 schools and post-secondary.

You do not a TEFL course to obtain a Work Permit. Of course, it will look better if you have one, but it is not a legal requirement.

You can teach at language schools (legally) without a degree.

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It is very hard to find a source to state that something is not  required. I personally worked at a language school and know that all the foreigners working there did not have degrees.

The view of the Dept. of Education can besummarized as follows:

    - K -12 schools are compulsory; the teachers who work in them should meet a certain standard.

    - language schools are a business; anyone who thinks that their instructors are not good enough can     take their business elsewhere.

Edited by allane
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