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The Satellite Saga.


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Taken from the B.Post today.

Perspective >> Sunday March 04, 2007


Shedding light on satellite saga

Despite the many irregularities surrounding Shin Satellite dealings, most of the documents and events of record actually put the company in the clear legally, if not ethically, writes DON SAMBANDARAKSA

The last page of the 1991 contract between the Ministry of Transport and Communications and Shinawatra Computer and Communications. On the right is Pol Col Thaksin and Mrs Pojaman Shinawatra. On the left is Transport and Communications Minister Nukul Prajuabmoh and Permanent Secretary Mahidol Chantrangkurn. It is understood that the Cabinet secretary refused to table the issue of the 4-billion baht Thaicom 3 insurance payout as it would have been improper for the prime minister to consider a document with his signature in his former capacity as a businessman.

There are a number of issues in the original contract between the old Ministry of Transport and Communications (MoTC) and Shinawatra Computer (a precursor to Shin Corp) that point to irregularities in the contract. These need to be brought to light, without the hype and nationalism that is sweeping across Thailand right now.

The original contract in 1991 refers to the concession of orbital slots for the Thaicom 1 and 2 satellites, gives Shinawatra Computer a 30-year concession and assures them exclusivity for eight years. It is a Built-Transfer-Operate type contract.

However, the contract does not include any reference to Thaicom 3, iPSTAR / Thaicom 4, Thaicom 5 and the upcoming Thaicom 6. These have been included in amendments to the original contract, the preparation of which may not have been prepared in accordance with the law of the land.


Please go to the following url for the full article;-


One particular part of the article refers to the Thaicom 3 breakdown

When it failed the insurance money was paid direct to Shin Satellite instead of to the government who in turn should then have decided who got what out of it and for what purpose.

The objective of which would be soley to replace the faulty Thai 3.

We are not talking peanuts here by the way.........four billion baht

With approval from the F.M after the gov approved the payment, it should have been used to buy a new satellite.

NOT for renting other peoples Equiptment / transponders ????????????

This is a well rehearsed part of the Toxin philosophy on honest / dishonest doctrinaire everyone is by now familiar with of course.

The poor and under privileged farmers ect. didn,t stand a chance when he was paying them such vast sums of money / pathetic gifts, 100 Baht notes and small bags of rice ect. ect. ect.

How would they understand the ethics.

H.T.F. was he left unchallenged all this time ?

This is of course also well known in corrupt societies and how easy he would have been able to achieve it.

marshbags :o:D

Edited by marshbags
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