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Thai Law About Weapons For Self Defence...


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does anyone know what the Thai law is on an individual carrying weapons for self defence purposes?

The reason I ask, is I Pattaya and Bangkok I see many weapons for sales on street stalls, from

telescopic metal batons, electro stun guns, knuckledusters (brass kunckles) not to mention mace spray and flick knives.

I was asking a girl who was sellling this stuff on a stall today was it legal with the police, and she says "yes, no problem, if problem police not let me sell"...of course I have lived in Thailand long enough to know making a sales would be her aim, and also the double standards of some laws. (when it suits them)

Now here is the thing.... in Pattaya, there is alot of violent crime muggings etc. In fact a fairly able lad who is ex british para regiment (a tough crew to get selected for) was telling me him and the thai wife was robbed at gun point recently in pattaya. not to mentioned the 5 or 6 stories we see weekly in Pattaya Mail etc....

So here is the question...

If a Farang decided to carry a Kunckle Duster, or lets say a Knife, for self protection reasons, and the cops, found you with it....would you be in big trouble? or is it legal?

I know in ireland carrying mace spray for example comes under same law as carrying a gun which would minimum mean a suspended 2 year sentance. (if its your its offence). versus some american states where you can carry Mace Spray legally, or a hunting knife, or in a state like Florida if someone breaks and enters your home, you can shoot them!

whats the legal situation on weapons over here?

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