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2 hours ago, Will27 said:

Just getting ready for the big game.






Well that was an anti climax....


Hope Gen Bartlet cancells there flight back to the big Vic and makes them walk home....


Same as last year....in every detail......the obvious....over crowded froward line, static play, non flooding of defence and on and on it goes....so the question should be are they listening to Goodwin or does Goodwin have any tactics?


Glen has a couple of months to sound out Ross Lyon and pull the trigger on Simon....writing is on the wall.....


The team is fine its just very very very disorganized and un structured, Harmes playing in defence is a joke easily one of the best mids going around but makes a <deleted>tie half back....


Had 3 and a bit years of Goodwin....unfortunalty following Roos was never going to be easy and its clear he isnt up to it....Please joing us Ross Lyon....


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54 minutes ago, AlexRRR said:

Well that was an anti climax....


Hope Gen Bartlet cancells there flight back to the big Vic and makes them walk home....


Same as last year....in every detail......the obvious....over crowded froward line, static play, non flooding of defence and on and on it goes....so the question should be are they listening to Goodwin or does Goodwin have any tactics?


Glen has a couple of months to sound out Ross Lyon and pull the trigger on Simon....writing is on the wall.....


The team is fine its just very very very disorganized and un structured, Harmes playing in defence is a joke easily one of the best mids going around but makes a <deleted>tie half back....


Had 3 and a bit years of Goodwin....unfortunalty following Roos was never going to be easy and its clear he isnt up to it....Please joing us Ross Lyon....


Unfortunately Uncle Alex, you guys extended his contract until the end of 2022.


He ain't going nowhere for at least the next 2 years.

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1 hour ago, Will27 said:

Unfortunately Uncle Alex, you guys extended his contract until the end of 2022.


He ain't going nowhere for at least the next 2 years.

Dont you worry about his contract there WILL....they have performance clauses etc....the guy is over rated, Glen would have noticed, they pretty much changed the entire structure around him and the team still look the same.....


Belive me we are not the Demons of old in the board room....Simons got a 2 month reprieve, im pretty sure there lining up Lyon as we speak.....


The AFL along with suffering members cant take any more pain, ruthless we need to be seen.....I cant belive that performance.....and maxi as captain? ha......the only reason he got the job was hes out of contract soon....Viney even carrying an injury is the true captain of the team...

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8 hours ago, AlexRRR said:



Belive me we are not the Demons of old in the board room....Simons got a 2 month reprieve, im pretty sure there lining up Lyon as we speak.....



Ross Lyon or Garry Lyon?

One step backards or two step backwards?

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Im still bleeding this morning over that performance....


That game was a coaches loss......the view from my recliner is there hasn't been any change to game plan.....what's game play you ask? <deleted> me if I know....


I could coach better than that...like its god dam simple really isnt it.....? isnt it?


Leaver, I would have told him not to follow his man out of defence....May, I would have got him to long bomb out off defence more often when kicking in, Harmes......should have been playing mid on Gaff, the forwards? well how about taking your defender for a bit of a run around the park Tom.....making some space up forward might have been a good idea too.....and how about the classic lead so that mids got someone to kick it too......I seen it in movie once guys.....and....intensity....like tackling....make them feel you......feel your breath on the back of there neck....


They including simple should have been made to walk home across the Nullabour.......Can I trust them to have this team ready to play in 2 months? Dee's should take a 80% pay cut....WILL say all new players turning up for duty put in and Viney was BOG....Gwan isnt a captain....hes one joke away from being a stand up comedian....he cant lead, Goodwin has lost me after that performance....well he lost me by round 20 last year.......gave him the benefit of doubt but there is no doubt now..he cant coach or manage a team.... and it if they make a change we will get stuck with that other no hoper in Al Ricko.....



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Well the State Of the Big Vic is shutting down like the rest of the country.....59 new cases over night here and 3 weeks to go before it peeks.....


It WILL be illegal too stand next to someone outside from this afternoon, school holidays coming from this afternoon and extended for a week, wish I was still a kid...


The Demons should be quarantined some where along the Nuallabour so no one else can catch the dreaded lazy bug they have had for the last  60 odd years in fact I hope they all catch the super bug called Convid-19 especially Simon....and all die in the desert so we can start again...


I been home since middle of last week and im already crawling up the wall....no finger nails left....the weather now has turned to gloomy winter like looks to add to the news, I could go to Bunnings and buy a tv antenna bracket and fix my antena since its dropped...like who was the dick that installed it like that anyway? you have to wonder about people.....are there really that many fools out there? I wanna make a pineapple hawi pizza one of these nights so I guess I will trawl the supermarket shelves for pineapple....they say there been restocked.....


At least in BKK I would go for a long walk in the hot sun, was always an adventure there....no footpaths to watch here so I wont trip, just acres and acres of green.... boring hey.....

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2 hours ago, sceadugenga said:

Sorry, but as in all ThaiVisa activities the moderator's decision is final. :thumbsup:

Minor premiers only. If there was a prelim, you'd choke like all recent minor premiers...555

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1 hour ago, farmerjo said:

Me poor ole Kangas,have a win and still finish 9th????

I must say the footy on the weekend has nearly got me through my 1st 14 days of isolation but with the likelyhood of another to come in Aus then another in Thailand and no footy the future looks bleak.

I don't reckon you win that game under Brad Scott.

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2 hours ago, Thechook said:

Just curious will there be a draft this year?


Young up & coming players won't have the opportunity to prove themselves.  Next years draft will be deep with 2 years worth of prospects in the pool.

There will be a draft.


The AFL are hoping the youngsters can some games in before the end of the year.


The draft will really be a lottery.

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The AFL will want some games played again this year... Even if it is only 6 or 10 they will be desperate for the cash.

That could mean no premiership given, or 10 games, finals and a premiership with an asterix?

The boffins at head office would be working on mi mum game scenarios you would reckon....or play into 1st week of November

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8 hours ago, farmerjo said:

Me poor ole Kangas,have a win and still finish 9th????

I must say the footy on the weekend has nearly got me through my 1st 14 days of isolation but with the likelyhood of another to come in Aus then another in Thailand and no footy the future looks bleak.


Are u stuck in Philipines now?  With all the border closures what are the options for you next FJ?


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9 hours ago, Thechook said:

Just curious will there be a draft this year?


Young up & coming players won't have the opportunity to prove themselves.  Next years draft will be deep with 2 years worth of prospects in the pool.


How will the draft selection order be decided this year if there is no premiership to decide placings?

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Well in the world of Covid-19 its not all doom and gloom.......yes Maccas has shut up shop in the UK and US and have told there franchises to do the same...but Papa John and Domino...a dirty word here in AU are hiring and in big numbers 50,000 and 25,000 to cater for takeaway now restaurants are shutting left right and centre...


Some face time app has jumped 130% on the US stock market because the CO recons people working from home need to be able to do conference calls......gees Apple provides a face time app for free on all iPhones......you know how it goes.....if you pay for it it has to be better than whats around for free right?....


The word around the finacial markets is this will be deeper than the GFC and anything else we have ever had....and yeah airlines have almost ground to a halt, but wait......China is already almost back in full production...and its still March....so whats that tell you? well it tells me there isnt a market overseas for there good right now....but there WILL be...im far from a doom and gloom expert im one of them half glass full types, this WILL blow over pretty quick but of course its going to have casualties many wont recover, the sick companies WILL die and new ones WILL spring up like weeds all over the place, the good news is....and this is coming from the experts now were around halfway in....the world economy is expected to bounce back pretty quick.....so if you been planing a vacation good idea to get your planning done and pounce once they open up for trade again....Argentina and Italy, I need to practice my Spanish on you guys again...hola....


As we all know all sport has been put-on hold.....one Turkish football club president was dead against suspending there league last week....so much so he said if they went ahead and suspended the league divorce rates would jump and the courts couldnt handle the expected (in his mind) rush to the courts.....thats pretty funny and he looked like the biggest dill to ever walk on the planet earth as we all know it's the exact opposite....men dont give there wives any attention during a game or the season except for when they wanna bom boom....But of course plenty of wives are happy about that too...its the insecure women you have to worry about....the rest are happy your in front of the telly and not out at the pub.....


Well the unthinkable happened......Tom Brady leaves New England and within a week signed with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers one of the worst clubs going around a hospital case for many years have improved a bit.....crappy colours and uniform I might add and this could be the reason there never been hot to Trott....Now of course the US sports pages have been just full of Tom and the PATS since, even a 90 min special on some football program was dedicated to Tom....thats how revered he is. So why did Tom not renew a contract with the Pats? Ewell the story goes Tom got his nose out of joint about 3 ys ago when the 49ers came snooping for back up QB Gruoppolo....cant spell his name....Belicheck the coach instead offered them Tom of course the 49ers were blown away and before they could say yes he was off the table, no doubt Patriots owner had something to do with that, Belicheck eventually agreed to send Gruoppolo west and of course in his third season took the 49ers to the superbowel....so the coach knew what he was doing the owner didnt agree.....This is claimed to be the reason Brady has moved on....I like to think that Tom has done it all in NE and needed a fresh challenge, Joe Montana was his idol, 49er single caller and up until Tom the best that ever was, the 2 minuet offence best at it ever and still...only could Joe run and score in the last 2 min of a game pretty much at WILL....Joe moved to the Chiefs for the last 2 years and did a fair job there, they did threaten, and its expected Tampa WILL too but unlikely to go to far...


https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12319192 More booze sold in one day than over xmas in Auckland before Kiwi's lockdown comes into affect today, and we thought we liked to pisson......


https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=12319094 only in the land of the long white cloud....Batman appears in a vid call, a team leader for Vodaphone donned the bat gear for a call....well what can I say....never been into batman anyway....Vodapone AU sent me a text message yesterday saying there giving me an extra 5 gigs of data this month on my mobile to help with my expected isolation, well fellas im old school and use a pc, the phone does switch to the NBN at home so you know I hardly ever go through the 5 to 6 gigs of data on it per month so having 12 wont mean a thing to me, now if they wanted to make it sweet for me they could have just deducted $30 from my account instead.....


And in Ireland https://www.thejournal.ie/90s-lyrics-quiz-5054733-Mar2020/ the Journal gives you something to do to while away your isolation....can you match the lyrics to the song?


https://www.thejournal.ie/claire-byrne-coronavirus-5055192-Mar2020/ Clair an Irish radio presenter has contacted Convid-19 and I wish was in isolation with her.....imagine 2 weeks with the blonde? I can...


Im pretty sure sometime soon if we tune into the evangelist TV channel these mesmerisers WILL tell us the corvid 19 is the work of the devil and we should repent, seek salvation and drop 10% of your pay packet into church coffers.....the more we giveth faster it WILL go away....praise be to the Lord....I sometimes have watched these TV shows, not because im religious noooo I watch becasue I struggle to believe people actually are gullible enough to actually believe this <deleted>ttttie stuff....I was brought up a catholic indeed but seen the error of my way around the age of 16, now of course I have good moral fibre and sure live a decent life and all of that, I did go to catholic schools right up to year 9 and we did have religious instructions along with history which was my fav subject by the way, I did switch to a tech the last 2 ys as I wanted to follow my mates and to be honest I hated studying, it being a college we were all expected to be accountants and politicians and scientists.....not me....so moving to a tech what a breath off fresh air.....was like being let out of jail....one thing I did notice though...I wasnt considered very smart at Marist Brothers Preston and my teachers kept drumming that into my parents during parent teacher interviews but hey at Tech I was like top or near the top of the class in everything except maths.....Geometry was my main brilliant subject...took a year too get it then its just went boom to the top of the class....so the quality of students and the teachers was kinda low hey....one thing was...I never got picked on at Tech....I got into a crowd where we use to chat a lot during class....all the dummies noticed us getting told off all the time...but wait...the 3 of us getting told off all the time were the 1,2 and 3 top students in that class....so what could the teachers do? well expect in maths she couldn't do much though bless her Indian heart, my maths teacher who was my form teacher when she learned I had been to a job interview and in them days they came and picked us out of school 6 months before we ended school so I had a job as long as I passed maths at the end of the year made sure I wasnt going to be around the flowing year to upset her.....


Anyway I had a Kiwi mate I met on the job who was a born again christian, we had some banters I would say, he painted my house, out front I had a statue of a Buddha, getting home from work one afternoon he left my state upside down, was a joke of course as he wasnt viscous but he did have a closed mind....couldnt get him to see religion in any other way but what was written in his bible version....and there's a few versions out there now....he had been a kiwi druggie in Auckland in his early 20's, to be honest he still looked a bit like that then, close friend OD on drugs and the brother of the dead friend did visit him and offer his help through some Christian church....being bullet proof declined and kept shooting up until one day he swore he had a vision and that JC visted him in a drug fuelled state....now you and I know what that was...but he was convinced....anyway it turned out good because he went to church and got clean then married that pastors daughter, she a pretty blonde bank manager with brains decided they should move to Melbourne to follow her dad who had set up one of them evangelist churches in the east of Melb.....turned out not to be a good idea....the mate eventually came to clash with dad over interpretations of there god dam bible....can you believe? like whose the pastor anyway? She became a police officer too.....which in the end didnt help him....I did vist a few times and soon the marriage was on the rocks...I did warn him to stop running down the old man to her...told him to just let it be....he was running a wedge through the family all over the frigging bible and what he thought it meant....anyway they split....and thats when the poo really hit the fan....after about a year she started seeing someone....well you can imaging ....adulteress, fornification....stalking......eventually he became uncontactable I dare say he either went back onto the drugs or got deported....or both....


Irish bus driver goes through 10 bus's in 2 days https://www.thejournal.ie/dublin-bus-wrc-case-5054589-Mar2020/ if you need a laugh this morning read this.......collapsed drivers seat cushion, after 19 years on the job gets sacked and even has the cheek to sue for unfair dismissal, do you think Covid 19 had anything to do with this? hahahaha, 


For you sports starved people this is a must read....Robin Friday rockstar soccer player who could have been more than an empty glass or pill pooper...https://www.the42.ie/robin-fILL carry on


Woke to 7 glorious degrees this morning....march and I have the heater on....cant believe it....10 now expected top of 17, gets better Friday, 24 fingers crossed....I will go back to work Thursday  so long as Bunnings dont close the building industry WILL carry on.

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