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Do you believe in God and why

ivor bigun

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16 hours ago, jvs said:

Night rider,i really can not decide whether i should admire you for your blind faith or consider you a fool.

You are so convinced you are right and every one who does not agree with you is wrong.

I hope you realize that for every person like you (who believes in the bible) is another person with just as much faith in the Tanahk,the Koran,the book of Mormon etc.

Surely not every one can be right,so some must be wrong.

What makes you so sure you are right?

I remember when i was young i got to meet people from different faiths yet they all tried to convince me

they were right.That really put me of off religion.The arrogance of the people!!

Now i am a non believer for more then one reason.

I am not attacking you,i just want you to realize that there are many other religions and people are willing to lay down their life defending it,But!!!!!!You can't all be right.

Almost one-third of the Bible are prophecies.  A large percentage have come true and others will come true in the not too distant future.  You are right about there being so many other religions in the world with different beliefs.  What separates Christianity from other beliefs is the 100% accuracy of Bible prophecies.  No other religion has that because only God knows the future and the Bible is Gods word, as confirmed by Jesus Christ.


Matthew 7:13-14 Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.


Luke 13:23-25 Someone asked Him, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?” He said to them. Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able. When once the master of the house has risen and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying, ‘Lord, open to us,’ then he will answer you, ‘I do not know where you come from.’


Don't be the one left out because you don't believe the word of God.  It only takes about 72 hours to read the Bible.  It is the most important book in the world to read and place your faith in.  May God Bless you to open your eyes.


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2 minutes ago, Tagged said:

If you want some credit and aknownledge for your posts, you need to start posting your opinions with your own words. Quoting the bible for every posts gets a bit tiring after awhile. I also thought it is against the forum rules to just qoute texts as an answer. 

I have a sneaky suspicion you are wasting your time.........you really are talking to the converted.


To Albert Hitchcock ........What is the most upsetting thing you have ever seen? A priest talking to small children.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If that happened the universe would just carry on. Stars and solar systems disappear all the time into black holes. They too probably had intelligent life forms on them that perished.

Anyway, eventually the sun will run out of fuel, expand and destroy the planets then end. Even the entire universe will eventually end.

How do you know that..?

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I thought you didn't believe the Bible?


I was taught religious instruction at school for years, no ifs ands or buts, even took to Sunday School, was only when I got older I realised I had to sit through hours of mumbo jumbo by the brainwashed, which also reminds me,  the brainwashed folk at Waco....????

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On 8/6/2020 at 7:37 PM, Peter Denis said:

The latest variant being the Believers in Mass Vaccination, wanting to enforce it on everyone even those with genuine concerns about the benefits and approach.

”Believers in mass vaccination’’.   Like the medical profession?  


North America was the only high-income region where people who follow a religion were much more likely to say they side with that belief system over science whenever disagreements arise. That finding was driven primarily by the US, where measles has been spreading among religious communities in states that have allowed religious vaccine exemptions. Meanwhile, the lobbying efforts of Christian Scientists, who have openly discouraged vaccination, helped pass religious vaccine exemptions that are now law in most states across the US.  — Vox


After an outbreak of measles cases originating in Orthodox Jewish communities, lawmakers in New York voted last Thursday to end religious exemptions for immunisations. Calling it a public health emergency Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo immediately signed the bill. “While I understand and respect freedom of religion, our first job is to protect the public health,” Cuomo said in a statement, adding that the new law “will help prevent further transmissions and stop this outbreak right in its tracks.”  New York joins California, Mississippi, and West Virginia in disallowing exemptions on religious grounds.   —  TGC June 18th 2019

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1 hour ago, yodsak said:


A science which is based on profit, a science which has no respect for the freedom of the individual, is a poor science imho.

A vision which is based on materialism is a myopic vision, good luck with that.

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2 hours ago, yodsak said:

”Believers in mass vaccination’’.   Like the medical profession?  


North America was the only high-income region where people who follow a religion were much more likely to say they side with that belief system over science whenever disagreements arise. That finding was driven primarily by the US, where measles has been spreading among religious communities in states that have allowed religious vaccine exemptions. Meanwhile, the lobbying efforts of Christian Scientists, who have openly discouraged vaccination, helped pass religious vaccine exemptions that are now law in most states across the US.  — Vox


After an outbreak of measles cases originating in Orthodox Jewish communities, lawmakers in New York voted last Thursday to end religious exemptions for immunisations. Calling it a public health emergency Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo immediately signed the bill. “While I understand and respect freedom of religion, our first job is to protect the public health,” Cuomo said in a statement, adding that the new law “will help prevent further transmissions and stop this outbreak right in its tracks.”  New York joins California, Mississippi, and West Virginia in disallowing exemptions on religious grounds.   —  TGC June 18th 2019

The God thread is not the right thread to discuss the issue of vaccination, as the controversial subject of vaccination will 'hijack' the thread.

But two comments to provide some context to my earlier post:

- I mentioned Mass Vaccination as an example of the intolerance of the Science as religion Believers.   In this case some of them want to enforce that materialistic so-called scientific view on those that have genuine concerns about it, labeling them as religious nutters, conspiracy theorists or loonies.

It's actually the old witches, devil worshippers, heathens approach just using new labels.

- For a spiritual minded person God is everywhere and in everything, and from that view there is obviously more to illness than just bad luck of catching a virus.

But such view on sickness is so 'alien' to the present view on healing which only addresses the symptoms of illness (and often mistakes them for causes}, that it is futile to discuss the subject with hard-core materialistic science-adepts, which will never accept that there are more dimensions than just the physical one. 


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55 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

A science which is based on profit, a science which has no respect for the freedom of the individual, is a poor science imho.

A vision which is based on materialism is a myopic vision, good luck with that.

They follow the path of darwins theory, the survival of the fittest. The world would maybe have been different if we did not save everyone or kept the elderly and the sick alive as long we do. It is not natural. But would we have been better off? Would humans have been better? It seems the more people the less wars, and more wealth, but if you look at it in perspective, do more people live in wealth seen in percentage compare to before? 

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@Peter Denis


I do not see any problem to add natural selection or healing to the thread, since it is essential in many believers way of belief in a god who fix everything, and illness is something you get because you are not a true believer, or have sin or will sin sooner or later. 


God sake 900 died of suicide since a master told them to do so, and There have more



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37 minutes ago, Tagged said:

@Peter Denis


I do not see any problem to add natural selection or healing to the thread, since it is essential in many believers way of belief in a god who fix everything, and illness is something you get because you are not a true believer, or have sin or will sin sooner or later. 


God sake 900 died of suicide since a master told them to do so, and There have more




There is no such thing as co-incidence, everything has meaning and purpose.

Illness is a blessing in disguise, the symptoms providing you with a clue of which lessons you ignored and the illness forcing you to consider those lessons.

Indeed, you do get ill because you 'sin' against your destiny, refusing to change your ways and learning the lessons fate put on your path.

The 'original sin' (separation from oneness) is part of the human condition and it is what makes us human.

> See my earlier post #8532



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1 hour ago, Peter Denis said:


There is no such thing as co-incidence, everything has meaning and purpose.

Illness is a blessing in disguise, the symptoms providing you with a clue of which lessons you ignored and the illness forcing you to consider those lessons.

Indeed, you do get ill because you 'sin' against your destiny, refusing to change your ways and learning the lessons fate put on your path.

The 'original sin' (separation from oneness) is part of the human condition and it is what makes us human.

> See my earlier post #8532



You are crazy If you really mean that, and I have understood your post correct, People who think and believe a kid suffering from cancer had a choice to corret themselves, or any plague killed natives around the world, or genocides and stealing their land, have something to do with god, you are totally insane. As well people get raped, murdered, turtured is a test from god? Get your head straight, and do something about it, before it is to late. There is no mercy in that teaching, there is no salvation or blissness in such thinking, neither a gods acceptance to do so!


Yes, how I Choose to live do have a impact on my health, but as much I know whats good for me, religion do give people bad guilt, that also can influence their physical health as mental healtn, and I see religon as an plague. Religion lead people to do bad things in religions name, and it is the same for me to tell people to open their eyes to see how bad people like trump is to the world, the religion is the dame, and always an excuse to defend their choices. Choices people normaly should not have made, but mass hypnosis where they are led to believe this is right. 


If you are borned in middle east, it is highly likely you are a and so on!

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2 hours ago, Tagged said:

They follow the path of darwins theory, the survival of the fittest. The world would maybe have been different if we did not save everyone or kept the elderly and the sick alive as long we do. It is not natural. But would we have been better off? Would humans have been better? It seems the more people the less wars, and more wealth, but if you look at it in perspective, do more people live in wealth seen in percentage compare to before? 

I am not sure it's a matter of population density, we could also say that more people, more conflicts. As for the wealth, I think it's relative, and surely a matter of perspective.

That's not to say that I disagree with your opinion, but it's a very complex matter we are discussing, worth to be examined at lenght, from both material and spiritual points of view.

Personally I think that happiness can be a right goal for humans, but a real feeling of happiness cannot be built at the expense of others.

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8 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:


Personally I think that happiness can be a right goal for humans, but a real feeling of happiness cannot be built at the expense of others.

Again as many other statements, we come down to a single word as Happiness, true happiness, that also have to be told and teached what is, because people really do not know what it is. For some their happiness is not even legal, but for others, it is having a shelter, food and clean water. 


True happiness is what you feel today, not what you felt yesterday, or what you will feel tomorow. However you can prepare for tomorow, next week, next month, next Year, and for your elderly days and you are ready to go. But what true happiness is, is a Big Q nobody really can explain to another neither teach!

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22 hours ago, Tagged said:

If you want some credit and aknownledge for your posts, you need to start posting your opinions with your own words. Quoting the bible for every posts gets a bit tiring after awhile. I also thought it is against the forum rules to just qoute texts as an answer. 

I'm not looking for any credit or acknowledgement from any of my posts.  I would think most people would enjoy hearing what God has to say on this subject more than me.  Since the Bible is His message to us, one has to read or share what He says to those who haven't read the Bible.  

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11 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:

I'm not looking for any credit or acknowledgement from any of my posts.  I would think most people would enjoy hearing what God has to say on this subject more than me.  Since the Bible is His message to us, one has to read or share what He says to those who haven't read the Bible.  

I wish more people did in fact read the bible and then got to know the texts themselves indeed, and not only hand selected from priests and teachers who believe they doing the humanity a favor. 

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26 minutes ago, Tagged said:

Again as many other statements, we come down to a single word as Happiness, true happiness..

Sorry, but you missed entirely my point..

I said happiness, but I could have said prosperity, or comfort, or anything that has a positive value.

The point is to realise that we are part of the whole, and not just single beings detached from everything.

For example, if there are 10 apples, and you eat all of them, you get a belly ache, and someone else may be starving.  

That said, your points about the meaning of happiness are valid.

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5 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

Sorry, but you missed entirely my point..

I said happiness, but I could have said prosperity, or comfort, or anything that has a positive value.

The point is to realise that we are part of the whole, and not just single beings detached from everything.

For example, if there are 10 apples, and you eat all of them, you get a belly ache, and someone else may be starving.  

That said, your points about the meaning of happiness are valid.

Or eat two and the rest become rotten, and need to been trown away! 


While 8 people would have felt happiness if he gave it away. I see your point, but not always to understand english contexts on a fora like this ???? 

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3 minutes ago, Tagged said:

Or eat two and the rest become rotten, and need to been trown away! 


While 8 people would have felt happiness if he gave it away. I see your point, but not always to understand english contexts on a fora like this ???? 

Well, English is not my first language either, that's a reason why I try to keep it short and simple.

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50 minutes ago, Tagged said:

You are crazy If you really mean that, and I have understood your post correct, People who think and believe a kid suffering from cancer had a choice to corret themselves, or any plague killed natives around the world, or genocides and stealing their land, have something to do with god, you are totally insane. As well people get raped, murdered, turtured is a test from god? Get your head straight, and do something about it, before it is to late. There is no mercy in that teaching, there is no salvation or blissness in such thinking, neither a gods acceptance to do so!


Yes, how I Choose to live do have a impact on my health, but as much I know whats good for me, religion do give people bad guilt, that also can influence their physical health as mental healtn, and I see religon as an plague. Religion lead people to do bad things in religions name, and it is the same for me to tell people to open their eyes to see how bad people like trump is to the world, the religion is the dame, and always an excuse to defend their choices. Choices people normaly should not have made, but mass hypnosis where they are led to believe this is right. 


If you are borned in middle east, it is highly likely you are a and so on!

Obviously I was not referring to illness incurred because of poisoning, pollution or intake of chemicals.  Sure, I do not have an answer on innocent victims of war and genocide, except that there is also much beauty and love in this world, and you often find it in places where you won't expect it.

Also despite all the sh#t happening, it is still my strong belief that there is no such thing as co-incidence, and that everything happening has meaning and purpose.

Call me crazy and totally insane and I will agree because from your point of view that's completely correct, but don't insult me by putting me in the 'organized religion' corner, because if there is one place where I don't fit it is there.

Don't know what you are trying to tell with 'born in Middle East'.  Not that it matters one bit, but I am West European by birth and world citizen by heart and mind. 


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15 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

Obviously I was not referring to illness incurred because of poisoning, pollution or intake of chemicals.  Sure, I do not have an answer on innocent victims of war and genocide, except that there is also much beauty and love in this world, and you often find it in places where you won't expect it.

Also despite all the sh#t happening, it is still my strong belief that there is no such thing as co-incidence, and that everything happening has meaning and purpose.

Call me crazy and totally insane and I will agree because from your point of view that's completely correct, but don't insult me by putting me in the 'organized religion' corner, because if there is one place where I don't fit it is there.

Don't know what you are trying to tell with 'born in Middle East'.  Not that it matters one bit, but I am West European by birth and world citizen by heart and mind. 


It is a very organized thought, you get what you deserved or it is a test god put you trough.


When born in Europe, you most likely be a christian som sort and believe in Jesus, Maria, teached about the bible, the same in America. If born in middle east Allah.

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5 minutes ago, Tagged said:

It is a very organized thought, you get what you deserved or it is a test god put you trough.


When born in Europe, you most likely be a christian som sort and believe in Jesus, Maria, teached about the bible, the same in America. If born in middle east Allah.

Yes, it's the law of Karma.  But it is not only that you get what you deserve, but also that you get what you need (which you often won't like at all) so indeed a kind of test.

I was born as 3rd generation in a non-religious family both from father/mother's side.  Never been in a church before my 20th birthday and interested in what religions can tell us as a means of self-development.  Indeed, totally crazy but with a method in my madness...

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Just now, Peter Denis said:

Yes, it's the law of Karma.  But it is not only that you get what you deserve, but also that you get what you need (which you often won't like at all) so indeed a kind of test.

I was born as 3rd generation in a non-religious family both from father/mother's side.  Never been in a church before my 20th birthday and interested in what religions can tell us as a means of self-development.  Indeed, totally crazy but with a method in my madness...

Well, as you say, madness, but if its give you any comfort, why not. However, teaching such belief, and putting alot of guilt on innocent people, I do get really upset by. Nobody deserve or need menthal health problems, cancer or any other illness. It is deleted to even think or say so. 

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1 hour ago, Tagged said:

Again as many other statements, we come down to a single word as Happiness, true happiness, that also have to be told and teached what is, because people really do not know what it is. For some their happiness is not even legal, but for others, it is having a shelter, food and clean water. 


True happiness is what you feel today, not what you felt yesterday, or what you will feel tomorow. However you can prepare for tomorow, next week, next month, next Year, and for your elderly days and you are ready to go. But what true happiness is, is a Big Q nobody really can explain to another neither teach!

Happiness that is dependent on external factors (food, shelter, money, sex....) is not "true happiness".

True happiness is independent from those influences and can only be found within.

Why? Because you may have food today, but tomorrow you may not. So you're happy while you have it, but as soon as it's gone, happiness goes with it.  


But how can you find a happiness that will stay with you regardless, whether you have money, friends, good health or not?


I think this is a question that we should all ask ourselves.

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4 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

Yes, it's the law of Karma.  But it is not only that you get what you deserve, but also that you get what you need (which you often won't like at all) so indeed a kind of test

Totally agree, even from a purely materialistic point of view, one has to concede that we can learn a lot from our mistakes, and it's undeniable that hardships make us stronger. ( Well, at least if they don't kill us )  ????

So it makes complete sense that we choose some specific incarnation, and/or situation, because there's a lesson to be learnt.

It's obvious to me that the concept of eternal damnation is an invention, and a bad one, to scare the people into submission.

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19 minutes ago, Tagged said:

Well, as you say, madness, but if its give you any comfort, why not. However, teaching such belief, and putting alot of guilt on innocent people, I do get really upset by. Nobody deserve or need menthal health problems, cancer or any other illness. It is deleted to even think or say so. 

It's obvious we are not on same wave-length.

And sorry (but not really) if my views upset you.


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6 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

It's obvious we are not on same wave-length.

And sorry (but not really) if my views upset you.


You are not alone, years ago the coach of England's national team created a scandal, and was sacked in the end, for talking publicly about karma. Some concepts are hard to digest for the so-called politically correct.

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