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Top Democrats leave open option of Trump impeachment after Mueller report


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1 minute ago, Thainesss said:


That's not evidence. Thats a publication that took a poll and constructed an article around it to talk complete shit on someone. Opinion. 


And it reads like a schoolyard attempt to provoke someone into doing something rash. 

Compared to what you routinely provide, that's massive "evidence." 

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Just now, Thainesss said:


Sanders, Warren, Biden have ALL stated they want to raise taxes to pay for what they wanna do. Sanders was on Fox the other day saying he'd need to do it. 

Geez man, don't be so dishonest.  I said "I've not heard one Dem suggest raising taxes on the middle class."  Some are talking about raising taxes on the super-wealthy...something most Americans support.  Quit with the lying already.    

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9 hours ago, elmrfudd said:

liberals think they have this magical ability fueled by the perceived self anointed intellectual superiority



"Liberals think more analytically than conservatives...


...In five studies with more than 5,000 participants, we found that liberals think more analytically...than moderates and conservatives...


...results suggest that liberals and conservatives in the same country think as if they were from different cultures...


...training people to think analytically causes them to form more liberal opinions..."


Sim Sala Bim!




...more intelligent individuals may be more likely to acquire and espouse evolutionarily novel values, such as liberalism, atheism...


...Data from two large representative samples...support the predictions.  Both adolescent and adult intelligence predict adult espousal of liberalism, atheism...


...Vegetarianism would therefore be an evolutionarily novel value...

Consistent with the prediction of the Hypothesis, there is some evidence that more intelligent children are more likely to grow up to be vegetarian..."


Hocus Pocus!


"...in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, or Add Health, which has been tracking the same group since 1994...

People who later admitted to being "not at all religious," and who classified themselves as "very liberal" politically had higher IQ scores as teenagers than those who were "very religious" and "very conservative."

The difference isn't huge...But...significant.

"Liberalism"—which Kanazawa defines, in part, as caring about the well-being of vast numbers of people you'll never meet—"is a very new thing for humans," he said."




Edited by thaicurious
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13 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Fair enough.  You're a believer...I get that.  But most of America is not.  And Trump has never cared about the rest of America.  That will be his downfall.


[According to the Gallup poll, Trump is the first president to never have even one day where a majority of Americans supported him.]

[And so while he may galvanize loyalists, Trump has consistently failed to win over Americans beyond his base.]




Trump got elect with out the majority of Americans and will do it again. There are only a few rust belt states that matter at this point. I don't see the people in places like Flint, Michigan giving up airplanes, cars and ultimately wearing green, socialist, jump suits.


270 is the magic number, people seem to forget that. It's going to be the same pop vote whining when Trump gets to 270 again.

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12 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

Haven't done my taxes for 2018 yet. Not looking forward to it. I believe less money has been taken out during the year which may account for less return. If you saw a $8900. loss you're above my pay bracket.


That's how it works. The average American complaining is too dumb to realize that their tax return is a zero interest loan to the government. Now you get your money immediately and each month. The people in higher brackets from states with high SALT rates are out of pocket. That's the price they pay when their states were trying to use the deductions to subsidize their high tax rates at the expense of the feds and other states.


It's going to be interesting to see how some states cope. 


Anyway back to the topic. Pelosi wrote a long rambling letter just now that says very little other than dems can't agree. So it is likely there are not even the votes in the house to try to impeach anyway. Here is where the will feed on themselves. People like Omar and AOC are too narcissistic to keep quiet when they should. They will be outraged, demand impeachment anyway and end up costing seats to their peers running in normal-man-land.



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2 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


That's how it works. The average American complaining is too dumb to realize that their tax return is a zero interest loan to the government. Now you get your money immediately and each month. The people in higher brackets from states with high SALT rates are out of pocket. That's the price they pay when their states were trying to use the deductions to subsidize their high tax rates at the expense of the feds and other states.


It's going to be interesting to see how some states cope. 


Anyway back to the topic. Pelosi wrote a long rambling letter just now that says very little other than dems can't agree. So it is likely there are not even the votes in the house to try to impeach anyway. Here is where the will feed on themselves. People like Omar and AOC are too narcissistic to keep quiet when they should. They will be outraged, demand impeachment anyway and end up costing seats to their peers running in normal-man-land.



Oh I always make sure I get something back don’t like to owe and the interest rates are so low doesent mak any difference to keep it in the bank kinda a year end bonus 

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5 hours ago, thaicurious said:



"Liberals think more analytically than conservatives...


...In five studies with more than 5,000 participants, we found that liberals think more analytically...than moderates and conservatives...


...results suggest that liberals and conservatives in the same country think as if they were from different cultures...


...training people to think analytically causes them to form more liberal opinions..."


Sim Sala Bim!




...more intelligent individuals may be more likely to acquire and espouse evolutionarily novel values, such as liberalism, atheism...


...Data from two large representative samples...support the predictions.  Both adolescent and adult intelligence predict adult espousal of liberalism, atheism...


...Vegetarianism would therefore be an evolutionarily novel value...

Consistent with the prediction of the Hypothesis, there is some evidence that more intelligent children are more likely to grow up to be vegetarian..."


Hocus Pocus!


"...in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, or Add Health, which has been tracking the same group since 1994...

People who later admitted to being "not at all religious," and who classified themselves as "very liberal" politically had higher IQ scores as teenagers than those who were "very religious" and "very conservative."

The difference isn't huge...But...significant.

"Liberalism"—which Kanazawa defines, in part, as caring about the well-being of vast numbers of people you'll never meet—"is a very new thing for humans," he said."




5,000 people out of a population of over 300 million. WOW!

If it was carried out in California or NY, I'm sure the result will be completely different from one carried out in Texas.

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38 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

5,000 people out of a population of over 300 million. WOW!

If it was carried out in California or NY, I'm sure the result will be completely different from one carried out in Texas.



"...study reports on the personality attributes of nursery school children who two decades later were reliably stratified along a liberal/conservative dimension....


...Preschool children who 20 years later were relatively liberal were characterized as: developing close relationships, self-reliant, energetic, somewhat dominating, relatively under-controlled, and resilient.


Preschool children subsequently relatively conservative at age 23 were described as: feeling easily victimized, easily offended, indecisive, fearful, rigid, inhibited, and relatively over-controlled and vulnerable."

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1 hour ago, Tug said:

Oh I always make sure I get something back don’t like to owe and the interest rates are so low doesent mak any difference to keep it in the bank kinda a year end bonus 


You don't get anything doing it that way. You are waiting to get your money. You could roll that money into index funds and be getting 8% or more. Letting the government hold your money makes no sense.

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1 hour ago, elmrfudd said:

liberal "study" says liberals are better....imagine that

Have you checked the methodology of this study, the article selection process in this journal, the other publications of the authors in ranked journals?


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2 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


You don't get anything doing it that way. You are waiting to get your money. You could roll that money into index funds and be getting 8% or more. Letting the government hold your money makes no sense.

It's not like we have a choice. I file arried, jointly, but also have an LLC and an S Corp. Quarterly taxes MUST Be paid or penalties and interest accrue. Since the government tends to viewall things in their favor it is better not to be the nail that sticks up.

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3 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

It's not like we have a choice. I file arried, jointly, but also have an LLC and an S Corp. Quarterly taxes MUST Be paid or penalties and interest accrue. Since the government tends to viewall things in their favor it is better not to be the nail that sticks up.

there in lies the large tax bill.

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As I've said previously, not impeaching Trump is really the best strategy.  Trump will be the weakest candidate the GOP has ever put up.  But this article makes the case that not impeaching Trump will contribute to the destruction of the GOP.  He's got a point.....


[For Democrats, leaving Donald Trump in office is not only good politics — it is the best chance for fundamental realignment of American politics in more than a generation. Mr. Trump is three years into destroying what we know as the Republican Party. Another two years just might finish it off. Trumpism has become Republicanism, and that spells electoral doom for the party.]




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It is very difficult to unseat a president if the economy is strong. All the fluff issues the Dems go on and on about will not mean as much to the working class as jobs. If the economy tanks before the 2020 elections Trump will lose.

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8 hours ago, elmrfudd said:

liberal "study" says liberals are better....imagine that


6 hours ago, candide said:

Have you checked the methodology of this study, the article selection process in this journal, the other publications of the authors in ranked journals?



31 minutes ago, elmrfudd said:

the entire premise is a joke. but being a liberal, I am sure you need it to boost your belief that an ideological belief can make

you more intelligent. it is the standard liberal self anointed arrogant belief system in a nutshell

That's the way scientific publications are assessed whatever the topic. Not because one likes or not the findings.


I just had a look:

- the methodology is up to scientific standards

- the journal is not the best ranked but is well recognised and applies a serious reviewing process

- the authors are well recognised as researchers, have published on a wide range of topics related to personality development, received prizes, etc...

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17 hours ago, elmrfudd said:

so you dig up some publications, written by liberals, that they are more "analytical" or somehow more intelligent to ...

No digging by me. All I did was a lazy google and that's what was shown in results.


Now I could do a little dig for grins. Let's google Republicans are smarter and see what that gets.


Presto Chango!

"A new Harvard study has shown that liberals have a lower average IQ than conservatives"


SIKE!!! It's a Snopes.



9 hours ago, candide said:

That's the way scientific publications are assessed whatever the topic. Not because one likes or not the findings.


I just had a look:

- the methodology is up to scientific standards

- the journal is not the best ranked but is well recognised and applies a serious reviewing process

- the authors are well recognised as researchers, have published on a wide range of topics related to personality development, received prizes, etc...

Blessed be!


All what you've said plus that political consequences found from the data were pretty much fortuitous, eliminating any non-delusional justification for the complaining poster's exhibition of "feeling easily victimized, easily offended, indecisive (or) fearful" about the motivation behind the data which the earlier study hadn't collected for political purpose rather "to evaluate the implications of ego-control and ego-resiliency for understanding behavior from the nursery school years...(on)...creativity, self-monitoring, role-taking, blood pressure, life stresses, depressive tendencies, drug and other substance usage, etc." per the researcher of an earlier study on the data and here's that http://grantome.com/grant/NIH/R01-MH016080-21S1


It is this posted study in question here


which then uses the previous study linked above and data to explore political aspects which was not the original intent of the collecting of the raw data. So this is about as untainted in motive as it gets. Even if the last researchers were looking for data to possibly back up some theory they might have had, they found it. And it's not just novel and well done but reflects real life experience as would relate any who still know many from their childhood.


The relevance to the original topic couldn't be more clear, that this is not just responding to some poster's sad attempt to wrongly denigrate liberals, but bibbidi-bobbidi-boo! shows how not just intelligence to know good from bad matters, but shows also early development of personality traits required to put that intelligence to work appropriately.

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