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Legal significance of having a child's name in the blue Tabien Baan

Fat Prophet

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Can anyone tell me the legal significance -- specifically rights conferred on the named individual -- of having a child's name in the blue Tabien Baan of a house/land? By putting a child's name in the blue house book, does the child acquire rights in the house, a right of permanent residence so that the child may not be removed by the owner of the house, rights in the household items in the house or any other rights of any kind or nature? All I can find on the internet is that it identifies the child as a resident in the house covered by the Tabien Baan, but I suspect that there may be more involved than that. Thank you. 

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1 hour ago, davidst01 said:

its helpful when registering a kid at a school. 


Also, I give it as evidence when renewing my ext of stay based on marriage


And we used it to get thai and national passports

Children need to be named in a house book, but there are other options/other house books. Presently, my children are in the blue book of their mother's parents' house, not my house. My children have both Thai and US passports and Thai birth certificates and Consular Reports of Birth, which is equivalent to a US birth certificate. No house book was required or used in the process to get those (perhaps it was used to get the Thai birth certificate, as I was not very involved in that, but as I recall the hospital took care of everything, and I do not recall any evidence of a house book entry being provided to them). I have no problem/would be happy to include them in the house book for my house, so long as it does not create any rights that can be exploited by their mother. I will discuss the issue further with my lawyer when I sign my annual company reports/balance sheets on Monday. 

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The legal significance is that the child is officially registered as living at the address where the blue book is for, nothing more. One can be removed from the book by the owner of the house. 


if you want to give the child rights to the house/land when you die you need to make a will. 



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A house book has nothing to do with the ownership of land, houses or the contents of a house.


A house book is a list of people registered at a dwelling. The list is used by various branches of the government for administrative purposes.

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