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Your neighbors


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5 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I have good internet, a large smart TV and a 1 TB drive loaded with many films and TV series. Yes and no, the women still go out to the rice fields to winnow rice by hand when knocked over by rain and wind, that the mechanical harvesters can't pick up. The majority of households have a satellite dish. There are regular donations of cooked food to the monks at the local temple, which is a focal point.

I go there for a break from my Chiang Mai condo. Big cities can pall too.


just a thin veneer of modernity over the feudal like hierarchical society in which we live. Take away the tv's, cars and phones and you are left with the reality of subservience, corruption and the enormous wealth gap.

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2 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

just a thin veneer of modernity over the feudal like hierarchical society in which we live. Take away the tv's, cars and phones and you are left with the reality of subservience, corruption and the enormous wealth gap.

True enough. However, it does not affect me so I don't care. As long as the villagers have their Lao Khao they don't care either.

Feudalism actually worked quite well for some centuries. IMHO some of the so-called democracies we have now are in reality oligarchies.

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So the guy tha poured beer on my dogs the other day is definitely a an <deleted>,he don’t like dogs. A lovely dog that usually walks on he’s on back and forth everyday and don’t cause any trouble, never bark, I see no aggression, mr. <deleted> neighbor just kicked the dog a bit for no reason an probably told the dog to go away even when the dog isn’t bothering anyone... maybe he is a songtaew or a tuk tuk low energy high aggression person. Let’s hope he don’t last long..

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17 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

just a thin veneer of modernity over the feudal like hierarchical society in which we live. Take away the tv's, cars and phones and you are left with the reality of subservience, corruption and the enormous wealth gap.

Without all that, I'd be living alone.

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I have a mixed bag of neighbours .

Live in a small sub soi of 6 houses.



1) 30 something lady who only appears at weekends to take care of her garden, now heavily pregnant, never seen a man around ?


2) Young couple with a daughter ( 10 ish ) . He leaves 7 ish for work, comes back at 8 ish , his wife slightly less.

He always gives me a nod, she doesn’t see me.


3) House empty, previous young couple had money issues ( bank came regularly to collect ) . One day he received a truck full of old gym equipment, and it’s still there a year later, rain has taken its toll and their pit bull also.


4) Market trader family ( shrimp and squid ) in and out of the house all day loading and unloading the pickup.


5) Next door, middle age couple, wife works in a factory, he sits around all day doesn’t do sh1t !!

When we moved in his wife told us he was always chasing the ladies and not to talk to him !! Two sons turn up on school holidays and don’t talk to their father.

Old golden retriever that does its business then sits in it all day, stinks !!


6) Me and the gf , quiet couple, no drinking, no smoking, gardening and odd jobs, currently painting the house.

Boring ? yup !!


And then at the back is an older couple, recently got together, share their time between her house and his .

He will give me a nod , she wants to chat ( thankfully my limited Thai prevents this [emoji51]).

She engages my gf in conversation and doesn’t stop until she’s convinced my gf that her daughter is the most successful/richest person in Thailand !!

Gives us bananas, mangoes etc and my gf reciprocates with kanum etc .


All in all, no problems, typical thais I think, pleasant but don’t want to chat or become friends except for the guy next door who tries to make conversation with me ( my gf says occasionally he will sit outside discussing some big land sale on his phone very loudly !!, she suspects there is nobody on the other end ! ), he’s a bit of a wide boy [emoji51]


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So I was sitting on the balcony in the dark, and then neighbor came home driving he’s car after drinking, took he’s  beer can and poured beer over my dogs near the fence. what is wrong with some people? He didn’t see me, but I saw him. so have anyone of you ever experience some stupid behavior from your neighbors? 

I would have whistled so he knows I saw him and raised my arms/eyebrows as if to say “ what’s going on ? “ .
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In our previous apartment on Sathorn there was a young Thai couple who were a similar age to us living next door. She was very cute and I certainly enjoyed the few times I heard her faint moans through the walls. A rare treat. 

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On 4/29/2019 at 11:07 PM, bapoboy said:

Because I can’t speak thai and somchai doesn’t understand English, he have never been friendly, always angry looking face

See it’s an opportunity to break ice. Do sign language showing why pour the beer on the dogs give to me .... might get a chuckle and break the ice.


you won’t have a long conversation but he’s sees your friendly and you see he’s friendly. 


We bought a house in the US I was 45 years old. Most neighbors didn’t talk to each other. When the weather was nice as days were

I’d walk around the neighborhood both side of the street say or wave and eventually stop and small talk. 


My said why all all these people in the neighborhood know you. I walk around the neighborhood say hello and see what’s going on. 

A lot of California people didn’t care to know their neighbors. I was 

Southern raised Mama Georgia and Papa Alabama ( I was born in Miami). 


Break the ice see if it helps wont cost you anything...

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At almost 70, I never had any trouble with neighbours anywhere. (Oh, I did shoot the biker neighbours dogs eating my hens in the 70s!)


I've lived in the same mooban for 29 years. Planted a beautiful mature garden of fruit tree, bamboo, and flowers. Next door moved in 7 years ago. Goes nuts when a leaf drops on his tiled cement. Hates nature. Called the cops on me seven times. Of course, they have a good laugh over this nutjob.


Any idea how I can get rid of him??? 

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I think my story trumps all your bad neighbor stories, so here goes.


Been living in our house bout 10 years. Old fart next door built his rice house 1 metre onto wife's ground. I built a wall to mark out the property line and this is when wife asked the old fart next door to take it down and move it back. It's been there so long, he said, why can't we just leave it.


Poo yai involved and taken down and moved back. Then they got chickens and roosters which are not allowed. The f@@@ing things crowed all day every day, so Poo yai involved and chickens and roosters taken away.


You should be able to ascertain by now, that the neighbor didn't like us. Hacked the crap out of my palm trees saying they encroached on his  ground. True, but we asked him to let them grow and they would provide shade for his home. Nope, just kept hacking and then leaned into our side and hacked palms that were 5 years old. Poo yai called again and he had to pay for the palms he ruined. Only 500 baht but by now he hates us.


Sorry such a long story, but here's the kicker. He was getting on and so couldn't make the toilet, so pissed in the garden. The stench of stale piss was overcoming and we couldn't open the windows by the side of the house. There's good news, the old F@@@er died 6 days ago, finally at 92.


When he died, his bowels emptied themselves into his diaper. What did they do with the diaper? chucked it into the garden right by the wall on their side. The smell is something else and I can't help thinking that the old basterd is still giving us the finger from the grave.


Wife had to go cover the diaper in dirt today cause the neighbors don't give a shit. Excuse the pun.



That's my terrible neighbor story. ????

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On 4/30/2019 at 4:40 AM, Spidey said:

Exactly the same for me, I actually love it when a neighbour wanders into my garden, picks a couple of papaya off the tree and wanders off without speaking. My wife has just harvested a large bunch of bananas. A third we will keep. A third will be given to family and friends and a third will be given to our neighbours. It's always reciprocated twofold. A real community. Days of yore in the UK.


The only difference for me is that I've never had a problem with Immigration. The IO in Pattaya is sweet.


A real community. Days of yore in the UK.


not quite. my home town is a small village, around 100 people, pretty much everyone looks out for everyone else; dog walking, taking care of house if neighbour is on holiday,  sharing tools/labour, shopping/snow clearing for the elderly in winter, lifts to the train station, and so on ... many villages in the area are the same

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