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War on sex traffickers to continue, pledges PM Prayut


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War on this, war on that, wouldn't it be great, when not the victims and the small cogs in the traffics, may it be sex or drugs, would be, ...eventually, 'caught'? With the exception of 1(one) man, involved in drug traffickin, we actually don't hear about anymore lately, who wasn't even one of the 'big bosses', and got under the spotlights because of one of the, many, pseudo-VIPs, Thailand is too 'rich' of.

But deviant sex 'brokers'? Like the providers and the ring leaders? No. Not in the drugs' 'industry', nor in the, most dirty, 'commerce' of young innocent flesh! Officials and RTP officers 'small' dealers in underage sex, ...or enjoying the deprivation of it, have, like more recently up-North, been white-washed of any crime, not even endicted. Nothing happened, nothing to see, life as usual, move on folks...

This, alas, seems to fall into the usual pattern of the military dictatorship (did I say the previous administrations attempted to, or did any better: no), like what's happened with the drawned, vanished, public hopes of 'changes and reforms', which, clearly, highly contributed to the majority of the population's acceptation of, yet another, coup. But do those 'coupists', renegates to the Law of the Land, care a bit, nah, they're just doing the same, or worse, as the ones they kicked out calling them rotten.

What does that make of a former Lt Gen, made the poster of the 2014 coup, who, in an epic pantomime, pretended not to be a politician and being one the next day? Is he the right person to pretend, to pledge, a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g, still calling himself the 'PM', he has, never, been, not able, qualified, ...elected, to anything such? What's the name of the game? ...Also, for even more pregnant issues for the country!

Bah, does he, the compromised military nomenclutara around him, and the rotten 'elite' of bloodsuckers, care a bit? I seriously doubt it. Accumulating billions, selling off the country's flesh and blood to the chinese imperators, for Judas' 20 silverlings (peanut money for non-christians)! Ah, when there would be specific 'Panama papers' about where the chinese-merchants'-elite, ...and the military 'big brass' is hiding its ill-gotten wealth... The genuine question, innocent, question being: why do you move away the money you 'made' (...well) in Thailand far away from it, ...when you do believe in Thailand, don't you?

There should be, IMHO, a firing squad at the ready in the next room, to do its thing when the, ...suspected traitors, answer would not be satisfying.

But this is a matter for the real, true, Thais to take care of, whenever they would get brave enough to. One can hope.

Edited by bangrak
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It's not a Farang thing, i've never met a girl in the sex trade here who wasn't there voluntarily; in fact, quite a few have other less lucrative options, the accountant and the college girl spring to mind.

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On 4/30/2019 at 10:31 PM, johng50 said:

There must be hundreds if not thousands of places the same as these that have been raided, If you can give a big enough brown envelope your left alone it seems, or raids would be going on by the hour and 80% of businesses would be forced to close, Im all for them stamping out sex with underage, that needs to be done worldwide, but how do you stop prostitution, hell you would virtually have to close down thailand. 

The envelope process will always prevent real commitment to stamping out sex trafficking and the associated human trafficking. Some of the people at the bottom of this industry would starve if they didn't work while prone. Part of solving the problem will require finding training for these people so they won't see sex as their only talent. Unfortunately a lot of the western visitors to the Kingdom are here to engage in the sex industry. Close the industry down and their will be some economical impact.

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