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Local elections deliver Brexit bashing for Britain's May and opposition


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3 minutes ago, bomber said:

facts are if we had joined the euro we would of at £ = €1.60,billions of extra pounds going back into British folks pockets over those 20 years,to think some call it a saviour is mindboggling.

Q: If we had joined the euro who would have printed these extra (worthless) pounds going back into British folks pockets?


Mind Boggling.

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1 minute ago, nauseus said:

Q: If we had joined the euro who would have printed these extra (worthless) pounds going back into British folks pockets?


Mind Boggling.

price of imports would of fell and would of stayed low from the first day,remember when people used to go to the continent to buy new cars? they did so because the ex rate made them cheaper,not mind boggling at all just a fact,any normal person might understand

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11 minutes ago, bomber said:

price of imports would of fell and would of stayed low from the first day,remember when people used to go to the continent to buy new cars? they did so because the ex rate made them cheaper,not mind boggling at all just a fact,any normal person might understand

OMG never mind.

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price of imports would of fell and would of stayed low from the first day,remember when people used to go to the continent to buy new cars? they did so because the ex rate made them cheaper,not mind boggling at all just a fact,any normal person might understand

But you don’t understand how a weak pound is good for the UK car industry?
Benz BMW Audi VW and other EU cars are all more expensive to buy in the UK. Fleet buyers opt for locally produced units. UK produced cars become cheaper everywhere, so more attractive to overseas buyers.
The same principle applies to tariffs and quotas to nonEU countries after we have Brexited, and that’s not only for cars.
Both EU and UK cars may become more expensive due to tariffs after Brexit, but that’s a good thing for the UK trade balance with the EU.
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19 minutes ago, Loiner said:

But you don’t understand how a weak pound is good for the UK car industry?
Benz BMW Audi VW and other EU cars are all more expensive to buy in the UK. Fleet buyers opt for locally produced units. UK produced cars become cheaper everywhere, so more attractive to overseas buyers.
The same principle applies to tariffs and quotas to nonEU countries after we have Brexited, and that’s not only for cars.
Both EU and UK cars may become more expensive due to tariffs after Brexit, but that’s a good thing for the UK trade balance with the EU.

What uk built cars after brexit?

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5 minutes ago, aright said:

The Cabinet Office have just confirmed the UK will participate in the EU Parliament elections later this month.

Only right,after all we aint leaving.

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6 minutes ago, nontabury said:



As a citizen of one of the E.u regions, Finland. can you please tell me why you are so keen to keep the U.K shackled to the E.u.

 Do you not realise,that should our political class be successful in ignoring the expressed Democratic vote of the people. That the British people will never accept the E.u. Unless and it seems very unlikely, it was to revert solely to a trading block.

What would happen, there would be an ever increasing will of the population to exit, and while we would remain in, this disjointed so called union, we would cause problems throughout the union,especially in that talking shop in Brussels.

 The genie is now out of the bottle. Accept it and move forward, or are you afraid that other prisoners of the E.u. will want to follow our footsteps.





A dreamer to go with a believer in genie's what ever next.

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1 hour ago, aright said:

More fake news. EU workers enjoy working in the UK because wages are good and tax rates are low. The minimum wage in the UK is higher than Germany and much higher than Finland which doesn't have a minimum wage. The UK's minimum wage may well become the highest in the world as a measure to tackle poverty. In 2017 there were 9.4 million foreign born people living in the UK most of them working

Do you enjoy denigrating the UK with your false information? Why do you hate us so much?





You and all your likes really didn't understand he was talking 'after you lowered wages with 30%'?

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1 hour ago, Nigel Garvie said:

I can't remember reading such an absurd post for a long time.  "The British people" what do you mean - some of the British people maybe. Or are you claiming inside knowledge of the way ALL the people of Britain feel and will behave in the future. The fact is (Born out by endless polls for those who like to dismiss them) that your wonderful "British people" are increasingly realizing that they have been sold a turd by a bunch of conmen and plonkers.


The sad fact for British people about the cartoon above, is that it unwittingly draws attention to the fact that our pensions are one of the lowest in Europe. People in other countries in Europe expect us to feel ashamed of the way we treat our old people. 


BTW please don't insult TV posters intelligence by claiming that the NET money we give to the EU (around 9 billion) would allow us to pay decent pensions. The government pension black hole is measured in Trillions, not Billions.

very few UK OAPs are on basic state pensions only,a good percentage also get DLA and many have private pensions/work pensions,but again we go back to the have all ran their lives in a proper manner,but iam sure some brexiteer will reply with some comment about the EU being to blame for any poor old folks.

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2 hours ago, aright said:

More fake news. EU workers enjoy working in the UK because wages are good and tax rates are low. The minimum wage in the UK is higher than Germany and much higher than Finland which doesn't have a minimum wage. The UK's minimum wage may well become the highest in the world as a measure to tackle poverty. In 2017 there were 9.4 million foreign born people living in the UK most of them working

Do you enjoy denigrating the UK with your false information? Why do you hate us so much?





he doesnt hate the UK again you brexiteers see everything as a battle,your paranoid like other brexiteers on here.

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1 hour ago, oilinki said:



"Reports from Whitehall that NHS about to launch an emergency global recruitment drive as nurse numbers in UK plummet below “safety operating levels” as retention & recruitment of EU nurses dives.

Acceleration of plans to include long term visas & “golden hellos”."




it seems the british cannot even help themselves these days,well paid jobs for life with good pensions having to be taken by foreign workers,says a lot about the country,shame plenty of young girls dont seem to mind visiting hospitals to knock out kids at great expense to the taxpayer.

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"The good thing for you naturally is that the EU workers no longer wish to come to work in the UK as their real salaries are becoming lower than in the rest of the EU. Say goodbye to those NHS doctors, nurses, construction workers, farming helpers, service professionals etc. " 


If foreign born people dislike British salaries so much how come 2.27 million had employment in the UK in 2018; 372000 more than in 2017? 

If foreign born people dislike British salaries so much how come 12% of NHS employees are foreign born and a total of 7% employees in the NHS are EU nationals?


As for the recruitment of foreign nurses the UK has always done it.

Recruitment from outside of the UK has made a valuable contribution in the NHS over many years and forms an important part of the workforce supply strategy of NHS organizations - alongside many other on going solutions like local recruitment and training.


Germany has the second largest number of immigrants globally behind the USA and do they have a supply problem? Of course they do; why do you think Mrs Merkel opened the gates. Do I hear you criticizing Germany? No, even though they have a lower minimum wage than the UK. Do I hear you criticizing Finland for having no minimum wage? No! 

You are just part of the gloat and glee club looking forward to a UK demise.

Shame on you to wish for failure just to prove you were right. 





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2 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

I can't remember reading such an absurd post for a long time.  "The British people" what do you mean - some of the British people maybe. Or are you claiming inside knowledge of the way ALL the people of Britain feel and will behave in the future. The fact is (Born out by endless polls for those who like to dismiss them) that your wonderful "British people" are increasingly realizing that they have been sold a turd by a bunch of conmen and plonkers.


The sad fact for British people about the cartoon above, is that it unwittingly draws attention to the fact that our pensions are one of the lowest in Europe. People in other countries in Europe expect us to feel ashamed of the way we treat our old people. 


BTW please don't insult TV posters intelligence by claiming that the NET money we give to the EU (around 9 billion) would allow us to pay decent pensions. The government pension black hole is measured in Trillions, not Billions.

Ah  so it is 9B.

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16 minutes ago, aright said:

You don't recognize it because you are a carbon copy of him.

Sometimes you have to see the glow behind the words.


we both understand economics,you iam afraid do not.

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We are governed by incompetents - I think people both side of the brexit divide ca agree on that. But why ? 


Simon Kuper suggested in the FT - https://www.ft.com/content/3a31862c-df91-11e7-a8a4-0a1e63a52f9c


“But both countries have now fallen into the hands of well-off baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964 – the luckiest members of the luckiest generation in history. These people had no formative experiences, only TV shows. They never expected anything awful or unknown to happen. They went into politics mostly for kicks.”


Another article by Simon Wren-Lewis thinks ideology are a collection of ideas that can form a political imperative that overrides evidence.




That is why Trump and the Brexiters so often attack elements of a pluralist democracy. The ultimate check on incompetence should be democracy itself: incompetent politicians are thrown out. But when a large part of the media encourage rather than expose acts of incompetence, and the non-partisan media treat knowledge as just another opinion, that safeguard against persistent incompetence is put in danger. 

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Doesn't sound much when you consider that we give 14 Bn in foreign aid.

We must stop them both. 23 Bn in the annual kitty, to allocate as necessary. We could even waste some more in the NHS if we wanted.
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