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Finish With The Tgf?


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Just after a bit of advice really. I've known a Thai lady for almost a year now and was over in Thailand on 4 occasions last year. We talk most days and I usually call her at her home number. However recently, the last 3 or 4 weeks or so I haven't been able to get in touch with her at weekends, no answer at home or on the mobile or I'd get in touch with her late at night and she's going out to meet her friend, lady of course! I just don't buy it TBH. Anyways spoke to her last night and called it a day.

I'm 33, she's 30. Good points are; she started University last year and seems to have her head screwed on, she's quite positive, speaks pretty good english, she's a good little character and I admire her in many ways. She doesn't expect money all the time but I do give her a few quid when I come to see her and have only once giver her something Western Union. She's never worked in a bar or a go-go as far as I know and I tend to believe her. I've met all the family. Up until recently she's almost always at home to take my calls at midnight to 2am Thai time when I can call.

Bad points; met her in a disco and gave her money for sex. She doesn't have an income but does have some savings apparently. She's had farang BFs before and I think she was given quite alot of money by an Ozzy apparently, hence the savings.

I wouldn't say I love her but she is a nice little character and I like her alot and she's a good friend and I enjoy speaking to her. I don't want to waste my time and energy on a lady that if F'ing around on me. Am I just being paranoid and give her the benefit of the doubt, it could be all fairly innocent or move on??


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If "called it a day" means that you've told her things are over between the two of you, you're probably better off staying with the new status quo. If you try to restart the relationship, you'll be doing so from the very weak position of being the guy who came crawling back.

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Her clock is ticking and she is well aware of it. Each month and year leaves her less hope. How can you blame her for keeping her options open? Security is the game plan and you are not giving her any security. Long distance relationships seldom work out. As I see it you are in no position to make any demands and you will just have to play it by ear. I'm sure you do whatever you want to do and she should have the same options without you getting upset. If it's right, it will work out and if it's not just feel grateful that you lose too much.

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From the info given in your post, you have done the right thing.

There are lots of girls who supplement their income whilst going through university - not all of them particularly pleasant means... but who am I to judge.

You're in a difficult position, geographically speaking. Relationships such as yours are difficult at the best of times...

How did she take being 'dumped' during your phone conversation? I would imagine her reaction would tell you a lot about whether she was a genuine girl and you were being paranoid about her outings, or whether she was being unfaithful and you were right to end it.

As a side note - there are Thai girls who have all the qualities of the ones you've mentioned, without the negatives. .. or so I've been informed.

Good luck,


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"I don't want to waste my time and energy on a lady that if F'ing around on me."

If you don't live here there is no (zero, zip, nada) chance that she will remain faithful to you, especially considering how you met her. Either you accept doing your own thing back in old blighty while she does her thing here or you are setting up for a major league heartache. There are simply too many opportunities and temptations for an attractive young single woman who speaks English and knows the game to sit home celibate while waiting for a few quid and an occasional visit from some dude living thousands of miles away.

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Possible reactions (with a rating attached - positive good negative bad)

Try skydiving without a parachute (Pattaya has some tall buildings) - 1,000,000,000

Grovel and say you are sorry , you were just having a bad day. - -1,000

Move on before you find out how many other BF's there were +1,000


Edited by farangsay
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Thanks for the responces and no I'm not trolling.

Her clock is ticking and she is well aware of it. Each month and year leaves her less hope. How can you blame her for keeping her options open? Security is the game plan and you are not giving her any security. Long distance relationships seldom work out. As I see it you are in no position to make any demands and you will just have to play it by ear. I'm sure you do whatever you want to do and she should have the same options without you getting upset. If it's right, it will work out and if it's not just feel grateful that you lose too much.

Yeah I can understand where you're coming from. I was trying to base myself in Thailand as I work overseas alot and that was a possibility but it's fallen through. I was planning to bring her over this summer and maybe sort the visa when I'm over in Thailand in April.

TBH I'm not up to all sorts. I haven't been going out on the town on the pull.

From the info given in your post, you have done the right thing.

There are lots of girls who supplement their income whilst going through university - not all of them particularly pleasant means... but who am I to judge.

You're in a difficult position, geographically speaking. Relationships such as yours are difficult at the best of times...

How did she take being 'dumped' during your phone conversation? I would imagine her reaction would tell you a lot about whether she was a genuine girl and you were being paranoid about her outings, or whether she was being unfaithful and you were right to end it.

As a side note - there are Thai girls who have all the qualities of the ones you've mentioned, without the negatives. .. or so I've been informed.

Good luck,


She was very quiet when we spoke and I didn't really go into details abouts the whys. She sounded upset.

I don't want to lose touch with her but maybe it's for the best.

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As someone has already said, the clocks ticking.

I'd look at this philosophically and accept that your relationship is not really going anywhere anyway. Look at her actions as being exactly what they are, best for her. There's no need to dwell on what she's actually doing, just that things have moved on.

Do likewise.

At 33 years old you should be beating them off with the smelly end of a shitty stick, not sticking around for a smelly beating and a shitty end.

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Shes doing you head in already, so why keep her as a gf? If you lived here it might be different but so far away it'll just do your head in.

Sounds like gik material to me, long as you still ain't paying for it. :o

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Bad points; met her in a disco and gave her money for sex.


She was never your gf, you were simply the client of a freelance prostitute. Most likely she's found a better customer now and doesn't need to work you anymore for the big payoff.

Forget her, move on.

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