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In shift, Trump vows tariff hike on Chinese goods ahead of next trade talk round


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Just now, neeray said:

This is standard Trump speak,  relevant to anything he is involved in (aka bafflegab, bullshit, talk for talking, talk and say nothing, motor mouth). The statement means nothing, it's his default lie line.


Much like his North Korean lie line. And we all know how that turned out.

The talks are probably going trumps way as the futures favor the USA 2 or 3 to one tonight, China is in for a big sell off.

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It’s funny that the real story here is how much American markets have out performed YOD. But yeah the spy is down 2% after producing 17.5% or so since the beginning of the year. 


I am a nasdaaq guy guy so the results were better. Semiconductor interests will fall the farthest at market bell.

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42 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

The Chinese markets are down 3.5-4%. See how that works? Any intelligent investor knows this means stock are on sale and slightly down from record highs. 

Another 10% down and your orange boy will come crawling to the Chinese for a deal. And dont forget his signature new nafta deal is getting ready to be torn up by the senior most republican senator Grassely. See how that works?

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Just now, Kasane said:

Another 10% down and your orange boy will come crawling to the Chinese for a deal. And dont forget his signature new nafta deal is getting ready to be torn up by the senior most republican senator Grassely. See how that works?

Yeah well, if that happens to Xi and he keeps taking it he might not be president for life. We shall see but the Chinese markets are taking a beating tonight. In time hopefully Americans can wean themselves off of Chinese products as much as possible.

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Holding China Accountable, Free and Fair Trade to Put Americans First

Who the hell ever let them into the WTO

                      HAS CHINA KEPT ITS PROMISES?




2017-still the same


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Does anybody shop at Walmart?that is a major outlet for Chinese goods they also treat their employs like c#@& that being said we all buy things made in China every day it will now cost more

We just got back as a matter of fact. It’s my wife’s favorite store when we’re in America, “oh they have everything honey”.
We go for fruit and food which I don’t think come from China but she needs to freestyle and go through the whole place under the pretense of “happy eye only” (window shopping) but of course we always come out with more. Tonight it was a Tefal pan with lid for her U.S. kitchen to fry chicken.
She more than I looks at where things are made and the price versus Thailand then says if it’s made in China maybe we pass because we don’t need to carry low quality things back that we can buy at home.
Flipped her out when we parked an rv there to sleep two nights this week asking me if I was sure it’s okay until we pulled in next to some other rv’s including rock star like buses. “Oh wow!”
We stayed there as some apartment arrangements weren’t finished yet until I had time to square things up and tonight I shopped for a shower sprayer and miscellaneous things for the apartment while she got the household stuff, she paid the check bin, another $73 to the Walton Family.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Another massive tax hike on the middle class. This guy could not negotiate his way out of a paper bag. After negotiating five companies into bankruptcy, he now attempts to take on the Chinese. This is the equivalent of Richard Simmons playing Bobby Fischer in chess. The Chinese are about to teach this man of tepid intelligence just how it works. He is about to get schooled, just as he did with MBS, Putin, Kim, and virtually every intelligent person he has ever worked with. A man of humility and intelligence will admit when he is in over his head. Unfortunately, this is not something we will ever see from Trump. He just does not have it in him to do so. Just one of his dozens of major shortcomings, as an individual and a leader. Doing his best is so much less than what we need. Doing his best is terribly underwhelming for this guy. 

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Trump's trade war with China has evolved (by design by Kudlow and Bolton?) to something more ominous for Xi than merely reducing China's trade balance with the US, providing more protection to US intellectual property and US business enterprises in China.


The goal seems to change the very way China’s basic economic system works. It's become a contest of two very different national ideologies.

  • China's Communist leadership sees government control as critical to developing the economy, achieving social peace, and forwarding the best interests of the nation overall - “socialism with Chinese characteristics." Beijing doesn’t trust market forces and instead wants the state to play a more direct role in achieving the economic outcomes it determines are necessary for the country.

On the other hand the United States believes that political, economic, and social openness creates prosperity, resolves disagreements within society, and promotes the diversity that spawns innovation and progress. As such the US requires the Chinese to “separating government from the enterprise.” That means abandoning Communism.

  • Conversely Xi has placed a premium on strengthening Communist Party control over the economy, and despite frequent rhetoric about “opening up” and free trade, he has shown few signs of resuming more liberal reforms that would diminish state dominance.


Albeit, the Trump administration began to provide 'relief" subsidies to various US industries being adversely affected by Trump's tariff war - the very same economic policies that the US wants China to terminate. I'm sure Xi won't appreciate Trump's duplicity in trade negotiations with China.

Even if Xi decides to alter China's economic strategy to meet Trump's trade requirements, it's likely to take many years - decades? - to restructure China's economic landscape. Maybe abandon its Silk Road project?




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1 hour ago, candide said:

A Republican administration. ????

Globalist(dems&gop) is more like it, they screwed with Americas most important commodity its people  for years! Time to act make these people pay their way just like every other country also hold them up to humanitarian responsibilities in the work place

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6 hours ago, zydeco said:

If it stops Americans from buying Chinese made goods, so much the better. How many big screen TVs, refrigerators, smartphones, and tacky electronics and cheap clothes do people need? Consumerism is an addiction. Something needs to happen to get Americans to save instead of running themselves into maxed out credit cards and constant refis. But don't worry, I'll bet Trump backs down. He always does. And he is such a narcissist who has entwined his sense of self identity into the stock market so much that any downturn in futures will have him bragging about the "biggest deal evah" he is going to make with China in a few days. 

Thing is it is not that simple. You would be better to try and wean people of electronics and cheap junk etc. in other than trade tarriffs with a country playing tit for tat. The downer for Americans and specifically American exporters is the Chinese are not sitting back and taking it but hitting back. The American trade deficit with the Chinese is blowing out big time since Trump started his bully boy tarriff stupidity as another poster has shown further on in the thread. I work for an American corporate and we are taking a hiding with out raw product from the American NW coast into China in tarriffs being applied by the Chinese against American products in retaliation to such an extent that we have now stopped exporting from there. We are a world wide trader so now we in NZ are supplying that product and taking the American share of the Chinese market in additional to the trade we have already had. For us it is one of our other bussiness sectors taking the share of the other sector at the same price so we are still taking the same margins but when it is an American only based company then they are taking a bath. And we are just one trader of thousands of large traders into China from America. The real big lose numbers in the big billions are in American agriculture where Americans are taking a double whammy hit as China has stopped buying basic staple food crops from American farmers since the tarriffs started. And as those vast amounts of crops are not now being brought by the Chinese there is no other market for them so American taxpayers are paying subsidies to farmers to plough crops in. No skin off the Chinese noses as they are buying basic food staples from other countries. Have you noticed the price of Thai Jasmine rice has sky rocketed over the last few months and in some parts of the world is in short supply? its not difficult to apply a bit more brain power than Trump has and figure out where it is going. Again the Chinese moving away from American ag products and replacing with other options from elsewhere to the benefit of other countries trade balances with the Chinese. Trump needs to stop playing the bully boy that seen him destroy small scale contract American companies and realise that the Chinese are not small fry with no ammo to fire back. But it appears the American bully boy cant figure out that he is trying to bully a bigger bully whose nation is prepared to do it tougher and think tougher in a trade war more than your average American will tolerate. With the huge deficits America already had the last thing they need is more of Trumps stupidity over the last 6 to 7 months with deficits with China blowing out at record numbers and other nations producers cutting out Americal suppliers market shares. 

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10 minutes ago, Roadman said:

Thing is it is not that simple. You would be better to try and wean people of electronics and cheap junk etc. in other than trade tarriffs with a country playing tit for tat. The downer for Americans and specifically American exporters is the Chinese are not sitting back and taking it but hitting back. The American trade deficit with the Chinese is blowing out big time since Trump started his bully boy tarriff stupidity as another poster has shown further on in the thread. I work for an American corporate and we are taking a hiding with out raw product from the American NW coast into China in tarriffs being applied by the Chinese against American products in retaliation to such an extent that we have now stopped exporting from there. We are a world wide trader so now we in NZ are supplying that product and taking the American share of the Chinese market in additional to the trade we have already had. For us it is one of our other bussiness sectors taking the share of the other sector at the same price so we are still taking the same margins but when it is an American only based company then they are taking a bath. And we are just one trader of thousands of large traders into China from America. The real big lose numbers in the big billions are in American agriculture where Americans are taking a double whammy hit as China has stopped buying basic staple food crops from American farmers since the tarriffs started. And as those vast amounts of crops are not now being brought by the Chinese there is no other market for them so American taxpayers are paying subsidies to farmers to plough crops in. No skin off the Chinese noses as they are buying basic food staples from other countries. Have you noticed the price of Thai Jasmine rice has sky rocketed over the last few months and in some parts of the world is in short supply? its not difficult to apply a bit more brain power than Trump has and figure out where it is going. Again the Chinese moving away from American ag products and replacing with other options from elsewhere to the benefit of other countries trade balances with the Chinese. Trump needs to stop playing the bully boy that seen him destroy small scale contract American companies and realise that the Chinese are not small fry with no ammo to fire back. But it appears the American bully boy cant figure out that he is trying to bully a bigger bully whose nation is prepared to do it tougher and think tougher in a trade war more than your average American will tolerate. With the huge deficits America already had the last thing they need is more of Trumps stupidity over the last 6 to 7 months with deficits with China blowing out at record numbers and other nations producers cutting out Americal suppliers market shares. 

Actually, after checking the trade data, it appears that China has not reduced imports from the USA significantly. In 2018, it's still higher than in 2016. They probably do like the EU: selectively target products coming from Trump's political strongholds.


What is striking is that most of the extra deficit comes from an increase of imports from China.


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11 minutes ago, candide said:

What is striking is that most of the extra deficit comes from an increase of imports from China.


That was companies stockpiling before the tariffs kicked in.

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5 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

The Chinese markets are down 3.5-4%. See how that works? Any intelligent investor knows this means stock are on sale and slightly down from record highs. 

China is a giant Potemkin village run on commiefascist economics. They will cave or they are done and they know it.

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23 minutes ago, Kasane said:

WSJ: washing machine tariffs brought in $ 82 million to the United States Treasury, while raising consumer prices by $ 1.5 billion.

Conman shafting Americans again and again.

What don't you post a source so people know what your talking about 

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13 hours ago, quandow said:

As his negotiating skills made such an impact on North Korea, so they will with China.


Aren't we tired enough of all this winning?

Who are the "we" you are refering too? Are you a group spokesperson or a self appointed voice of the masses? You certainly don't speak for me.

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19 minutes ago, Kasane said:

WSJ: washing machine tariffs brought in $ 82 million to the United States Treasury, while raising consumer prices by $ 1.5 billion.

Conman shafting Americans again and again.

Return to earlier American standards of manufacturing and perhaps nobody need buy any washing machines from China. Would you pay more for a better product? I would. My parents bought a Maytag washer and dryer in the early 1970s. The washer finally broke down irretrievably after 40 years. But the dryer was still going strong. 

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So many experts on diplomatic wrangling. Please, when you spout off, kindly include the experience you have regarding international trade negotiations and the associated positions held. Otherwise, you would seem to be talking without substance, otherwise known as opinion.

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I wonder how many "friends" of  the POTUS were advised in advance of his latest China tariff plans. 


He certainly was  surely aware of the dramatic impact his announcement would have on stock markets. 



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38 minutes ago, Kasane said:

Another hit piece by the globalist.That was only if  marrying up a dryer and washer of the same brand any price conscious shopper would look for another dryer!Besides it creates close to 2000  high paying jobs which in turn creates spending ie ,college tution, buying  cars,houses,grocery's ,all sorts of revenue that helps my country prosper.  

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