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Can CTScan Confirm Cancer?


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My father who is 62 this yr  had CTScan and there were some area of concern at lung and liver. His family doc suggested him to wait for 6mths to 1yr and check the status again. But he is anxious to confirm the findings and asked me to check with an oncologist. Will it be better to wait as his family doc suggested and get another CTScan or PET/CT Scan(to compare with the previous scan) "or" PET/CT Scan will confirm the case if we get one right at this time? Appreciate your inputs as I would like to put his mind at ease whichever way I can. 

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What cannot be said too often is that the scan is only as good as the doctor who interprets it. Because of this it is critically important to choose the right oncologist. I suggest you say where you live and you will be able to get local recommendations here.

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Imaging alone like CT, MRI, PET is never considered definite proof of cancer. 

Clinical symptoms, blood tests, biopsies, development over time - everything together is evaluated by a doctor.  That's why these guys study.

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Imaging alone like CT, MRI, PET is never considered definite proof of cancer.  Clinical symptoms, blood tests, biopsies, development over time - everything together is evaluated by a doctor.  That's why these guys study.


As above. CT, PEt and MRI can show the presence of abnormal masses and the featutes of those masses can sometimes be such that one can be pretty sure it is malignant (but not certain); sometimes be pretty sure it is benign but also at other times it may be very imconclusive. The further advanced a cancer is, the more obvious imaging findings will be. Earlier tumors are less apparent.


Biopsy us the definitive means of confirmation.


As to waiting and repeating a scan vs proceeding to other investigations immediately it really depends on the type of cancer suspected and the patient's overall condition and other findings likeblood levels of tumor markers. Cancer of some organs tends to be be aggressive and with those early detection and treatment is warranted. Whereas in other loc ations it can be slower to advance.


Lung and liver are locations where one would want to move fast unless the index of suspicion for malignancy is very low (i.e. does not look likely to be malignant; looks like a cyst etc)



What were his symptoms to begin with that led these scans to be done? And exactly what do the scan reports say?


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@Sheryl He is encountering short breath after walking like 20 steps. Other than that he is perfectly fine. As he has family background of cancer, he asked his family doc for it and the doc asked him to go for check up + CT scan. My father is ex-smoker. The CTScan report shows 3 spots(not sure how to call it) at lungs and 2 at liver. 

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@Sheryl and friends in TV, a warm Hello!


I've finally found out how to sign up here, thank God! I need some medical advice


I'm female, 48 years old, Asian descent. I have issues with endometriosis, with an endometrial cyst measuring 3.5 cm in my right ovary. My initial Ob-Gyn at Phya Thai 2 Hospital suggested a total hysterectomy until I talked to a another Ob-Gyn at Bumrungrad referred to me by a friend. I was put on Visanne progestin pill for a year and now I'm off the hormone--for almost 2 mos. already.


My current issues are endometriosis (with constant follow up), a mass in the liver as it appears as a shadow in the ultrasound (tested thrice, unchanged image, gastroenterologist says it is most probably benign condition, follow-up continues), and GERD from my severe gastritis in gastroscopy findings, but no other complications. I'm on Nexium 20 mg a tablet per day, followed by Algycon 200 mgs after meals/when needed. I will try to wean off drugs when symptoms abate and try green banana powder high in tannins for stomach coating as recommended by a medical doctor with knowledge in herbal medicine/alternative medicine.


My gastroenterologist ordered a check up for me, that included blood tests for tumor markers. The results:


CEA                      1.45 ng/ml              Range: 0.010-5.000

AFP                      6.9  ng/ml                         0.890-8.780

CA-125                  39.10 U/ml (HIGH)              0.010-35.000

CA 19-9                38.49 U/ml                        0.010-39.000


If this is considered in isolation, the figures seem high. Is it something to worry about? I read up and couldn't find any clear answers. My CA-125 is slightly elevated possibly due to my endometriosis, but I'm also concerned about my liver and pancreas though in the range but seems to be high in numbers. Could there be any other underlying issues to consider? Please advise. Really need your help as suggestions will help me consider options and, hopefully, understand my condition better. Doctors won't say much.


Thank you very much. Appreciate any replies/comments.

Edited by Melanie Angel
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