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Wife out of control

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Hi there,

I'm hurting enough - please don't put the boot in :-)


We got married in Thailand end of 2015.

She came back to the UK in 2017 (we had real issues with the immigration due to her terrible history) - she lived here for many years as an overstayer.


She has basically acted like a complete and utter mad person - 1 week of complete hatred and aggression, followed by 1 week of complete silence, followed by 1 week of sarcasm, followed by one week of "sort of friendly" - repeat, same again every month. She hit me a few times recently.

I mostly just sit there and take it, and have some video / audio recordings of all of these crazy times behavior.

I pay everything, of course, bought her car and computers and phone, etc. Also paid for an Open Uni course.

We have never had any form of intimacy ... 


Anyway, it is now too much. She is threatening me to ensure that I do the next 2.5 years application correctly (due in November) - the threat is along the lines of "if you do not do it, or it messes up, then I will just go to the police and tell them you have abused me"


Question: what is the best way to deal with this?


Of course, since her current spouse visa runs out in November,  it's best to do something now ...


I have read here how that she is entitled to 50% of everything I have ... even with such a short time of marriage and no contribution and no right to stay if seperated?


Any advice greatly appreciated.












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What shall I say? Something went wrong in her education.
It’s a behavior with no empathy, only selfishness.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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2 minutes ago, CLS said:

The lack of intimacy cannot be the main reason because this was the premarital status already.
Maybe all is staged and her plan is to renew her visa and apply for permanent settlement. Only a guess...


thanks ...


It really is so stupid - I had every intention of helping her. Her hatred has grown out of control ...

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20 minutes ago, Enoon said:

"if you do not do it, or it messes up, then I will just go to the police and tell them you have abused me"


Continuous recording on hidden video/audio to get more of this as well as the physical attacks.



I now carry a voice recorder around and have 2 cameras - one in my office and one in my bedroom (separate bedrooms) ... 

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18 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

why are you here? get a lawyer


Cos the man obviously wants a bit of advice.


Just record and diarise as much as you can of everything that happens and YOU go to the police first. Report it the next time she attacks you. It's a nightmare situation to have to live with especially when you fear losing half of what you've accumulated in life.


But it's unlikely to come to that if especially she's got past form.

Edited by yogi100
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17 minutes ago, SteveK said:

Horrible situation, I hope you can sort it out. Was she always like this or only after you got married?


Thanks for your kind words mate ...


she became like this after we married.

I just sit and take the abuse just now, and have indeed started recording as much as possible ...

So sad, I would happily share my life with her - not even as husband and wife, we used to be very good friends.

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Before I talk about my wife, let me talk about her friends.

Long and Fran got married several years after my wife and I.  During the first year of their marriage she had come to stay with us(3 months) because she wanted to go back home and didnt love him. 


She had lived in US like my wife, same college so going home for what?  On and off thru the years she goes thru a "I want to go back to Thailand and dont love you phase"  and "I hate your family, you are spoiled phase".  Her mother dide when she was little Im told.  He has an excellent job traveling around the world and even schedules his time in Thailand so she and kid can meet there for his seminars and spend time with family.  She can go home anytime... 

He says it comes around holidays and her period.


My other friend Methi here in US had a younger friend who always liked him when he was at temple in Thailand.  During his cancer diagnosis and treatments they decided she will come to US and get married.. Say what?? I told my wife.   There is a large Thai/Lao community here in Tennessee. 

While he was recovering from treatments, guess what Gookgik came and my wife, friend Pranee and myself went to Clerk to get license and a local marriage office to get them married.  She stayed for several weeks and had him driving her around America and even help here look for possible eye Dr school in Chicago.  Also she wanted money and was hitting him. 

The friend of my wife was to the point, you get out of my house...  She apologized, went back to Thailand and then started demanding he send her so much money to support her although he had no job and doing cancer treatments.  Her brother had already been living here going to local college getting a "degree" staying at temple...  Her parents defended him but somehow she at moment is on FB with another man, but married.


From the beginning of my marriage my wife has always had an attitude.  Several times Ive hear, "if it weren't for kids Id be gone long time ago".  Even found diary, "Andy not the one I wan to marry" after a 1st year married argument.  Seems like when she and a friend above got citizenship they develop superpowers and disrespect....  She has Master's, good job.  We are debt free, but if she's not at work she's meditating or going to temple or helping friend at restaraunt.  The kids and I feel like roommates.  I tell her that's why Craigslist has hookers, lol to make her realize, Hey, what about husband and kids...  I tell her too alot of what her friend at top problem is Thai lakorn(soap opera)  Some woman is always screaming, talking loud, drama)


I kinda understand where your coming from, but it might be "Thai woman"

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8 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I suspect your wife is banging someone else as well, women usually 'openly hate' after they've replaced you

Mine had a boyfriend I did not know about for two years. She needed that two years to gain Australian Citizenship from me. As soon as she got her Citizenship, practically the day after, she flew back home for a holiday to see her boyfriend and that very day, I got a Letter of Demand from her lawyer asking me for a divorce.


Women can wait if it is to there advantage. 

Edited by totally thaied up
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