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Tale of woe! South Korean conned into marriage by tricky Thai woman


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3 hours ago, Sonhia said:

Thousands apon thousands of foreigners have been extorted, lied to and chested by Thai, mostly Thai women.


Thai are proud to be Thai because they are cheats and liars.

The home team always has the advantage..

In this case they can shift the goalposts at will,bribe the ref,have as many players on their side as they choose and are professionals playing against amateurs.


It is not surprising that,under the circumstances, the score generally ends up as Thailand-5 v Farang-0 (or worse)

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There should be a MANDATORY training class  for male expats the first time they enter Thailand.........lolol


Having said that, I would have a better chance of getting pregnant than having more than 1 per plane load actually benefit from it.


If they are stupid enough to stay here 2 weeks, go back home and send tens of thousands of BHAT per month thinking she is waiting for him or being 60+ years old and thinking a beautiful 18-20 yo is genuinely interested in you.........then you will get everything you deserve.


Truer words were never spoken.......”a fool and his money are soon parted”

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On 5/10/2019 at 8:33 PM, ICELANDMAN said:

I see you speaking with experience, I agree with you about Filipinas prolific liars

You are correct.

Had about 150 working for me in Kuwait 2005-2008........too much to type, but scamming, lying, douchebags.

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On 5/10/2019 at 10:12 PM, jsflynn603 said:

Though I attended Thai language class in Chiang mai I really never could grasp the language verbally.  I always thought it odd, but I met another fellow American in Chiang mai,  from California, and he two could not master the Thai language verbally.  The odd part is both of us could read and write fairly well, even though the intonation (hi/med/low, rising, ect) was wrong.  I was pretty adept at typing Thai.  But could not follow when someone talked to me.  Or, maybe he used translate.

I have a VERY heavy Boston accent, we don’t say A’s and R’s and if it has 2 A’s and 2 R’s it’s hard for us kids from Boston.

80 hrs in A U A.........total waste of time

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When you come from a shack in a rice field in the middle of no where (90% of these girls are from rural Isarn) with no real education at all eg ask a Isarn to point on a globe where Thailand is, I did and she did not have a clue, coupled with a money grabbing family, maybe a kid, or two, so there own mother is on the phone asking for money, the fathers either left or at 50 odd are too old to work in the farm apparently, many of them have been sexually abused, therefore they have little morals and look down on foreigners. They think money solves all their problems and in many cases it does. These girls earn 300Baht a day if they are lucky in the middle of no where getting up at 5am and finishing at sunset then to take care of their kids(s) Come to a big place like Pattaya, Phuket in a bar they can  earn 10 times that and get drunk for free. In your own country would you go to the worst area and look for hookers expecting to find love? Get real! 

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On 5/10/2019 at 4:40 AM, brian2f2f said:

Compared to me he got very lucky over the course of 2 yrs me my mom and my uncle got conned out if 200k usd. Wjen wr all refused to allow the money anymore. Inwas thrown out on the streer at 2 am in nakhon pathom with 3 bags. Was left to walk to the McDonald's near siam paragon to stay till tuesday when i could get some money to get a hotel while my mom and uncle worked out a way to bring me back to america. Being this was on a sat morning and i had no money when thrown out as the 3k i had left they stripped of me before beibg forced out onto the street. I was lucky that on the way some thai uni girls stopped and asked if im ok and gave me 100 baht. Ibused some to get to paragon station by bts and the rest for ice cream cones and 1o baht sodas at 7-Eleven to get me through till money could arrive in my bank account. Which left me 3 day living out of McDonald's. I've received all kinds of threats over the past 2 yrs as well from them. Not to mention all the times they committed deformation against me. Which one of the times her and a Filipina almost got charges brought against them for it. As i made friends with a lawer in the Philippines at that time that also had worked in thailand as well. So had expierence in both thai and Philippines law. The girl from the Philippines after getting a fee messages from me then sent me a message saying she sent me 5k pesos via Palawan and about 2 months later sent me a message asking me if i am ok i said yes. And she said glad to hear that and again said sorry to me. After that she never messaged me again. Since i dont use fb anymore and ive blocked my ex here in ig and line as well as made all new accounts on both. She has no way to contact me anymore so she is no longer an issue either. See she and her family will never try to actually do anything to me since there is security footage of her attacking me infront of the security guards at an apartment i rented as well as endangering our son at the same time. Also knowing all the times she attacked me as well as her family including with knifes and bottles even broken bottles and the time i went to the hospital with injury after being attaked. So if going to court to have security footage brought in then also then having lawyers get lie detectors tests done on her family regarding their attempts to kill me. They would not end up winning but landing in jail. Not including when comes to the treatment and care of our son. When comes out she has beat him and punched him like punching an attacker when he was not even 8 months old yet to try and get him to stop crying. She has a second son now and both have been in the hospital multiple times for some sort of health and medical problems. That alone too shoes her lack of care and poor treatment of her kids. Before i left he never got sick well once he did but only very minor. But in her and her family care he has been in the hospital many times. Not to mention allowing him to run around 7-Eleven naked at the age of 2 and posting the pics of him naked in 7-Eleven on fb as well clearly seeing that he is naked and his manhood. Since we were never legally married not much i can really do without spending huge amounts of money in lawyer fees. And unless she tries to do anything to me im not going that route. Its too much money and not worth all the abuse id suffer at the same time. Not to mention im now marrisd legally to a new thai girl. We fight sometimes but she dont cheat on me or ask of money. But she does ignore me refuse any time or attention to me. Thus only helo provide money and if sick looks after me. The rest of a relationship told if want i have to find other girl to get it from. So starting any action to protect my son thats not even legally my son under thai law would only cause lot of problems with my current relationship as well. So would have nothing but abuse from every direction most likely at that point. But ya again tl the point he got lucky with only 350k baht lost. As could be far worse indeed. 


The Hunchback of Notre Dame : The Untold Story


Poor Quasimodo's hideous appearance was not caused by birth defects, as previously thought by literary scholars. New details have emerged that his hunched back and missing eye was the direct result of an ongoing campaign of harassment and "deformation" perpetrated by a Filipina and Thai woman.

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What is the difference between stupid people of today and those before online, and smart phones?

  Well it too longer for the letter mail to get correspondence back and forth, also meaning the guy

could have a bit longer to think things over. Now in this instant information era, a guy can lose his

finances even faster.



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On 5/10/2019 at 1:47 PM, AlexRich said:

I’ve found that also ... when working in Dubai. What surprised me (but doesn’t now) is people’s propensity to lie ... I’ve learned to trust no one on their word.

Yes, PEOPLE'S propensity to lie. It's not relegated to any one group of people.

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/10/2019 at 7:56 AM, nev said:

Bit hard to believe the Korean can read Thai, Never in all my years here have I known Thais to send a message to another Thai in English maybe he used Google translate to decipher ????

My wife does it all the time. They think it makes them cool.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/12/2019 at 11:16 PM, Sonhia said:

Thousands apon thousands of foreigners have been extorted, lied to and chested by Thai, mostly Thai women.


Thai are proud to be Thai because they are cheats and liars.

Yep thats about it

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