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Junta loyalists pack Senate


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Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed:



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11 hours ago, Eligius said:

Many of us on these threads warned - months, if not years, ago - not to legitimise a fake 'election'. But the people did not listen (including the politicians).

The whole sorry and blatantly obvious pretence of a restoration of democracy should have been opposed and voiced down, over and over again, by the mass of the Thai people.

Instead - they let all of it happen - and are still letting it happen. They stood by, watched the plotters plotting the people's undoing - and then hurried off to support that wicked scheme in their millions - instead of saying 'NO TO LIES AND DECEPTION' in their MILLIONS.


Well, when you make your own bed - you then have little choice but to lie on it ...

Yep, all the way. And here's something that I got today. I went to Nongbualamphu to see some Thai friends and during the conversation I asked what they thought of the 66 generals etc. for the senate. They frowned, and one quickly bent towards me and told me to keep my voice down. And that was only asking...hate to think what would have happened if I stated an opinion...impaled on a stake by anti-junta or dragged away by police. More likely the latter in view of what you mentioned in your post.

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The perks of being uncharge of a non-democratic government is you can lay a foundation for retaining power....at least until the masses have had enough and demand their country back. The problem is the longer the masses wait the greater the price will be to take the country back.

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On 5/15/2019 at 3:35 AM, unamazedloso said:

All future hopes of democracy and  a better future for Thailands now gone. A sad time indeed. The Thai people only have themselves to blame.

welcome to a military state .looks more like Korea every day 


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On 5/15/2019 at 8:34 AM, M71 said:

Wow - Thailand is getting as corrupt and messed up as Western countries.


At least all of the corruption, vote rigging etc is out in the open here.


Don't be surprised if the most corrupt countries on the planet, the USA and Israel, now condemn Thailand for being corrupt ????

You need to do two things- read transparency.org and stop drinking/taking drugs.

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