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Rebels hope to kill off May's Brexit deal in 'last-chance' vote


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27 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

Does Boris the Liar already have an idea where to get the 30 million pounds a week from to support the NHS ?

As negociator he is also a genious. Ask the British - Iranian school teacher in prison in Iran...

Just imagine him as a PM and Trump together in a summit.

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6 hours ago, stephenterry said:

The rebels would be shooting themselves in the foot as parliament would never sanction a 'no-deal' exit if it ever gets to that stage. A deal has been reached, no-one likes it, but it's the only leaving deal on the table.


By the way John Wick 3 screens today in CM. Maybe Keanu Reeves could resolve the impasse...


Unfortunately it’s only a leaving deal on paper. And not what the majority of Brits voted for, in the largest Democratic people’s vote in U.K. history.




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9 minutes ago, John1012 said:

Thanks for the john Wick info. The extension for article 50 is till Oct 31.  No deal means that the UK will trade under WTO rules. not pay any money to the EU, not be subservient to the EU or the EU courts. The UK can agree free trade deals with the EU, conform to EU standards for goods exported to the EU, grant free movement etc to EU citizens.  The UK can continue to partner EU companies, governments in scientific and other projects. The UK will regain it's national ability to govern itself with it's OWN ELECTED  and removable government, not some drunken power hungry unelected socialist commision bent on creating a European superstate where one size fits all.  There is a court case crawling through the legal system with the onject of proving that the UK actually left the EU 29/3/2019, as originally stated in an act of parliament and that the government had no legal authority to extend the Article 50 implementation period. Some extremely eminent legal minds are of the opinion that it will succeed and the UK will actually have left the EU as planned. The real problem with this BREXIT fiasco lies 100% in the hands of Theresa the appeaser May... an avid remainer and a serial liar..who  has dithered, delayed etc in the hope that Brexit will go away. Her latest deal is worse for the UK than remaining in the EU, still in the EU but without any influence, a vassal state.

The only eminent legal mind I can find is Richard Aitkins a former judge and currently a very ardent Brexiter.

"Aikens is a supporter of Brexit, writing "our ability to determine our own laws is picked apart by the EU and its unaccountable judges. For the future of our democracy, we should vote Leave".[7]"


So, I wouldn't bet on it.

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Just now, nontabury said:


Unfortunately it’s only a leaving deal on paper. And not what the majority of Brits voted for, in the largest Democratic people’s vote in U.K. history.




I don't think the world are the slightest bit interested in Britain's internal politics anymore. They have'n't been since Suez.

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It would seem that remoaners are consistently trying to imply that a no- deal exit on WTO rules would be catastrophic for the British economy. Exactly the same scary outcome was put forward when we decided Not join the Euro, and again in 2016, should we vote for Brexit.

But in reality:- 




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That was Derek Robinson. Died a while back. What British Leyland screwed up by producing piles of unreliable crap Red Robbo added to the chaos by attempting to get the members even more money for producing a pile of crap. Then of course some time in the late 70's that Tory business brain Michael Edwardes was brought in to Leyland.  What a genius this guy was !  Always remember his claim that he had reduced BLs losses by 50% . Problem was even Toad of Toad Hall could have worked out that if every car is produced at a loss then 50% of that production would half the loss. The penny did drop some years later though.  It was not Red Robbo that ruined BL, although he contributed to the malaise. It was the management refusing to implement higher spending  in R & D and quality control. Couldn't accept that the Germans and Japanese were producing reliable cars that people actually wanted to buy.
The dinosaurs who thought we are British, therefore people will always buy British cars claptrap. That self same dinosaur philosophy that has manifested itself to this very day in Brexiteers.

To this etc etc..guess we will have to wait ans see now!!

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13 minutes ago, nontabury said:


It would seem that remoaners are consistently trying to imply that a no- deal exit on WTO rules would be catastrophic for the British economy. Exactly the same scary outcome was put forward when we decided Not join the Euro, and again in 2016, should we vote for Brexit.

But in reality:- 




Being a member of the WTO is just the basics.

Many countries, I think most, trade not according to WTO rules. They trade according to other agreements they made.

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18 minutes ago, natway09 said:

And why do they think that they can negotiate a better deal May has ?????

Because anybody could negotiate a better deal than the Merkel/May Surrender Treaty. She set out to capitulate to the EU demands and did exactly that. 

A No Deal exit is the only way to even start negotiations with the EU. Starting from a clean break, without all the tricks of vassalage, we will be able to make the deals that have been thwarted by Remainers since they lost referendum.

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7 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Parliament already sanctioned it by voting to trigger article 50. The default position is still no deal unless a deal can be agreed, that didn't change when May kicked the can down the road a few months.


Of course May's surrender treaty has no chance of being agreed since the ERG know that May will have nowhere to go if it fails for the fourth time so they'll vote against it. The likes of Rees Mogg who reluctantly voted for it last time will vote against it this time just to get rid of her, so I predict it will be rejected by more than last time and May will resign and be replaced by a Brexiteer PM.


The choice for the new Brexiteer PM will be WTO exit or revoke article 50. Since the vast majority of conservative members want Brexit, the electorate voted for Brexit, the conservative manifesto was for Brexit, and the Brexit party will be breathing down their necks, I highly doubt article 50 will be revoked by a Brexiteer conservative PM.


Independence day will be November 1st :partytime2:

quote " I highly doubt article 50 will be revoked by a Brexiteer conservative PM."


Who says that the next PM will be a conservative?



6 hours ago, stephenterry said:

Any government deal has to be approved by parliament, and they would reject a no-deal like they have before. While Brexit could happen by accident, if the October leaving date occurs before any agreement, this is unlikely. More likely would be a GE with or without a Brexiteer PM.


As a GE would see Labour in power, I doubt any Tory Brexiteer would want to take up May's place - except for the pension benefits that arise from that post. A poisoned chalice awaits him or her.


IMHO I very much doubt that the Labour party as seen today could even win a lottery if they held the only ticket sold.



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16 minutes ago, malagateddy said:



To this etc etc..guess we will have to wait ans see now!!

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Especially for you and other Brexiteers, something from the late , great  "Alf Garnett", the epitomy of politcal correctness !


Alf Garnett:
Well, I mean, see if we go into Europe...

Else Garnett:
I thought we was in Europe. I mean, I thought we always have been.

Alf Garnett:
I know that, yer silly moo. I'm not talking about that aspect am I? I'm talking about the Common Market aspect of the going into Europe.

Alf Garnett:
Old Enoch's against it, in't 'e, eh? He don't want no more bloody foreigners over here. We got enough bloody foreigners here as it is. Bloody country's swarming with Eities and Krauts and Froggies and Spagnollies and Brussel Sprouts. All coming over here and taking our jobs off of us, aren't they?

Else Garnett:
Well, we can go over there and take the jobs off of them.

Alf Garnett:
I don't want to go over there, do I?

Else Garnett:
Wish you would.


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1 minute ago, Pique Dard said:

nigel farage and his friends didn't take time to ponder about the brexit consequences. now that they've created a mess, they can't figure out how to get out ot this one.  

what mess the referendum was leave or stay,the majority voted leave thats democracy,feel sorry for all the failed politicians who used to cop a nice little earner as euro mps,but there you go,power to the people.

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13 minutes ago, kingdong said:

just wish we,d get out.do,es anyone honestly think the eu will be in existance in 10 years time [if that]?

 yes, i do! the eu didn't start yesterday. plz, do read the text below! and remember the year!


"The Treaty of Rome brought about the creation of the European Economic Community (EEC), the best-known of the European Communities (EC). It was signed on 25 March 1957 by Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany and came into force on 1 January 1958. It remains one of the two most important treaties in the modern-day European Union (EU)"


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read your own comments, i quote:


(1) "...what mess the referendum was leave or stay"

(2) ".. Actually, apart from getting the referendum set up in the first place Nigel Farage has had nothing to do with this fiasco."


so well, if you don't like my wording, let's write "fiasco" instead of "mess". ok?


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