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Experts call for compassionate policies as teen attempts to bury newborn


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8 hours ago, billd766 said:

Perhaps her parents didn't know that she was pregnant in the first place.


As an old man, I am unable to comprehend what went on in a 14/15 year old girl child's mind. She had to keep the pregnancy hidden from EVERYBODY including her parents, family, her school, the village, the father of the child, even the doctor.


I can't imagine the mental stress she must have gone through up until the baby was born and the stress she would have to go through afterwards.



I would suggest that your naïve as well

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11 minutes ago, IHTE said:

I would suggest that your naïve as well

Suggest away. I would rather be thought of as naive and sympathetic than many of the posters here who don't have any idea what she went through for the last 6 or 7 months.


I would suggest that until you walk a mile in her shoes you have no idea what she has gone through.


Do you have daughters in Thailand?


Would you support them 100%.


I have only my son who is 14 and AFAIK is not involved with girls yet.


I do have 2 Thai neighbours each of whom have a daughter


The eldest girl is 13 and her Mum is not married to the father.


The other is 9 and is looked after by her grandmother as her Mum is living with somebody else and has a second child by him.

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8 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

How empowered do think she was to demand a condom

It could have been sexual assault/incest/

How well educate would she have been on sexual health?

Obviously no medical support during her pregnancy

Complex situation for all concerned, we do not have  the facts so should not judge her

The child will need supervision and support as will the mother, I hope the services are there for her now


Hard to believe but I am advised by a now forty-something Thai lady that as a young teenager, she (and others) did not know how pregnancy came about.

Very hard to believe!

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15 hours ago, Number 6 said:

This is so tragic. How she came to be pregnant, by whom and under what circumstances. Upcountry thinking, parental issues, desperation. I can't get out of my mind what she was thinking as she buried the baby in after immediately giving birth and in a state of panic. My heart really goes out to her.


I'm sure the child will have a horrible life. Be told the story, shunned by the moo ban and treated as unwanted. Parents took the kid to save face. They were not there to support her in pregnancy.


What help if any came from the parents of the girl. They must have seen that she was pregnant.

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11 hours ago, faraday said:

Ignorant, stupid, horrible comments by (supposedly) intelligent Westerners  -  easy to see the ones that aren't (intelligent) ????

Edited by Artisi
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12 hours ago, neeray said:

Hard to believe but I am advised by a now forty-something Thai lady that as a young teenager, she (and others) did not know how pregnancy came about.

Very hard to believe!

I am not sure if sex education is actually taught in Thai schools nor at what grade but I suspect at village schools it may not be taught at all.


Probably the best teachers for sex education may well be (ex) bar girls who seem to have a pretty good idea of how a womans body works and how to stop unwanted pregnancies.

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17 hours ago, billd766 said:

Do you think she would have gone home to her parents and say welcome to your new grandchild. What do you think they would have said and done.

I doubt they would have buried the baby alive.

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18 hours ago, Artisi said:

Do you actually live in Thailand, 

If so have you ever been outside of the bar or your gated community and looked at real life in Thailand. As for reporting it to authorities, even in 1st world countries many cases of rape and abuse go unreported for many reasons .. 

I do not visit "bars" and I don't live in a gated community, and yes, I do look at the "real life " in Thailand. What has this to do with attempted murder?

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There needs to be safe places where women can give away unwanted babies.  Where I lived in California USA the safe place was any fire station.  No involvement with the police as that could have scared the women away.

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3 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

How do you know that?  How do you know she was not raped?  Perhaps by someone in her own family?  Quick to judge aren't you?

Someone makes some fairly outlandish statements based on SFA and their own very basic bias. 

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On 5/20/2019 at 2:11 PM, Wilsonandson said:

No sympathy from me. It is not okay to bury babies alive whatever the circumstances. She should get at least 2 years in prison to think about what a terrible thing she has done.

As horrific and upsetting as this is, we shouldn't forget that she's still just a CHILD herself. No or not sufficient sex education, maybe forced sex, nobody to talk to, no help, no money, no aid. 

The last thing this girl needs is prison. She needs help to overcome what she went through, what she did/had to do. 

A little bit of compassion might just encourage other teenagers in similar situations to seek help.




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18 hours ago, billd766 said:

I am not sure if sex education is actually taught in Thai schools nor at what grade but I suspect at village schools it may not be taught at all.


Probably the best teachers for sex education may well be (ex) bar girls who seem to have a pretty good idea of how a womans body works and how to stop unwanted pregnancies.

It is but only the best schools do a half horrible job. Doubt anything outside Bangkok and even poorer schools in Bangkok. Actually the mandate is extensive and absolutely impossible for even top 5 HS to meet.

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