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Trump loses lawsuit challenging subpoena for financial records


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6 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


You sound like John Barron.


Blatant corruption must be acknowledged and dealt with.








Yeah right. Can't wait for the investigation to start into the Clinton Foundation and that 10 million donation from the German Government just before the election!

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5 hours ago, animalmagic said:

Deutsche Bank have probably paid more in fines for interest rate manipulation, facilitating money laundering and other offences than the Blond Buffoon is worth.  Looks like he chose the right bank though!


DB, Siemens, VW Audi, etc etc etc.


German companies are very flexible regarding any laws!

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5 hours ago, neeray said:

Can you name an American president that has been more dishonest than Trump, or one who told more lies (10,000 and more being added every day)?

I look forward to your response.

Yeah so what!...

Have yet to see the Don in a tan suit!... :coffee1:

Edited by sfokevin
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19 hours ago, Tug said:

Yeaaa!!!! Bet Donald thought he could stonewall longer let’s hope for the returns soon!

While I share the view that openness should apply to all Presidents, I would remind everyone that a case regarding who from the White House could or should be brought in front the Houses of Congress and their various committees was only settled last week - and that was from President Obama's second term!


It is so easy to get something tangled up in the legal weeds in the USA. Trump may well be long gone before any of this is solved.

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11 hours ago, neeray said:

It would be a simple feat for the next president to be more honest. Can you name an American president that has been more dishonest than Trump, or one who told more lies (10,000 and more being added every day)?

I look forward to your response.


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13 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

5. They will reveal that he has not paid taxes in decades. For a man who constantly claims to be a patriot, yet is anything but, this is not something he wants the public to see.

Somehow I doubt that the public will be given access to the documents from his accounting firm(s).  Non stop rants and denials will be sufficient to convince his base that he's their only savior.

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7 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Yeah right. Can't wait for the investigation to start into the Clinton Foundation and that 10 million donation from the German Government just before the election!

The Clinton Foundation investigation started a long time ago.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/the-fbi-is-investigating-the-clinton-foundation/2018/01/05/1aca0d4a-f1cf-11e7-97bf-bba379b809ab_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.ba7f0befebbc


Nothing yet, even under a Trump Justice Department.  The Trump foundation investigation is a different story: 


" The New York State attorney general’s office filed a scathingly worded lawsuit on Thursday taking aim at the Donald J. Trump Foundation, accusing the charity and the Trump family of sweeping violations of campaign finance laws, self-dealing and illegal coordination with the presidential campaign. "  https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/14/nyregion/trump-foundation-lawsuit-attorney-general.html

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3 hours ago, Morty T said:


Obviously not familiar with US courts. A Federal judge cannot order a no appeals status. The Trump team will just bring this to another court and either get a stay or appeal. The Trump bashers here tend to forget the Obama years and the constant stonewalling that was the corner stone of the Obama legal troubles. All established practices that all future administrations will follow. Democrats simply don't like their own strategy being used against them. 

You're right, I don't remember Obama having legal troubles anything like this.  I don't recall Obama personally having any legal troubles.  Care to enlighten us?

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3 hours ago, Morty T said:

. A Federal judge cannot order a no appeals status. The Trump team will just bring this to another court and either get a stay or appeal.

Are you referring to this -->"U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta in Washington also denied a request by Trump to stay his decision pending an appeal."


The Trump lawyers probably filed an immediate request to stay.  The judge did nothing improper in denying it.

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