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THere is too much stuff to wade through on google. What is a good starting point to learn about selling / sales techniques, that sort of thing, for beginners...?

Thank you!

THere is too much stuff to wade through on google. What is a good starting point to learn about selling / sales techniques, that sort of thing, for beginners...?

Thank you!

Buy and read the book "The closer"

THere is too much stuff to wade through on google. What is a good starting point to learn about selling / sales techniques, that sort of thing, for beginners...?

Thank you!

Listen to your customer and be honest !

THere is too much stuff to wade through on google. What is a good starting point to learn about selling / sales techniques, that sort of thing, for beginners...?

Thank you!

Listen to your customer and be honest !

thats the best advice you will get, even comes down to telling them how much profit you make off them.

Stuck with the listening & being honest for 8 yrs in sales and made a lot more than the old "smooth talker brigade"

if people think you are spinning them a line of "sales patter" they will simply go else where. Be honest and they will buy from you again and again (obviuosly depends what you are selling) and better yet they bring their friends to see you as well :o

BTW, like the manta pic - did u take it?


A couple of simple things to get in mind

  1. As Mr Taylor said above be honest and listen to your customers.
  2. Know your product.
  3. Do some research on who might be interested in your product. (Approaching Eskimos to sell ice is a limited market)
  4. Know who your competition is. (It might not be the person selling the same product. If you are selling cameras, the person selling white goods is as much your opposition as they want that discretionary cash too.) This is part of listening.
  5. Having said that know who else sells the same or a similar product, and what other products there are out in the rest of the world.

All these things are not essential but they give you the confidence to talk openly and honestly, you come across as a knowledgeable person. If you are friendly you will end up with a good share of the sales.

Books on sales techniques are all about what works for that person. I found some by Zig Ziglar and Brian Tracey useful, but they were about knowing your self not how to manipulate the person you are trying to sell to. If you want a cheap source of this type of material, join Amway, someone there will be trying to sell you lots of books and tapes on selling.

THere is too much stuff to wade through on google. What is a good starting point to learn about selling / sales techniques, that sort of thing, for beginners...?

Thank you!

A good starting point would be to ask your questions in the right place. This is Thaivisa, not HowDoIBecomeASalesman.

THere is too much stuff to wade through on google. What is a good starting point to learn about selling / sales techniques, that sort of thing, for beginners...?

Thank you!

Listen to your customer and be honest !

thats the best advice you will get, even comes down to telling them how much profit you make off them.

Stuck with the listening & being honest for 8 yrs in sales and made a lot more than the old "smooth talker brigade"

if people think you are spinning them a line of "sales patter" they will simply go else where. Be honest and they will buy from you again and again (obviuosly depends what you are selling) and better yet they bring their friends to see you as well :o

BTW, like the manta pic - did u take it?

Tis a manta indeed Smartecrosse but not unfortunately from my camera (there, that's honest and I'm not even selling anything)... however, next month I will be going on a Similan/Surin dive trip and hope to get a few pics to show off myself. :D


Do you know what mirroring is? yes mode? hook phrases? flipping? bait and switch? test closing? and this is only the begining. I've been a sales trainer for a large company and I can tell you that the above suggestions are not even close to being fact, selling is an art and takes time to master. in 20 years of selling I have never told a buyer what commission I'm making on a deal....It's none of their business......how much money do you make? honesty in theory looks like a good option however honesty doesn't pay the electric bill. 95% of consumers buy on emotion....it's your job to paint that customer a mental picture and show them the beinifit...Benifit.....Benifit!..Selling is not something you can learn on a forum or for that matter even a book! A true salesman is born with the talent, they just have to perfect the skill. If you really want to be a strong closer I suggest you take a sales job and ask a lot of questions and listen to the people who have mastered the art. I can go on here for days but bottom line is many people try their hand at sales and many people can't sell their way out of a paper bag....Other's can sell religion to Jesus!

Telling is NOT selling!

Do you know what mirroring is? yes mode? hook phrases? flipping? bait and switch? test closing? and this is only the begining. I've been a sales trainer for a large company and I can tell you that the above suggestions are not even close to being fact, selling is an art and takes time to master. in 20 years of selling I have never told a buyer what commission I'm making on a deal....It's none of their business......how much money do you make? honesty in theory looks like a good option however honesty doesn't pay the electric bill. 95% of consumers buy on emotion....it's your job to paint that customer a mental picture and show them the beinifit...Benifit.....Benifit!..Selling is not something you can learn on a forum or for that matter even a book! A true salesman is born with the talent, they just have to perfect the skill. If you really want to be a strong closer I suggest you take a sales job and ask a lot of questions and listen to the people who have mastered the art. I can go on here for days but bottom line is many people try their hand at sales and many people can't sell their way out of a paper bag....Other's can sell religion to Jesus!

Telling is NOT selling!

I'll buy that, you are not one of these third world advisors/brokers are you.


  • Relax and be yourself. Don’t try to “perform” like someone else you’ve seen negotiate. Develop your own style with which you can be comfortable.
  • Know your “product” inside out. Whatever you are negotiating, be sure you know everything there is to know about what you’re selling: product, service or yourself.
  • Provide information. Be prepared to explain the benefits of what you are selling. Knowing the product is not enough. You must be able to relate the information in terms your client can easily understand.
  • Honesty is the best policy. Never exaggerate the benefits of the product or your company’s capabilities. If your competition has something of value, you can suggest that your client investigate it further.
  • Don’t take it personally. Not every sales attempt is successful. Always hold on to the thought that if your client doesn’t make the deal, s/he is making the mistake, not you.
  • Be realistic. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that a deal is possible even when you see that it is never going to happen, for whatever reason.
  • Handle objections. Before your negotiation, put yourself into your customer’s shoes. Find as many good reasons as possible not to make the deal. Then find an intelligent, informed answer to each.
  • Ask for the sale. At some point, you will have to stop talking, and get a signature. Don’t be afraid to shut up. You both understand that this is why you are there.
  • Think long-term. You might have to give away one this month to sell ten in the next.
  • Be brave. Be prepared to walk away. Don’t start any negotiation “needing” the sale. Make it clear that your client will be the one who loses if the deal isn’t made.

Do you know what mirroring is? yes mode? hook phrases? flipping? bait and switch? test closing? and this is only the begining. I've been a sales trainer for a large company and I can tell you that the above suggestions are not even close to being fact, selling is an art and takes time to master. in 20 years of selling I have never told a buyer what commission I'm making on a deal....It's none of their business......how much money do you make? honesty in theory looks like a good option however honesty doesn't pay the electric bill. 95% of consumers buy on emotion....it's your job to paint that customer a mental picture and show them the beinifit...Benifit.....Benifit!..Selling is not something you can learn on a forum or for that matter even a book! A true salesman is born with the talent, they just have to perfect the skill. If you really want to be a strong closer I suggest you take a sales job and ask a lot of questions and listen to the people who have mastered the art. I can go on here for days but bottom line is many people try their hand at sales and many people can't sell their way out of a paper bag....Other's can sell religion to Jesus!

Telling is NOT selling!

well it did ifor me for 8 yrs till I had had enough of the UK. being honest and explaining the whole process to customers used to get me 6 to 8k a month, sterling. i will agree that just by being honest you won't be a success but i earned far more in the long run that those that lied to get the business as the customers came back again and again to deal with me and brought there families and friends too :o

Do you know what mirroring is? yes mode? hook phrases? flipping? bait and switch? test closing? and this is only the begining. I've been a sales trainer for a large company and I can tell you that the above suggestions are not even close to being fact, selling is an art and takes time to master. in 20 years of selling I have never told a buyer what commission I'm making on a deal....It's none of their business......how much money do you make? honesty in theory looks like a good option however honesty doesn't pay the electric bill. 95% of consumers buy on emotion....it's your job to paint that customer a mental picture and show them the beinifit...Benifit.....Benifit!..Selling is not something you can learn on a forum or for that matter even a book! A true salesman is born with the talent, they just have to perfect the skill. If you really want to be a strong closer I suggest you take a sales job and ask a lot of questions and listen to the people who have mastered the art. I can go on here for days but bottom line is many people try their hand at sales and many people can't sell their way out of a paper bag....Other's can sell religion to Jesus!

Telling is NOT selling!

you just spoke the gospel brother!


as you said there is no over night program to becoming a closer but if one has the gift and does the numbers they can make money selling anything as it is the steps not the product.


Quote from before

Do you know what mirroring is? yes mode? hook phrases? etc etc etc

Telling is NOT selling!

I worked as a closer (Over 12yrs)and have trained lots,Most if not all salespeople are full of self belief.Anyhow nice pitch where do i sign up for one of your courses...... :o

There is an art to selling and some have natural talent,but come on any one with the desire to put up with ongoing rejection can learn with product knowledge etc how to hit the right buttons and then apply some sales closing skills,depends how hungry you are.

To answear the OP, If you like to meet people (have reasonable people skills) then go for it,Sales companys are often keen to take on fresh (enthusiastic bods).Watch the others and learn.

Dont be put off by peoples reactions to you telling them you want to work in sales or improve sales skills.

Now go close deal and ring that bell you have just won a holiday break on canvey island. woooooohooo.

Quote from before

Do you know what mirroring is? yes mode? hook phrases? etc etc etc

Telling is NOT selling!

I worked as a closer (Over 12yrs)and have trained lots,Most if not all salespeople are full of self belief.Anyhow nice pitch where do i sign up for one of your courses...... :o

There is an art to selling and some have natural talent,but come on any one with the desire to put up with ongoing rejection can learn with product knowledge etc how to hit the right buttons and then apply some sales closing skills,depends how hungry you are.

To answear the OP, If you like to meet people (have reasonable people skills) then go for it,Sales companys are often keen to take on fresh (enthusiastic bods).Watch the others and learn.

Dont be put off by peoples reactions to you telling them you want to work in sales or improve sales skills.

Now go close deal and ring that bell you have just won a holiday break on canvey island. woooooohooo.

Most top producers can over come objections and therefore the risk of being rejected is very low, that's what makes you a strong closer! if I had to do 100 sales for one close, I better be making a very healthy commission on each sale. I never said you couldn't teach a person how to sell...I said that they have to have the talent first....the ones who have the talent will be taught, the others go back to a 9 - 5 salary.


so here is the rule of thumb i used for people to decide for themselves if sales was the business for them after being trained in product .

1/7 keep trying

1/14 should probably consider 9-5 type work.

now don't get me wrong, i had a point where i went 1/14 but i was well into my career and followed it up the next week with 12/11. never the less, sales is meant to be fun and profitable and it a closer is at 1/14 it is not fun and most likley not profitable.

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