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Trump to impose 5% tariff on Mexican imports over illegal immigration


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7 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


I think it is "probable" we could see an end to caravans of refugees given passage and support by the "safe" country they are passing through. What means Mexico might do to stop that, I have no idea; but given their southern border is so small I think they probably might exercise their soveriegn perogatives a bit more. I'm sure the drugs will still get through.


Another thing is that Mexico doesn't have the insane laws that prevent the USA from stopping this. The USA can also solve this but the dems won't budge. This crisis is easily fixed if there was the political will. But there isn't so tariffs it is. 



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3 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


Another thing is that Mexico doesn't have the insane laws that prevent the USA from stopping this. The USA can also solve this but the dems won't budge. This crisis is easily fixed if there was the political will. But there isn't so tariffs it is. 



Please share with us your knowledge of what specifically Mexican immigration laws do that American laws do not.

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This should help to keep Texas and Arizona red. Perhaps even New Mexico will flip. The people at the border aren't too amused by all of this and the dems own this one. Suddenly the sanctuary cities don't want to take these immigrants and some of the most poverty ridden counties in the entire USA are asked to foot the bill.

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7 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

I guess you don't know that every congressperson representing a district on the border with Mexico, Democrat or Republican, opposes Trump on immigration. And that less and less of those congresspersons are Republicans.


It doesn't help the dems no matter how you twist it. If you are a dem and you say you sat and watched it happen and did nothing you may not be in office much longer. 


Also you say every member of congress opposes Trump and that simply isn't the case. 

Edited by Cryingdick
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7 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


It doesn't help the dems no matter how you twist it. If you are a dem and you say you sat and watched it happen and did nothing you may not be in office much longer. 


Also you say every member of congress opposes Trump and that simply isn't the case. 

I didn't say every member of congress. I said every member of congress who represents a border district opposes Trump on immigration. Certainly on his signature issue: the wall.

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2 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

I didn't say every member of congress. I said every member of congress who represents a border district opposes Trump on immigration. Certainly on his signature issue: the wall.


This is a mere distortion. You can keep believing whatever you want to. Slightly rephrasing your wording and twisting the meanings don't require a lengthy response on my part. I only have the patience for one or two responses to you and my limit is up today.

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14 hours ago, Tug said:

Oh boy we get to pay an extra 5% tax and get nothing in return thanks Donald tired of winning yet?and Donald’s boy pence is out touting the new trade deal lol what a dumpster fire of a presidency

Oh boy....and how much 'we' pay for illegals entering the country and get ABSOLUTELY NOTING in return?  It would be interesting to research how much the open EU borders, has cost the average EU national.  I'd wager its more than 5%.  I also wonder how much greenback is transferred OUT of the US to families back 'home'?  It baffles me that 'normal' citizens pay their due diligence in taxes while the government spends an insane amount for their (illegal) welfare.  I always thought the government one paid taxes to took care of....well never mind, silly of me for thinking.

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The aim obviously is to get Mexico to close its southern border, about 1000km, to illegals, more so than the 3000+km. US-Mexico border. Which makes sense from a logistical point of view.


From Mexico's standpoint it shouldn't be a big deal either to do what the US is asking. Guatemala and Belize will scream a bit but then Mexico has the perfect excuse - point at the ugly giant up north.


Plus Mexico can ask the US to share costs in ramping up their border security "Senor Trump, you wanted 5 billion for your wall. If we take care of business down our south you won't need the wall. So, how about a check for 3 billion?"

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11 minutes ago, Bang Bang said:

The aim obviously is to get Mexico to close its southern border, about 1000km, to illegals, more so than the 3000+km. US-Mexico border. Which makes sense from a logistical point of view.


From Mexico's standpoint it shouldn't be a big deal either to do what the US is asking. Guatemala and Belize will scream a bit but then Mexico has the perfect excuse - point at the ugly giant up north.


Plus Mexico can ask the US to share costs in ramping up their border security "Senor Trump, you wanted 5 billion for your wall. If we take care of business down our south you won't need the wall. So, how about a check for 3 billion?"

But much of the border is composed of dense forest and/or mountains. Rough terrain where aerial surveillance is of limited use where there's lots of vegetation. And given how little success America, a far wealthier nation, has had patrolling its borders what makes you think that Mexico can do better?

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Yeah, this sounds like it aint gonna work as far as stopping illegal immigration.  Mexico may not be actively promoting the immigration exodus, but they sure are not going to do much to stop or control it.  Much of it is beyond the government's control.  Raising tariffs doesn't directly impact me much as I don't buy much of anything.  But the stock market sure got impacted

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This is exactly why Trump got elected....he doesn't hesitate to do the right thing if

it needs to be done. Most politicians would just sit there and approve plans for their

memorial library....Trump at least tries...he will make mexico feel the heat for their role

in illegal immigration.

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34 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

But much of the border is composed of dense forest and/or mountains. Rough terrain where aerial surveillance is of limited use where there's lots of vegetation.

True but then those caravans are crossing somewhere. It might even be easier to get a grip over a few chokepoints.



34 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

And given how little success America, a far wealthier nation, has had patrolling its borders what makes you think that Mexico can do better?

The problem on the US side is political will and human rights written into US law. With all due respect, money might trump (no pun intended) both concerns in Mexico.

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I do know the Mexican governments provide advice to illegal migrants on where and how to cross the US/Mexico border as safely as possible. Amount of water needed per person, how to carry water jugs, clothing, and footwear needed as well as best routes. Yes, they may be just trying to prevent deaths but having government employees inspecting migrants to check for preparedness to make the crossing is galling for Trump supporters. 

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16 hours ago, Credo said:

I have no trouble with putting pressure on Mexico to slow the flow of illegal immigrants, but tariffs are essentially a tax paid by Americans, not by Mexico.   It's a little like slapping your wife because your child is misbehaving.


I wonder if this will impact the signing of NAFTA 2.0?    


Of course it will because this is a tri-lateral agreement.

Add to that, Trump keeps unnecessarily insulting Nancy Pelosi. In return, she has decided not to go easy on agreeing to the terms of the NEW-SLIGHTLY-TWEEKED agreement.


Trump's trade war and tariff endeavour is upsetting trade and economies world wide. But he doesn't care about others, especially the little guy. All he cares about is winning, doesn't matter at what cost to others. He is too GD stupid to realize the harm he is doing.

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13 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Good.....it seems you can't talk reason with anyone these days until 

you take such action. Im sure other south American countries can 

step in to supply the goods Mexico produces.

Nobody would instantly "tool up" to fill a void created by a Trump tantrum. That would be a high risk investment as he changes his mind more often than he changes his hair colour or women.

We are dealing with an unstable "genius".

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3 hours ago, Benroon said:

Someone just needs to shut this <deleted> idiot up for 5 minutes!! Markets again tanking.


Saw a news item tonight that said some items are made originally in the US then get sent to Mexico for completion and then back to the US - so the importers will be paying up to 25% tax on their own products to come back to them - does he not have advisors or are they all as stupid as him ?

"does he not have advisors or are they all as stupid as him ?"

Too stupid, too stubborn, always thinks his "genius", bluffing, bullying way is better than advice from his advisors.


But my guess is that this is just one more genius-man's bluff. As we approach June 10 (first kick in date), President Genius will announce something like, "we're going to give Mexico 90 more days to cooperate".

I hope, and expect, that his bullshit will be well remembered come 2020. Dump Trump !

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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

This is exactly why Trump got elected....he doesn't hesitate to do the right thing if

it needs to be done. Most politicians would just sit there and approve plans for their

memorial library....Trump at least tries...he will make mexico feel the heat for their role

in illegal immigration.

Jholmes jr ???? with a name like that i just knew you were brainwashed by watersports loving,sun tan man trump

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3 hours ago, Slip said:

A win-win situation.  That means Trump will never go for it, and the spineless GOP will continue to aid and abet him and his Russian master in their goal of destroying the western alliance.  Trump for jail 2020 if not before.

put him in the same cell as Boris,i can just imagine them fighting for the mirror to do their hair.

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So far I haven't noticed any price increases here in the USA related to The tariffs levied against China. But even if the prices do go up it's better we endure it now to secure our future.


America has kicked this can down the road for too long.

Edited by Bucknaway
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Tired of winning yet?how about that stock market and guess what how much for a new car???oh it’s going to go up boys and girls why you ask why just ask Donald why he is a very stable genius you know

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