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Take a look at this Islamic anti-Buddhist video clip at

complete with Buddha statues framed by the burning fires of He11. It was produced by a Turkish intellectual who clearly hasn't a clue. Nasty!
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we have a "senior cleric" here in Oz (Melbourne)that says the droughts in Oz are caused by our lack of belief in allah. 55555555555

what are the eartquakes in Indonesia caused by then???? :o


I think that the great thing about Buddhism is that it can take any criticism thrown at it.

If every Buddhist died tommorow it would not be the end of the Dhamma. Somebody else would come along and discover the same truth. The Dhamma does not depend on books, monks, religion, your tube or even the Buddha to be truth. It just is.


Unfortunately children of Islam are force fed this kind of stilted propagnda early on about any other religion or way of thinking. Brainwashing is obviously pretty effective in many cases. To bad people have to drag a god into the mix. Must be embarassing for HE/SHE/IT. I appreciated Buddhism when I was in Thailand because my questions were politely answered and nothing was shoved down my throat as being the best and only way. Kinda refreshing.

Take a look at this Islamic anti-Buddhist video clip at
complete with Buddha statues framed by the burning fires of He11. It was produced by a Turkish intellectual who clearly hasn't a clue. Nasty!

Not only is it nasty, this stuff (this video is 1 0f 6) is seeking ever larger audiences through these kinds of mainstream websites of the producer:



5 Mins was more than enough. What a joke. He says "We should pay attention to the truths contained within this film" after spouting 5 mins of utter rubbish and no truth. If anyone wishes to believe this they are deeply sad!

Oh yeah, "the happy and fulfilled lives that Islam brings". Is this what the suicide bombers think as they are murdering innocents?


Shocking. As is the website linked to the video. On the home page you could exchange Islam for one of the other monotheisms, with themes such as:

Refutation of Atheism

Refutation of Darwinism

Nature and Creation

Universe and Creation

To its credit, the website has this to say about terrorism:

"Islam Denounces Terrorism

Terrorism is a crime against humanity. It is a brutal attack on innocent people. Islam is a religion that means "peace". In the Koran, the Holy Book of Islam, God commands believers to bring peace and security to the world. Terrorism and all other mischief on Earth are the very acts that Muslims are commanded by God to stand against. The Islamic morality is the cure for terrorism, not the source of it. Those who resort to or support terrorism in the name of Islam are in a great error. They are committing a crime which God has cursed in the Koran. All true Muslims denounce terrorism of any kind, and share the sorrows of its victims. " Full text

Apparently 'Harun Yahya' is a pseudonym for Turkish creationist Adnan Oktar. According to a paper I found on the Truman State University website:

"Another striking aspect of Yahya's material is how much of it is taken, with minimal changes, from Western creationist literature such as that associated with the Institute for Creation Research (ICR). Since the Quran is not as specific as the Genesis story, Islamic creationists usually allow an old earth, so Yahya discards flood-geology and is noncommittal about the age of the earth. But the rest is there, flavored with quotations from some "Intelligent Design" figures, and all set in a matrix of traditional Islamic apologetics hammering on how obvious it is that there is a designing intelligence behind all the wonders of nature. ICR-style creationism, which we tend to think of as a sectarian, evangelical Protestant peculiarity, turns out to be pre-adapted to an Islamic environment."

Unfortunately children of Islam are force fed this kind of stilted propagnda early on about any other religion or way of thinking. Brainwashing is obviously pretty effective in many cases. To bad people have to drag a god into the mix. Must be embarassing for HE/SHE/IT. I appreciated Buddhism when I was in Thailand because my questions were politely answered and nothing was shoved down my throat as being the best and only way. Kinda refreshing.

I have to agree with this and my views on Buddhism are very much in line with yours, but i would have to add that children of Christian fundamentalists are just as brain washed by there elders and there hatred of Islam very deeply engrained. Very unfortunate as they both share the same god.

To show you how scarey Christians can be just look at this:


I warn you this is realy scary stuff, you may need counciling after :o:D

Unfortunately children of Islam are force fed this kind of stilted propagnda early on about any other religion or way of thinking. Brainwashing is obviously pretty effective in many cases. To bad people have to drag a god into the mix. Must be embarassing for HE/SHE/IT. I appreciated Buddhism when I was in Thailand because my questions were politely answered and nothing was shoved down my throat as being the best and only way. Kinda refreshing.

I have to agree with this and my views on Buddhism are very much in line with yours, but i would have to add that children of Christian fundamentalists are just as brain washed by there elders and there hatred of Islam very deeply engrained. Very unfortunate as they both share the same god.

To show you how scarey Christians can be just look at this:


I warn you this is realy scary stuff, you may need counciling after :o:D

What was so scary about that :D Christians are normaly good people, its just the fanatics that are scary of any faith.

Unfortunately children of Islam are force fed this kind of stilted propagnda early on about any other religion or way of thinking. Brainwashing is obviously pretty effective in many cases. To bad people have to drag a god into the mix. Must be embarassing for HE/SHE/IT. I appreciated Buddhism when I was in Thailand because my questions were politely answered and nothing was shoved down my throat as being the best and only way. Kinda refreshing.

I have to agree with this and my views on Buddhism are very much in line with yours, but i would have to add that children of Christian fundamentalists are just as brain washed by there elders and there hatred of Islam very deeply engrained. Very unfortunate as they both share the same god.

To show you how scarey Christians can be just look at this:


I warn you this is realy scary stuff, you may need counciling after :o:D

What was so scary about that :D Christians are normaly good people, its just the fanatics that are scary of any faith.

I agree, there's nothing scary about the link! Why would you need counselling after it!

Also, fanatics of any persuasion are the ones who are scary, they'll use whatever to plug their prejudices. A bit like benchang hijacking threads to bash Christianity. :D

Unfortunately children of Islam are force fed this kind of stilted propagnda early on about any other religion or way of thinking. Brainwashing is obviously pretty effective in many cases. To bad people have to drag a god into the mix. Must be embarassing for HE/SHE/IT. I appreciated Buddhism when I was in Thailand because my questions were politely answered and nothing was shoved down my throat as being the best and only way. Kinda refreshing.

I have to agree with this and my views on Buddhism are very much in line with yours, but i would have to add that children of Christian fundamentalists are just as brain washed by there elders and there hatred of Islam very deeply engrained. Very unfortunate as they both share the same god.

To show you how scarey Christians can be just look at this:


I warn you this is realy scary stuff, you may need counciling after :o:D

What was so scary about that :D Christians are normaly good people, its just the fanatics that are scary of any faith.

I agree, there's nothing scary about the link! Why would you need counselling after it!

Also, fanatics of any persuasion are the ones who are scary, they'll use whatever to plug their prejudices. A bit like benchang hijacking threads to bash Christianity. :D

Oh come on lighten up it was a joke


A Thai Buddhist friend of mine viewed the videos. His only comment: "It is interesting to see how others view our religion".

Just the one comment, no discussion. I was favourably impressed.


There is one passage that puzzles me: the narrator says that people should pay close attention to the "Truths described in this film". Where are they? :o Pls give sequence number and minute/s. Thanks.


Just Googled Islam Buddhism and this came out top of the pile so im guesing that some of you may have seen it


I have only scaned it but it dose look like a more restrained view of Buddhism from an islamic point of view than the original vid. Im going back to read it now .

Dose anyone know of this guy?

  • 1 month later...

Another more benign Muslim perspective on Buddhism:

Light of Asia

Tahir Mahmood

[2 May, 2007 l 0001 hrs IST]

Buddhism, which flourished in ancient India as one of its great faith traditions, is today a minority religion in the country. Its followers are numerically the fourth minority at the national level — next to the Muslims, Christians and Sikhs.

Unlike those three faiths, it is not the domi-nant religion in any of India’s 28 states. The population of Buddhists at the national level, according to the latest Census Report (2001), is less than 1 per cent, though this figure is questioned by the Buddhists who claim a much larger population.

Outside India, Buddhism is the dominant religious faith in Bhutan, Kampuchea, the two Koreas, Myanmar, Laos, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. “Buddhism is the spiritual heritage of Bhutan which promotes the values of peace,

non-violence, compassion and tolerance”, proclaims the constitution of Bhutan — while the country’s national anthem ends with the words “As the Doctrine of the Lord Buddha flourishes, may the sun of peace and happiness shine on our people”.

In Sri Lanka, the constitution mandates the state “to give Buddhism the foremost place and foster the Buddha Sasana (Buddhist social order)”. In secular India, Buddhism seems to be less favoured compared to the majority religion. It was after a prolonged struggle — a full 40 years after the enforcement of the constitution — that the Buddhists were able to secure for their backward sections some space in the net of the scheduled castes. The categorisation of Buddhists into original Buddhists and neo-Buddhists is a policy that irks the followers of the faith.

As India celebrates the Buddha’s birth anniversary today, it would be pertinent to look into what the Arab-Islamic

literature has to say of him. The Buddha occupies a respectable place in the writings of Arab religious historians.

The great poet-philosopher of the East, Mohammad Iqbal, depicted the Buddha not as a spiritual figure but as a great social reformer whose call for the establishment of a casteless society was not heeded by the people of this country.

Numerous references to the Buddha and his followers are found in authentic books on Arab-Islamic history.

The ancient Arabs equated him with a ‘prophet’ — some identified him as the Khizr of Islamic theology and called his followers the Khizriya; others thought that the Quranic figure Zul Kifl could have been the same as the Buddha. Yet some others turned the Buddha’s popular name into Budhasif in Arabic. Some Islamic historians described the Buddhist community as the Samniya while some others called them the Ahamira (red-dressed).

Arab historian Maqdisi classified the religious communities of India into two major groups: the Brahmaniya (Hindus) and the Samniya (Buddhists). Baghdadi and Shahristani referred to the basic teachings of the Buddha and found some identity between them and certain Islamic principles.

Ibn-e-Nadeem even described the different beliefs of two sub-communities among the Buddhists (who are today called Theravada and Mahayana) and found one of these very close to Islamic beliefs. He also picturesquely des-cribed the appearance of the Buddha as “a human figure sitting on a platform, no hair on the face, chin downwards, an innocent smile on the lips, fingers partly open and partly closed” — a description which had, in fact, been made of an idol of the Buddha in Baghdad.

Eminent Muslim scholar of the subcontinent Allama Sulaiman Nadwi argues that Samniya was the common expression among the ancient Arabs for the followers of the Buddha.

Poet Iqbal wrote about the Buddha: ‘‘Qaum ney paigham-e-Gautam ki zara parwah na ki/ Qadr na pahchani na apney gauhar-e-yak danah ki.../ Aah shudra ke liye Hindostan ghamkhaana hai.../ Barhaman sarshar hai ab tak maey-e-pindar mein/ Shama-e-Gautam jal rahi hai mahfil-e-aghyar mein’’. (The nation cared least about what Gautama had to tell/ Failed to fully recognise the worth of its unique jewel.../ Alas for downtrodden India remained a house of tyranny.../ High castes retained the wine of conceit in their hands/ And the light of Gautama is illuminating foreign lands.) This is true even today

Unfortunately children of Islam are force fed this kind of stilted propagnda early on about any other religion or way of thinking. Brainwashing is obviously pretty effective in many cases. To bad people have to drag a god into the mix. Must be embarassing for HE/SHE/IT. I appreciated Buddhism when I was in Thailand because my questions were politely answered and nothing was shoved down my throat as being the best and only way. Kinda refreshing.

I have to agree with this and my views on Buddhism are very much in line with yours, but i would have to add that children of Christian fundamentalists are just as brain washed by there elders and there hatred of Islam very deeply engrained. Very unfortunate as they both share the same god.

To show you how scarey Christians can be just look at this:


I warn you this is realy scary stuff, you may need counciling after :o:D

Just went to that link and the video has been disabled...


I'm just wondering....has this thread become a place for people to bring whatever anti-Buddist propoganda they can find on the internet so that we can all see it and be offended?

I'm just wondering....has this thread become a place for people to bring whatever anti-Buddist propoganda they can find on the internet so that we can all see it and be offended?

Yes a thread where we can discuss how other religions view Buddhism, negatively or otherwise. Unless it gets out of hand I'm in favour of letting it run.

Unfortunately children of Islam are force fed this kind of stilted propagnda early on about any other religion or way of thinking. Brainwashing is obviously pretty effective in many cases. To bad people have to drag a god into the mix. Must be embarassing for HE/SHE/IT. I appreciated Buddhism when I was in Thailand because my questions were politely answered and nothing was shoved down my throat as being the best and only way. Kinda refreshing.

I have to agree with this and my views on Buddhism are very much in line with yours, but i would have to add that children of Christian fundamentalists are just as brain washed by there elders and there hatred of Islam very deeply engrained. Very unfortunate as they both share the same god.

To show you how scarey Christians can be just look at this:


I warn you this is realy scary stuff, you may need counciling after :D:D

What was so scary about that :D Christians are normaly good people, its just the fanatics that are scary of any faith.

I agree, there's nothing scary about the link! Why would you need counselling after it!

Also, fanatics of any persuasion are the ones who are scary, they'll use whatever to plug their prejudices. A bit like benchang hijacking threads to bash Christianity. :D

But it's always OK to bash Muslims :o

Unfortunately children of Islam are force fed this kind of stilted propagnda early on about any other religion or way of thinking. Brainwashing is obviously pretty effective in many cases. To bad people have to drag a god into the mix. Must be embarassing for HE/SHE/IT. I appreciated Buddhism when I was in Thailand because my questions were politely answered and nothing was shoved down my throat as being the best and only way. Kinda refreshing.

I have to agree with this and my views on Buddhism are very much in line with yours, but i would have to add that children of Christian fundamentalists are just as brain washed by there elders and there hatred of Islam very deeply engrained. Very unfortunate as they both share the same god.

To show you how scarey Christians can be just look at this:


I warn you this is realy scary stuff, you may need counciling after :D:D

What was so scary about that :D Christians are normaly good people, its just the fanatics that are scary of any faith.

I agree, there's nothing scary about the link! Why would you need counselling after it!

Also, fanatics of any persuasion are the ones who are scary, they'll use whatever to plug their prejudices. A bit like benchang hijacking threads to bash Christianity. :D

But it's always OK to bash Muslims :o

I don't think it's okay to bash any religion, islam included!

Unfortunately children of Islam are force fed this kind of stilted propagnda early on about any other religion or way of thinking. Brainwashing is obviously pretty effective in many cases. To bad people have to drag a god into the mix. Must be embarassing for HE/SHE/IT. I appreciated Buddhism when I was in Thailand because my questions were politely answered and nothing was shoved down my throat as being the best and only way. Kinda refreshing.

I have to agree with this and my views on Buddhism are very much in line with yours, but i would have to add that children of Christian fundamentalists are just as brain washed by there elders and there hatred of Islam very deeply engrained. Very unfortunate as they both share the same god.

To show you how scarey Christians can be just look at this:


I warn you this is realy scary stuff, you may need counciling after :D:D

What was so scary about that :D Christians are normaly good people, its just the fanatics that are scary of any faith.

I agree, there's nothing scary about the link! Why would you need counselling after it!

Also, fanatics of any persuasion are the ones who are scary, they'll use whatever to plug their prejudices. A bit like benchang hijacking threads to bash Christianity. :D

But it's always OK to bash Muslims :o

I think it's appropriate to question any religion that uses their religious dogma as the basis for their violemt actions. As this is the Buddhism thread I'll only comment that I have never observed anyone ever committing violence while citing Buddhist dhamma as their justification. I'm sure t's happened somewhere, but it is rare enough that it's never gained my attention.

I think that the great thing about Buddhism is that it can take any criticism thrown at it.

If every Buddhist died tommorow it would not be the end of the Dhamma. Somebody else would come along and discover the same truth. The Dhamma does not depend on books, monks, religion, your tube or even the Buddha to be truth. It just is.

I agree with your comment. Dhamma is the truth. It would not be the end. :o

Unfortunately children of Islam are force fed this kind of stilted propagnda early on about any other religion or way of thinking. Brainwashing is obviously pretty effective in many cases. To bad people have to drag a god into the mix. Must be embarassing for HE/SHE/IT. I appreciated Buddhism when I was in Thailand because my questions were politely answered and nothing was shoved down my throat as being the best and only way. Kinda refreshing.

I have to agree with this and my views on Buddhism are very much in line with yours, but i would have to add that children of Christian fundamentalists are just as brain washed by there elders and there hatred of Islam very deeply engrained. Very unfortunate as they both share the same god.

To show you how scarey Christians can be just look at this:


I warn you this is realy scary stuff, you may need counciling after :D:D

What was so scary about that :D Christians are normaly good people, its just the fanatics that are scary of any faith.

I agree, there's nothing scary about the link! Why would you need counselling after it!

Also, fanatics of any persuasion are the ones who are scary, they'll use whatever to plug their prejudices. A bit like benchang hijacking threads to bash Christianity. :D

But it's always OK to bash Muslims :o

I think it's appropriate to question any religion that uses their religious dogma as the basis for their violemt actions. As this is the Buddhism thread I'll only comment that I have never observed anyone ever committing violence while citing Buddhist dhamma as their justification. I'm sure t's happened somewhere, but it is rare enough that it's never gained my attention.

Sri Lanka at the present time.

Unfortunately children of Islam are force fed this kind of stilted propagnda early on about any other religion or way of thinking. Brainwashing is obviously pretty effective in many cases. To bad people have to drag a god into the mix. Must be embarassing for HE/SHE/IT. I appreciated Buddhism when I was in Thailand because my questions were politely answered and nothing was shoved down my throat as being the best and only way. Kinda refreshing.

I have to agree with this and my views on Buddhism are very much in line with yours, but i would have to add that children of Christian fundamentalists are just as brain washed by there elders and there hatred of Islam very deeply engrained. Very unfortunate as they both share the same god.

To show you how scarey Christians can be just look at this:


I warn you this is realy scary stuff, you may need counciling after :D:D

What was so scary about that :D Christians are normaly good people, its just the fanatics that are scary of any faith.

I agree, there's nothing scary about the link! Why would you need counselling after it!

Also, fanatics of any persuasion are the ones who are scary, they'll use whatever to plug their prejudices. A bit like benchang hijacking threads to bash Christianity. :D

But it's always OK to bash Muslims :o

I think it's appropriate to question any religion that uses their religious dogma as the basis for their violemt actions. As this is the Buddhism thread I'll only comment that I have never observed anyone ever committing violence while citing Buddhist dhamma as their justification. I'm sure t's happened somewhere, but it is rare enough that it's never gained my attention.

Sri Lanka at the present time.

Well, there you go. All the more reason to be suspect of the move to co-opt Buddhism and incorporate it into the constitution. One would not want to see the Thai equivalent of "Baghdad Bob" giving out dhamma lessons at junta press conferences.

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