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Thaksin Says He Will Teach After Returning To Thailand


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Whilst he's in London amongst the blokes, he could take a course in beginning speech at Dr. Doolittle's Elocution School, and become the new "Dr. Do Little." Then he could take an opening job at an anuban school in outer Isaan, at the standard Thai starting salary of 8,000 baht per month (plus benefits), and teach the 5 year olds to say, "Guud mornik teechur, how youuuuuu 2day?"

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...the air is leaving his balloon and he is squeaking his way to irrelevance "daisy, daisy...give me your heart please do.............2

I tend to agree but he does not give up that easy. I think you know as well as I do he does not intend to teach but only used this as a way to make a jab at the government. As soon as something new comes up he will be all over it.

However I suspect this thread will have a long life and be entertaining at the least. I wonder why the IISS did not post his teachings????? Hmmm

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I wonder if that will be before or after he can experience the inside of a jail cell. That part of the world is important to for contrast I would think. :o

I agree, they didn't specify who he would be teaching. Though what better a way to show the global comunity how the country treats mass criminals. Make them the educators of the youth! That's why when I kill someone on my motorbike I just keep on driving!


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Yes, it was. At first he wanted to buy the club for himself and his buddy Payboon (Grammy) but when he realised how much of his own money he would have to pay and potentially loose, he came up with "Thailand will buy Liverpool" idea.

Lottery was offered as a financing method.

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Yes, it was. At first he wanted to buy the club for himself and his buddy Payboon (Grammy) but when he realised how much of his own money he would have to pay and potentially loose, he came up with "Thailand will buy Liverpool" idea.

Lottery was offered as a financing method.

Policy making on the run :o

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