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Nearly sent back at airport - IO says after this 60 day stay I can't come back for 6 months

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36 minutes ago, FredGallaher said:

It really doesn't matter. They do it because they can. I have never tried to circumvent the system and have never had an issue with Thai immigrations. BTW the IO are sworn police officers.

Exactly right.


Unfortunately there are people that can't accept the simple fact that visitors are not meant to use Tourist Visas to 'live' in the country, and that Immigration Officers, under orders, will use whatever legal method they can to deny entry.


35 years ago it wasn't really possible for a large number of under 50's to live in a foreign country without working, and the laws reflect that fact. These days remote work is possible for many and  some are of the opinion that they have the right to use visas/permits to suit their lifestyle. 

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4 hours ago, elviajero said:

Unfortunately there are people that can't accept the simple fact that visitors are not meant to use Tourist Visas to 'live' in the country

True, that group of people exists. You may count in all the consular officials who have issued tourist visa and all the immigration officers who have stamped me in and extended my stays. Without the active help from countless Thai officials, I couldn't have done it. You really crack me up.

Edited by Caldera
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38 minutes ago, Caldera said:
5 hours ago, elviajero said:

Unfortunately there are people that can't accept the simple fact that visitors are not meant to use Tourist Visas to 'live' in the country

True, that group of people exists. You may count in all the consular officials who have issued tourist visa and all the immigration officers who have stamped me in and extended my stays. Without the active help from countless Thai officials, I couldn't have done it. You really crack me up.

On queue, and still in denial.


So you’re just going to ignore the fact that consular services are limiting/denying tourist visas because the applicant has too many; and stamping passports to that effect. And that IO’s with discretionary powers are using that discretion to deny entry to a few. Of course you are. You really crack me up.

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8 minutes ago, elviajero said:

 stamping passports to that effect.

Yep, Phnom Pehn is the first one that makes it very clear. I have attached it in the other thread.


Keywords: frequently and for long durations.


Repeated extensions would trigger it also.


So it's no longer a Thai Visa forum speculation, it seems pretty clear what they are looking at.


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5 hours ago, elviajero said:

On queue, and still in denial.

Forum muppets have been telling me the same since 2006, when I started "living in Thailand on tourist visa". As you know, they had started "tightening" a bit earlier and introduced their inept 90/180 VE rule implementation later that very year. They've been "tightening" and "cracking down" ever since; each new or resurrected measure has been discussed here ad nauseum ever since as well. Obviously you know all that.


Personally, I have yet to be questioned, challenged or denied by an actual (!) Thai official. You know, the ones I love to ridicule on here. You've got to realize that you aren't a member of that group, and will never be.


So, what will happen on the day my luck will eventually run out? Not very much! I've always had a "Plan B"; I have many options, both inside Thailand and out.


Sadly, the group you should really worry about are those who have built a life in Thailand on a "proper visa" and who haven't been able to go beyond their yearly extension non-immigrant status (by progressing to either PR or citizenship). It's called non-immigrant for a reason. There are many of them out there, and they are just one divorce, one dismissal or one failed money transfer away from losing their "proper visa" status. No matter what they've contributed to this fairy kingdom over years or even decades, it could be gone come yearly extension time. My heart goes out to them, and so should yours.

Edited by Caldera
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2 minutes ago, lkv said:

@Caldera Did they grill you before, and if yes, on what, and what was the story out of interest?

As I wrote, personally I've never been questioned at all. All the way from 2006 to my latest entry last month. I do realize that I've been lucky and I obviously sympathize with everyone "in the same boat" who has been hassled by these clowns.


I'm not prepared to push it, not after I've re-visited some other countries nearby. If and when my day comes, I think I will simply spend more time in Vietnam and on Bali. I've also considered going the ED visa or Elite route, but neither would be my first alternative choice right now. That might change.

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3 minutes ago, Caldera said:

As I wrote, personally I've never been questioned at all. All the way from 2006 to my latest entry last month.

Yeah I re-read your comment but you quoted me already while I was editing. ????


Then you must have short stays, not extended. Either that or maybe you have been lucky. Or you look not in need for work ????They do judge on appearance also, so if you look wealthy enough and you talk firmly, you get through easier.

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32 minutes ago, lkv said:

Then you must have short stays, not extended. Either that or maybe you have been lucky. Or you look not in need for work ????They do judge on appearance also, so if you look wealthy enough and you talk firmly, you get through easier.

I've extended each and every stay this year and last year. Plan to extend my current VE entry as well. Before that, I did sometimes leave without extending my visa exempt (30 days) or tourist visa (60 days) initial permission to stay. Funnily enough, it's their airport shenanigans that have had that very effect. If flying into BKK or DMK were still as straightforward as it used to be just a few years ago, I would have spent 6-7 months in Thailand per year instead of 10+ months - in recent years. There are many other cool places to explore, after all.


I have never worked in Thailand, neither legally nor illegally in any shape or form. I think you overrate their profiling skills, but I could be wrong about that. Most likely, it's a combination of luck, passport country and age. Physical appearance might also play a role, many "non-government Thais" I've met have commented that I look as if I've never worked a day in my life (and, surprisingly enough, that's not that far off the mark). Who knows, maybe consular officers and IOs tend to think the same.

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17 minutes ago, Caldera said:

I would have spent 6-7 months in Thailand per year instead of 10+ months - in recent years. There are many other cool places to explore, after all.


Most likely, it's a combination of luck, passport country and age. Physical appearance might also play a role, many "non-government Thais" I've met have commented that I look as if I've never worked a day in my life (and, surprisingly enough, that's not that far off the mark). Who knows, maybe consular officers and IOs tend to think the same.

Well there you go. You don't spend 12 months a year in Thailand and you don't look to them as someone who's going to seek an English teaching job on tourist visas. Yes, age, looks, nationality, the way you present yourself and talk, travel history, they all play a part.


No offence to English teachers, we had a recent thread about that, it is my opinion that he should have been allowed entry (at least the first one), but then again, I do feel that there may have been some red flags that indicated to the IO that that person was there to stay for long. 

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1 hour ago, Caldera said:

I think you overrate their profiling skills

No no, biggest mistake is underestimating.


Give me any passport and I'll tell you what that guy is most likely doing, with a margin of error.


-digital nomad

-"visiting wife" with no 400K for extension

-working on the oil platform


And so on.


And that's without seeing the guy, just the passport.


Ask any IO where to go for multi non O and they will tell you: Savannakhet.


You think they have not heard about Penang?


Do you remember when they stopped all multi non B holders coming from Penang asking them for 20K. At the Thai/Malaysian border. They kept them for hours until the big boss called and they let them all in. All coming from Penang in minivans.


I will even dare to say they recognize paid ED extensions issued by their Pattaya colleagues, but they let it go because the "fee" has been paid.


You think they are not aware of what their "colleagues" in Pattaya are doing? Or the "military sponsored" ED visas for Muay Thai?


You seriously cannot be underestimating these IO's.


Do you realise these people chop chop passports every day?


On my last entry, VOA (cos i dont qualify for Visa Exempt), she picked on the most stretched extension i had in my passport from last year!!! and asked me what was that all about.


Bear in mind I was coming for 7 days only.


She was very polite, would not describe it as grilling, but it was the first time ever.


Used the gf excuse btw.


Reason it was light grilling, is because I stayed less and less in 2019. I felt the heat coming.


2018 was 10 months out of 12 on SETVs, with re-entry permits some for actual leisure, but some for visa run, which is exactly what she asked. Why did you extend HERE? (June or July last year - the one with 88 days out of 90).

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Of the three countries mentioned above, my TGF liked Laos & Vietnam but was not keen on Malaysia.  If Thailand doesn't want us, settle somewhere friendlier; less complicated; cheaper; and easy for your GF to commute to.

Thailand doesn't deserve us.

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59 minutes ago, Caldera said:

It sure is. Let's see how and when.

Sorry what visa are you on again? METV?


Edit: Nvm re-read. SETV and exempt.


Yeah, I guess if it doesn't "scream" visa run, you'll be fine.

Edited by lkv
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  • 4 weeks later...

I work in Saudi Arabia on a 35/35 days on/off Rotation. 

I even though I have been told many times that I have nothing to worry about ,  I stress every time entering BKK.

I have been told that because I stay out from Thailand more than a month at a time, I will have no problems.

Last days off, the wife and I (both Americans) spent in USA. 

So...  I have not even been in Thailand since May 3rd and will not be back into Thailand until August 22nd...  yet, with all the reading,  I still feel stressed about going thru Immigration.


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I'm married to a Thai lady, all done properly and above board. Am on the correct visa, always do TM30 and 90 day reports, never overstayed. Money in both my Thai bank and bank in my home country, more than should be needed and certainly more than the 400k. Always carry all my papers, including copies of wife's ID card and tabien baan signed by her, yet I still brick my pants coming through immigration, I know one day they will ask to see a piece of paperwork which either never existed, or which I could never get my hands on, or they will ask unanswerable questions, such as "how do I know your marriage is genuine?".


Haven't had any issues as yet, but feel that it's just a matter of time. I guess when that day comes, it will be the prompt I need to seriously consider going elsewhere.

Edited by SteveK
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  • 2 weeks later...
Anyone here have multiple citizenships therefore multiple passports? Might be a good idea to alternate using each one for a METV. For example:
1st time - Use your home country's passport, go to the Thai embassy in your local city and get the METV visa in that passport. After 9 months go back to your home country.
2nd time - Now you're in your home country you use your 2nd passport from a 2nd citizenship/2nd country but go to the same Thai embassy in your local city and get a METV visa in the 2nd country's passport. Enter Thailand on that passport. After 9 months go back to your home country.
Then do that loop swapping between passports/visas continuously.
I just wonder, would immigration at the airport be able to put together that it's the same person entering on a different country's passport? Surely with the full name being the same in their system and on both passports it's highly likely their system will match it. If not by the name & birth dates then by the photos in their system. Or if their fingerprint scanners get up and running then by the fingerprints. What do you all think?
I thought you can only get the METV from your home country, meaning you have to go to the second country to get an METV in your second passport. Does anyone know?

Sent from my SM-T530 using Tapatalk

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