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In laws are retiring soon. Guess how much their monthly pension is?


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21 hours ago, AlexRich said:

That’s what people are doing in Central America ... moving from home and family to obtain a better life for themselves ... there’s a recent photograph of a man and his young daughter, face down in the water dead having tried to cross the Rio Grande river and get into the US.


That man was “getting off his lazy butt” .... but the strange thing is that the very people who urge everyone to do that are the same people who want to “build a wall” to prevent them. 


It’s shameful for privileged people to criticise impoverished people for not being like them, whilst taking every step to protect their own privileges. Life’s a lot easier when you are raised in a country where there are lots of opportunities for advancement.






They don't need to go to another country, go to a city.

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18 hours ago, MrJ said:

If you are employee and paying into the social security system you will get a monthly pension of 20% from your salary but salary capped at 15k , you need to have worked at least 15 years and can retire earliest with 55 years of age.


so it means 3k is starting pension (old age allowance), every year over 15 years working puts another 1.5% on top.


for my case I will get 5.000 THB (33.5% from 15) monthly pension after 24 years working at the current number (could be 6.7k (33.5% from 20k capped) if the number will rise as proposed). Lumb sum option is available as well - about 10k/working year - in my case about 240k but I will opt for the monthly pension.


This applies for Thais and foreigners as well.  No you can get an idea about the pension for normal employees in industries and other fields but not government.


e.g. 40 years at a car plant gets you currently 20+25x1.5%=57.5% out of 15k=8.625 monthly pension, so you should plan for further sources of income.......


For 432THB/month I will stay in the social system/health insurance as well after retirement.




Very good post.

A typical pension from SS is something like 6000 baht per month. 

The company may also have paid into a separate retirement fund (similar to IRA), so in addition to SS you may get a lump sum of 1 or 2 million baht when you retire. 


Retirement age is often set by the company at 60 y.o. 

Way too early for many people.

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15 hours ago, BestB said:

Thailand provides education to its citizens in same way as all other countries.


Cynical joke.

You either know nothing about Thailand and about "all other countries" (i don't think so,  i think you know a lot), or you have the mindset of Marie Antoinette. That's much worse than knowing nothing. 

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1 hour ago, uhuh said:

Cynical joke.

You either know nothing about Thailand and about "all other countries" (i don't think so,  i think you know a lot), or you have the mindset of Marie Antoinette. That's much worse than knowing nothing. 

Which part do you find to be a joke? Or you saying public schooling is not available in Thailand.?

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12 hours ago, Andrew Nelson said:

Actually inherent wealth is much greater in 1st world countries, so westerners do have a better chance of being financially successful.

If you born into a poor family , what exactly do you inherit in

the West?


Were you aware most Thai own some kind of land ? And it’s not few hundred square meters either .

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11 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

I'm amazed at how well some of my wife's cousins and old schoolmate friends in Loei have done.  Not farmers, but small-town dwellers and merchants.  Maybe net worths from 1 - 10 million $ US.  One has a large hotel complex on the Mekong river near Chiang Khan and another hotel in the main town of Loei. 


To be fair, many are of Vietnamese decent, so there's a certain get-ahead mindset involved. 


I think this is the hotel:





That is precisely right, quite s few have done and doing very well, some are even considered rich.


but they all work 7 days and maximise    On what they can instead of complaining about what they do not. 


One of my staff rents out her land back in Korat for 50000 baht per year . Woman that rents it works that land non stop. 7 years later she wants to buy land and offering my staff 5.5 million for it 

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28 minutes ago, BestB said:

Which part do you find to be a joke? Or you saying public schooling is not available in Thailand.?

It's what the average Thai is taught in those schools. My GF cannot read a map, along with most Thais. Either that lack is incompetence on the part of the authorities, or a deliberate omission.

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2 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

It's what the average Thai is taught in those schools. My GF cannot read a map, along with most Thais. Either that lack is incompetence on the part of the authorities, or a deliberate omission.

We are not discussing quality of education but having education.


They also did not have Facebook but learned how to use it without schooling.


Amazing what you can do when you have desire to do it ????

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5 minutes ago, BestB said:

We are not discussing quality of education but having education.


They also did not have Facebook but learned how to use it without schooling.


Amazing what you can do when you have desire to do it ????

I would not count Facebook as a great educational achievement. A haven for narcissists.

uhuh stated Thai education was a joke, because of the quality of Thai education.

I could teach you how to mark lambs. That would not be much use to you in a country where there are no sheep, would it? Education is useless if it doesn't equip you for life.


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17 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I would not count Facebook as a great educational achievement. A haven for narcissists.

uhuh stated Thai education was a joke, because of the quality of Thai education.

I could teach you how to mark lambs. That would not be much use to you in a country where there are no sheep, would it? Education is useless if it doesn't equip you for life.


Good thing you do not run out of excuses

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4 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

In my travels, there has been a socio-economic stratum I have seen in Australia, the USA and South Africa. It's called poor white trash. They have one thing in common - they need a group below them in status for self-validation. Most of your posts are suggestive of that.

Interesting to note that in all your travels you were socializing with white trash, were you not accepted in higher circles? or all you could afford was trailer park accommodation to meet all the white trash?

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Just now, BestB said:

Interesting to note that in all your travels you were socializing with white trash, were you not accepted in higher circles? or all you could afford was trailer park accommodation to meet all the white trash?

You are very funny. I was travelling on the company dime all over the world to conferences. Usually flew business class and stayed in five star hotels.

Did I say I was socializing with white trash? There's a difference between socializing and observing.

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7 minutes ago, BestB said:

Interesting to note that in all your travels you were socializing with white trash, were you not accepted in higher circles? or all you could afford was trailer park accommodation to meet all the white trash?

You just don't stop, do you.

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3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

You are very funny. I was travelling on the company dime all over the world to conferences. Usually flew business class and stayed in five star hotels.

Did I say I was socializing with white trash? There's a difference between socializing and observing.

First you said US, AU and SA, now you claim to travel all over the world, I always thought word was little bigger than the 3 countries.


Make up your mind and stick to it


Now you state you always stay in 5 star hotels, so where exactly did you find the white trash?


And with all the busy schedule, when did you find the time to observe? 


Funny how you think its acceptable to judge people without knowing people, after all as you have now stated you did not socialize but ONLY observed.


But please, keep on going



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1 hour ago, BestB said:

That is precisely right, quite s few have done and doing very well, some are even considered rich.


but they all work 7 days and maximise    On what they can instead of complaining about what they do not. 


One of my staff rents out her land back in Korat for 50000 baht per year . Woman that rents it works that land non stop. 7 years later she wants to buy land and offering my staff 5.5 million for it 

yeah and everyone can become president of the usa but guess what there is only one position available... not everyone can do the same it's not the way the system works... where would the wealthy owners get their labor?

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Just now, losworld said:

yeah and everyone can become president of the usa but guess what there is only one position available... not everyone can do the same it's not the way the system works... where would the wealthy owners get their labor?

Correct, not every one can do the same, but those that can not do have no one to blame but themselves,


Where would wealthy get their labor? Well appears not from Isaan as they do not want to work, but from neighboring countries.


And you also correct not everyone can become president, but seems many here know how to become one with many ifs and may be's 

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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

AFAIK places like Japan, the Netherlands, Canada, Malaysia, Indonesia, France, Spain, Timor and Luxembourg don't have white trash. At least, not English-speaking.

I did have weekends and evenings off.

No, I won't keep going. I think it's entirely acceptable to judge you are a troll.


Oh i see, so if they do not speak English, then they can not be white trash and you know they can not speak English from observing. But i am a troll, ????????????

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1 hour ago, BestB said:

Oh i see, so if they do not speak English, then they can not be white trash and you know they can not speak English from observing. But i am a troll, ????????????

Whats that word Trash, thats not  English, its Americanism.

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1 hour ago, billd766 said:

He has been on my ignore list for a while now and most of the posts he makes confirm that it was a good idea.

And how exactly do you know what someone posts who is in your ignore list?????


Oh i know, more utter nonsense ????

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53 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Why not? Part of marriage is honesty, though perhaps not in your house.

Haha!! So if you never told her what what you were doing 24x7 including every single detail that would be being dishonest?? Seriously, where do you weirdos come from?

Edited by Essex Reject
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On 6/25/2019 at 7:15 PM, ghworker2010 said:

He is a director of a big village school. She is a teacher at a different village school. They are about to retire. 


He will get 40,000 baht a month and she will get 30,000 a month. Both have access to the govt hospital system. 

40K would have been my guess.


Based on a director near me that retired and got a 2 million lump sum and 40 p/m until he dies.


He and his brother also own 5-6 local karaoke bars. Everyone says they employ the girls straight out of school, I cannot confirm that as I never went into one of them. 

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On 6/26/2019 at 4:46 PM, BestB said:

You nailed it, unlike you, who is made to believe that supporting her and her family of parasites is a norm, BestB has lived most of his life in Thailand, working and living among working Thai people, not the parasites who work 1-2 months per year and wait for the hand out.


Once again for the slow ones, Thai who actually work, pay 5% to social security and company pays another 5%


For minimum wage earner its 10800 per year,ie 432000 at the retirement plus interest.


For the  educated, its 18000 per year, 720 000 at the retirement plus interest.


But carry on supporting parasites, this is exactly what they look for , a buffalo to support them


As for Thais working their butts off, yet another sad sob story, just because they go to work, it does not mean they actually do much work, otherwise businesses would not need 5 staff to the the job of 1


you are generalising and tarnishing many people with the same brush as maybe some people you’ve met who are not good workers. This isn’t true for everyone, I’ve met workhorses. My wife’s sister does the job of many running a farm, managing kids and managing the home at the same time. No healthcare for her and family. If the crops have been done she goes to work for other farms, 10 to 12 hour back breaking shifts in the fields with 36 degrees heat beating down and all for maybe 300-450 baht per day.

 It’s tough work for minimal survival, I certainly wouldn’t want to do it. 



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4 minutes ago, NightSky said:


your generalising and tarnishing everyone with the same brush as maybe some people you’ve met who are not good workers. This isn’t true for everyone, I’ve met workhorses. My wife’s sister does the job of many running a farm, managing kids and managing the home at the same time. No healthcare for her and family. If the crops have been done she goes to work for other farms, 10 to 12 hour back breaking shifts in the fields for maybe 300-450 baht per day.


have you tried it in the field? It’s tough work, I certainly wouldn’t want to do it. 



So whose fault is it that your wife’s sister does not work for a company

that pays wages and social security ?


and why should she get pension when she does not pay any personal taxes ?


If her self employment pays enough money then she is not included in the parasites group , but if she is the one always crying for help and no money , then who is to blame? 


And again, who is forcing her to work in the fields?

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10 hours ago, BestB said:

Which part do you find to be a joke? Or you saying public schooling is not available in Thailand.?

"in same way as all other countries"

Quite disgusting to say this. 

Thai educational system is quite unique, and certainly not "same as all other countries". Unique in a bad way.

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