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Trump talks trade at G20, China's Xi warns against protectionism


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22 hours ago, Traubert said:

Imagine if you will, a corporate oligarchy so effective. so advanced and finely tuned that it's citizens still believe it's a democracy.


Not my words but it sums up the situation perfectly.


But the gasoline is cheap so that's ok.

Not nearly as fine too we because the courts often get in the way.  If the laws were fine tuned, then I may agree

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18 hours ago, zydeco said:

And Trump has folded again. The weakest president in US history. I've never seen anyone completely give in on negotiations like this guy. He is utterly spineless. He has just thrown his own national security apparatus under the bus, not to mention Australia and other allies who went along with the Huawei ban just to see Trump reverse himself just to keep the market up and fake people into believing he has "won" something. I've seen smarter farm animals running around the backyard with their head's cut off. https://www.forbes.com/sites/zakdoffman/2019/06/29/trump-signals-huawei-blacklist-concession-after-xi-talks-they-can-buy-from-u-s/#333f4a5120a1

It was one of the 2 concessions Xi demanded to get the talks going again. The other was no further imposition of tariffs.

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1 hour ago, roobaa01 said:

trumpy boy makes history with xi and bravely without fear walked into north korea to meet kim, thats the kind a man america needs : strong leadership not sissy obama bla, bla or 20 dem dummy loonies 




Brave because it pained his bone spurs?

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2 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

trumpy boy makes history with xi and bravely without fear walked into north korea to meet kim, thats the kind a man america needs : strong leadership not sissy obama bla, bla or 20 dem dummy loonies 




one small step for Trump - Indeed - but 4 for Kim 

Les images de la rencontre historique entre Donald Trump et Kim Jong-un à la frontière coréenne, la DMZ

Edited by Opl
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On 6/29/2019 at 11:14 PM, Dumbastheycome said:

Wrong ! It is at least one of Trump's truths in his admission that China was assisted by the greed based ambitions of  foreign investments that propelled China's economic boom. China  quite simply took advantage of that  blind greed and  now the demands to suffer penalties for being  more astute in taking that advantage is being met with their equally astute defiant rationale in asking " why should?".

Indeed outside of the Oriental  continental  arena China has been less an aggressor than the US in  militaristic  impositions. It is an undeniable fact that the greatest genocidal accomplishment in  modern history was the elimination of the American  Indian population to establish a regime that now  boasts democratic principals backed  by claiming military superiority as justification of itself. And continues to impose that assumption of "virtuous" correctness as justification  for dubious global dominance.

No country other than the US has a proliferation of nuclear capable military facilities distributed globally. To maintain peace or economic superiority?

Trump is as a puppet in the increasingly  desperate effort to maintain a position that is increasingly  being  denied by allies who are increasingly becoming  despondent with the fallout of genuine alliance.

They tire of suffering the impact of  policy that impacts primarily and initially on them  rather than the initiator. And  observe  the  angst  of the much lessor  impact on the  US  when it arrives  at that door!

If the underbelly administration of the militarized US seeks a secure survival of the  US  it needs to re evaluate the terms of  survival  rather than to assume continuance of another fading short term  "empire".

Patriotism can be considered a virtue but blind patriotism in support of malfeasance is either ignorant or just plain  fir$kn stupid. 







Maybe try and read the post you're replying to before shouting Wrong! and going on an rambling rant which fails to relate. It does not address whether, even considering Trump's moves, the USA is more  or less "protectionist" relative to China. It doesn't offer much relevant input on China's ongoing global plans, motivations or practices.


And if you do wish to deflect, maybe wiser choices out there for "examples". Don't know how the USA's history stacks against China's more recent treatment of it's own citizens. Or even the current actions vs. the Uighur.


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Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump
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I don’t blame China, I blame the incompetence of past Admins for allowing China to take advantage of the U.S. on trade leading up to a point where the U.S. is losing $100's of billions. How can you blame China for taking advantage of people that had no clue? I would've done same!

3:39 PM - 9 Nov 2017
and people take this man seriously- REALLY
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On 6/28/2019 at 4:07 PM, spidermike007 said:

The world knows by now, that the emperor has no clothes. Trump could not negotiate his way out of a paper bag, if his life depended on it. He is a terrible negotiator, unless he is buying a 10 unit apartment building in Manhattan, and the seller absolutely needs to sell. 


Hopefully, Trump will not be party to any negotiations, as all he does is destroy any hope of success. He is outclassed by Xi, to the tune of 75 IQ points. And I am no fan of Xi!

you are once again exhibiting toxic levels of Trump Derangement Syndrome... may I suggest a couple of days in a secluded log cabin with Mike Pence where he will perform an exorcism:)

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China's Xi warns against protectionism

Bit rich coming from somewhere that requires foreign companies to have a Chinese partner, has shaky law enforcement when it comes to business fairness and actively demands tech transfer and if it doesn't get it then it will steal it. Trump is right to play hardball with this bunch of crooks and things need to change plus the Chinese need calling out on a load of stuff. Talk about an up and coming evil empire ... everyone's so quick to bash the US and UK etc. but abjectly fail to say anything about this monster that makes everyone else look like boy scouts. Pfft!

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20 hours ago, losworld said:

you are once again exhibiting toxic levels of Trump Derangement Syndrome... may I suggest a couple of days in a secluded log cabin with Mike Pence where he will perform an exorcism:)

You are correct about Trump derangement syndrome. TDS- Trump deceives his supporters daily!

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