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E visa registration problem.....................

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5 minutes ago, Senior Player said:

Yes, it's still going round and round.


UPDATE: Get tip @taninthai It's now showing up as "paid" and there's a print receipt and download booking PDF. Do I need to download the booking PDF and print that off as well?

No harm to print both ,I just had the bit with barcode on it and appointment time????????????????

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15 minutes ago, taninthai said:

No harm to print both ,I just had the bit with barcode on it and appointment time????????????????

I'm glad I'm not using the appointment time and instead sending it by post, especially as the appointment is for today at 09:00-09:30!!! That's already been and gone. I've just noticed if you print the pages off, you get about 3 other useless pages informing you of the fee and your passport number. The separate receipt is just another exact repeat of what you've paid. So it's the first PDF with barcodes that I need to sign and stick in the post with my other documents.


Anyway, after that kafuffle, it's now a case of sending everything. Let's hope I don't encounter anymore problems. Once again, thanks very much for your help @taninthai. You're a true gent.

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No worries pleased to help must have been working on my application for about 3 weeks was waiting on bitboff paperwork from Thailand though.......I’m all good and in Thailand now....drop us a little update in here when you receive your stuff back,just so we can see if they accepted all paper work????????

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3 minutes ago, taninthai said:

No worries pleased to help must have been working on my application for about 3 weeks was waiting on bitboff paperwork from Thailand though.......I’m all good and in Thailand now....drop us a little update in here when you receive your stuff back,just so we can see if they accepted all paper work????????

I'll be sure to do that @taninthai ????????


I'll post an update as soon as I receive whatever fate awaits me via the postal system. I'm glad everything worked out for you, too, and that you're now sunning yourself (albeit it's now dark over there) in Thailand. Cheers again.

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I have my Non O SE entry from London and just been to the immigration in Saraburi where i was told this cant be changed to a Non O Multiple Entry. 


They even told me just get a 30 day visa exempt next time i enter Thailand. 


The Non O SE can be used to apply for a Non O 90 day extension when my initial 90 days expire. 


For me this isn't going to work as Im only here for 3 weeks, whereas if i was here all the time it would.  

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1 hour ago, Greenwich Boy said:

I gave up on the e visa. My lack of patience and IT skills to blame as much as the system. Drove to Hull. Not much help to those unable to do so but for info I handed over my documents at 9am and left with a new SETV twenty minutes later. Very polite and helpful. Thank You.

I can totally sympathise with you giving up @Greenwich Boy There were moments when I felt the same and I'm pretty okay with PC stuff. It's good that a consulate was within fairly easy (if I can use that term?) reach of you. For some, this alternative will not be possible due to them living in the far south or a remote part of the country. It remains to be seen how long this consular service will remain before they too are forced to switchover to the online system. What frustrated me the most about this online system was the amount of time it took out of my day to sort it all out. It wasn't just organizing the arrival of a bank statement, travel booking arrangements and recent photograph uploads, but the fact you have to stop midway through the process and print-off a declaration, sign it, then scan it so you can upload it as part of Step 5. That's not to mention altering the JPG size so that it comes within 200KB. All this takes time. Then once you've spent hours sorting this out, you then have to go through their pay online system that doesn't update and refresh properly (as discussed above in my previous posts). 


After a lot of gnashing of teeth, I persevered and finally sent my passport and documents off yesterday by post. If, for whatever reason this process fails me at the Embassy stage, I shall just visit Thailand by the visa exempt route, stay within the 30-days, and never bother with visas again.

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48 minutes ago, misterphil said:

I have my Non O SE entry from London and just been to the immigration in Saraburi where i was told this cant be changed to a Non O Multiple Entry. 

That is correct info. Immigration cannot change any visa from a single to a multiple entry visa. That cannot even be done at a embassy or consulate unless you apply for a new visa.

The only 90 day extensions are for studying and volunteer work or possibley for medical care. After that they are only for one year.

There is a 60 day extension if you are married to or the parent of a Thai.

You could get a re-entry permit to keep the remainder of the 90 day entry valid if you will be returning before the 90 days end.


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1 hour ago, Senior Player said:

A seven hour trip is not at all convenient. I admire your stamina and persistence @Greenwich Boy


If I'm successful with my postal application for my 60-day visa, I'll post a how-to-guide on another thread for those that have struggled with this online process, pointing out the hurdles and how I overcame them.

Yes, please do that.   ????

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Quick update for you all. I've just received my visa and passport back in the post today. That's a 3-day turnaround from the day it was first delivered to the Thai London Embassy and it coming back to my home address today.


So to recap, I didn't pay for a return flight but just gave them the details of my intended flights. I'll post my own guide on how I dealt with this entire online process and post it at a later date, providing you with a link to that thread here on these forums.


I just want to say a big shout-out to both @taninthai and @SunsetT for their help in getting me through this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am a U.K. passport holder and after registering as a new user I have just tried applying online for a 6 month, multi entry tourist visa. I select ordinary travel document and the next drop down is visa type. The only purpose of visit option in the drop down is retirement visa. I am eligible for a retirement visa (just!) however I don't want one, I simply want a tourist visa. Am I missing something here? Why aren't all visa options appearing in a list to chose from. Even if I proceed with the retirement visa option it only lets me app for a single entry one not multi. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing please. Thanks 

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  • 4 weeks later...
26 minutes ago, baz69er said:

Hi, did you have any problems with scanning passport photo? I cant get my photo passed, its either too big or doesnt meet the ICAO standards.......

Actually no. I was surprised that they actually accepted a selfie I took against a white wall. I did, however, follow, as closely as I could, their stipulation of how close up it should be (from the diagram in their photo advisory). I believe that someone has written on this thread that their photo was declined because the file size was too big so they had to 'compress' it using an 'App' that they found. Or, If you wear glasses, take them off as I always do for official passport style photos like this. Hope this helps. Good luck!

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On 9/2/2019 at 5:57 AM, JamesPhuket said:

I am a U.K. passport holder and after registering as a new user I have just tried applying online for a 6 month, multi entry tourist visa. I select ordinary travel document and the next drop down is visa type. The only purpose of visit option in the drop down is retirement visa. I am eligible for a retirement visa (just!) however I don't want one, I simply want a tourist visa. Am I missing something here? Why aren't all visa options appearing in a list to chose from. Even if I proceed with the retirement visa option it only lets me app for a single entry one not multi. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing please. Thanks 

Did u click on the tourist box on the opening page of the evisa website? All tourist visa options should appear there.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/2/2019 at 11:57 AM, JamesPhuket said:

I am a U.K. passport holder and after registering as a new user I have just tried applying online for a 6 month, multi entry tourist visa. I select ordinary travel document and the next drop down is visa type. The only purpose of visit option in the drop down is retirement visa. I am eligible for a retirement visa (just!) however I don't want one, I simply want a tourist visa. Am I missing something here? Why aren't all visa options appearing in a list to chose from. Even if I proceed with the retirement visa option it only lets me app for a single entry one not multi. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing please. Thanks 

Did you ever resolve this? I'm having the same problem

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  • 1 month later...

well i am travelling to Thailand on 28th November ,, but still cant get ANY visa from Thai embassy london they have lost all My E VISA applications and now all my data ,,i have all the financials in place, and docs but the Evisa system keeps losing everything I have been dealing with them for months ,,


im also out of pocket  as I have paid for visa    but they have lost the data ,, I have proof on my Bank transfer £125  and add the train trips to London   ,,


i cant get through to anyone to speak   , I have visited the embassy 3 times and still no luck  they dont have a clue


my wife is expecting me to stay for 3 months  but now it looks like only 30 days on arrival,


Spoke to Key Visa in Pattaya by phone thay told me im not the only one having this issue 


im totally <deleted> off


calling and speaking to the people at Hull and Cardiff  has been useless too thay have no answers  to the E Visa  crashing and continually losing my data


any suggestions would be helful

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27 minutes ago, liddelljohn said:

well i am travelling to Thailand on 28th November ,, but still cant get ANY visa from Thai embassy london they have lost all My E VISA applications and now all my data ,,i have all the financials in place, and docs but the Evisa system keeps losing everything I have been dealing with them for months ,,


im also out of pocket  as I have paid for visa    but they have lost the data ,, I have proof on my Bank transfer £125  and add the train trips to London   ,,


i cant get through to anyone to speak   , I have visited the embassy 3 times and still no luck  they dont have a clue


my wife is expecting me to stay for 3 months  but now it looks like only 30 days on arrival,


Spoke to Key Visa in Pattaya by phone thay told me im not the only one having this issue 


im totally <deleted> off


calling and speaking to the people at Hull and Cardiff  has been useless too thay have no answers  to the E Visa  crashing and continually losing my data


any suggestions would be helful

Mate, sorry to hear about it. Perhaps enter Thailand on a Visa Exempt, head to Laos for a Non 'O' and write off your losses in the UK?

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Hi there. I am having similar problems trying to use this online evisa system, to get a SETV for December.  I get through to page 3 where I upload a scan of my passport information page and a passport photo.  I have checked they are both <100KB in size.

When I press the "Verify and Confirm" button at the bottom, I get an error message at the top saying "Alert message! Please specify your Travel Document!"

In the Travel document section I have entered "PASSPORT", put the passport number, put text as to where issued (UK Passport Office) and the issue and expiry dates.  I am at a loss to understand what is wrong.  I have tried variations on the "Travel Document issued at" box.  But the error message is so unhelpful that I don't know what is wrong on the form.

Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong on this page?

I tried first using the Microsoft Edge browser, then the Google Chrome browser, but I get the same problem, so I don't think it is the browser.  Wow, what a waste of time and energy.  Many thanks for any advice!

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8 hours ago, liddelljohn said:

well i am travelling to Thailand on 28th November ,, but still cant get ANY visa from Thai embassy london they have lost all My E VISA applications and now all my data ,,i have all the financials in place, and docs but the Evisa system keeps losing everything I have been dealing with them for months ,,


im also out of pocket  as I have paid for visa    but they have lost the data ,, I have proof on my Bank transfer £125  and add the train trips to London   ,,


i cant get through to anyone to speak   , I have visited the embassy 3 times and still no luck  they dont have a clue


my wife is expecting me to stay for 3 months  but now it looks like only 30 days on arrival,


Spoke to Key Visa in Pattaya by phone thay told me im not the only one having this issue 


im totally <deleted> off


calling and speaking to the people at Hull and Cardiff  has been useless too thay have no answers  to the E Visa  crashing and continually losing my data


any suggestions would be helful

I started this thread but resolved this problem logging in a month later to find that my data had not been lost at all. Ive written about this on another thread by senior player here:

On 8/16/2019 at 8:53 PM, SunsetT said:

Thanks Senior Player. Im just about to start an application (Ive been waiting for my last visa to expire) so Im sure your info. will be invaluabe

"I must admit that when I returned to the website in September to start a new visa application I discovered that my previous application had not actually been lost. I couldnt find it because when u login to continue an application there is a box marked reference which I assumed is where one's reference appears or should be entered, but whatever I tried the ref. would not appear in the box so I gave up. But if u enter the correct date range covering the date u started your application the reference # does indeed appear, but not in the box marked reference! I discovered that it appears when u scroll further down the page, and all u have to do is tick the edit box on the left to continue your application. Nothing ever appears in the box marked reference nor is anything required to be entered in the box marked reference! It is a decoy! Just a red herring placed there by Immigration to catch us out.....lol."


Maybe this or Senior Players guidance might help.


Good luck!

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1 hour ago, SunsetT said:

I started this thread but resolved this problem logging in a month later to find that my data had not been lost at all. Ive written about this on another thread by senior player here:


"I must admit that when I returned to the website in September to start a new visa application I discovered that my previous application had not actually been lost. I couldnt find it because when u login to continue an application there is a box marked reference which I assumed is where one's reference appears or should be entered, but whatever I tried the ref. would not appear in the box so I gave up. But if u enter the correct date range covering the date u started your application the reference # does indeed appear, but not in the box marked reference! I discovered that it appears when u scroll further down the page, and all u have to do is tick the edit box on the left to continue your application. Nothing ever appears in the box marked reference nor is anything required to be entered in the box marked reference! It is a decoy! Just a red herring placed there by Immigration to catch us out.....lol."


Maybe this or Senior Players guidance might help.


Good luck!

I forget now but I thought that the only way to pay was by credit card. If u had u could have claimed it back from  your CC company. But if u have proof of the bank transfer u should be able to take it further with a CAB solicitor.


If u made payment that means that your application was accepted and a receipt and barcode should have been issued. Did u get the barcode? All I can think of is that this is either a glitch in the system that occurs when u dont use a credit card for payment but pay directly by bank transfer to the embassy. Or maybe this is good old Thai corruption and paying the embassy directly allows them or someone to pocket the cash and delete all trace of your application!

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On 8/11/2019 at 6:52 PM, Senior Player said:

Very good advice @taninthai. I suppose the only drawback will be when I have to send the actual document in the post as they might spot my deception. Unless I put a covering note to say that I'll confirm both of these as soon as my Visa is issued.

Again, excellent advice if I can convince them at the Thai Embassy. I suppose they wouldn't object to just a hotel booking for a few days and not the entire 60 nights? I'll give it another go tomorrow.

Yes. This stumped me at first as I need to be flexible.I just sent my initial hotel booking confirmation for one week and it was accepted.


It is all a bit tinpot and badly thought out. Who, when going for two months, is likely to have their whole holiday planned out?


What's with the cash bit? How backward .... even my local plumber has a card machine to pay him.


Include a crisp ten pound note (their admin cost being about 50% btw) and a grey (recorded) addressed envelope with no stamps on. That's what they require.


For the residency bit, just re-submit the passport page you submitted next to your 'photo if you are a UK resident.


Took me ages. But I will find it a doddle next time  .. so that's something.



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21 hours ago, KevinG54 said:

Hi there. I am having similar problems trying to use this online evisa system, to get a SETV for December.  I get through to page 3 where I upload a scan of my passport information page and a passport photo.  I have checked they are both <100KB in size.

After scanning in your passport and waiting for a few seconds.  The software will attempt to read the MRZ and if successful will populate many fields further down the page with the info it has read, eg name, expiry date, passport number, DoB etc.  It will also say "Pass" or something similar below the scanned input.  It might not fix your issue but if you've let the system populate several boxes they at least will be right.


If it doesn't auto read then take another scan and try again.

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49 minutes ago, treetops said:

After scanning in your passport and waiting for a few seconds.  The software will attempt to read the MRZ and if successful will populate many fields further down the page with the info it has read, eg name, expiry date, passport number, DoB etc.  It will also say "Pass" or something similar below the scanned input.  It might not fix your issue but if you've let the system populate several boxes they at least will be right.


If it doesn't auto read then take another scan and try again.

Thanks for this suggestion, which I tried, but I don't see any fields further down the page automatically populated from the scan of my passport.  My address has auto-filled, but this comes from my login account details.

I don't see anywhere to get the system to read / OCR the photograph of my passport page that I have selected and copied into the document?  It does not say PASS or anything when I have uploaded the document.  The text on the webpage appears to refer to "Please click Proceed …." after uploading the scanned passport page but there is no "Proceed" button anywhere?

Very confusing.  Any other suggestions appreciated.


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It should read it automatically when the file is loaded and put up the "Pass" notification if successful (see pic).  I would take another/better quality scan.  You're right there is no "Proceed" button.



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  • 6 months later...
On 11/14/2019 at 12:25 AM, KevinG54 said:

Hi there. I am having similar problems trying to use this online evisa system, to get a SETV for December.  I get through to page 3 where I upload a scan of my passport information page and a passport photo.  I have checked they are both <100KB in size.

When I press the "Verify and Confirm" button at the bottom, I get an error message at the top saying "Alert message! Please specify your Travel Document!"

In the Travel document section I have entered "PASSPORT", put the passport number, put text as to where issued (UK Passport Office) and the issue and expiry dates.  I am at a loss to understand what is wrong.  I have tried variations on the "Travel Document issued at" box.  But the error message is so unhelpful that I don't know what is wrong on the form.

Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong on this page?

I tried first using the Microsoft Edge browser, then the Google Chrome browser, but I get the same problem, so I don't think it is the browser.  Wow, what a waste of time and energy.  Many thanks for any advice!

Hi, Did you ever figure this out please?  I am having the same problem. Thanks

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28 minutes ago, rachelmay3 said:

Hi, Did you ever figure this out please?  I am having the same problem. Thanks

Ive forgotten all the details I entered now and u cannot upload a previous application again.


It could be just a general Covid19 block on all applications at the moment so check the Embassy website or phone them after 2.30pm. Or phone a consulate. Also your specified travel document; a British Passport, as they state, and understandably, may not be acceptable at present.


I doubt many if any are making applications yet who might assist u. Also if u get one now it will expire before December anyway because u must enter Thailand within 3 months of the SETV's issue.


On a UK passport place of issue (Authority) states 'IPS'. Try that. If no go then try just 'UK', or 'IPS UK' or 'London UK' Also dont confuse place of birth on your passport with place of issue. ....Good Luck.

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