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Why do some expats just complain but then never leave?

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17 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

Top Complaints About Thailand (in order of frequency):


1. Changing and inconsistently administered Immigration regulations

2. Road safety

3. Rising cost of living and weakening home currencies

4. Wife/girlfriend issues

5. Frustration about forming meaningful relationships with Thais

6. Corruption

7. Air pollution

8. Dual pricing

9. Crime

I think for most men it comes down to number 4.  That colors the rest.  I don't have any of the problems you mention as I've been traveling the world since I was in my 20's.  I moved my money here in 2005 so have not lost any thing because the West currency losing ground vs baht.  I would not recommend anyone under 60 moving to Thailand and only then if you have been around the block a couple of times.  I worked here in 1968 and again in the early 2000's.  No problems.  


Most problems are self created and Western people have a much greater need to psychiatric services and pills than Thai people.   https://www.apa.org/monitor/2017/11/numbers

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10 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

  I would not recommend anyone under 60 moving to Thailand

i couldnt disagree more. if you are going to live here for a while,

do it before you hit 40, so you are actually attractive to the opposite sex.

go back when your body decay

Edited by brokenbone
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 OP , if you were living in Thailand , you could give a valued reply , to your Question . 


     ps,  how are things in farlang land , please keep us aliens living in Los informed .

       I love reading posts on Tvf from true brits,  resident in our beloved UK.

           Are you from Yorkshire , i visited there once , good curries . 555


Edited by elliss
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3 minutes ago, brokenbone said:

i couldnt disagree more. if you are going to live here for a while,

do it before you hit 40, so you are actually attractive to the opposite sex.

go back when your body decay

I did it both ways.  I found the women the same.  I changed.  I understood much more after 60.  In my 20's I thought the rich guys got all the beauty queens.  In my 60's I realized it was true.  

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2 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

I did it both ways.  I found the women the same.  I changed.  I understood much more after 60.  In my 20's I thought the rich guys got all the beauty queens.  In my 60's I realized it was true.  

to each their own, its entirely worthless to me if she doesnt have passion for me, and they commonly dismiss everyone above 50, lest its to make a quick buck

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Just now, brokenbone said:

to each their own, its entirely worthless to me if she doesnt have passion for me, and they commonly dismiss everyone above 50, lest its to make a quick buck

That's what I realized.  The passion is all fake.  It's fake at 20 and it's fake at 60.  Some guys never realize this.  Probably lack of experience.  Others will reply to my post with a sad face.  

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24 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

  Now they find that they are still unhappy, and are terrified of finding out that they will be unhappy wherever they are.  Sitting here in misery, but having a scapegoat to blame, is easier for them than moving and being forced to confront the real reason for their bitterness in life.  Thailand is the comfort blanket they cling on to in order to keep their true selves at bay.

"In his anger and his shame, I am leaving I am leaving but the fighter still remains"                                      The Boxer. Simon and Garfunkel 

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5 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

That's what I realized.  The passion is all fake.  It's fake at 20 and it's fake at 60.  Some guys never realize this.  Probably lack of experience.  Others will reply to my post with a sad face.  

i guess i got lucky just this once in my life then,

about the passion at least

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24 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

Many came here because they were unhappy with their own countries, had been here on holiday and had a good time, so made a permanent move.  Now they find that they are still unhappy, and are terrified of finding out that they will be unhappy wherever they are.  Sitting here in misery, but having a scapegoat to blame, is easier for them than moving and being forced to confront the real reason for their bitterness in life.  Thailand is the comfort blanket they cling on to in order to keep their true selves at bay.


       Spot on , 1000 %. 

  Many sad/bad farlangs , not welcome anywhere , not even their homeland .

   Thailand is their comfort blanket , so sad RIP .


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Either criminals on the run or bar girls nothing more. I have been asking this age old question for years. If you hate Thailand so much please leave. More room for me and no one more so the Thais enjoys seeing a foreigner man or woman walking around like they have a stick up their butt 24/7. I see them everywhere.


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Somebody called it right about the comedic value of TVF. If there was a Poets Corner in Thailand like the one in Hyde Park, the queue would be snaking round, oh I don't know, Nakhon Heckmondwike?


To be honest, when I was first an expat, for the first year I must have been insufferable. In month 13, I realised that shits given about my opinion = 0, and gently spiraled down from there.


Many people never reach that epiphany. All the problems I encounter are related to UK. To try and  get anyone over there to actually do something is virtually impossible. The land of manana. 'Yeah, I've sent it for processing, goodbye.' What does that actually mean? Do they still have calendars and clocks over there? Can you give me a time and date? 'Yes, it'll be a few weeks....'


No regrets here.

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46 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

I think for most men it comes down to number 4.  That colors the rest.  I don't have any of the problems you mention as I've been traveling the world since I was in my 20's.  I moved my money here in 2005 so have not lost any thing because the West currency losing ground vs baht.  I would not recommend anyone under 60 moving to Thailand and only then if you have been around the block a couple of times.  I worked here in 1968 and again in the early 2000's.  No problems.  


Most problems are self created and Western people have a much greater need to psychiatric services and pills than Thai people.   https://www.apa.org/monitor/2017/11/numbers

Self Created foreigners here are their own worst enemies.

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Such a silly post, all my mates back home complain about their wives and their life in Australia, does that mean they should leave wife and leave Australia?


Thailand has a forum, and many like to vent, what is wrong with that?


Yes, many Thai things are super stupid, some simple things are made very hard, but something very complex is made very easy.


I often get pissed off at some Thai stupidity, but i equally get pissed off at Australian stupidity.


Called my bank in Oz and asked to issue a replacement card as current one was chewed up by the dogs, idiots sent out a new card with new numbers.


Gave address house number 52, they recorded 53, when they were repeating the address i spotted the mistake and corrected it, they assured me all is fixed, guess where they sent it? 53


Ordered glasses from shop in Sydney, gave addressee name and address, also asked to put value of $100. All no problems, 2 weeks later, i get the parcel, wrong name and value at $300 instead of $100 and glasses wrong prescription .


At least in Thailand can use language as an excuse for stupidity, whats their excuse in Australia?

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2 hours ago, tabarin said:

Because anyone has the right to complain, regardless to hypocrites that say they can't because they are not Thai.

Aside of this, when employed, not having the financial freedom to prepare / fake Thai GF, Wife for a yearly visa elsewhere. 
Or simply trying to figure out, where to go otherwise then. Not to mention those who lived here for ages and are simply rooted / too old to start elsewhere again.

That you are stuck does not mean you can't complain about where you are, neither does the home country being more sour mean you should be happy here.

P.S. I still have to meet the first lower or middle class Thai that is not complaining too but I guess it is politically incorrect to say that as they are Thai, in 2019.

Fake Thai girlfriend wife. Expect the Type O Marriage visas to get much more difficult because of these LOSERS!

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Just listen to this YouTube Thailand loon he will drag you down with his constant rants and make almost anyone want to end their lives. When he hits bottom he stalks other vloggers and wonders why he gets beaten up. Mr. Doom & Gloom Bitch & Moan while he downs one cup of booze after the other.


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7 minutes ago, Mitkof Island said:

Just listen to this YouTube Thailand loon he will drag you down with his constant rants and make almost anyone want to end their lives. When he hits bottom he stalks other vloggers and wonders why he gets beaten up. Mr. Doom & Gloom Bitch & Moan while he downs one cup of booze after the other.


Who is he...link?

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1 hour ago, BestB said:

Such a silly post, all my mates back home complain about their wives and their life in Australia, does that mean they should leave wife and leave Australia?


Thailand has a forum, and many like to vent, what is wrong with that?


Yes, many Thai things are super stupid, some simple things are made very hard, but something very complex is made very easy.


I often get pissed off at some Thai stupidity, but i equally get pissed off at Australian stupidity.


Called my bank in Oz and asked to issue a replacement card as current one was chewed up by the dogs, idiots sent out a new card with new numbers.


Gave address house number 52, they recorded 53, when they were repeating the address i spotted the mistake and corrected it, they assured me all is fixed, guess where they sent it? 53


Ordered glasses from shop in Sydney, gave addressee name and address, also asked to put value of $100. All no problems, 2 weeks later, i get the parcel, wrong name and value at $300 instead of $100 and glasses wrong prescription .


At least in Thailand can use language as an excuse for stupidity, whats their excuse in Australia?

Where is your 'back home'?

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1 hour ago, BestB said:

Such a silly post, all my mates back home complain about their wives and their life in Australia, does that mean they should leave wife and leave Australia?


Thailand has a forum, and many like to vent, what is wrong with that?


Yes, many Thai things are super stupid, some simple things are made very hard, but something very complex is made very easy.


I often get pissed off at some Thai stupidity, but i equally get pissed off at Australian stupidity.


Called my bank in Oz and asked to issue a replacement card as current one was chewed up by the dogs, idiots sent out a new card with new numbers.


Gave address house number 52, they recorded 53, when they were repeating the address i spotted the mistake and corrected it, they assured me all is fixed, guess where they sent it? 53


Ordered glasses from shop in Sydney, gave addressee name and address, also asked to put value of $100. All no problems, 2 weeks later, i get the parcel, wrong name and value at $300 instead of $100 and glasses wrong prescription .


At least in Thailand can use language as an excuse for stupidity, whats their excuse in Australia?

Venting. Catharsis. Can feel good right? Actually, more and more research shows that venting isn't all that good for us. In fact, it can perpetuate problems, anger issues as an example, by reinforcing negative responses to situations. And when we enlist friends or coworkers in our rants, it can reinforce our position all the more. You vent, they agree. They share a story in return, it reinforces your story. The result is even more ammunition for getting angry next time you're on the road. We vent about everything, we do it often, and we do it everywhere.


This fit?  Maybe you want to look into some other options.  



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