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One picture - many issues: Family on motorbike gets much comment


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1 hour ago, Russell17au said:

Well, I see a mother and father on the reasonably new bike for which they must have had money to buy wearing helmets while they are carrying four children who are not wearing helmets and there is no way that the father could have full control of that bike with the two children in front of him. So if you cannot see death in that photo then you need to put your glasses on so that you can see things and as for the poor, I know many poor Thai's and they cannot even afford a bike so they use other means of transport with there children


There is death in that photo - so much risk and lives in danger... But there exists a major dichotomy... Get there by any means or don't get there... 


In this case the mum has to carry the baby, the Dad has to ride the bike.... Its an impossible situation. Realistically transport should be provided for them by the Hospice, but, we are in a developing nation, one where such issues are rarely planned for. 


When / if something happens its tragic, life is tough, we can only do what we can and its clear, these people are doing everything they can in the face of such risk. 




The only other issue I have here is the 'missile' - if that Gas Bottle drops on its head it becomes a missile... killing / injuring anyone nearby - its lethal and quite frightening yet how many times do we see unsecured gas bottles without the protective 'neck collar' ?... 


So many basic issues which reminds us we're not in the fully developed world, we're all placed at greater risk by the actions of others, we're not protected by laws and effective policing... some would doing so the 'nanny state'... I call it enforcing common sense. 

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5 hours ago, aussie11950 said:

I also see a problem with the gas cylinder. Usually they contain liquid gas under pressure. They are usually held upright so the cold liquid inside, does not come out the exit.


They probably didn't get the instruction manual from the doctor.

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A lot wrong with the pic. On the other hand, I see a poor family doing what it has to do to get their child to the hospital. Such is life in a 3rd world country. Helmets all around would be a plus. Hope the little guy gets straightened out with his illness. Breathing issues and Thailand pollution.

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6 hours ago, buanmeerugsaa said:

A tragic indictment of society under elite rule. 

Yes, how many billions for a luxury business jet for "The Watchman", yet nothing to transport a sick child to hospital.


Lamp posts...

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2 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

Clearly, I note they can afford a crash helmet for the father whist the mother and child have no protection.

Quite simply, if this photo is taken where I think it is, this family have just passed through a permanent Vehicle Check Point. The police there would have "fined" him for not wearing a helmet (they don't bother about passengers). That fine would probably have been that families disposable income for several days.

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9 hours ago, nickstav said:

I agree with everything you said, but one thing troubles me, not just with this particular picture, but generally. How can you ride with your child and not have a helmet on them? They have helmets for children. Even if you want to ride without one, get one for the child. When my son turned 18 he got his motorcycle license in the states. I tossed him the keys to my 500cc Honda and said he could use it whenever he wanted, but that if I ever saw, or found out that he was riding without a helmet he would never see those keys again. By the way, our state did not have a mandatory helmet law.

It about common sense influenced by understanding and knowledge of consequences. 

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7 hours ago, JAG said:

Quite simply, if this photo is taken where I think it is, this family have just passed through a permanent Vehicle Check Point. The police there would have "fined" him for not wearing a helmet (they don't bother about passengers). That fine would probably have been that families disposable income for several days.

Life in Thailand at that level, something many expats don't understand, care about or interested in ????

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13 hours ago, Russell17au said:
13 hours ago, GreasyFingers said:

Do you know what it is like to be poor, and expect to be for the whole of your life.

Do you know what it is like to kill your children and then expect to live a normal life with the knowledge that you are the cause of your childrens death

From the image, looks like they're trying to save their child, to the best of their ability given circumstances.

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15 hours ago, TKDfella said:

Okay, I think most of us can see the problem in both the danger and the financial story that it tells. But would this not be a special case where the family could ask the hospital for conveyance? Perhaps someone here might know the rules on that; doesn't qualify for whatever reason? Maybe there is a fee?


15 hours ago, Burma Bill said:

Very sad. Maybe a local health centre could have offered help with transport for the young child. Would "1669" have responded?

Almost certainly not. Looking carefully at the photo, and judging by the sling which the mother is using to carry the child, and the hair decorations which she is wearing, they are "hilltribe people". They are lucky to be getting any medical support at all! 

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3 hours ago, Artisi said:

Life in Thailand at that level, something many expats don't understand, care about or interested in ????

Indeed. I travel that road quite often, sometimes using the local bus. The way in which the police goons at that VCP treat the "hilltribe people" on those buses is appalling. Last year. one "Akka" lady (with child) was a bit slow in fishing her ID out of her bag. The thug in black fatigues just upended her bag  onto the floor. I helped her to scrabble around on the floor to retrieve the contents. Said goon made some comment to me (my phone was in an "Akka pattern" pouch hung around my neck) which I didn't really understand. To their credit, an elderly Thai couple sitting adjacent held the baby, and gave the policeman a hard time. But it is a reality of life for many, one which many here simply never encounter.

Edited by JAG
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Suondok Hospital has long had a poster about obesity in the back of the drug dispensary hall that shows someone eating a hamburger.  I'm always like "what???"


yet walking around are many people drinking "ice coffee" that contains everything except coffee.  and then there is sticky rice.... and milk drinks.


compared to those items even a McDonalds burger, especially the black angus ones.... looks like health food for sure. what a dumb poster!   wait.... hamburgers are obviously not "Thai", no thinking involved, supposedly.... so it's a "good example" to use..... oh man....

Edited by WeekendRaider
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21 hours ago, webfact said:

A person claiming to be the relative of the family said that donations to the child could be made by contacting the father on 09 4826 3057 ("Yimon")  or through an SCB bank account in the name of "Yimon Namsaeng" #636 232 9471 (names transliterated from Thai).

Of course.

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17 hours ago, Artisi said:

All joking and smart arse comments aside - unfortunately, this is how many of the poorer Thai people survive everyday. The real problem here is many well-off ex-pats have never seen it nor will they see it from their cosy bar stools, air-conditioned TV /lounge rooms etc. 


And what about the mega-rich Thais ? Do they ever notice how the  mega-poor Thais exist !

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17 hours ago, MartiniMan said:
  • No Penalty
  • No Points system
  • No warning
  • No fine
  • No care

One of the worst road system in the world. It will only end in horrific accidents

One of the worst, It is the worst 

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18 hours ago, buanmeerugsaa said:

A tragic indictment of society under elite rule. 

if the people in government STOPPED taking monies for themselves....then it could be spent on descent ambulance services.....for ALL....would not see photos like this...but NO their pockets come first !!

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20 hours ago, les Dennis said:

Its only us westerners that can see the problem with this. Same as the image flying around Facebook of the Thai mother looking at her phone with her baby in front of her riding a motorcycle !

No the Thais can see the problem as well when me and the wife saw 3 big westerns on a click awhile back. Westerns do not have a solution only they see the problems in Thailand.

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27 minutes ago, ChipButty said:

One of the worst, It is the worst 

You are confusing two different things actually the major roads are in good shape as I have actually driven on them over the years

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21 hours ago, webfact said:

A person claiming to be the relative of the family said that donations to the child could be made by contacting the father on 09 4826 3057 ("Yimon")  or through an SCB bank account in the name of "Yimon Namsaeng" #636 232 9471 (names transliterated from Thai).


So we can donate and the father gets drunk driving a brand new ISUZU pick up?

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1 hour ago, john ianson said:

And what about the mega-rich Thais ? Do they ever notice how the  mega-poor Thais exist !

some do, some don't give a rats arse, but anyway,  TV forum is really about expats and their comments - so Thai's were excluded from the discussion.


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1 hour ago, JAG said:

Indeed. I travel that road quite often, sometimes using the local bus. The way in which the police goons at that VCP treat the "hilltribe people" on those buses is appalling. Last year. one "Akka" lady (with child) was a bit slow in fishing her ID out of her bag. The thug in black fatigues just upended her bag  onto the floor. I helped her to scrabble around on the floor to retrieve the contents. Said goon made some comment to me (my phone was in an "Akka pattern" pouch hung around my neck) which I didn't really understand. To their credit, an elderly Thai couple sitting adjacent held the baby, and gave the policeman a hard time. But it is a reality of life for many, one which many here simply never encounter.

Grey matter deficient thugs dressed up in uniforms.

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