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Teachers license

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if only on your second waiver you should wait it out until you know you must do the course


a lot can change from now until your waivers run out. just assume you'll be fine within a 6-year period


you might save an extra year due to covid or the whole waiver thing could be scrapped altogether. i've also heard of people renewing passports and having them reset with success 


a know of people who've had 5 waivers for 5 different schools. i would send you a screenshot of proof but the website is down at the moment for some reason



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Yes, this is true, but I'm not only doing the course for the teachers license, I am also doing it for professional development, career progression options, also I have been promised an increase in salary and a housing allowance once I have completed the PGCEi, so it'll pay for itself within a year of completion. If it turns out nearer the end of my waivers that it is no longer accepted, then I will have to do the St Roberts or which ever teaching diploma/test/course the MOE have decided is appropriate for the license on top of the PGCEi. The course is great anyway,  I am over half way through now, I have learned a lot and it has really changed my pedagogy and approaches, but it is hard work while working full time and with a 2 year old daughter in tow!! 

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I'm so confused. Just made my application to Derby anyway and made my school contact TCT. They told us that they don't accept the iPGCE??? I currently work in a private kindergarten and not an international setting. Does anyone know if this has anything to do with it? I don't understand why they won't accept a PGCEi but if I do the teaching diploma (5 years) through St Theresa International college then this is ok? Do you think this is just if I stayed at my current school? Seems ridiculous that they don't accept it. 

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8 hours ago, Stanners said:

I'm so confused. Just made my application to Derby anyway and made my school contact TCT. They told us that they don't accept the iPGCE??? I currently work in a private kindergarten and not an international setting. Does anyone know if this has anything to do with it? I don't understand why they won't accept a PGCEi but if I do the teaching diploma (5 years) through St Theresa International college then this is ok? Do you think this is just if I stayed at my current school? Seems ridiculous that they don't accept it. 

Hi Stanners,


That is really strange! Do you have a BA degree already? It shouldn't matter where you are teaching. The TCT always seems to be changing what they accept and don't accept, it's so hard to keep up! I am already over half way through my iPGCE, so I am not going to stop now as it will be worth it in the long run. I have friends who have done a 1 year teaching diploma with St Roberts and was apparently quite straightforward and affordable and they have got the teaching license now. So if you are just looking for something for the teaching license perhaps that is a better option? If you are looking for career progression the iPGCE, but hopefully it will also get me the teachers license a few years down the line too! 

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That's a lot of qualifications for straitening chairs and being spat at.


The master’s degree will help you out with emptying lego from kid's shoes.  I hear there's an 8 year course on that.

Edited by johnray
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On 7/19/2020 at 4:21 PM, cyril sneer said:

if only on your second waiver you should wait it out until you know you must do the course


a lot can change from now until your waivers run out. just assume you'll be fine within a 6-year period


you might save an extra year due to covid or the whole waiver thing could be scrapped altogether. i've also heard of people renewing passports and having them reset with success 


a know of people who've had 5 waivers for 5 different schools. i would send you a screenshot of proof but the website is down at the moment for some reason



I would not wait. Too many people had made this mistake and are now jobless. "Until you know if you must do the course"??


That's wrong thinking to hope that they stop something what Thai teachers have to have? Why would they?


I know quite a lot of people who thought that they could teach without a degree forever and they finally ended up working for an agency with no rights, under brutal circumstances. 


COVID 19  will not help you to find a well-paid position; they still want to see a BA, or even better, an additional Masters, or higher.


  They will not get rid of their waiver or provisional TL, and the Teacher License should be the goal of anybody who is planning to teach here longer.


There was a time when all teachers started over at zero waivers, and I would assume that Kurusapa had a severe software problem. The same happened to me after being on the second provisional. 


  Please look on their website for foreigners to check your status. You can see if somebody applied for anew passport these days. 


It might be true that a new passport helped a few people, but that is not the case for the majority.


  Five waivers for five different schools are very unusual; the TCT never liked "school hoppers." The amnesty is not working for teachers, so please forget the COVID buys you time.


   Countless teachers with the same mindset were waiting and are now not allowed to teach anymore.


The "trainers" and "teacher assistants" seem to be in their final round. They are trying to scrap that because too many schools have abused it, especially those who are using agencies.


     I firmly believe that you will soon either have to have a teaching license or the right degree in education that will allow you to teach. OP, go for it and get the highest education you can afford.


  The TCT wants to see a BA, and it is not common to be allowed to teach with a master's only. You do not start with a master's degree and then go for a BA. It is vice versa.


Some labor departments do not issue a work permit for those who were teachers before and want to become trainers, or teacher assistants, to bypass the TCT.


The labor department in Ubon Ratchathani refused to do so eight years ago. 


They are aware of that, and it's only a matter of time that all the trainers and assistants will disappear. Don't hope that they will scrap having a degree, that will never happen.


Please look at Thai teachers, they go to the Philippines and come back with a PhD. No matter if they studied for it, or just bought it. 

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10 hours ago, Stanners said:

I'm so confused. Just made my application to Derby anyway and made my school contact TCT. They told us that they don't accept the iPGCE??? I currently work in a private kindergarten and not an international setting. Does anyone know if this has anything to do with it? I don't understand why they won't accept a PGCEi but if I do the teaching diploma (5 years) through St Theresa International college then this is ok? Do you think this is just if I stayed at my current school? Seems ridiculous that they don't accept it. 

Sorry to hear about your misfortune. It's always good to ask the TCT if a course is accredited or not. You've got something wrong here; the Theresa diploma is only one year. 


Unfortunately, Diplomas in education that are doable in a period of 16 to 20 months accredited, and many people received their license after such a course.


  I prefer not to go into details, but I can't talk about quality education here. I've made such a Diploma, and I couldn't believe how poor some of the students' English was. 


Some accidentally posted in the open forum, and it was ridiculous to see copied and pasted stuff from the internet that made no sense at all.


  But all of them passed their course, I've never heard of somebody who failed, even when plagiarism wasn't allowed.


IMO, it's just a money-making mill that could make a good deal with the TCT. Please get in touch with the TCT and ask them in an e-mail if your education is accredited.


If not, go for a Diploma in education, if they are okay with it.

But please be aware that you must be at a school for not less than 365 days, you'll need an evaluation and copies of the teacher's licenses of three Thai teachers. Best of luck! 


  A friend applied for the license after 350 days and was refused. He had to come back 15 days later. 





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15 hours ago, Stanners said:

I'm so confused. Just made my application to Derby anyway and made my school contact TCT. They told us that they don't accept the iPGCE??? I currently work in a private kindergarten and not an international setting. Does anyone know if this has anything to do with it? I don't understand why they won't accept a PGCEi but if I do the teaching diploma (5 years) through St Theresa International college then this is ok? Do you think this is just if I stayed at my current school? Seems ridiculous that they don't accept it. 

The non-acceptance of the specifically (i)pgce has been rumbling around for years now.  Try to get an official line for their refusal, with them quoting the relevant regs.  Chances are they will fold.

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@teacherclaire I completely agree with everything you have said. Regardless of whether my iPGCE is accepted later on when I need to use it for the TTL, it is definitely worth the time and effort, I am learning so much, becoming a better teacher for it, and it will help me to advance my career in the future too. Perhaps later I will go on to apply for QTS and maybe even use the iPGCE credits towards a Masters degree.


@Slip Yes, this is true! I have heard this debate many times, but there are many people at my school who have the TTL with the Nottingham PGCEi. Last year when the woman from my school checked about the Derby iPGCE, TCT said they would accept it for the TTL, but this is always changing, and who knows whether they will still accept it in a few years time when my waivers do run out, but if that is the case, then I will jump through whatever additional hoops are required for the TTL later.

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3 hours ago, fin5prtw said:

@teacherclaire I completely agree with everything you have said. Regardless of whether my iPGCE is accepted later on when I need to use it for the TTL, it is definitely worth the time and effort, I am learning so much, becoming a better teacher for it, and it will help me to advance my career in the future too. Perhaps later I will go on to apply for QTS and maybe even use the iPGCE credits towards a Masters degree.


@Slip Yes, this is true! I have heard this debate many times, but there are many people at my school who have the TTL with the Nottingham PGCEi. Last year when the woman from my school checked about the Derby iPGCE, TCT said they would accept it for the TTL, but this is always changing, and who knows whether they will still accept it in a few years time when my waivers do run out, but if that is the case, then I will jump through whatever additional hoops are required for the TTL later.

Studying anything in education isn't a bad thing. Yes, you can learn a lot that will be useful in the future. 


But it can't replace the "in-class experience" with kids/teenagers of all ages. But time is on your side. 


Best of luck! 







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On 7/25/2020 at 10:51 PM, teacherclaire said:

Studying anything in education isn't a bad thing. Yes, you can learn a lot that will be useful in the future. 


But it can't replace the "in-class experience" with kids/teenagers of all ages. But time is on your side. 


Best of luck! 







Yes, this is all very true indeed! I have been teaching for a while now, so this seems like the next logical step, after this course is finished I want to get QTS and then a few more years down the line think about doing a masters, perhaps even specialise at some point. 


Thank you @teacherclaire 

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8 hours ago, fin5prtw said:

Yes, this is all very true indeed! I have been teaching for a while now, so this seems like the next logical step, after this course is finished I want to get QTS and then a few more years down the line think about doing a masters, perhaps even specialise at some point. 


Thank you @teacherclaire 

You're welcome.

Best of luck with your license. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

^ Yes, all Thai teachers are supposed to have B.Eds or a degree in their subject and a graduate degree in teaching.  In other words, they are subject to the same requirements as foreign teachers (actually, it's the other way around!).


Some subject teachers - music, art, dance, computers, etc. - don't seem to meet the requirements for getting a license, so schools are probably allowed a certain number of non-licensed teachers for non-academic subjects.

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12 hours ago, clarky cat said:

Which course would be seen as the ‘easiest’ to complete? This is my only worry about doing the course, not the cost..

If you only need a certificate to get the teaching license I would say do one of the teaching diplomas approved by Khrusapa from the Filipino universities - my friends that have completed these have all said they were fairly easy. The PGCEi/iPGCE is quite demanding, I spend around 15 hours a week studying for it. You could probably wing it and just get away with doing the summative assessments, but surely if you are spending all that money on the course, you would want to gain something more from it than just a certificate? Especially one that Khrusapa might turn around and change their mind about accepting it at any time.

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22 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Won't need a 5th as I'm due to get Thai citizenship in a couple of months. Now do I need a teachers license as a Thai?

No, you don't need one because unlike Thai teachers, you are not a government employee but are hired on year-to-year basis.

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On 8/22/2020 at 11:55 AM, Neeranam said:

I got 5 extensions, including one for paying 5,000 baht to a mickey mouse Filipino uni in Bkk.


were you told you had to do this in order to get the next extension? or did you do it just to be safe in fear you'd get rejected?


i'll have this dilemma next school year

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3 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

were you told you had to do this in order to get the next extension? or did you do it just to be safe in fear you'd get rejected?


i'll have this dilemma next school year

I was told I had to pay pay the 5,000 baht enrollment fee. This got me the extension I needed. I advise not to actually do the course as it is not good. The MOE have these little schemes going for one reason only, and it's financial. I had a teacher's license in the 90's and should have been grandfathered into the new system but they wanted extra cash out of me. Get the extension for 2 years and by that time there wil other options.

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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

I was told I had to pay pay the 5,000 baht enrollment fee.

was it the school/agency or kurusapa telling you to do this in the process of getting a new work permit?


I plan to enroll and not do the course to get the extra 2 years but not sure if I have to wait to be told first, or wait until my 6-years is up..

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1 minute ago, cyril sneer said:

was it the school/agency or kurusapa telling you to do this in the process of getting a new work permit?


I plan to enroll and not do the course to get the extra 2 years but not sure if I have to wait to be told first, or wait until my 6-years is up..

The school told me, I assume Krusapa told them. I'd wait until they tell you. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/24/2020 at 1:35 PM, cyril sneer said:

was it the school/agency or kurusapa telling you to do this in the process of getting a new work permit?


I plan to enroll and not do the course to get the extra 2 years but not sure if I have to wait to be told first, or wait until my 6-years is up..

You're planning to enroll and not do the course? That would be a high risk as the provisional TL could get revoked if they find this out. 


If this Diploma will enable you to apply for the license, why don't you go for it? If more people do that, they might change their policy and to enroll there alone, will not give you another waiver.. 



Two years is nothing. And what will you do then?

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On 7/23/2019 at 5:50 PM, guru said:

There was a Scottish teacher at my school who only had a Masters degree and not a Bachelors. Never understood it but some peculiarity about some Scottish universities calling their undergraduate degrees masters degrees. Anyway they would not issue a Thai teaching license as couldn’t show a certificate with Bachelors on it. Bonkers. This was a few years back mind.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Usually, you first go for a BA and you can't have a Masters if you don't have a bachelor.


Have you seen this Masters and do you know if all is legit? 



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16 minutes ago, teacherclaire said:

You're planning to enroll and not do the course? That would be a high risk as the provisional TL could get revoked if they find this out. 

Nah, they are aware there are many people doing this. All the DOE care about is money and they change their methods of getting it every few years. Good schools just pay the MOE directly. Don't waste your time doing a Mickey Mouse Filipino course for a job that pays $1500 a month. 

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