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Candidate Biden says Trump's foreign policies have harmed America's standing


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Biden's fake "climate change" agenda has sunk all of us as people... not just some political entities.  the "ice melting" narrative which is the most innocuous aspect as well as longest extended latency was always for the ears of WW2 Baby Boomers who enjoy.... golf, hotels, casinos and places like New York City which revived in the 1980's on tourism.... air travel. now we are building a better border wall, the least fake Climate Change action ever taken by any US president.


"ice melting" meant not a big deal, some beach property... we can fix that... and not until 2100..... so go ahead and travel etc.


we will never take the first baby step on mitigation except as a kneejerk reaction later when it is too late. so... get real and to Biden: go away! we are tired of fake nonsense talk.... we get enough of it from our media.


yeah, duh, Trump has always known because it affects his businesses. and he is from New York. but at least we don't have to listen to how we are signing more "Paris" and IPCC agreements.... that we don't abide by and a few token exec orders like all the prior presidents did.

Edited by WeekendRaider
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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:

America has harmed America's standing, from the Vietnam War until the present day.

"America has harmed Americas standing"? Is that even possible? Glad to hear it wasn't any of the politicians for a change...

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11 minutes ago, Katipo said:

I don't think it's specifically been his foreign policies, just the man in general.


All volunteer military comprising about 0.5% of the population. Nobody's got their own ass on the line and until now we've gone along with the narrative that all these gullible people are "heroes" and we celebrate them everydayfor doing something that makes our economy stronger, certainly  not defending the country.

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1 hour ago, usviphotography said:

Americans are sick of constant wars and sucking up to a handful of feckless Western European "allies". That is a big part of why Trump won. We don't want to go back to the "good old days" when the Neocons ran the show. Our relations with Germany, France, and Canada have certainly gotten worse under Trump, but that is only because stood up to their B.S. And more importantly to the topic at hand Germany, France, and Canada are not "the world".


US relations with Eastern Europe and Asia have improved dramatically under Trump. Relations with Africa and Latin America are pretty much what they always were. There are a small handful of nations who have seen their relationship with the US worsen under Trump. But our "standing in the world" is not dependent upon our relationship with Germany and France. Broaden your outlook to the actual world and you see that Trump's diplomacy is paying big dividends.  

Yes, and to all the Brits. Get your own house in order before you attack the Americans. You people are a mess. 

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Obama did more damage to Thai US relations than anyone in history.  China munitions factories in LOS?  Can you keep a straight face and claim that would have happened anyways?  But thanks for the 650% rise in my health insurance deductible.

Edited by moontang
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17 hours ago, ezzra said:

Sound very much his old boss Obama, talented orator but with little substances, their motto was and still is to appease, appease and  appease some more and don't rock the boat...

Personally I disagree with your assessment of Obama or Biden being talented orators. Talented readers of the teleprompter yes, comfortable and relaxed and having teleprompter reading skills, yes. Talented orators, no.  

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4 hours ago, moontang said:

Obama did more damage to Thai US relations than anyone in history.  China munitions factories in LOS?  Can you keep a straight face and claim that would have happened anyways?  But thanks for the 650% rise in my health insurance deductible.

I agree that it's a disgrace that the Chinese are building munition factories in Thailand. That's why I believe that any such activity that takes place on the watch of a US President is grounds for impeachment

Thailand plans joint arms factory with China


The defence technology agency plans to set up a joint centre with China to produce and maintain military equipment in the latest sign of the strengthening security relationship since a 2014 coup.

The plans to establish the facility -- and discussions on a Chinese naval centre to serve submarines Thailand ordered this year -- point to a growing Chinese security presence in the oldest US ally in the region as elsewhere in Southeast Asia.

PUBLISHED : 16 NOV 2017 AT 19:49


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On 7/12/2019 at 2:34 PM, usviphotography said:

mproved dramatically under Trump. Relations with Africa and Latin America are pretty much what they always were. There are a small handful of nations who have seen their relationship with the US worsen under Trump. But our "standing in the world" is not dependent upon our relationship with Germany and France. Broaden your outlook to the actual world and you see that Trump's diplomacy is paying big dividends.  

Big Dividends?  where- threatening to go to war with Iran when the US and the European Allies signed an agreement with Iran which Trump unilaterally voided.


Moving the Us Embassy to Jerusalem which  lessened any chance to establish any type of relationship between Israel and Palestine


Raising the Us Defense budget- already the highest in the World before coming to power- and using this to threaten US military action Worldwide.  ( While Americans go without  universal healthcare and die or go bankrupt)


Mishandling the Venezuela situation by  scuttling  the  agreements made with Cuba and leaving the Cubans with no choice but to place Cuban military in Venezuela in support of Maduro.  Another failure of the master deal maker- Trump.


Establishing Tariifs on Chinese Goods which are being paid by those who purchase-Americans. Instead of going after the Chinese by stopping them from purchasing American debt; banning their students from Us Universities and stopping Chinese business money from purchasing land and buildings in the US- he penalizes Americans with his tariffs.


Trump has alienated most of Nato with his ridiculous notion that Nato is outdated and should be disbanded. Even with Trump's absurd defenses build up-America needs allies as the US cannot go it alone should a conflict erupt in several places at the same time.


He has even managed to alienate the British- by interfering in Brexit; openly criticize a sitting British Prime Minister . The UK is one of the few allies that America has left.


On a final note-let's throw in the Japanese who house several US military bases, much to the angst of Japanese landowners who are forced to 'allow' their land to be used for security purposes.  Trump wants more money becauses nothing matters to him except how much someone pays or how much he can squeeze out of a country.


Then thee is the Immigration issue- poverty driven and fearful Hispanics locked up in wire meshes; their children removed  from them; in some of the most disgusting and  shameful conditions unbecoming to a country that espouses dignity and freedom.  Instead of working with the Congress to develop a real Immigration policy that will allow for guest workers- which America badly needs- Trump wants walls and deportation.


Trump's presidency is so bad- that any of the top 5 polling Democrats will send  this pariah back to New York and possibly jail  where he can commiserate with his buddy Epstein/

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I'm Trump had the same support from the tech sector that he gets from the Cuban Americans, he would be miles ahead.  Venezuela is simply a manifestation of the socialist dream, or nightmare. Trumps support is also very strong from the Iranian community. Unemployment is zero in many areas, the blacks and Hispanics have never had it better.  Maxine waters is hardly the voice of any black person I have ever met. 

Edited by moontang
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