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US supports Thailand’s role as regional leader, says Pompeo


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12 hours ago, Muzarella said:

The only interest the USA have in Thailand is to get another USA Army base in the world to keep its imperialist intentions alive. It is time for people to understand that China it is a better choice, not only for Asia, for the rest of the World. 

Shouldn't you start taking Mandarin?

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19 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

Apart from the fact I cannot abide Pompeo and disbelieve everything he say, he is 100% wrong on this....can you see a competent nation like Singapore being led by Thailand and the likes of Prayut? It is preposterous. 

Regionally we will be led by a country with smart people who can communicate effectively and actually get things done....clue, definitely NOT Thailand.

Pyayuth's leadership of ASEAN is nothing more that a figurehead position. ASEAN is an impotant group, polite and ineffective. Not to be taken seriously. 

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17 hours ago, Duck J Butters said:

No they don't have Thailand on close watch at all. 

a ) The Donald loves Thailand for obvious reasons.

b ) Thailand has always been protected by America and always will be due to it's proximity to China.

c ) The US has invested massive amounts of money into Thailand over the last 50+ years. Massive amounts. Most of Thailand's infrastructure comes from US investment. Frankly, everything good about Thailand is because of America.

d ) Thailand has the backing of 8VC which is the most powerful venture capital firm in the world. 8VC is owned by Joe Lonsdale.  https://8vc.com/team/joe-lonsdale/ One of the companies he co-founded, Palantir, is already in Vietnam and will be expanding to Thailand soon. Palantir is backed by the CIA. Joe is the protege of Peter Thiel who is arguably the most powerful person on planet Earth and a technical advisor to President Trump. Thiel and Trump are in the process of investigating Google for treason with China, that's how powerful Thiel is. Google is smalltime compared to Lonsdale and Thiel. You can read about it here: https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-signals-scrutiny-of-googles-ties-with-china-after-thiel-comments-11563285110 The fact that Lonsdale, Thiel, and Alex Karp plan to invest in Thailand is huge. You won't be able to Google that info but take my word for it, I know.

e ) Thailand is on the verge of explosive technological growth as US companies are being forced to find talent outside of the United States. Southeast Asia is a treasure trove of cheap computer science talent. Thai coders are very good for the price tag ( avg $20k usd/ year ). America is short 1 million computer programmers at present and that number will only continue to go up. Due to Facebook and Google intentionally over-hiring to drive up the cost of programmers on "potential competitors" ( avg software eng in Silicon Valley makes $350k usd now ), companies are looking for talent in developing countries like Thailand. They simply cannot afford to pay the astronomical salaries that software engineers in America are commanding now. 

f )  Bangkok will become a major tech hub of the world and is arguably one of the next Silicon Valleys.


Because I'm very aware of the massive US technical infrastructure investment that is coming Thailand's way, I highly recommend buying BTS stock now while it's still cheap. It's tax free and will do at least 300% return in 5 years in my strong opinion. BTS is a monopoly so it's only going up. It's a no-brainer investment.


If you don't understand why you should buy BTS stock because of America's plans to invest trillions in Thailand's technical infrastructure...then I'm not sure what else to say. I'm simply trying to give some of the expats on this site a financial "tip". Like, "hint, hint". In the US, this would be called insider trading. 

Fantastic, did Thiel fund the moon landing or was that Hollywood. ????

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9 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

The USA has had an Alliance with Thailand since 1954 and the SEATO treaty.  You will notice that looking out the window Laos and Vietnam and Cambodia are all poor communist countries with 1/4th the infrastructure and GDP as Thailand.  That is because of the SEATO treaty and America's protection of Thailand during the period of communist encroachment in the 1960's and 1970's.  


Thailand asked for help from the SEATO allies and some came.  The Brits sent one airplane.  American more.  

That was then and this is now. Things are quite different in American foreign policy now.


Certainly America has been generally good for and to the global community in the past.


Now it is essentially a rogue elephant: half insane and always a threat.


While most American exports are down, America has gifted the world lately with rampant paranoia, smothering security based on fear, global economic instability, international banking system dominance, surveillance state governance, environmental negligence, and repressive police state tactics. Not an impressive legacy for a once beneficial global influencer.


Is America the worst country in the world and the greatest threat to world peace? No, that mantle has passed to China.


Is it the home of the brave and the land of the free? No longer.

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I have this feeling that the words of Pompeo was taken out of context and mis-interpreted by many. I think what he meant was that Thailand is now chair of ASEAN and he support the role as regional leader. Perhaps this just a storm in a tea cup. As mentioned by many here, this is a rotating role among ASEAN members. 

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3 hours ago, RocketDog said:


Is America the worst country in the world and the greatest threat to world peace? No, that mantle has passed to China.


Actually, the (Pew) international surveys show that America, not China, is perceived as the greatest threat to world peace... by a wide margin... 


One just need to look at the military activities of both countries to see the massive differences... as far as one can tell, China's military hasn't killed any civilian abroad for decades... the US military on the other hand has long lost count... 

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Of course Amerika supports Thailand as a regional leader, Amerika has always supported despots and any asset willing to use force on its own population. This is the only type of leadership Washington aligns with. Facists, tyrants, despots are the bread and butter of global US interests. 

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1 hour ago, Brunolem said:

Actually, the (Pew) international surveys show that America, not China, is perceived as the greatest threat to world peace... by a wide margin... 


One just need to look at the military activities of both countries to see the massive differences... as far as one can tell, China's military hasn't killed any civilian abroad for decades... the US military on the other hand has long lost count... 

People's perceptions are essentially worthless.

Survey responses are a conflation of what people think, what they think they should think, what others told them, and a healthy dose of ignorance and normalcy bias. Surveys said Trump couldn't win. If people were so perceptive of future threats we wouldn't be in many of the messes we are in today. There's reality and there's perceptions of reality and very seldom do they coincide.


China makes no secret of their plan for global domination, and their passive-aggressive colonialism is transparent. They execute and imprison millions of their own citizens today without the use of drones; machetes work quite well and the organs can still be harvested for sick party member elites. They are quite happy to see the world distractedly chattering about American aggression while their own plan unfolds. Where is your outrage for that?


As high-minded Europeans rail on about American aggressiveness and international meddling they carefully avoid thinking where their countries would be today if America had not 'interfered' in Japan and Germany's Master Plan. That interference changed the balance of global power for decades and ensured freedom for many millions of Europeans and Asian peoples who quite clearly could not successfully defend themselves.


That interference was based on the precepts that America cherished and defended  (at that time). Now, compare that to the precepts that China blatantly exhibits today and the superior attitude and scorn that Chinese tourists exhibit in every country they visit.


When China starts regulating shipping traffic in the China sea we'll see how fast the world demands that America should do something. And, who else in the world would dream of defying China even if they could ? Not Europeans, you can bet on that. They are more likely to offer free housing and training to Chinese immigrants while nattering on about tolerance and inclusiveness.

America is an aging pugilist, once mighty, now distracted, tired, and focused inward recalling his glory days. As America withdraws its interests in foreign affairs and stops meddling who do you think will gain dominance next?


And you seriously don't see that coming because a survey disputes it?

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2 hours ago, RocketDog said:

People's perceptions are essentially worthless.

Survey responses are a conflation of what people think, what they think they should think, what others told them, and a healthy dose of ignorance and normalcy bias. Surveys said Trump couldn't win. If people were so perceptive of future threats we wouldn't be in many of the messes we are in today. There's reality and there's perceptions of reality and very seldom do they coincide.


China makes no secret of their plan for global domination, and their passive-aggressive colonialism is transparent. They execute and imprison millions of their own citizens today without the use of drones; machetes work quite well and the organs can still be harvested for sick party member elites. They are quite happy to see the world distractedly chattering about American aggression while their own plan unfolds. Where is your outrage for that?


As high-minded Europeans rail on about American aggressiveness and international meddling they carefully avoid thinking where their countries would be today if America had not 'interfered' in Japan and Germany's Master Plan. That interference changed the balance of global power for decades and ensured freedom for many millions of Europeans and Asian peoples who quite clearly could not successfully defend themselves.


That interference was based on the precepts that America cherished and defended  (at that time). Now, compare that to the precepts that China blatantly exhibits today and the superior attitude and scorn that Chinese tourists exhibit in every country they visit.


When China starts regulating shipping traffic in the China sea we'll see how fast the world demands that America should do something. And, who else in the world would dream of defying China even if they could ? Not Europeans, you can bet on that. They are more likely to offer free housing and training to Chinese immigrants while nattering on about tolerance and inclusiveness.

America is an aging pugilist, once mighty, now distracted, tired, and focused inward recalling his glory days. As America withdraws its interests in foreign affairs and stops meddling who do you think will gain dominance next?


And you seriously don't see that coming because a survey disputes it?

I agree that Chinese people are probably the most "racist" in the world, literally despising every person who is not Chinese. 


Actually, the Chinese refuse to accept the theory that the first humans came from Central Africa and progressively colonized all the continents. 


Their theory is that a specific and separate branch of humans developed in East Asia... really! 


They also have a terrible record for intolerance within their borders (Tibet, Uighurs, Christians and of course non-communists). 


Having said that, like most dictatorships, they are more focused inward than outward, because keeping their regime in power is what matters most. 


Thus they can't afford the distractions of far away conquests like democracies can. 


While it is obvious that China wants to assert its power along its borders and in the seas directly next to its shores, it has shown no interest in, say, regulate the maritime traffic in the South Atlantic. 


Meanwhile, the US believes that it is its mission to control and regulate everything, everywhere. 


In your tirade, you quietly forget the US military activities, today, preferring to mention those of 70 years ago... different times, different populations, different objectives... 


In 1945, the US was not an empire, a mentality that has really taken root with the advent of the so-called neocons (the Wolfowitz doctrine and others), who prominently rose to power at the turn of this century with the election of W Bush, and are still there, notably thanks to no other than... Pompeo! 


Today, the US is perceived as an aggressor because it is one! 


How can we label a country that has about 800 military bases in about 100 countries, that is constantly waging war, these days in about 7 countries at once, that is slapping crippling economic sanctions on every country that refuses to kneel and pledge allegiance? 


China, which is certainly not a choir boy, has a different way of doing things, it is called the Belt and Road Initiative, or BRI, and rather than destroying other countries' infrastructure (and population), it offers to build infrastructure, in exchange for... debt, an other form of chains, considered more bearable than overhead missiles. 


The US, being bankrupt, cannot compete with the BRI and has to resort to threats and intimidation in order to try to protect its status of world first power. 


This will probably not end well... 



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China, which is certainly not a choir boy, has a different way of doing things, it is called the Belt and Road Initiative, or BRI, and rather than destroying other countries' infrastructure (and population), it offers to build infrastructure, in exchange for... debt, an other form of chains, considered more bearable than overhead missiles. 



They then do not need to first missiles, they have the economies of several Pacific and African nations in the hands.

Control the economy and just take over, this was the slated back in the days of SunTzu 

China needs the food bowls of the world to feed their populace in coming years, and are taking (buying)the most fertile farms in many places without any protests from locals

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The US will support anyone or anything as long as it can get its way!



"The US not only helped to create conditions that brought Cambodia's Khmer Rouge to power in 1975, but actively supported the genocidal force, politically and financially. By January 1980, the US was secretly funding Pol Pot's exiled forces on the Thai border.


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On 7/17/2019 at 8:57 PM, snoop1130 said:

While prioritizing a desire to retain its alliance with Thailand, Donald Trump’s administration has softened the US’s stance on the need for democracy and human rights in the Kingdom.


"America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests."

-- Henry Kissinger

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33 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:


They then do not need to first missiles, they have the economies of several Pacific and African nations in the hands.

Control the economy and just take over, this was the slated back in the days of SunTzu 

China needs the food bowls of the world to feed their populace in coming years, and are taking (buying)the most fertile farms in many places without any protests from locals

One could also say that the "quiet" invasions of some cities, such as Sihanoukville, by the Chinese herds, is a form of soft conquest... because that's what it is somehow. 


And Thailand should beware because once a certain level of (high quality) Chinese tourists is reached in a given place, all the other tourists disappear, thus leaving the area at the mercy of the Chinese. 


Now, the locals could argue that it is preferable to see some of their cities become Chinese resorts, rather than rubble left after the visit of the US airforce... 

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13 hours ago, RocketDog said:

While most American exports are down, America has gifted the world lately with rampant paranoia, smothering security based on fear, global economic instability, international banking system dominance, surveillance state governance, environmental negligence, and repressive police state tactics. Not an impressive legacy for a once beneficial global influencer.


Is America the worst country in the world and the greatest threat to world peace? No, that mantle has passed to China.


Is it the home of the brave and the land of the free? No longer.

America is the only country that has a military well funded and well equipped enough to stand up to the threats of Russia and China.  Say whatever else you want but you only have two choices.  China or America.  Ask Hong Kong how the Chinese option is working out.  ????

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On 7/19/2019 at 9:08 PM, marcusarelus said:

America is the only country that has a military well funded and well equipped enough to stand up to the threats of Russia and China.  Say whatever else you want but you only have two choices.  China or America.  Ask Hong Kong how the Chinese option is working out.  ????

But do they have the discipline ? never won a war yet that they started. 

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On 7/19/2019 at 5:01 PM, aqua4 said:

The US will support anyone or anything as long as it can get its way!



Really foolish quote you've put up there. The Khmer Rouge were the creation of China.

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I see the American hasn't mentioned anything about America doing things to change the weather and causing devastation to all Asia and the rest of the world so they can walk in and take over as usual 

The Americans only want to steal the gold from Thailand and any other Asian Country they can 

Then treat the people like slaves and worse than they already do

I just hope that the Thai officials can see through the American ways and tell the Yanks to <deleted> off they cause to much trouble everywhere they go by making you believe their your friends then sticking the knife in your back and taking what ever they like 

The English do the same and both countries have for centuries 

You just have to look at their histories to see how they destroy cultures and take everything 

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