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Tourism minister plans to get back the lost Europeans - with MASSAGE and GANJA!


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Free cannabis, I'm in.

But most likely just a bold statement of the new minister because last week the new health minister and Mr. P announced there will be no recreational cannabis anytime soon.

Expect him to recall his announcement on Monday and transfer to an inactive post [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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I guess most posters did not really read what was said,he never mentioned the free smoking of pot!I think he meant massage with the aid of somekind of CBD oil,but not sure about that.

The thing that really got me thinking is ,Grab on Phuket legal?

So because the government does not have enough power to real in the taxi maffia over there

they will try and let Grab do it?

How many people are going to die over this?

Tourist will be too scared to use Grab because of the violence the taxi people will administer to both Grab drivers and tourists.

Sure Amsterdam has massage places,lots of pot and lots of booze but i still think people would like to go somewhere else for a holiday.

I agree with the posters who say the strong baht has alot to do with it but there are other reasons.

For a few hundred euros you can ge a nice holiday inEurope and you do not have to sit in a plane for half a day.

The biggest reason for Europeans not coming here is the economy!!!Middleclass in Europe is struggling to pay their bills every month.For the last several years prices have gone up but wages have not increased.

You can only spend your money once and of course what is happening to the exchange rates is really slowing things down.


Edited by jvs
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On 7/19/2019 at 6:34 PM, PingRoundTheWorld said:

AirBNB being illegal is a huge problem both for hosts and guests. Make it legal, and leave it up to the condos to decide if they allow it or not.

What is wrong with people. Air bnb is NOT illegal and saying it a hundred times a day on the threads won't make it any more illegal.



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On 7/19/2019 at 12:56 PM, PremiumLane said:

If they legalize Airbnb, then Bangkok will become more expensive to live and a gentrified hole. The real heart and character of the city will be driven out by high prices

I would think the opposite would occur.  One is more units will be available which takes supply up, 2nd is more competition also reduces prices, as more free market natural competition keeps things in check.

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On 7/19/2019 at 4:35 PM, dinsdale said:

Try 36. 32 won't do it.

There should be no manual construction of exchange rates.  natural free market conditions are the only thing that can value it fairly for the long term.  I myself think the dollar is near worthless and will be surprised if the people will get even 20 baht to the dollar in the next year to come.

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Really want em back?  Then you have to look at what they dislike.  In regard to the ganja and the drug scenario here, quite often when you just drive down the road, it seems you are stopped and need empty out all your pockets and go through the frisk (at least around Phuket).  This happened to me three times on a 15 km. ride a couple weeks ago. You are subjected to tests and asked where you are going and where you have been...  True Freedom really reigns.  Leave people alone and quit hassling them to make a buck, especially if they are doing no harm and just driving down the road.  This is enough to scare people off to not want to return.


First of all, do the research and you will see that the legalization of all drugs helps citizens and economies in so many ways.  Just look deeply at Portugal.  Be on the forefront of things. When users are treated as criminals and caged, they get scared and run off.  By listening to the USA and the UN (without countries doing their own research) the entire world has been destroying lives and locking people into cages for a completely harmless plant, that has never killed a single person. 


People have died from the over-consumption of water, yet no one has ever died from the over-consumption of cannabis.  Yes, it is safer than water. 


Also, many more people die from prescription drugs than from illegal drugs.


Even hemp was outlawed from most countries, by blindly listening to propaganda of other countries. Hemp was discovered to make biodegradable plastics over 80 years ago, as well as countless other environmentally safe products which could greatly help this planet. It yields food, medicine, textiles, fuel, superior paper, concrete and countless other construction materials.


When legalization of all drugs occurs, the nasty drugs like crack, ice, yaba, etc., all disappear. Then, many natural harmless and fun psychedelics become available such as ayahuasca, psilocybin, ibogaine, mescaline, dmt, San Pedro, Peyote, etc.  No one buys the crap drugs when superior quality is introduced, tested and accepted. 


Legalization also takes the horrors and dangers out of the transactions, as people can test their drugs for purity instead of having to hastily put some garbage quickly into their pockets on a back alley. 


People are sick of being caged for trying something to make them relax or feel better, and should have the right to do what they wish to their own bodies, if not harming another. 


In Portugal a user is not treated as a criminal but as a medical challenge.  Legalization also lowers the prices which greatly takes the crime element out of the industry.  No one is going to hit someone over the head for a $5 lb. of ganja (which it would be if treated like basil) but of course when the good stuff trades for $2000.+ a lb. because of risks, heavy taxation, etc., then it greatly changes that scenario.


Trying to control people from delving into their own minds may seem like a good idea, but it will never work as people are always wanting to expand their minds and trying to connect to the divine, through the use of plant medicines.


This is probably way too forward thinking and open mindedness for most, but it really is time to speak up, even if it meets or becomes subject to retaliation by the rigid.  When it is hardest to speak the truth, is when it is needed the most. 

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To further be the desired destination of the whole world, a mindset of oneness needs to be examined.  This means that you must consider treating people equally or as your brothers. 


One such thing is that no foreigner may be allowed to buy a piece of land, or house, without it being majority owned by Thai citizens, usually resulting in them having to (at least theoretically) give up 51% of their investment, and I would guess, often not even knowing who their partners really are.  It also makes them place trust in places that they are not really comfortable or having developed a long term trust.  Relatively, very few Chinese or Westerners will ever invest here with those odds stacked against them like that, as most are very frugal buyers who have worked hard for their wealth.  They won't just squander their savings in this manner and it would bring about a great economic boom, if allowed to purchase real estate in a way similar to a "free market." Thais' will then be more easily capable to capitalize on the sales of their homes and businesses, as it will create and encompass a much more lucrative market.


If farangs do get to buy a house, maybe you could let them cut their own grass, fix something, or paint a wall without the feeling, or threat of being deported, as is what most feel if doing any work, even around their own home.  Thai workers are not so easy to find as Thailand has about the lowest unemployment rate in the world.  Also, farangs quality standard may be a bit different than that of many Thai who feel that functionality is good enough and care little about cosmetics.


Another way to attract Americans and others would be to allow them to leave their countries and to stay or become residents here more easily. Many are tired of endless wars, fluoridated water, GMO tainted foods, mandated vaccines, etc., but really have no alternative to take up residence anywhere easily.  This could attract millions who would love to come and spend money and enjoy all that Thailand has to offer.


Also, some have saved, worked hard and can retire at 30 or 40 years of age.  Why wouldn't you want those types of wealthy entrepreneurs that can afford to stay here now but the Thai system does not allow them too, because they feel they must affix an arbitrary or mandatory age of which you can retire.  If someone has the funds to stay in the Kingdom, why not allow them to stay, hassle free of the age restriction, or having to spend a million baht to get an elite visa?


Another drawback to tourists' is having a luxury tax, or huge taxes on specific imported goods.  This makes those that are wealthy reluctant to come and buy here, for their costs are much higher in this manner, it also brings much bureaucracy into the situation and therefore eliminates the benefit of trying to live in a more reasonable economy, resulting from the escalation of these prices through exorbitant tax rates. Last of all this reduces quality products from arriving.  From construction products, nice motorcycles to Lamborghinis, people don't want to pay 40% or whatever, to enjoy their luxuries.  These higher end products help the image of Thailand, with more modern quality products that can be obtained easily, wealthy people would stay longer and bring quality goods to Thailand. 


Last of all, streamline the immigration processes. Give 90 day visa exemption on arrival, or a tourist visa at the airport, so they don't need to do all this traveling to unliked places, just to stay for a few months and relax.  Relaxation is the goal of most tourists and being burdened with traveling within travels is a pain in the a$$.. 


Also, I think you don't need to make people report their addresses every 90 days, if they haven't even budged.  Have them update their addresses, if need be, when they move or relocate.  otherwise it is just redundancy and excessive paperwork for little or no reason.  

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1 hour ago, enjoybeing said:

To further be the desired destination of the whole world, a mindset of oneness needs to be examined.  This means that you must consider treating people equally or as your brothers. 


One such thing is that no foreigner may be allowed to buy a piece of land, or house, without it being majority owned by Thai citizens, usually resulting in them having to (at least theoretically) give up 51% of their investment, and I would guess, often not even knowing who their partners really are.  It also makes them place trust in places that they are not really comfortable or having developed a long term trust.  Relatively, very few Chinese or Westerners will ever invest here with those odds stacked against them like that, as most are very frugal buyers who have worked hard for their wealth.  They won't just squander their savings in this manner and it would bring about a great economic boom, if allowed to purchase real estate in a way similar to a "free market." Thais' will then be more easily capable to capitalize on the sales of their homes and businesses, as it will create and encompass a much more lucrative market.


If farangs do get to buy a house, maybe you could let them cut their own grass, fix something, or paint a wall without the feeling, or threat of being deported, as is what most feel if doing any work, even around their own home.  Thai workers are not so easy to find as Thailand has about the lowest unemployment rate in the world.  Also, farangs quality standard may be a bit different than that of many Thai who feel that functionality is good enough and care little about cosmetics.


Another way to attract Americans and others would be to allow them to leave their countries and to stay or become residents here more easily. Many are tired of endless wars, fluoridated water, GMO tainted foods, mandated vaccines, etc., but really have no alternative to take up residence anywhere easily.  This could attract millions who would love to come and spend money and enjoy all that Thailand has to offer.


Also, some have saved, worked hard and can retire at 30 or 40 years of age.  Why wouldn't you want those types of wealthy entrepreneurs that can afford to stay here now but the Thai system does not allow them too, because they feel they must affix an arbitrary or mandatory age of which you can retire.  If someone has the funds to stay in the Kingdom, why not allow them to stay, hassle free of the age restriction, or having to spend a million baht to get an elite visa?


Another drawback to tourists' is having a luxury tax, or huge taxes on specific imported goods.  This makes those that are wealthy reluctant to come and buy here, for their costs are much higher in this manner, it also brings much bureaucracy into the situation and therefore eliminates the benefit of trying to live in a more reasonable economy, resulting from the escalation of these prices through exorbitant tax rates. Last of all this reduces quality products from arriving.  From construction products, nice motorcycles to Lamborghinis, people don't want to pay 40% or whatever, to enjoy their luxuries.  These higher end products help the image of Thailand, with more modern quality products that can be obtained easily, wealthy people would stay longer and bring quality goods to Thailand. 


Last of all, streamline the immigration processes. Give 90 day visa exemption on arrival, or a tourist visa at the airport, so they don't need to do all this traveling to unliked places, just to stay for a few months and relax.  Relaxation is the goal of most tourists and being burdened with traveling within travels is a pain in the a$$.. 


Also, I think you don't need to make people report their addresses every 90 days, if they haven't even budged.  Have them update their addresses, if need be, when they move or relocate.  otherwise it is just redundancy and excessive paperwork for little or no reason.  

Wow to much logic in one place at one time I thought that was illegal here if not then I'm sure it's definitely incongruous which is nearly the same. 

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