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Thailand's policy towards drugs follows America's nearly note for note. It's no surprise, considering America's money and influence. Regarding the possiblity of growing hemp, much can be said, especially on the plus side - China and Canada are among many countries that allow it be grown and are reaping manifold benefits - in products and revenue. Besides the myriad useful products derived from hemp, it's also known to grow well on arid undernourished soils. Has anyone gotten 'stoned' from hemp? I pity them if they have. They'd have had to smoke a forty gallon garbage pail full of the stuff to get a buzz. I hope they packed a bunch of aspirin.

As for ganja: Things are changing in America. It's legal to grow it in California if you can show it's for medical purposes. I believe you're allowed to grow 5 plants. I've grown the stuff and you can get quite a pile of buds (the most potent part) from 5 plants. The rural part of California where I used to live used to have a bunch of former hippies who grew pot clandestinely, and they were always struggling just to put gas in their 20 year old pick up trucks. Now, with with the decrimilization, those same cats are taking trips to Europe and Asia on whims, buying late model SUV's and putting additions on to their houses.

Since Thailand so closely follows America in everything to do with 'banned substances' maybe they'll also decriminalize ganga as has happened in some American States.

At least the Thai authorities should take a long look at hemp. To say hemp is a drug, is like saying tomatoes are poisonous (as New Englanders used to think during the 'witch hunt' days).

Didn't you already post this rant somewhere else?

I tried posting it in 'farming' but it appears to have been deleted from the get-go. By using the word 'rant' does that it's non-sensical and beneath your dignity? If you've got something to say, go ahead and express yourself.

Didn't you already post this rant somewhere else?

I tried posting it in 'farming' but it appears to have been deleted from the get-go. By using the word 'rant' does that it's non-sensical and beneath your dignity? If you've got something to say, go ahead and express yourself.

I did. Looks like a rant.

As for ganja: Things are changing in America.

Thursday March 15, 2007

A woman whose doctor says marijuana is the only medicine keeping her alive is not immune from federal prosecution on drug charges, a US appeals court ruled yesterday. Angel Raich, a mother of two who suffers from scoliosis, a brain tumour, chronic nausea and other ailments, had sued the government pre-emptively to avoid being arrested for using the drug.


The US supreme court ruled against Ms Raich two years ago, saying that medical marijuana users and their suppliers could be prosecuted for breaching federal drug laws even if they lived in a state where its medical use was legal.


Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,,2034319,00.html

As for ganja: Things are changing in America.

Thursday March 15, 2007

A woman whose doctor says marijuana is the only medicine keeping her alive is not immune from federal prosecution on drug charges, a US appeals court ruled yesterday. Angel Raich, a mother of two who suffers from scoliosis, a brain tumour, chronic nausea and other ailments, had sued the government pre-emptively to avoid being arrested for using the drug.


The US supreme court ruled against Ms Raich two years ago, saying that medical marijuana users and their suppliers could be prosecuted for breaching federal drug laws even if they lived in a state where its medical use was legal.


Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,,2034319,00.html

we can all have opinions, but unfortunately when the contravene forum rules, the topic must close

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