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The wife and I want to give back to the local community. How can we do this?


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To be frank, you're going about this all wrong. I believe you have good intentions but you also need to know what's what and who's who before putting in any resources, or else you might end up wasting your money or squandering your goodwill. First take the time to get to know your community and try to understand what the needs might be. Look for someone or some group that is already doing something you like and make a modest contribution to encourage them. Find people whose demonstrated commitment to their community impresses you, get to know them, and ask their opinion about what you can do. Every town, every village has excellent people who are already contributing their time and effort to some public purpose. Find out who is already doing something without seeking your help, using whatever resources they can muster on their own, and find some token way to encourage them along. Start small by sponsoring a meal. 500 baht well spent is better than 50000 thrown around carelessly. 

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2 hours ago, alacrity said:

Giving help to educate young people is always a good option. Cash donations can be a big mistake though. "In kind" donations could be best if you have a specific intent.


For 8 years we supported young persons education through university for some. We got to choose the students we supported. Last year a new director was appointed to the school. The new director wanted to directly allot our support funds.


We fervently disagreed.


Totally agree - if you read my post- we have directed many  millions - you must be careful - and make sure you follow the money trail - and everything must be transparent.


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