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Corrupt, Power Crazy Politicians


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Thailand is often criticised for its corruption and nowehere it seems, is more affected by that than its political system where the desire for power also plays a significant role. However, the West is not immune from that phenomena. I have been disillusioned by politics for years - although I believe a true democracy delivers the best results for people, it has inherent problems. It is rife with corruption and people who are more interested in simply gaining power than they are of improving their nation's lot. They do what they do for votes, not for the good of the people. For that reason I rarely vote and in life, I try to 'plough my own furrow' as much as possible.


A couple of years ago I watched a few episodes of the excellent 'Vietnam War' series on terrestrial TV. However, I have just watched the full series on Netflix and it brought home to me just how corrupt and rotten our politicians are.  If you know little of this, you really have to watch the full series - it slowly builds from the causes of the war to the military activities of both sides, adding the political aspects as it goes.  This is not a discussion of the war though, I'm purely refering to the politicians behind it.  The South Vietnamese leaders clearly saw the war as a way to make money and obtain the trappings of power but I'm more interested in the Western side.


This is not a dig at the US - political corruption goes on all over the world but this series illustrates exactly what goes on and the lengths politicians will go to to get elected and stay in power.


Lyndon Johnson was bad enough but the activities of Richard Nixon, supported by Henry Kissinger shocked me. How anybody could award Kissinger the Nobel Peace Prize is beyond my comprehension and Nixon should have been hung.  I could write for hours on what the series revealed about their activities but I would suggest that if you have Netflix, you watch it from beginning to end.  I was growing up at the time these events happened and was too young to understand or be interested. I can understand the massive controversy at the time and during the following 'Watergate Scandal' but it all seems to have been forgotten about now. I think its important that people understand what went on and thoroughly recommend this series as a way of doing that.

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fun, entertainment and Expat life .........hmmmm, don't quite see where this post by the OP  fits in this category.    Though the statement : "I have been disillusioned by politics for years "   if changed to read "for decades"  I would certainly agree with.   

But really,  I have all I can do to keep positive without going over stuff from 50 years ago.  Nothing has changed, only the surveillance technology has improved dramatically.   

Sorry, that's all i can say.  I think there is a drone over my house right now.

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A good example of this is 85% of MP;s in the Uk stood on pro-supporting Brexit platform - then as soon as they got in they did everything to stop it. Now, my argument is not with remoaners for their stance - that is their view and I respect that. What Brexiteers AND remoaners should be angry about is decieptful politicians deliberately lying to get elected. You can be corrupt - without the need for money

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