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I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those members who answered the many queries I had when making the application for a UK spouse visa for my Thai wife.

We made the application on the 23rd February. This morning she had her interview at the Embassy at 11am. At 1pm she had her passport back with the 2 year spouse visa starting from 5th May 2007 (the date we had asked for on the application).

I would particularly like to mention the Scouser and also Robs application pack. They really helped enormously.

I was quoted £635 plus all fees for a visa company to assist us and £200 plus fees for the marriage certificate. But with the help of this forum I did it myself and it went without a hitch saving me £835. Happy days!

I adapted Robs application guide so it fitted a little better with the VAF2 form and, when I submitted the application pack it was an inch thick!!

I would like to put something back so I thought if anyone wanted my template I would be happy to pass it on (once I have sobered up from the celebration I intend to have this week).

Should I post it somewhere? Advice appreciated.

Once again thank you all and good luck to those of you going through the process!

This is one happy bunny!!!!!!!!


Congrats, and all the best.

I see from some of your other posts that you are intending to settle in Thailand in the next few years. May I suggest that, if practicable, you delay this for at least 3 years. The reason for this is after she has her ILR and has been living in the UK as your wife for 3 years then she can apply for naturalisation as a British citizen. Doing so will not effect her Thai citizenship in any way.

The advantage of her so doing is that she will be able to enter the UK as often and for as long as she wishes, no matter how long it's been since her last entry; the same as any other British citizen.

If she doesn't do it, then after 2 years outside the UK her ILR will lapse. Even if she returns for visits an IO at her port of entry could refuse her entry if it were apparent that she was living outside the UK and using her ILR for visits only. This means she would have to rely on visit visas and re-apply for residence should you ever desire to live in the UK again.

Plus a British passport allows visa less entry to a lot more countries than a Thai one does.

Just a thought.


It seems its been a good day all round! the embassy staff all got out of the right side this morning, well done and good luck in the future



I would like to put something back so I thought if anyone wanted my template I would be happy to pass it on (once I have sobered up from the celebration I intend to have this week).

We could add it to the same thread as Rob's guide. If you wish to post it, then tip me the wink by PM and we can arrange for your template to be added.


Congrats, and all the best.

I see from some of your other posts that you are intending to settle in Thailand in the next few years. May I suggest that, if practicable, you delay this for at least 3 years. The reason for this is after she has her ILR and has been living in the UK as your wife for 3 years then she can apply for naturalisation as a British citizen. Doing so will not effect her Thai citizenship in any way.

The advantage of her so doing is that she will be able to enter the UK as often and for as long as she wishes, no matter how long it's been since her last entry; the same as any other British citizen.

If she doesn't do it, then after 2 years outside the UK her ILR will lapse. Even if she returns for visits an IO at her port of entry could refuse her entry if it were apparent that she was living outside the UK and using her ILR for visits only. This means she would have to rely on visit visas and re-apply for residence should you ever desire to live in the UK again.

Plus a British passport allows visa less entry to a lot more countries than a Thai one does.

Just a thought.


Thanks. That is good advice.

It is one that is causing me no end of consternation. There are so many maybes going on in my head at the moment. What if Nisa doesn't like it here? Etc

I have also got to a point where after working hard for most of my life I have had enough. I have reached the point where we can live very comfortably in Thailand or struggle on in UK.Its crazy that I earn £50K and seem to be running to stand still in London.

So I have to weigh up the visa thing life in the Uk!!! it is a tough one. I think I will let Nisa decide. She arrives in May and after an English summer getting used to the place we should have a better idea.

No doubt my worries, fears and questions will be displayed on the forum for all to see and advise on!!

Thanks again


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