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D-Day! September heralds the start of less carnage on the Thai roads


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But who checks the Turkeys who are checking the vehicles?


Most countries have special transport police who undertake the automotive engineering skills required. 


All they do here is nod nod wink wink.

And pocket the envelope. 


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5 hours ago, Tofer said:

When will they ever learn... It's not catching the miscreants that will change anything, it's EDUCATION.


Until there is a stringent driving test nothing will change!


My wife just took her driving test as the UK licence she holds is invalid as she never changed her name (ID) in Thailand.


It was a joke.


Whilst the theory section appeared reasonably thorough and poignant, only what I was told, I could actually witness the driving ability test - 55555555.


They have to drive around a corner and park next to a kerb within 10" of it and without touching it. Then drive down a straight line and reverse back along the same path, followed by a parking manoeuvre between post to replicate parking between cars on a roadside. That's it......


So your newly licensed drivers on the Thai roads may never actually have been on a Thai road previously, as there is no testing under real road conditions of their ability to drive in traffic and no requirement to prove they can actually drive a vehicle whilst acknowledging other road users and pedestrians, reacting to different road conditions and road signage.


I saw one guy drive the test circuit quite well, then driving away stalled the car twice and didn't use his indicator when turning into the roadway from the test area....


I rest my case!

Man I ain't paralleled parked in years

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so they are going to check eyes...well when I went to renew my licence in Feb this year I, and all the others did an EYE test....had to say what colour was lit up....red...green or yellow.

this was in a traffic light formatt.....

The thing was a complete joke AS THE SIZE of the "traffic lights" THEY WERE the size of saucers, consequently NO BODY FAILED....how can they when the vbloody things were so BIG ????!!!!!

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6 minutes ago, Fred white said:

Man I ain't paralleled parked in years

no need to use indicator I never do...

it bugs me that when wanting to enter a road....where one can only turn left....why INDICATE as that is the only way one can drive so it is obvious one is going to turn left!!!!

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4 minutes ago, dallen52 said:

Here's a simple test.

All you law abiding drivers.


What's the correct fine for this one?


Believe it or not,  

Its uncovered load....


great question

i dont know the fine.

But here a few thousand in an envelope will get him off

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Nothing like advertising the exact dates of this "D-Day operation. 


I expect those who see the campaign coming will simply get <deleted> at home or not drink on that day.

Those without licenses will not drive.

Those with faulty vehicles will stay at home.

Those vehicles that are not taxed/Insured will stay on the roadside.

The other 10 - 100 examples of driver lawlessness will do the same...…..


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3 hours ago, TigerandDog said:

and I suppose all the govt officials and police officers that drive drunk will not be tested, just let to continue their trips. I have 2 friends here who are police, and even when they are on duty, they still come to parties and consume considerably large amounts of alcohol, get too drunk to drive, BUT still drive their marked police vehicles anyway. They set such a good example for everyone else, NOT. If the cops can't obey the law how on earth can they be expected to actually enforce it?

RE - I have 2 friends here who are police ....


That's probably what you might call generalization when you only pull out 2 of more than 230,000 police officers across the country and these 2 equal to less than 0,001% should somehow represent them all - well done ... :clap2:

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2 hours ago, essox essox said:

I was tested on different types of roads in 1971

Passed first time

I agree they should be tested in conditions that they will find themselves in on major/minor roads....

I got mine in 74 the Ga State patrol gave the test you had to do a bunch of stuff in the lot then go out on the road. When you did the parallel park if you started it like you knew what you were doing they would have you go ahead with the test.

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12 hours ago, taichiplanet said:

i guess there will be so many checkpoints for 'fines' that you won't get a chance to go fast enough to crash

You did read it said checkpoints would be set up in gas stations right?

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More PR B.S.



Edited by Sonhia
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19 hours ago, sn1per said:

Bangkok to samui..760km so eight checkpoints at 10 minutes per checkpoint, as soon as the driver leaves the checkpoint he is gonna drive even faster (if thats possible) to make up the hour and 20 minutes that he has spent having his eyes tested and being breathalysed while his passengers are in the toilet. Maybe they should just concentrate on speeding , lane swapping, hard shoulder driving, tailgating and overtaking on the inside type of offences as they happen.... 

Unless they're given a slip/test sheet stamped & dated/time so if pulled up again on the same day within a certain time fame they can carry-on?

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20 hours ago, sn1per said:

Bangkok to samui..760km so eight checkpoints at 10 minutes per checkpoint, as soon as the driver leaves the checkpoint he is gonna drive even faster (if thats possible) to make up the hour and 20 minutes that he has spent having his eyes tested and being breathalysed while his passengers are in the toilet. Maybe they should just concentrate on speeding , lane swapping, hard shoulder driving, tailgating and overtaking on the inside type of offences as they happen.... 

Why not just get the police to do their job properly !

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20 hours ago, stubuzz said:

I was traveling during the last crackdown at new year. All vans were examined at bus stations. This involved the driver handing a stack of papers to a man at a desk who stamped them. I did make me feel a lot safer, though.

am sure it did !!!!

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