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UK election must not delay Brexit from October 31 - Javid


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8 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Nope, because I didn’t post anything to do with the “working man”.


Nor did I post the link you included when you quoted me. 


Might want to do a bit of looking back yourself. 

It was your comrade,however you posted it so one would assume you agreed with. It.

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4 minutes ago, kingdong said:

It was your comrade,however you posted it so one would assume you agreed with. It.

My comrade? 


Not sure what you mean by that. 


And, again, I didn’t post it. 

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16 minutes ago, kingdong said:

3 million euros citizens in the uk,competing for and undercutting wages and working conditions of the indigenous British working man,I note there's not 3 million brits.in the Eu what does that tell you?

There are supposed to be about 1.2 million Brits in Europe.  Are they also undercutting wages and working conditions for the European working man in your eyes?  How do these europeans in the UK undercut the Brits in according to you?  Minimum wage legislation (which by the way was brought in by the labour government and opposed by the Conservatives) would make that impossible.

Edited by Slip
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As an outsider Brexit/Remain will not make one iota of difference to my life.


Could not all the parties who sit in UK Parliament state clearly exactly where they stand on the issues?

1. Brexit - No deal
2. Brexit - best EU acceptable deal that does not destroy peace in Ireland.
3. Remain




Referendum (binding..proportional representation/preferences??..certain majority??) - on all of the above positions.


Full funding disclosure, TV debates, reasonable discussion/negotiating time for lead up to election/referendum.


Then that's the end of it whatever the result for next 10-20 years (a generation)


Just a thought.

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29 minutes ago, dexterm said:

As an outsider Brexit/Remain will not make one iota of difference to my life.


Could not all the parties who sit in UK Parliament state clearly exactly where they stand on the issues?

1. Brexit - No deal
2. Brexit - best EU acceptable deal that does not destroy peace in Ireland.
3. Remain




Referendum (binding..proportional representation/preferences??..certain majority??) - on all of the above positions.


Full funding disclosure, TV debates, reasonable discussion/negotiating time for lead up to election/referendum.


Then that's the end of it whatever the result for next 10-20 years (a generation)


Just a thought.

The position varies within the traditional parties, labour and conservatives. So they can't.

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3 hours ago, kingdong said:

One thing you got right,the end is nigh,how's Boris going to get a deal with both hands tied behind his back? Remained wanted a people's vote,Boris offered you a general election,you bottled it,well ,well done you,be succeeded where the Luftwaffe failed you,ve destroyed britain.



 Well I’ve been so impressed by the Oppositions negotiations techniques 

that I decided to try them myself. So this morning I went into my bosses office and said “if you don’t give me a better contract I would’t resign”.

After a moments silence- as she was no doubt stunned by my strong arm tactics-She just said “OK”. It was that simple, I could believe how quickly she caved into my demands.

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3 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

It tells me you don't have a clue who runs the NHS and social care services for starters????



Well I do, but then again I don’t live in Ko Samui. Though I did visit a NHS hospital in the U.K last month, and your right I did hear many Eastern European’s talking, as they waited in the queues to see a doctor.

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16 hours ago, Slip said:

A far better friend than BJ, Cummings, Farage et al.  The tories and their forebearers and hangers on have been busily shafting the indigenous Brit working man and woman for hundreds of years.  Do you think they are suddenly likely to stop now for some reason?

So Labour, Lib/Dems et al are as pure as the driven slush on a muddy track?


Yeah, right.????

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5 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

1. It’s an advisory referendum. It’s being “respected” by considering the advice. That’s already happening.


2. How do you “respect” the wish of the electorate who want to leave without a deal while at the same time “respecting” the wish of the electorate who want to leave with a deal? Both voted to leave. 



1. The populace were told it was a binding referendum, so why do folk like you keep going on about it was advisory...?






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5 minutes ago, transam said:

1. The populace were told it was a binding referendum, so why do folk like you keep going on about it was advisory...?

Because that’s what the law says. Does “The populace” not know its own laws? Or do some people only respect the laws when it suits them?

Edited by welovesundaysatspace
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1 minute ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Because that’s what the law says. Does “The populace” not know its own laws? 

Again you are dodging the question. We all know the PM of the time said it would be binding. The populace voted on that, comprendee...?

No, the populace on the whole knows nothing of UK "political" law, of which I am one, and I suspect you are another...

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Just now, transam said:

We all know the PM of the time said it would be binding.

What law would enable a PM to declare an advisory referendum binding? 


Just now, transam said:

The populace voted on that, comprendee...?

So the populace doesn’t know it’s own laws? 


Just now, transam said:

No, the populace on the whole knows nothing of UK "political" law, of which I am one, and I suspect you are another...

So in your opinion not knowing the laws means one may ignore it? How about someone robbing a bank because his buddy told him it’s fine? 

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1 minute ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

What law would enable a PM to declare an advisory referendum binding? 


So the populace doesn’t know it’s own laws? 


So in your opinion not knowing the laws means one may ignore it? How about someone robbing a bank because his buddy told him it’s fine? 

A rather daft reply with an even dafter scenareo.

So you think Mr. & Mrs.Joe Bloggs know all about political laws of the land...Bwaaaaaaaaaah

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Just now, welovesundaysatspace said:

It doesn’t matter whether you know the laws or not. They apply anyway and to everyone regardless of how ignorant one is. 

Changed your tune eh....55555. So you are calling those who voted ignorant.....


Dear oh dear......:blink:

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1 minute ago, transam said:

55555555. So Cameron lied to achieve Brexit..55555

He lied to justify the referendum.


It would have been simplicity itself to table an amendment to the bill enacting the reverendum, to make the result binding on parliament. Not one MP tabled that amendment, and as far as I'm aware not one MP pointed out that the referendum was advisory before the vote. Dishonest brokers, the lot of them.

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Just now, DannyCarlton said:

He lied to justify the referendum.


It would have been simplicity itself to table an amendment to the bill enacting the reverendum, to make the result binding on parliament. Not one MP tabled that amendment, and as far as I'm aware not one MP pointed out that the referendum was advisory before the vote. Dishonest brokers, the lot of them.

As I said, the populace voted on what they were told.....Why some of you cannot understand that is baffling.....

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4 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

I called those who don’t know the laws ignorant. But stop deflecting. The point is that not knowing the laws doesn’t render the laws invalid or that one could just ignore them. 

Then you should refer your comment to yourself. YOU think we should all read zillions of pages of UK law when we have had a very simple question put forward, leave or stay in the EU....

Your posts are becoming incredibly daft...

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2 hours ago, transam said:

As I said, the populace voted on what they were told.....Why some of you cannot understand that is baffling.....



 Cannot agree. In 1975 the people voted on what they were told, a pack of Lies. Come 2016, we voted to exit the E.U based on what we were told,PLUs what information people could obtain from obtaining our information from other sources, the internet etc., 

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12 minutes ago, Thairealist said:



 Cannot agree. In 1975 the people voted on what they were told, a pack of Lies. Come 2016, we voted to exit the E.U based on what we were told,PLUs what information people could obtain from obtaining our information from other sources, the internet etc., 

In 1975 the only place anyone knew of anything was through the local rag, totally different today...

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